
How To Use Minerva In A Sentence

  • Fest.p. 333, 'Cum Livius Andronicus bello Punico secundo scripsisset carmen quod a virginibus est cantatum, quia prosperius res publica populi Romani geri coepta est, publice attributa est ei in Aventino aedis Minervae, in qua liceret scribis histrionibusque consistere ac dona ponere, in honorem Livi, quia is et scribebat fabulas et agebat.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Minerva is seeking a new non-executive chairman to take over by the time of the annual meeting in November. Times, Sunday Times
  • Minerva wonders why it's called a disorder at all, and whether this is another example of the medicalisation of normal human behaviour.
  • ‘Serves you right for wearing that,’ Minerva said pointing to Roxie's black bandeau accompanied by hipster jeans.
  • You kissed Minerva, and she gave you a setdown to blister your ears. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
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  • It launches its new Minerva range of solid acrylic surfaces next month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Philosophers and fools, separately or together, as the case may be -- for folly and philosophy not seldom form one Janus-head, and Minerva's bird seems sometimes not ill-fitted with the face of Momus -- these and their thousand intermediates have tried in all ages to define that quaint enigma, Man: and I wot not that any pundit of literature hath better succeeded than the nameless, fameless man -- or woman, was it? An Author's Mind : The Book of Title-pages
  • ‘Serves you right for wearing that,’ Minerva said pointing to Roxie's black bandeau accompanied by hipster jeans.
  • Minerva in the shape of Count Bernsdorff, or out of all shape in the person of the Duchess of Northumberland, is to conduct Telemachus to York races; for can a monarch be perfectly accomplished in the mysteries of king-craft, as our Solomon James I. called it, unless he is initiated in the arts of jockeyship? The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 3
  • Minerva was recently embroiled in a heated discussion about the merits of cervical screening using smears.
  • She also uses the polysemic figure of "Minerva's rent veil" as a symbol of Greece's fall. The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece
  • In recognition of his abilities, the conclave, assembled at Rome in the church of the Minerva after the death of Martin V, elected Cardinal Condulmaro to the papacy on the first scrutiny. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • The olive branch is associated with peace, the mustard plant with humility and faithfulness, while the mulberry is an attribute of Minerva, goddess of practical wisdom and war. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • And now the fierce groanful fight again raged about Patroclus, for Minerva came down from heaven and roused its fury by the command of far-seeing Jove, who had changed his mind and sent her to encourage the Danaans. The Iliad of Homer
  • Minerva has long believed that stress can trigger skin complaints, although some dermatologists disagree.
  • “Do pour me some of that orgeat, Miss Lake,” Lady Minerva said as she held out her glass. A Hellion in Her Bed
  • Be responsible for high quality, reasonable Minerva according to the actual situation of the proposed site.
  • Mr. Andrews has succeeded in casting singers who are particularly skilled actors, especially Mr. Randle, whose baritonal tenor is almost crooner-like, and Pamela Helen Stephen as Penelope, Diana Montagu as his old nurse and Ruby Hughes as Minerva. Mirror-Image Operas Enjoy Identical Good Results
  • The well-greaved Greek, you already know, is deep in the confidences of Minerva; the hairy Trojan, on the contrary, is protected by the Lady Venus. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 379, May, 1847
  • He relates how a satyr found pipes discarded by their inventor, Minerva (the goddess Athena in Greek mythology), how the satyr challenged Apollo, and how he was punished as a result.
  • The centerpiece depicts the empress enthroned under a baldachin and surrounded by figures of Hercules, Minerva, Mars, and other gods celebrating her military achievements.
  • My half-Tuesday in Rome included the requisite gallery stop and a self-guided walking tour via the Tazza d'Oro coffee bar, Pantheon, 14th-century Santa Maria sopra Minerva church and ruins of Trajan's Market. Around the World in Eight Days
  • The remains of the great man found a fitting resting place near the grave of St. Catherine of Siena in Santa Maria sopra Minerva. Cardinal Domenico Capranica (1400-1458)
  • Now, Miss Minerva, as her name connoted, was a wise woman; and she had reached an unerring conclusion by two different and devious routes, to wit, intuition and logic, the same being the high road and low road of reason -- high or low in either case as you may prefer. By Advice of Counsel
  • Minerva's healthy-looking 9-year-old daughter chatters in English as she wolfs down tostadas at the table with the other kids.
  • Minerva has often wondered whether advice to take anti-inflammatories rather than paracetamol for acute swelling and pain holds up.
  • Minerva suspected he’d been flirting with her on the trip through the Falls, suspected she’d been flirting back a bit—but only the way she did when there was a barn-raising or a baptism, and everyone was feeling gaysome. The Chisholms
  • The one who piqued my interest the most was Stefan Polich, the president of Minerva company: there is a short chapter around the middle of the book that that showcases KENYON's brilliant grasp of human character (but this is sadly the only example of it in this book) and I'd ironically - since this is a sidestep from the main storyline - call it the highlight of BoTS. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Fankie fur teh kyn wurds minerva! ai haz a sawry bowt yoor sitchooashun, is berri ruff, yesh. Would liek cheezburger? - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • In this sense we are all fools, and the [212] Scripture alone is arx Minervae, we and our writings are shallow and imperfect. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Minerva was simply pleased; with the confidence of one experienced in such things, she assumed everything would go smoothly. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • Like the majority of 16 th-century translucent coloured enamels, those in the portrait of Marguerite de France as Minerva have a low lead content.
  • One of the stars of the collection is the Diana and Minerva commode of 1773, so called for the inlaid roundels representing the goddesses of the hunt and the arts, respectively.
  • Embroidery_, mentions 'Arachne', it is obvious that he does not expect the reader to think of the daring challenger of Minerva's art, or the Proserpine and Midas
  • The actor was recently seen at the Minerva Theatre in Chichester playing William Shakespeare in the Edward Bond play Bingo. Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Patrick Stewart Knighted By Queen Elizabeth II
  • Some Indian Ceres or Minerva must have been the inventor and bestower of it; and when the reign of poetry commences here, its leaves and string of nuts may be represented on our works of art.
  • This year, the firm has found another work by the artist - a depiction of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom and patroness the arts.
  • These temples would have housed the cult statue of the deity, for example the head of Minerva found at Bath, and were not used for congregational worship.
  • The centerpiece depicts the empress enthroned under a baldachin and surrounded by figures of Hercules, Minerva, Mars, and other gods celebrating her military achievements.
  • The Romans identified her with Minerva, a goddess of the household and of craftsmen.
  • Note 13: In the first passage of De pictura, Alberti borrows a Ciceronian proverb (from De amicitia 5.16) concerning the "coarse senses of Minerva" to distinguish the sensate knowledge of a painter from a mathematician's abstract mensurations (see Kemp, "Introduction," 12). Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Minerva was almost overcome by the fumes of hair products when she recently visited her hairdresser.
  • Assuming this, I'd then presume in complete ignorance, mind you that there should be an altar here for Uni in the righthand cella, one for Minerva on the left and Tinia in the center. The Etruscan temple, now with more yummy detail
  • Note 13: In the first passage of De pictura, Alberti borrows a Ciceronian proverb (from De amicitia 5.16) concerning the "coarse senses of Minerva" to distinguish the sensate knowledge of a painter from a mathematician's abstract mensurations (see Kemp, "Introduction," 12). Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Minerva, like Athene, was usually depicted wearing a helmet and armour and carrying a lance and shield.
  • Minerva groaned as her head fell forward, her forehead resting on the rim of the steering wheel.
  • Minerva has noticed a growing enthusiasm for using infant bath seats in adult bathtubs.
  • For erudition and enthusiasm, the roster of academic heavyweights who sail on the Minerva is hard to beat. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was not for me to dictate words to be uttered by the heroes and heroines of the Minerva Magazine, contrary to the theories of the editor thereof.
  • Minerva did not know that the mouth guards worn by boxers, rugby players, and other competitors were meant to protect the wearer from concussion.
  • Before Minerva could defend Kelly with a catty remark, Kelly cut her short.
  • Jupiter was added to the originally female Capitoline Triad by outsing the Virgin form of the Goddess, Jeventas, leaving Juno and Minerva as Jupiter's two female partners. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Minerva is used to researchers describing the studies in a meta-analysis as poor, inadequate, or badly reported.
  • But if you have still enough of human feeling (or, as my husband would call it, '"Minerva Press" tendency') about you, to feel yourself commoved by such phenomena, it may interest you to know that, on opening your letter the other day, and beholding the little 'feminine contrivance' inside, I suddenly and unaccountably fell a-crying, as if I had gained a loss. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • It had been originally started as a Tory paper by a few old "fogies" who used to meet at "Joe Lindon's," "The Minerva," in Peck Lane; and this was how it came about: _The Times_ had, early in 1825, in a leader, held up to well-deserved ridicule some action on the part of the Birmingham Tory party. Personal Recollections of Birmingham and Birmingham Men
  • “Absolutely,” Minerva said, casting Giles a minxish glance. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • A headless statue of Minerva was sold for £1000.
  • In addition to these objects of women's interest, there are several tokens of men's concerns: a model of the ship Minerva, a deadeye, and a delicately carved game box.
  • This was enough; and the next morning Farfrae might have been discovered driving his gig out of Casterbridge in that direction, Elizabeth-Jane sitting beside him, wrapped in a thick flat fur -- the victorine of the period -- her complexion somewhat richer than formerly, and an incipient matronly dignity, which the serene Minerva-eyes of one "whose gestures beamed with mind" made becoming, settling on her face. The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • Minerva's pitiful attempts at music making leave her envious of those with perfect pitch.
  • Meanwhile, the publisher of the daily paper Minerva, Noah Webster -- of Webster's "speller" fame -- tired of the rough-and-tumble of journalism and withdrew from public life altogether. Newspaper Wars

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