How To Use Mineralogy In A Sentence
The paper studies grinding classification according to vitriol calcigenous process mineralogy and substance for integrate utilize.
Specimens of everything known in mineralogy lay there in their places in perfect order, and correctly named, divided into inflammable, metallic, and lithoid minerals.
Journey to the Interior of the Earth
The time he spent in Switzerland in 1824, and his journey along the Rhine in 1825, may also have stimulated his considerable interest in mineralogy.
The specimens were then ground to a fine powder and analyzed individually in an X-ray diffractometer to determine carbonate polymorph mineralogy.
The mineralogy in the dust itself that we kicked up corresponds to what was seen by M Cubed instrument, and also what we see in chondrite asteroids.
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Vertical differentiation in mineralogy in weathering profiles may also reflect the stage-by-stage alteration of primary rock minerals.
Faecal pellets of zooplankton and benthic crustaceans can also have a different mineralogy from the suspended clay in the ambient sea water.
He encouraged many young people to pursue mineralogy as a hobby.
Not all bryozoans are calcified; the degree of calcification and mineralogy also varies.
This week, Nathalie Kellens (KULeuven) and Patrick Degryse (Physico-Chemical Geology, KULeuven) classified debris from smithing activities retrieved from the urban and territorial surveys and from the excavations within the city center according to weight, volume, density, mineralogy, chemistry, ellipticity, flatness, position in the smithing hearth and profile of the cakes.
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A comprehensive discussion of the mineralogy and occurrence of uraninite has been given by Frondel, to which the reader is strongly referred.
Genetic mineralogy studies the genetic theory and the practical appolication of minerals.
Following the war, Sinkankas renewed his interest in mineralogy and gemology.
A tribute to him, including a summary of his many contributions to the field of mineralogy, appears in this issue.
Be an expert on mineralogy, geology, paleontology or anything-ology.
Industrialized condos for sale florida, diverging topical, superpatriotic she was anthropical from a superscript mineralogy, the harpo she pericardiac and was piratically at neuroplasty the allegedly day with no covetously bloomer.
Rational Review
This mineralogy is consistent with derivation from granitic or acidic high-grade metamorphic rocks.
I'm talking spite and curiosity and divine retribution here, not mineralogy.
The focus of the biennial event was the history of natural history museums, mineralogy, gemology, crystal chemistry, and crystallogenesis.
This chapter attempts to portray fabrics which may develop within any sediment, independent of mineralogy.
I have tried to cover the basic geology and mineralogy of the district and hit a few of the district's highlights.
The death of such a multifaceted man is a blow to all aspects of gemology and mineralogy.
Some hematite replacement erases all traces of the original mineralogy.
The extensive exhibition incorporates biology, gemology, anthropology, mineralogy, and ecology.
I'm talking spite and curiosity and divine retribution here, not mineralogy.
Renato's interest in mineralogy started in 1950, at age twelve, when he was living in Genoa.
Lectures will cover both species and locality mineralogy and will be presented by professional mineralogists and geologists, mining engineers, and professors.
Preliminary assessment suggests the mineralogy is mainly pentlandite + pyrrhotite.
From the many color illustrations of meteorites in thin section, the author draws a number of personal conclusions about the origin of chondrules, citing their mineralogy and morphology.
If not for some fortuitous timing, mineralogy would be without the current knowledge of blatonite.
Now, the new used methods and study scopes of pyrophyllite are researching, such as genetic mineralogy and type classify of pyrophyllite.
I have tried to cover the basic geology and mineralogy of the district and hit a few of the district's highlights.
The fine-textured, clayey soils have smectitic or carbonatic mineralogy.
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Among his many achievements, none was more outstanding than his authorship of nineteen books, several of which have become standard texts in the field of mineralogy and gemology.
When buried by later sediments, clays can undergo changes in their mineralogy, a process known as diagenesis.
No information was available on the mineralogy of the mine beyond the metals assayed during exploration.
These differences in age and regional distribution, together with those in chemistry and mineralogy, suggest two separate magmatic regimes.
As will be shown in the mineralogy section of this paper, the spilitic rocks are characterised by fresh augite, albitic feldspar, and an abundant development of epidote and pumpellyite.
The rock's geochemistry and mineralogy also strongly suggest to astronomers that it was heated substantially early on in its existence and that liquid water has coursed through its veins.
It was at this time that he took a course in geology, and from that time on he was as interested in mineralogy as he was in fish and game biology.
The volcanic necks are composed of basic rocks, basalt, basalt breccia, or andesite, showing considerable variation in mineralogy, texture, and structure within the same neck.
The chemical compositions of those rocks, the relative abundances of the oxygen isotopes locked up in their molecules, their mineralogy, and their textures all betrayed their lunar heritage.
Its mineralogy is complex with multiple representatives in most chemical groups, yet virtually all of the primary, unoxidized ores are dominated by a single zinc mineral, sphalerite.
Petrographical studies were conducted by examining thin sections in transmitted and reflected light to identify magnetic mineralogy and diagenetic phases.
In his research, Dunn found a new mineral that he named wroewolfeite, after his professor of mineralogy.
Berzelius also applied his organizing abilities to mineralogy, where he classified minerals by their chemical composition rather than by their crystalline type, as had previously been done.
Berzelius, Jöns Jakob
The paper studies magnetic separation according to vitriol calcigenous process mineralogy and substance for integrate utilize.
The extensive exhibition incorporates biology, gemology, anthropology, mineralogy, and ecology.
He was a true scholar, with interests in mineralogy, physics, natural history, chemistry, mathematics, and languages.
Courses of instruction listed in the 1846 Catalogue include: Spelling, grammar, arithmetic, geography, uranography, composition, botany, physiology, algebra, natural philosophy, metal and moral science, rhetoric, chemistry, geometry, criticism, history, logic, trigonometry, astronomy, mineralogy, Butler's analogy, and evidences of Christianity.
Pyroxene mineralogy evolves along two paths with near end-member hedenbergite phenocrysts in the groundmass and aegirine solid solution in miaroles.
Experience with modern research methods in mineralogy and crystallography are expected and the successful applicant should be prepared to partake in curatorial work as well as improve the museum's mineralogical and petrological collections.
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The axiom that ‘simplicity is elegance’ applies to the science of mineralogy as well.
Amongst them was a little exhibition of mineralogy and archaeology, maps and plans, sketches and croquis, at the Hippodrome.
The Land of Midian
I'm talking spite and curiosity and divine retribution here, not mineralogy.
Additional details of its history and mineralogy can be found in a Rocks & Minerals article published in concurrence with the 1985 Tucson Show, at which dioptase was the featured mineral.
The mantle mineral group in Tibet has great significance in mineralogy an d geodynamics.
The mineralogy of loess commonly differs considerably from that of the underlying bedrock, further demonstrating its derivation from a distant source.
Mineralogy _-alogy_, not _-ology_ nature _nature_, or _choor_ oleomargarine _g_ is hard, as in _get_ orchid _orkid_ oust _owst_, not _oost_ peculiar _peculyar_ pecuniary _pekun'yari_ perspiration not _prespiratian_ prestige _pres'tij_ or _prestezh'_ pronunciation _pronunzeashun_ or _pronunsheashun_ saucy not _sassy_ schedule _skedyul_ semi not _semi_ theater _the'ater_ not _thea'ter_ turgid _turjid_ usage _uzage_ usurp _uzurp_ vermilion _vermilyun_ wife's not _wives_
Practical Grammar and Composition
Be an expert on mineralogy, geology, paleontology or anything-ology.
Microscopic analyses reveal that the oxide mineralogy of the dolerites is dominated by magnetite and ilmenite.
In any case, the contributions of Ibn Sina to several aspects of geology and mineralogy are significant in the history of these sciences.
As for minerals, stunning displays of China's most recent contributions to the world of mineralogy will be there.
As a consequence of the antiquity and relatively short duration of mining, little was known of the mineralogy of the Pittsville iron deposits.
Specific rock names that record both the parent rock and its mineralogy are relatively rare, but include eclogite, blueschist, and amphibolite.
The specimen prompted him to focus his thirst for knowledge and love of reading on mineralogy.
Liebig was dismayed that ‘without a thorough knowledge of physics and chemistry, even without mineralogy, a man may be a great geologist in England’.
Stereochemistry is also important in geology, especially mineralogy, with dealing with silicon based geochemistry.
Normally, in mineralogy, argentiferous gold containing 20-25 per cent of silver is referred to as electrum.
Mineralogy _-alogy_, not _-ology_ nature _nature_, or _choor_ oleomargarine _g_ is hard, as in _get_ orchid _orkid_ oust _owst_, not _oost_ peculiar _peculyar_ pecuniary _pekun'yari_ perspiration not _prespiratian_ prestige _pres'tij_ or _prestezh'_ pronunciation _pronunzeashun_ or _pronunsheashun_ saucy not _sassy_ schedule _skedyul_ semi not _semi_ theater _the'ater_ not _thea'ter_ turgid _turjid_ usage _uzage_ usurp _uzurp_ vermilion _vermilyun_ wife's not _wives_
Practical Grammar and Composition
He made fundamental contributions to mining geology and metallurgy, mineralogy, structural geology, and paleontology.
A preliminary review of the local mineralogy was subsequently written by Endlich, who noted the presence of aragonite, chabazite, calcite, mesolite, and natrolite, in addition to ‘leucite.’
A second textural type of titanite forms anhedral grains with plagioclase and pargasite, which is developed where the retrograde amphibolite-facies assemblage overprints the eclogite mineralogy.
Thus, metasomatism involves changes in mineralogy and structure along with the addition and/or removal of elemental constituents from a rock.
This mineralogy is consistent with derivation from granitic or acidic high-grade metamorphic rocks.
Volume 4 of the Handbook of Mineralogy is, like its predecessors, an invaluable reference work, this time on essentially all the arsenates, phosphates, vanadates, and uranates known through 1999.
Frondel thus committed himself to a career in descriptive mineralogy.
During the expedition, which lasted more than three months, its members performed research work in glaciology, meteorology, geophysics, geology, geochemistry, mineralogy, hydrogeology, zoology, botany, and ecology.
Amending Shakespeare, he gave Sam and the others a crash course in mineralogy, pointing out that “nothing that glitters is gold . . . gold in its native state is dull, unornamental stuff, and that only low-born metals excite the admiration of the ignorant with an ostentatious glitter.”
Some hematite replacement erases all traces of the original mineralogy.
One has to remember that France was the cradle of modern mineralogy, and many scientists of these times published their observations.