
How To Use Mineralize In A Sentence

  • If you do use a portable humidifier (approximately 1 to 2 gallon tanks), be sure to empty its tank every day and refill with distilled or demineralized water, or even fresh tap water if the other types of water are unavailable.
  • Col1a1-Krm2 mice is associated with an accumulation of non-mineralized osteoid (stained in red, scale bars, 100 µm). doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0010309.g008 PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Holes SA-202, SA - 207, SA-218, SA-220, SA-225, SA-231, SA-232, SA-235 and SA-236 did not intersect significant mineralization which we define as a mineralized core length of 10m with Latest News from SYS-CON MEDIA
  • Accordingly, for U.S. reporting purposes, Cerro Casale is classified as mineralized material. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • + ions that demineralize the enamel beneath the surface of the tooth; calcium and phosphate are dissolved in the process. Naturejobs - All Jobs
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  • Although "weak spots" the beginning of cavities may remineralize with luck and usually not with baby molars, you have to remember that once a cavity starts it will get worse even with great brushing/flossing. They Are Just Baby Teeth, Why Fix Them?
  • Cold seep communities thrive on cooler, mineralized water leaking from the muddy sea floor.
  • Under U.S. regulations the tonnage and grade described herein under the "measured" and "indicated" categories would be characterized as mineralized material. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • She splashed the heavily mineralized water on her face, the paint readily retiring.
  • The definition of an ore, in the strictest sense, refers only to mineralized rocks that can be profitably mined.
  • The mineralized material of this zone, where too lean to mine, has been called a _protore_. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • At 500x magnification, the structure of an eggshell is revealed as a tangled network of mineralized fibers Egg-Citing Facts
  • - A fragment (or xenolith) of well mineralized intrusive within barren granodiorite was observed in drill hole MX07-03; - Disseminated molybdenite has recently been observed in intrusive rocks at the 805 mine level, currently below the Z zone described previously; and, - Strong quartz stockwork with molybdenite in biotite hornfels has been observed adjacent to the Ethel zone (Drill Hole MX07-01). Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • This tissue constitute an ideal source of osteoblasts and mineralized tissue for bone regeneration.
  • Halkieriids were sluglike metazoans armored with a coat of mineralized sclerites and two prominent shells at either end.
  • Some areas of this lava formation are highly mineralized, whereas other equally large areas are hard, solid black basalt without any minerals.
  • More exploration work needs to be done to the northeast due to additional fault offsets complicating the mineralized horizon and the occurrence of an expanding volume of picrite in this direction relative to Sugarloaf diorite, the main host unit for copper-gold mineralization. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Namapoikia rietoogensis gen. et sp. nov. is up to 1 meter in diameter and bears a complex and robust biomineralized skeleton; it probably represents a cnidarian or poriferan. The Cambrian as an evolutionary exemplar - The Panda's Thumb
  • Halkieriids were sluglike metazoans armored with a coat of mineralized sclerites and two prominent shells at either end.
  • In mineralized tissues the molecules are further tied by calcium and phosphate bridges to the mineral crystallites.
  • Understanding of how mineralized materials formed leads to deciphering complex microstructures or diagenetic changes that have occurred in our fossils.
  • The mineralized chancellorid sclerites located on or immediately under the epidermis were ‘hollow,’ subdivided by thin internal walls, and filled with soft tissues connected to the rest of the animal by restricted basal foramens.
  • The relatively low-quality plant litter mineralizes nitrogen at a slower rate than would occur in the absence of herbivory.
  • Induced polarization method uses the two modes of electrical conduction that occur in mineralized rocks, ionic in pore fluids and electronic in metallic minerals.
  • The demineralized (De-ash) and de-pyrite (Dep) raw Yima coal was pyrolyzed in a fluidized-bed reactor in inert atmosphere to examine the sulfur removal efficiency.
  • The 2009 drilling program identified widespread gold mineralization associated with mineralized and altered dacite porphyry and adjacent sedimentary and volcanic rocks, drill hole DDH09-014 revealed gold mineralization of 111 meters grading up to 7.28 grams/tonne. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • You know that you need calcium to mineralize provide more rigid structure to the collagen proteins that help build your bone. You Staying Young
  • Based on the short femur length and demineralized calvarium? Handle with Care
  • “Do you know of any physician who would have diagnosed OI based on the eighteen-week ultrasound of a demineralized calvarium, a shortened femur, and no obvious skeletal fractures?” Handle with Care
  • In a normal tooth, the mature dentin would be mineralized completely, the scientists said.
  • Like other radiolarians, Acantharea have an elaborate mineralized skeleton.
  • The REE content and chondrite nomalized patterns of the altered and mineralized rocks are largely consistent with those of the unaltered host rocks.
  • As a consequence, the mineralized septa providing the scaffold for bone deposition cannot be formed, and osteogenesis itself is severely disturbed.
  • However, since we only observed a moderate increase in the volume of non-mineralized osteoid in PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Then, the hydroxylapatite crystals of enamel demineralize, allowing for greater bacterial invasion deeper into the tooth. Top Stories - Google News
  • The main purpose of wastewater treatment is to remove or mineralize the organic substances, i.e. to prepare them for release into a receiving body of water or the agricultural environment. 6. Large-scale biogas plants
  • The scientists noted that the tissue extracted from the mice had all of the hallmarks of normal bone, including organized collagen fibers and various mineralized components.
  • The underground network is like a microscopic canal system carrying mineralized water.
  • Acids, like those produced by bacteria or Coca-Cola, demineralize the enamel of the teeth. Tooth Regeneration May Replace Drill-and-Fill « Isegoria
  • Based on the short femur length and demineralized calvarium? Handle with Care
  • As during late gestation, if an adequate quantity of calcium and phosphorous is not provided in the lactation diet, the sow will demineralize skeletal tissue to meet her needs for milk production.
  • The mineralized vein was less than 2 feet wide, and the old stopes show extensive support timbering, necessary because of fracturing and extensive alteration of adjacent wall rock.
  • Composting radically transforms various organic substances, it mineralizes the readily assimilable materials and humifies them into more complex compounds.
  • Vetustovermis bears a number of morphological features that are found in Kimberella, which has been interpreted to have a non-mineralized but stiff univalve shell. Down with phyla! (episode II) - The Panda's Thumb
  • ‘I tell people to buy any toothpaste that's on sale,’ says Price, ‘as long as it contains fluoride (which remineralizes the enamel on your teeth).’
  • Rarely, permineralized wood (which faithfully preserves the woody texture of the original wood) is found closely associated with the limb casts.
  • RICKETS In infants and children, severe vitamin D deficiency results in the failure of the bone to mineralize. Forever Young
  • Distilled or demineralized water has been treated to remove nearly all minerals that occur naturally in the water, making the water taste flat.
  • In contrast, fossilized bone is believed to be completely mineralized, meaning no organics are present.
  • Both intersected an unmineralized tonalite intrusion. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Here is every cave formation you could hope to see: stalactites, stalagmites, columns, and curtains, all created from mineralized water that drips off the cavern's limestone ceiling and puddles on the limestone floor.
  • Bisphosphonates preserve and remineralize bone by turning off bone remodeling - creation of new bone-that would normally occur. Main RSS Feed
  • Had I known back then, long before I knew you and your illness, that a demineralized calvarium was a hallmark of OI? Handle with Care
  • By comparison, if one were to demineralize a typical well-permineralized fossil, there would be nothing left. 300 secular students visit Ken Ham's Creation “Museum” - The Panda's Thumb
  • In contrast, fossilized bone is believed to be completely mineralized, meaning no organics are present.
  • The hard parts may be mineralized, as in the shells of bivalves, or composed of organic material, such as the chitin that makes up the exoskeleton of arthropods.
  • Twenty radish seeds (Raphanus sativus L., cv. 18 days) were placed into a glass jar (7 cm diameter and 9 cm high, closed with a cap), filled with 5 ml of a chemical solution or demineralized water (control).
  • Coal balls are concretions of permineralized peat formed in place.
  • In a normal tooth, the mature dentin would be mineralized completely, the scientists said.
  • Although some parts may be washable in the dishwasher, they still need to be descaled (demineralized) with vinegar to reduce water-mineral buildup, which can decrease a humidifier's output, especially if you're not using distilled water. Buying a humidifier for baby? Keep it clean
  • Fermentable carbohydrates are ingested, producing acids that demineralize teeth.
  • I think once a bone is demineralized, it is difficult to build it up, but you could certainly stunt (this loss).
  • In contrast, fossilized bone is believed to be completely mineralized, meaning no organics are present.
  • The relatively low-quality plant litter mineralizes nitrogen at a slower rate than would occur in the absence of herbivory.
  • If your water softener adds excessive sodium, you might want to consider switching to a different water-purification system or buying demineralized water for drinking and cooking.
  • The mineralized environment is a sheared and possibly mylonitized contact zone between a gabbroic unit and metasediments with a steep dip to the southeast. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • These authors speculated that blow wells had eroded, rotated and mineralized the coal balls through a hydrological connection through the seam floor to the sea.
  • The outer layer of enamel is an extremely hard, highly mineralized, crystalline structure that covers and protects the crown of the tooth.
  • The copper contains many angular molds of calcite crystals and even a small group of native silver crystals; the matrix is a mineralized basalt.
  • Some spicules are formed of the mineralized substances calcium carbonate and silica, while others are made of an organic substance called spongin.
  • With some luck, mineralized chunks of the conglomerate lode can still be located in the dumps with the aid of a metal detector.
  • The demineralized (De-ash) and de-pyrite (Dep) raw Yima coal was pyrolyzed in a fluidized-bed reactor in inert atmosphere to examine the sulfur removal efficiency.
  • By putting a layer of the solution on individual test teeth, Marshall has already been able to remineralize some parts of the teeth. Tooth Regeneration May Replace Drill-and-Fill « Isegoria
  • The combined precipitate is removed from the bottom of the clarifier and In the demineralizer, water is treated in two the treated water is now softer than the untreated steps. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • - A fragment (or xenolith) of well mineralized intrusive within barren granodiorite was observed in drill hole MX07-03; - Disseminated molybdenite has recently been observed in intrusive rocks at the 805 mine level, currently below the Z zone described previously; and, - Strong quartz stockwork with molybdenite in biotite hornfels has been observed adjacent to the Ethel zone (Drill Hole MX07-01). Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • Is there something special about hypermineralized tissues that stuns the speech centers of the neocortex, rendering normal communication impossible?
  • These microbes, like many others, continuously mineralize organic substances, and thus exhibit themselves as the indispensable agents of the movement of the matter that incessantly circulates from the mineral to the organic world, and _vice versa_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 446, July 19, 1884
  • Other allelochemicals have been found to be mineralized by micro-organisms under similar conditions.
  • There are two gold targets that have been modeled for these claim blocks; one a shallow vein/structure such as mineralized quartz veins and breccia zones located in the volcanic rocks that cover much of the property and deep seated Carlin trend type gold deposits located in the lower plate rocks. Ironwood Gold Completes Mobile Metal Ion Survey at Rock Creek Project, Nevada - Yahoo! Finance
  • Before the Harrier jets shut down, our normal practice is to wash out the intakes and engine with demineralized water to remove any salt spray.
  • A few mineralized animal fossils, including sponge spicules and probable worm tubes, are known from the Vendian period immediately preceding the Cambrian.
  • To produce bone, nature uses organic molecules to organize inorganic components that become mineralized through additional chemical reactions.
  • reporting purposes, Cerro Casale is classified as mineralized material. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • demineralize water
  • Mineral waters in Bankya are characterized as slightly mineralized, hypothermal, with a temperature of 36-37 C and very tasty.
  • The company says it will "mineralize" the carbon dioxide as baking soda, offsetting an additional 200,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide in the manufacture of benign chemical byproducts. - Highschool
  • · Making it impossible for the medium matter (formed as a result of incomplete dissolution) to mineralize rapidly, to continuously release energy and produce various NH4+ and PHO4 - ions, and to renew the humus in the soil. Chapter 6
  • Tillage helps mineralize nitrogen and phosphorus, cycling it from less available forms into ones that crops can readily use.
  • In this study, the reported compactness values used for all calculations include all mineralized tissues (calcified cartilage and bone).
  • The outer layer of enamel is an extremely hard, highly mineralized, crystalline structure that covers and protects the crown of the tooth.
  • Had I known back then, long before I knew you and your illness, that a demineralized calvarium was a hallmark of OI? Handle with Care
  • Excluding client services, private label demineralized bone matrix and the license agreement revenue, fourth quarter 2009 revenue declined 3% compared with fourth quarter 2008 revenue. Featured News and Stories
  • When the demineralized T. rex bone was examined under the microscope, it revealed small branching translucent blood vessels with what appeared to be red blood cells inside. 300 secular students visit Ken Ham's Creation “Museum” - The Panda's Thumb
  • We require an installation to demineralize an appropriate quantity of ocean-water. The Languages of Pao
  • Bacteria, predominantly mutans streptococci, metabolize monosaccharide and disaccharide sugars to produce acid that demineralizes teeth and causes cavities.
  • The two cylinders containing the data cards were transported from the salvage ship in demineralized water to avoid the risk of further corrosion. Investigators Hopeful on Black Boxes
  • Xylitol is a natural sweetener that is considered "tooth friendly" by dental professionals, as it can actually "starve" the negative micro-organisms that damage teeth, allowing the teeth to re-mineralize faster. Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S.: Mouth Health: Is Chewing Gum, Good Or Bad ?
  • The skarn deposit at Carles North, which is a subvertical, tabular mineralized body, is projected to provide about 235,000 tonnes per year of feed to the mill during the first two years of production. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • With time, the plaque can mineralize into tartar, which becomes a hard crust that causes further irritation. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • The combination of the short femur and the demineralized skull is strongly suggestive of osteogenesis imperfecta. Handle with Care
  • A demineralizer contains one or the case of electrodialysis, the salts dissolved in more cation exchange beds, followed by one or the water are forced to move through cation - more anion exchange beds. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • “Do you know of any physician who would have diagnosed OI based on the eighteen-week ultrasound of a demineralized calvarium, a shortened femur, and no obvious skeletal fractures?” Handle with Care
  • The most complete mummified dinosaur to be described in 70 years, the fossil includes three-dimensional, mineralized casts of the animal's right shoulder muscle, throat tissue, and skin.
  • These cells were seeded onto demineralized bone grafts to form cell-scaffold constructs and were implanted to repair various bone defects.
  • Studies have shown that it can help "remineralize" weakened areas in children's and adults 'teeth, allowing many more elderly Americans to keep their teeth all their lives. And You Thought the Debate Over Fluoridation Was Settled
  • Temple of the Devil, near the town of Altorf in Franconia, at the foot of a mountain covered with pine and savine, in which are found large coals resembling trees of ebony; which are so far mineralized as to be heavy and compact; and so to effloresce with pyrites in some parts as to crumble to pieces; yet from other parts white ashes are produced on calcination, from which _fixed alcali_ is procured; which evinces their vegetable origin. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • As the primary inorganic nitrogenous compound released from mineralized organic matter, ammonium plays, besides its nitrification product nitrate, a key role in N nutrition for plants and soil microorganisms.
  • The root systems were carefully washed with cold demineralized water to remove any NH 4 NO 3 nutrient solution.
  • Dental fluorosis has been described as a subsurface enamel hypomineralization, with porosity of the tooth positively correlated with the degree of fluorosis. 22 It is characterized by diffuse opacities and under-mineralized enamel. Signs of the Times
  • The biomineralized shells of trilobites, gastropods and brachiopods are preserved within the concretions.
  • The rate at which nitrogen is mineralized from the soil organic matter pool is an important rate-limiting step in the cycling of nitrogen in terrestrial systems.
  • reporting purposes, Cerro Casale is classified as mineralized material and approximately Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Inorganic sulphur forms are immobilized to organic sulphur, different organosulphur forms are interconverted, and immobilized sulphur is simultaneously mineralized to yield plant-available inorganic sulphur.
  • Parotid glands, which are opposite the front lower molars, nearly parallel to the ear lobes, secrete a thin, watery substance that is rich in antibacterial proteins and compounds that help remineralize the teeth.
  • The outer layer of enamel is an extremely hard, highly mineralized, crystalline structure that covers and protects the crown of the tooth.
  • Recall that 6 POUNDS of uranium fuel clogging a resin line in the standby demineralizer caused the accident, that lousy core had done an incurable job on the plant well before water got sucked into the stupidly designed instrumentation air supply (tripping both main and emergency feedwater supplies). 1000 Architects and Engineers
  • The mixture is a coolant (dimethyl-ether I think, for you chemistry types) and demineralized water.
  • It should be mentioned that the term vein was used rather loosely in the Copper Country and was applied to any fissure vein or mineralized amygdaloidal flow top that was being mined.
  • Bone volume measurements quantify the volume of mineralized and non-mineralized portions (osteoid) of the tissue. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The mineralized water in salmon spawning grounds allows the fish to grow faster and healthier than those in non-karst streams.
  • Inorganic sulphur forms are immobilized to organic sulphur, different organosulphur forms are interconverted, and immobilized sulphur is simultaneously mineralized to yield plant-available inorganic sulphur.
  • “The ultrasound showed a demineralized skull,” she explained. Handle with Care
  • The scales may remain unmineralized, and consist primarily of carbohydrates, or they may be calcified; silica plates are rare.
  • Statistical distribution parameters are varied at different positions of mineralized bodies which reflects variation of mineralization intensity in the vertical extent.
  • Lately it has become fashionable to remineralize the earth with heavy applications of rock flours. Organic Gardener's Composting
  • Litter with high concentrations of lignin or other recalcitrant compounds mineralizes nitrogen more slowly than does litter with more labile carbon compounds.
  • These photosynthetic prokaryotes and analogous eukaryotic microalgae, which commenced growing in the Pool when it first formed about 4000 years BP, trap and bind detrital sediment and thereby create organo-sedimentary microbialites or microbial mats, which have mineralized to form stromatolites in Hamelin Pool. Shark Bay, Australia
  • Sugar-laden soft drinks are the No. 1 culprit for tooth decay, because they demineralize tooth enamel. Top Stories
  • But something now that would help remineralize is truly a leap forward in preventive care. CNN Transcript May 29, 2008
  • Why did some of them choose infaunal life at approximately the same time that other organisms developed mineralized skeletons?
  • Under field conditions at both Blacktail and Crystal, [less than] 1% of total nitrogen was mineralized from May to October 1995.
  • Preservation of non-biomineralized tissues within concretions occurs through most of the Phanerozoic, from the Upper Cambrian to the Recent.
  • The drill holes appear to have intersected lower-grade material within the same wide mineralized zone of pyritic stockwork. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • And is it other veins, other areas on the property that contain other or the so-called mineralized material, just trying to reconcile where vast number about other ounces are. Home Page
  • To isolate zoospores, sporulating cultures were flooded with 10 ml of demineralized water and incubated at 4° for 3 hr to allow formation and release of zoospores.
  • A few tens of millions of years later, in the Cambrian period, the first mineralized coral-like organisms appeared.
  • Twenty specimens permineralized by limonite and pyrite were studied.
  • God knows what's happening at the bottom of the ocean where bacteria remineralize nutrients and decompose organic matter, a critical step in the continuing cycling of energy and material. Main RSS Feed
  • Where the limestone has been cut by Late Tertiary veins, it has been recrystallized and slightly mineralized but contains no commercial ore deposits.
  • Accordingly, for U.S. reporting purposes, Cerro Casale is classified as mineralized material and approximately 600,000 ounces of reserves for Pueblo Viejo (Barrick's 60% interest) are classified as mineralized material. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • These minerals may inflame and mineralize renal tissue, causing further kidney damage.
  • - A fragment (or xenolith) of well mineralized intrusive within barren granodiorite was observed in drill hole MX07-03; Undefined
  • In contrast, the mineralized zones, above the topography created by the pre-mineralization igneous rocks, were not affected by this catastrophic sedimentation.
  • What the filtering systems at these treatment facilities are basically designed to do is demineralize your water. EzineArticles
  • Nitrogen also will be mineralized from soil organic matter.

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