How To Use Mineral oil In A Sentence
Vegetable oil is digestible and mineral oil is not.
Most natural makeup bases use products such as jojoba oil and candelilla wax instead of petrochemicals such as mineral oil (a gasoline production by-product), says Upton.
The price of mineral oil is not stable.
Many people do not realize that mineral oil is derived from petroleum, just as gasoline and motor oil are.
An Alternative Approach to Allergies
Put a drop of mineral oil in your dog's eyes to protect them from suds.
Vegetable oils can be used to retrofit existing transformers because they are fully miscible with mineral oils and perform the same cooling and insulating functions.
Besides serving as a coolant and insulator, mineral oil, a byproduct of petroleum distillation, has many other uses, including as a laxative.
Mineral oil leaks from Pepco facility
Ingredients: One thing that I really like about Albolene better than any other makeup remover or moisturizer is that it only has five ingredients which include: mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffin, ceresin, and beta carotene.
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Many people do not realize that mineral oil is derived from petroleum, just as gasoline and motor oil are.
An Alternative Approach to Allergies
No parabens, mineral oil, synthetic fragrance, colorants, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl or laureth, sulfates.
Fully mineral oils are rarely used nowadays and fully synthetic oils are more expensive and designed for high-performance cars.
Times, Sunday Times
_Oxonite_, consisting of picric and nitric acids; and _Panclastite_, a name given to various mixtures, proposed by M. Turpin, such as liquid nitric peroxide, with bisulphide of carbon, benzol, petroleum, ether, or mineral oils.
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Mineral oil is not used in aromatherapy because mineral oil is not a natural product.
The patient was subjected to mineral oil injections as an experimental therapy to promote hair growth, but no hair growth was ever noted.
The nails had the same shine as the shot glass from which Gruner had sipped his mineral oil.
Presumably mineral oil is acting like petroleum jelly to smother the live lice and loosen nits.
Solid lubricants such as soap, molybdenum disulphide or graphite are preferred to mineral oils and greases.
Moisturizers contain humectants, such as glycerin, methyl glucose esters, lanolin, or mineral oil, that replace oils in the skin and promote its effectiveness as a moisture barrier.
The array tube is filled with mineral oil to create neutral buoyancy, allowing the array to float behind the underwater towing vehicle.
Mineral oil and petrolatum are highly refined petrochemical derivatives that, according to phytochemist Aubrey Hampton, PhD, can actually leave the skin and lips dryer because they block sebum’s crucial functions and interfere with the skin’s ability to regulate its own moisture.
The Truth About Beauty
The highly sulfurized oil is liquid, whereas mineral oil must be added to keep sulfurized sperm oil liquid.
5 Uses
It states that if 10 per cent. of burnt magnesia, or even baryta, or strontia, is mixed (cold) with ordinary linseed-oil paint, and then enough mineral oil to envelop the alkaline earth, the free acid of the paint will be neutralized, while the iron will be protected by the permanent alkaline action of the paint.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
European corn earworms can be controlled by squirting mineral oil on the silk where it emerges from the ear.
Albolene is a moisturizing cleanser containing mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffin, ceresin and beta carotene.
Lipids (eg, petroleum, lanolin, mineral oil) block moisture from leaving the skin by using occlusive or semiocclusive materials to form a barrier for the skin to better restore itself.
The mineral oils are a mix of several hydrocarbons with different length of carbon chain.
But a potential problem from inhaling fat-based substances, such as petroleum jelly or mineral oil, for prolonged periods is lipoid pneumonia.
For older stains use a paste of rottenstone, baking soda or cigarette ashes mixed with mineral oil, linseed oil, or lemon oil.
Coal and lignite and mineral oils were de-reserved from exclusive public sector production.
Petroleum jelly, mayonnaise and mineral oil seem to smother live lice.
Bad cosmetics and skin care products containing mineral oil and other harmful chemicals run a close second.
Some of the main moisturizing ingredients include various fatty acids, polybutene (from mineral oil), petrolatum, squalane, and vitamin E.
A Touch of Blusher
Designed as a moisturizing cleanser, Albolene contains mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffin, ceresin and beta carotene.
Try coating the hair with mineral oil and using a special nit comb to remove them more easily.
Solid lubricants such as soap, molybdenum disulphide or graphite are preferred to mineral oils and greases.
Vegetable oil is digestible and mineral oil is not.
The literature cites the use of ether, chloroform, acetone and mineral oil as possible options.
They contained no artificial colours, drying alcohol, synthetic fragrances, oily lanolin or mineral oil - all staple ingredients in many leading brands.
These have the advantage over mineral oil of much greater fire resistance and lower cost and over plain water in that the 5% component provides corrosion protection, and a bactericide, which means that stainless steel components are not required, and that maintenance of the fluid is easier.
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Moisturizers contain humectants, such as glycerin, methyl glucose esters, lanolin, or mineral oil, that replace oils in the skin and promote its effectiveness as a moisture barrier.
For high or low speed rotation and reciprocating motion. Sealed mediums - mineral oil, water, etc.
Moisturizers contain humectants, such as glycerin, methyl glucose esters, lanolin, or mineral oil, that replace oils in the skin and promote its effectiveness as a moisture barrier.
Treatment of tissue samples with the mineral oil/paraffin mixture and the 4 final impregnation steps were carried out in a large desiccator resting in a glycerin bath.
Mineral oils are used to lubricate machinery.
Also, try squirting some lubricant such as graphite, talcum powder, floor oil, mineral oil, or wood dough between the boards.
The literature cites the use of ether, chloroform, acetone and mineral oil as possible options.
A comedone is a blackhead or whitehead plugging up a pore, and you certainly don’t want anything that can contribute to those namely, occlusive ingredients such as mineral oil, lanolin, or petrolatum.
Simple Skin Beauty
Products produced from petroleum, such as mineral oils, are classified as petrochemical pollutants.
The turtle was cleaned with mineral oils and a soft detergent.
Presumably mineral oil is acting like petroleum jelly to smother the live lice and loosen nits.