How To Use Miner In A Sentence

  • Additional, wall, condole can choose deadening very, if mineral wool is sound-absorbing board wait.
  • It engages in iron ore mining, pellet production, manganese ore mining and ferroalloy production, as well as in the production of nonferrous minerals, such as kaolin, potash, copper and gold. Five BRIC Strength Stocks
  • Organic carbon mineralization was studied in a large humic lake in northern Sweden during a well-defined summer stratification period following high water flow during snowmelt.
  • Iron, in contrast, combines with elements such as oxygen and sulphur to make mineral ores.
  • Minerva has noticed a growing enthusiasm for using infant bath seats in adult bathtubs.
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  • Mineral filled, toughened, lubricated polybutylene terephthalate resin for injection moldingsurface aesthetics.
  • A dislocated wrist, unsuccessfuily set, occasioned advice from my surgeon, to try the mineral waters of Aix, in Provence, as a corroborant. Autobiography
  • One of the stars of the collection is the Diana and Minerva commode of 1773, so called for the inlaid roundels representing the goddesses of the hunt and the arts, respectively.
  • Here is nobly born quartz living with a green mineral, called epidote; and they are immense friends. The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
  • The water seal technology is used to solve the problem of the collection rate of the mother liquid in situ leach mining of the rare earth mineral.
  • In their place you have to look at using low-joule cordials and soft drinks, plain mineral water and soda water, low fat milk and dry wines or spirits and even then limited to a maximum of two alcoholic drinks a day.
  • Some minerals have complex chemical compositions.
  • The lure of profit from gold and diamonds, as well as from minerals such as coltan, which is used to make mobile phones, have turned eastern Congo into a battlefield. The Guardian World News
  • Profound stupor associated with depression also responds to IV sodium amobarbital, thus permitting conversation between the patient and examiner, which often reveals depressive symptoms. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Bide a wee, bide a wee," he protested, when collared by the pocket-miner. CHAPTER 24
  • With poor mineral resources, its prospects as an independent, viable country were secured by the invention of refrigeration.
  • He treated the vast mineral wealth of his country as something for him to sell off to the highest international bidders.
  • Formerly called Stanleyville, it was once known across Africa as a vibrant meeting spot for diamond runners, gold miners and foreign businessmen. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • As stated, it's similar in its aromatic complexities to a Gewürztraminer.
  • Japan, for example, has no natural resources: no oil, no diamonds, no other rich mineral deposits.
  • Non-governmental organizations were formed to oppose the pumping, and in 2001 the federal government launched an investigation into the company on the grounds it was violating constitutional prohibitions on demineralizing water.
  • This paper deals with geophysical exploration methods used in mineral resource survey, their application conditions, instrument equipment and application examples.
  • A preliminary review of the local mineralogy was subsequently written by Endlich, who noted the presence of aragonite, chabazite, calcite, mesolite, and natrolite, in addition to ‘leucite.’
  • Objective: To compare the impact of two different kinds of kinesiotherapy - jogging and dancing on bone metabolism and bone mineral density(BMD) in postmenopausal women.
  • toiling coal miners in the black deeps
  • A number of vitamins, minerals and botanicals have emerged as key players in the bone-building story, and scientists are still working for a better understanding of their roles.
  • As water moves through soil and rock, it dissolves very small amounts of minerals and holds them in solution.
  • When such water evaporates, it becomes concentrated, along with the magnesium and potassium salts, in the "mother liquor"; and upon complete evaporation, it crystallizes out as boracite and other rarer minerals. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Another serious fungal disease in Africa is Fusarium wilt or Panama disease, which attacks the roots of the banana plant, affecting the vascular system required for mineral and water transport.
  • In the periphery of the oxidation, copper mineralization occurs as chalcopyrite, bornite, tennantite and mispickel.
  • Figure 1 shows the cumulative absolute changes in bone mineral content/bone width and bone mineral density after ranking each patient by age.
  • Ancient parfleche and quillwork designs are reinterpreted in beadwork, a craft that arose in the post-Contact era, when glass beads became available beaded moccasins, right, $125 and up; baby mocs shown in additional photos at bottom, $35-$80; Melvin Miner beaded rattle, below, $70. Stephanie Woodard: Adventure Shopping Alert: Sale on Fine Lakota Crafts
  • LONDON—Commodities prices face increased volatility due to near-term macroeconomic concerns, but the long-term demand outlook remains bright, several of the U.K.'s largest globally diversified miners said Monday. Global Miners See Price Volatility but Brisk Demand
  • Not surprisingly, Metung attracted a number of distinguished early holiday-makers, some of whom settled there permanently, including the explorer and mineralogist Dr. Alfred Howitt; His Honour Judge John Burnett Box; and John King, the second son of Rear Admiral Philip Parker King. Archive 2009-01-01
  • She said something to the barista, who supplied her with a mineral water. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Enhanced algae growth in the reservoir consumes the oxygen in the epilimnion and, as it decays, the mass sinks to the already oxygen-deficient hypolimnion, where decay processes reduce the oxygen concentration even further, resulting in acid conditions at lower levels and the dissolution of minerals from the reservoir bed. Chapter 8
  • Other functional ingredient contenders for the dairy arena include dietary fiber, whey protein isolates, whey protein concentrates, bioactive peptide systems and additional minerals and vitamins.
  • Deforestation and mineral extraction can damage entire regions used along the birds' annual migration paths.
  • Suffice it to say, different minerals weather and grow at different rates within higher organisms, just as they do in the ambient environment.
  • From a technical point of view, identifying blood tantalite and niobate minerals should be much easier than dealing with diamonds. Lounge of the Lab Lemming
  • Those resources might be land or industry or mineral wealth or the environment.
  • Istria is planted with around 3,000 hectares of Malvazija, a white grape variety that, in the case of western Istria producer Roxanich, produces a white wine with a copper gold color, an unusual nose with notes of marzipan, a slight sherried character and a tangy minerality. Discovering Classic Croatia
  • Green, leafy vegetables are especially high in minerals and fiber, so should be eaten often.
  • The major ores of boron are a small number of borate (boron oxide) minerals, including ulexite (NaCaB5O9. 8H2O), borax (Na2B4O5 (OH) 4. 8H2O), colemanite (Ca2B6O11. 5H2O) and kernite (Na2B4O6 (OH) 2. 3H2O). Boron
  • If you do use a portable humidifier (approximately 1 to 2 gallon tanks), be sure to empty its tank every day and refill with distilled or demineralized water, or even fresh tap water if the other types of water are unavailable.
  • In the processes generally known as bioleaching, stress-hardy bacteria, which can get all their nutrient requirements from the air and the minerals to be leached, are typically employed to oxidise ores to a more soluble state.
  • [13] Boric acid is a common constituent of several minerals such as borax, boracite, boronatrocaicite and colemanite. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Nearly the only cadmium mineral known is the sulphide, greenockite, but no deposits of this mineral have been found of sufficient volume to be called cadmium ores. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • A successful example of this approach is the use of two dopaminergic medications, bromocriptine and L-DOPA, in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
  • Cuvier, in one of a series of lectures, delivered at Paris, in the spring of last year, says, "the name chemistry, itself, comes from the word _chim_, which was the ancient name of Egypt;" and he states that minerals were known to the Egyptians "not only by their external characters, but also by what we at the present day call their _chemical characters_. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 479, March 5, 1831
  • We have been designed to accept plant minerals better than rock minerals because plants predigest the minerals for us. Forever Young
  • The enticement of an exploration permit was strong enough to draw a half-dozen miners to the sidewalk.
  • Lara's 100%-owned Araguaia Nickel Project comprises 53,889 hectares of exploration licenses and claims in a district that has seen several significant nickel discoveries in recent years: Araguaia adjacent to Vila Oito (Teck), Serra da Tapa and Vale dos Sonhos (Xstrata) and Lontra (Horizonte Minerals plc). The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The substance releases the minerals into the teeth, encouraging the growth of new enamel.
  • The team produced a version of the mineral in which silver is replaced by lithium, germanium by phosphorus, and some of the sulphur atoms by halides (chloride, bromide or iodide), resulting in argyrodite-like structures. Batteries that never needs recharging
  • During the day I drink only mineral water, fresh fruit juice, coffee or tea.
  • The pharaohs were mummified using plants, herbs, spices, and minerals.
  • Col1a1-Krm2 mice is associated with an accumulation of non-mineralized osteoid (stained in red, scale bars, 100 µm). doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0010309.g008 PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I don't drink any alcohol but I love papaya juice and drink tons of mineral water.
  • The firebrand championing the indigenous Komi people was none other than Yury Spiridonov, an ethnically Russian oil miner and party worker, born in Omsk and educated in Sverdlovsk, who had once gotten into trouble for snapping at someone who tried to address him in Komi: “Speak in a way that can be understood.” The Return
  • Hundreds of fossils are locked in glass cases, specimens from all over southern Africa: shells and worms and nautiluses and seed ferns and trilobites, and minerals, too; yellow-green crystals and gleaming clusters of quartz; mosquitoes in drops of amber; scheelite, wulfenite. Memory Wall
  • Lepidolite, beryl, tantalite, quartz crystals, and altered and unaltered petalite are some of the minerals that can be found in this district.
  • The answer is that the clubs lay at the heart of industrial Lanarkshire and football was pre-eminently the game of steelworkers, miners and shipbuilders.
  • The chest disease is endemic among miners in this area.
  • Organic acids have been shown to increase the solubility of minerals and form strongly bound complexes and chelates with many metal cations.
  • The technique was to go slowly back and forth parallel to the shore on the basalt reef and locate any fissure veins containing copper or other minerals.
  • A group of 1199 men who were not coal miners was identified from general practitioner records in three Nottinghamshire general practices.
  • He made an agreement allowing the company to earn up to 35 percent compensation for the export of minerals that did not exist.
  • Certainly the Cambrian record is deeply biased in favour of shelly fossils, as revealed by the exceptionally preserved Burgess Shale and Chengjiang biotas, where the vast majority of taxa and individuals were non-biomineralizing.
  • The monster crystals, over six meters long, are made of selenite, a crystalline form of the mineral gypsum (the number one ingredient in blackboard chalk!). Did you know? Chihuahua caves house the world's largest crystals
  • The phrenological examiner also had to take into account the development of the ‘intellectual’ faculties relative to those that governed the ‘animal’ functions.
  • Hand picking ensured that mineral separates were at least 99% pure.
  • A dressed product of copper works in South America, consisting of grains of native copper mixed with pyrite, chalcopyrite, mispickel, and earthy minerals.
  • The man who wants everyone - thats everyone not just some workshy feckless scrounger who has been unemployed for fifteen years - aka a miner shafter from the first time around - to work for their dole. The Guardian World News
  • In fact, cucumbers are not outstanding in any known vitamin or mineral, either.
  • The mineralization, consisting mainly of smithsonite (zinc carbonate), iron oxides and galena varied in true width from 2 to 5 metres. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • As physical stress increases the body's needs for many vitamins and minerals, intercurrent infections also induce a relative nutrient deficiency, especially in chronic (long-term) grumbling types of infection e.g. acute cystitis, vaginal bacterial imbalance. Miscarriage
  • The mineral of interest is the hessonite variety of grossular.
  • It was a benevolent organization that gave aid to fellow miners, their widows and children, as the many newspaper articles of the period record.
  • A variety of minerals were deposited in the hollow vesicles.
  • Martin contented himself by picturing his brother-in-law's surprise on Sunday morning when he opened his EXAMINER and saw the article on the treasure-hunters. Chapter 9
  • Between one and two, the Grill is chock-full of agents power lunching on mineral water (the schmooze is boozeless in modern LA).
  • The area is very rich in minerals .
  • Very light straw color, green-apple nose, with a citrusy vibrancy on the palate leading to a slatey, minerally note suggestive of a great Mosel. Biodynamics: Natural Wonder or Just a Horn of Manure?
  • Here I should explain why over a hundred thousand miners were striking against the federal courts.
  • Holes SA-202, SA - 207, SA-218, SA-220, SA-225, SA-231, SA-232, SA-235 and SA-236 did not intersect significant mineralization which we define as a mineralized core length of 10m with Latest News from SYS-CON MEDIA
  • The pictures also show the dank, dark conditions the miners endured for two months. The Sun
  • Lack of investment led to the closure of the once-rich reefs and, more recently, gold itself has lost its glitter and become just another mineral deposit.
  • I have been in relation successively with the English and American evacuant and alterative practice, in which calomel and antimony figured so largely that, as you may see in Dr. Jackson's last "Letter," Dr. Holyoke, a good representative of sterling old-fashioned medical art, counted them with opium and Peruvian bark as his chief remedies; with the moderately expectant practice of Louis; the blood-letting "coup sur coup" of Bouillaud; the contra-stimulant method of Rasori and his followers; the anti-irritant system of Broussais, with its leeching and gum-water; I have heard from our own students of the simple opium practice of the renowned German teacher, Oppolzer; and now I find the medical community brought round by the revolving cycle of opinion to that same old plan of treatment which John Brown taught in Edinburgh in the last quarter of the last century, and Miner and Tully fiercely advocated among ourselves in the early years of the present. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • Moreover, pneumoconiosis may progress after miners retire.
  • Another asbestos mineral, crocidolite, is used for more specialized applications, when, for example, better acid resistance is desirable.
  • Winemaker Juan Micieli-Martinez used a bit of every white grape MCV grows for this blend, which is 32% sauvignon blanc, 25% viognier, 15% chardonnay, 10% semillon, 8% riesling, 7% pinot grigio and 3% Gewurztraminer. The New York Cork Report:
  • He won an accordion from a Chinese barkeep in Luna City by cheating at onethumb and thereafter kept going by singing to the miners for drinks and tips until the rapid attrition in spacemen caused the Company agent there to give him another chance. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • Their new mining method rates with the coal-miners.
  • Accordingly, for U.S. reporting purposes, Cerro Casale is classified as mineralized material. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Both scientific and commercial biodiversity prospectors should pay fees, as mineral prospectors do.
  • Each bottle is a half-oil, half-water combination tinctured with various colors using plant and mineral essences.
  • The state also cited Cobalt's miners for failing to wear their air packs, called self-contained self-rescuers, and for failing to have a cache of the devices within reach. TV series 'Coal' brings citations, new business to Cobalt
  • A total of 1272 men from the general population and 2099 retired coal miners aged 50-75 years took part in the study.
  • From 1953 he was assistant to the managing editor, serving as media organiser for the Perth Commonwealth Games and for early tours to the promising mineral regions of the north-west.
  • depressors," "suppressors," and "determiners" which were present in the two microscopic and mosaic germ cells which united to start the embryo at the time of conception. The Mother and Her Child
  • Overcooking vegetables saps them of flavour and texture and makes them far less healthy to eat, as the vitamins and minerals become lost in the cooking water.
  • Adjacent coastal states have sovereign rights over the seabed mineral resources of the shelf.
  • It discovered that the colors of several gem minerals - including pearl, sapphire, quartz, kunzite, and topaz - can be changed by the USPS irradiation method.
  • It is associated with all ore minerals as well as most gangue minerals.
  • Microscopic analyses reveal that the oxide mineralogy of the dolerites is dominated by magnetite and ilmenite.
  • The Romans had a special fondness for mineral spas, visiting them for medicinal and recreational purposes.
  • Every miner wishes that his mine were upon this famous lode, which is made up of a large number of quartz veins extending along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and is marked by hundreds of important mines. The Western United States A Geographical Reader
  • Secondly, mineral makeup is all natural and hypo - allergenic.
  • There also has been speculation that they are involved in biological experiments with chemical or biological warfare or the geobotanical pursuit of petroleum and mineral deposits. A Situation Report on Our Acquisition of Advanced Technology and Interaction with Alien Cultures by O.H. Krill
  • Anyone who ever saw the way mining communities created miners ' welfare centres and the like knows that by working collectively to change the conditions in which we live we change ourselves.
  • Closely allied to this subject is the investigation of the mode in which certain metals are reduced from their solutions by metallic sulphides, or, in common language, the influence which the presence of such substances as mundic and galena may exercise in effecting the deposit of pure metals, such as gold, in mineral lodes. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • Commercial coal cleaning (or beneficiation) facilities, particularly in the United States use physical cleaning techniques to reduce mineral matter and pyritic sulfur content. Global anthropogenic emissions of mercury to the atmosphere
  • Actually, its original coating was a strong, rusty umber, but the passing centuries had sapped the mineral pigment of its oxidic potency, leaving it a flat, dull rose, like a dance hall memory, and so thin that the original wood showed through it like the night sky through a canopy of fishnet. Skinny Legs and All
  • Yorkshire miners facing redundancy are set to benefit from an £11m Government package to help them find another job and regenerate the area.
  • It is also unknown whether all patients with clinical symptoms or only those with diffuse scintigraphic uptake have a localized low tibial bone mineral density.
  • Until recently, there were nine different armies competing for food and access to the local mineral wealth.
  • + ions that demineralize the enamel beneath the surface of the tooth; calcium and phosphate are dissolved in the process. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • As dissolution proceeds, a honeycomb texture may result, particularly where a mineral has near rectilinear cleavages.
  • A discussion of grounding involves examining the role of determiners and quantifiers, and other aspects of the noun phrase.
  • Fracture is when a mineral does not break along smooth planes, rather along irregular surfaces.
  • The miner struck significant quantities of zinc and lead in Greenland drilling in the autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to oil and gold, he said, the region is believed to have "abundant" deposits of minerals including marble, gypsum and chromite, which is used to make ferrochrome, an ingredient in stainless steel. -- Top News
  • Several of the men were there standing about the square iron-bound box attached by a wire rope to a wheel overhead, and known as the skep, which, with another, would be the conveyances of the ore that was to be found, from deep down in the mine to the surface, or, as the miners termed it, to grass; and until the man-engine was finished this was the ordinary way up and down. Sappers and Miners The Flood beneath the Sea
  • They were put to work in remote areas to fell trees, mine the country's mineral wealth and open up the vast and empty land tracts of the far north and east.
  • The notion that vitamins and colloidal minerals, herbs, coffee enemas, colonic irrigation, Laetrile, meditation, etc., can enhance the immune system and thereby help restore health is bogus.
  • The use of "demantoid" alone, if a noun may be made from the adjective, would avoid both the confusion with the mineral olivine, and the cheapening effect of the word garnet, and would at the same time suggest some of the most striking properties of the material. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • The mineralogical Siderikan epoch may or may not move over a bit, from 3.5 Ga to 3, depending on atmosphere conditions. New Images Suggest More Recent Lakes on Mars | Universe Today
  • Although "weak spots" the beginning of cavities may remineralize with luck and usually not with baby molars, you have to remember that once a cavity starts it will get worse even with great brushing/flossing. They Are Just Baby Teeth, Why Fix Them?
  • Nine teams of rescuers were trying to contact three miners missing underground after an earthquake killed five others in Europe's largest copper mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mineralogically, these oil shales are marls or argillaceous limestones, which may be associated with volcanic tuffs and evaporites. The Democratic Party's email attacking Jerome Corsi (author of the #1 selling anti-Obama book).
  • Some additional nonprotein nitrogen such as urea, and phosphorus-rich minerals and salt are purchased; these are the only imports into the unit. Chapter 10
  • The palate is mouthwateringly crisp and similarly citrusy, with fresh grapefruit and sweet lime flavors accented by a seawater minerality and more of that grassy-herbal character ... but not too much. New York Cork Club
  • Cold seep communities thrive on cooler, mineralized water leaking from the muddy sea floor.
  • As defined by Collins, Dinocarids are bilaterally symmetrical arthropods with a body divided into two principal tagmata, recalling the prosoma and opisthosoma of chelicerates, and a non-mineralised cuticle.
  • Bordered by nine countries, its mineral wealth is brazenly plundered, made possible by an infernally weak state in which corruption, violence and lawlessness are rife.
  • The mineral assemblage comprises quartz, K-feldspar, albitic plagioclase, white mica, apatite, tourmaline and garnet.
  • Mineral process of hematite in the early time often adopted gravity separation, and it mainly included jig, centrifugal separator, spiral chute, spiral concentrator, shaking table and so on.
  • Fourth, to put mineral planning authorities under a duty to review the planning situation in respect of every mineral operation within their area.
  • Where the rock contains mineral grains it may be possible to determine the hardness, lustre and streak of the minerals.
  • Bone consists of collagen banded fibrils sprinkled with tiny crystals of the mineral hydroxyapatite, which is basically calcium phosphate.
  • Her quiet assurance has all the qualities of mineral, or rock - she is unswayable and sure. Times, Sunday Times
  • BRONZITE, a member of the pyroxene group of minerals, belonging with enstatite and hypersthene to the orthorhombic series of the group. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • The province is also endowed with other non-traditional minerals including nickel, feldspar, emerald, limestone, granite, amethyst, sodalite and syenite.
  • The mine is well known for the rare secondary copper minerals that occur in the lode, including paramelaconite, cuprite, malachite, and dioptase.
  • There have been holes cut in it by Romans seeking gold, copper miners for hundreds of years afterwards and whacking great quarries riven out by the slate industry in recent times.
  • Explosions, though infrequent, are an occupational hazard for coal - miners.
  • The former must explain how thunderbots are transmuted into sharp pieces of silex., the latter how 'natural stones, rocks, and minerals [...] grow in the earth'. Stone Tools and Arguments Against Design
  • After my husband laid them, I sealed them with a 50/50 linseed oil and mineral spirits mix (3 coats) and then my husband grouted them. Sealing saltillo tiles
  • Britain's mineral resources include oil, coal and gas deposits.
  • The distribution of mineral parageneses and illite crystallinity across one of the upright folds suggests that strain gradients favoured the metamorphic reaction progress from the hinge (low strain) towards the limbs (high strain).
  • Specifically, it is obtained from the processing of the mineral molybdenite (a molybdenum ore) that is found in porphyry copper deposits. Rhenium
  • Discreet "feijoada" fanciers follow this with nothing stronger than mineral water. Rio De Janeiro
  • And not too surprisingly (since silica is the most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust), the coating is non-toxic and environmentally harmless. Spray-on liquid glass
  • Embroidery_, mentions 'Arachne', it is obvious that he does not expect the reader to think of the daring challenger of Minerva's art, or the Proserpine and Midas
  • Would measures to make coal mining safer benefit coal miners? Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, there must be an efficient transport system to shuttle them across the various layers of membrane and cell wall, and the outer cell wall must also possess a biocatalyst that takes care of the mineral's reduction.
  • Rescue teams continued to drill toward six trapped miners Thursday evening and were hopeful of reaching the men with lifelines, mine officials said.
  • Be an expert on mineralogy, geology, paleontology or anything-ology.
  • Pearls are composed partly of the mineral substance calcium carbonate (chemically the same as marble) and partly of a tough, horny substance of organic nature called conchiolin. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Mine management needed to change, to rid itself of possible archaic practices, rigid structures and "blinkered" thinking if it wanted to extend the lives of mines, Mineral and Energy Affairs ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Mg.l_ {2} + 2Na = 2NaCl + Mg. It is now made by electrolysis, but instead of using as the electrolyte the melted anhydrous chloride, which is difficult to obtain, the natural mineral carnallite is used. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • There were many nice non-commercial displays of minerals to view at the Convention Center.
  • Quartz is the dominant mineral in veins in siliceous rocks, calcite in limestones, and gypsum in gypsiferous sediments.
  • Failure leads to arrest, and then assessment by a forensic medical examiner. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the metamorphosed Thunderhead Sandstone it was found that at the staurolite isograd, the boundary between the garnet and staurolite zones, the mineral chlorite disappears from the rocks and muscovite decreases sharply, whereas staurolite appears and biotite becomes more abundant. Ken Miller in Cleveland: WEBCAST ARCHIVE URLS - The Panda's Thumb
  • Miner is spot-on, down to her brittle smile and overeager voice.
  • Even today many no longer drink tap water; bottled mineral water is the fashion.
  • Ma mere qui me sort "oh ben c pas grave si tu peux pas terminer tes etudes ben tu chercheras du travail tout court Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • These include clay minerals such as kaolinite and talc, micas, montmorillonites, and the remainder of the asbestos minerals including chrysotile (white asbestos).
  • These minerals are found in void spaces within and between pillows.
  • Tata Steel has firmed up its plan to set up chrome producing plant in South Africa with an investment of over Rs 250 crore as part of company's strategy to increase its global presence in steel and minerals.
  • It is this sense of loyalty and brotherhood, found amongst miners the country over, that led to the tragic deaths of two brave men who would not give up their ‘marrer’ for lost.
  • One of the first changes introduced by Vivian was to put some of the underground miners on tribute.
  • As a member of the Commonwealth Minerals Committee during World War II, he identified the potential of King Island scheelite.
  • Strontium is recovered from two strontium minerals, strontianite (strontium carbonate) and celestite (strontium sulfate). Strontium
  • Miners in Zambia's northern copper belt have gone on strike.
  • However included in this is a cold mineral drink, tea or coffee and two delicious profiteroles carved as swans for afters.
  • The lode proved to be spotty, showing just marginal copper mineralization.
  • Bali painting unique, mostly with plastic and mineral pigments painted on burlap or white canvas on the theme drawn from the pastoral scenery and the people's living habits, with rich local color.
  • Furthermore, minerals refuse to be misused again.
  • Guangxi boasts abundant bauxite mineral resources for the development of aluminum industry with the advantaged superiority.
  • Under U.S. regulations the tonnage and grade described herein under the "measured" and "indicated" categories would be characterized as mineralized material. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The coalminer's son was formally appointed yesterday after a temporary sixmonth spell in charge. The Sun
  • Aluminum-silicon composite ultra-fine fume is a fume mineral additive with utility model patent, which won Fume Mineral Admixtures Extracted from Corundum Soot and Production of Synthetic Potash.
  • Medical Examiners are pathologists who have special training in death investigation and legal autopsies.
  • The setting of "Billy Elliot" is the British miners 'strike of 1984-85, about which the average American playgoer knows absolutely nothing. Karl Marx in a Tutu
  • Though mine safety has much improved, miners' families still fear the worst.
  • Chemical weathering involves the alteration of the chemical and mineralogical composition of the weathered material. Weathering
  • Grasses, for example, produce an insulative thatch that reduces the average temperature and the magnitude of temperature fluctuations in surface mineral soils.
  • The metals in question range from the truly rare, such as rhenium, to more abundant but hard-to-process elements such as rare-earth metals, a collective name for 17 minerals used in products like iPhones, the Toyota Prius, vacuum cleaners and energy-efficient light bulbs. Testing Their Metals
  • Silicaceous rock powders are believed by many farmers to mimic the remineralization that occurs when glaciers descend from the north, grinding rocks into a fine powder that supplies trace minerals.
  • The ore is mineralogically martite schist, and the enclosing rocks are grayish, greenish and pinkish siliceous schists, of probable eruptive origin. North Carolina and its Resources.
  • Then a woman who may or may not be a real polygrapher comes on the screen to say with convincing earnestness, "All the polygraph examiners really try to make a person feel more at ease. Buzz on lie detectors is all a lie, NSA video says
  • Miners wore a helmet as a guard against falling rocks.
  • An extensive nutritional screen was performed, including measurements of blood mineral, vitamin, and fatty acid concentrations.
  • Some additional lessons might get you up to the standard demanded by the examiners.
  • Ratios of naturally occurring radioactive minerals to their decay daughters can be used in determining the age of geological materials.
  • Local imitation of Chinese wares and, later, imitations of those imitations depended on the discovery of native deposits of kaolin or of similar nonfusible earth. 32 reference Projects to invent, or reinvent a product as good as porcelain included geological ventures and mineralogical comparisons as well as chemical tests of porcelain bodies and coloring experiments. 33 The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • This polished section of a tooth crown reveals figure-eight patterns of the blue mineral vivianite, a phosphate of iron.

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