How To Use Mindfully In A Sentence
In a mindfully maintained dialogical encounter, argumentation and polemics can become penetrating tools to playfully inquire into the possibilities and limitations of all views.
Think about it mindfully, what does your gut instinct tell you?
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Done mindfully, a ritual can remind you to be conscious.
Perceiving even a whisper of our own "perfect reality" is the very experience that our users and clients have hired us to capture, mindfully, through our work.

Everytime you raise up your head unmindfully, you see me watching you. As soon as our sights join, I bury my head and look away as if nothing had happened.
Carlyle is gratified (as he could not but be) with your "kindest regards" intercalated so mindfully into your wishes for my success in emancipating myself.
New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle