

  1. a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations

How To Use mind-set In A Sentence

  • This subtle shift in mind-set appears to bemore conducive to long-term health and weight loss.
  • With a free wheeling expressive mind-set the band seem incredibly focused, displaying fetching guitar rifts demonstrating a resemblance comparable to a Libertines stage show.
  • Combine the lack of medical supervision with the mind-set of the garden-variety steroid user, and you have a potentially perilous situation.
  • ‘There is extremely high recognition in corporate America of how important these spokesmodels are to this younger, urban mind-set because the African American market has more dollars in the market than they've ever had,’ she explains.
  • Such behavior forces a ‘we versus they’ mind-set and fractionalizes the organization.
  • Soldiers and civilians in this vast theater have a firm appreciation for what it takes to have an expeditionary mind-set.
  • A mind-set has emerged busying itself with quick fixes, stopping change or shoring up its excesses.
  • When Sinclair Lewis wrote Babbitt, he succeeded in creating a caricature of success typifying the mind-set of the twenties.
  • To even imply that is to insult the mind-set and values of those faceless multitudes who flock to the cinema halls every other day and make or mar the fortunes of many a film.
  • A scientist who decides that he has arrived at absolutely conclusive answers has ceased being a scientist and has become a kind of religionist; not in the most usual form, perhaps, but a religionist in his mind-set. Stories
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