How To Use Mind-bending In A Sentence
That of course is because the freedom of speech lobby marches behind the banners of ‘human rights’ and minority victim culture which, despite their mind-bending self-designation as ‘progressive’ attitudes, constitute nothing other than a full-out onslaught against western values by cultural Marxism -- now marching shoulder to shoulder with the Islamists in their common cause to destroy the free world.
The jihad of the word
With his twisted diatribe on this mind-bending horror, Mr. Robertson has has relieved whatever passes for a conscience and now feels free to go on with his life.
Think Progress » Despite controversy over Haiti, Robertson still welcome at McDonnell’s inauguration prayer breakfast.
She is company secretary of the development trust and that means a great deal of bookwork - some of it mind-bendingly complex.
From then on the album takes a beautifully mind-bending trip through some intimate, yet uplifting soundscapes that provide near-perfect therapy for our stressed out routines.
This 1962 high-school textbook, "When You Marry," is a long, mind-bendingly awful manual for marriage, including sticking to traditional gender roles, staying away from race-mixing, resisting communism and saving yourself for your wedding night.
Boing Boing

The new research, published this week in the journal Science, deals with two of the theory's most important and mind-bending properties: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and nonlocality.
At least when not faced with mind-bending sights like the Cerunnos or bewinged and behorned demons.
Dreams of a Dark Warrior
This kind of demented shoegazing stoner prog is all about the stomping rhythms and the elasticated, mind-bending guitars.
Sahara is probably one of the best books I've ever read, though not quite as mind-bending as the foundation series.
Foundation: The Movie
These are, of course, just a sampling of the countless mind-bending and brain-boggling phenomena that have kept astrophysicists busy for the past hundred years.
Boo! entered the South African music scene in October 1997, with their mind-bendingly weird, though deliciously consumable sound.
Coming up with an answer to that mind-bending question truly needs superhuman mental powers.
Times, Sunday Times
Science fiction conjures up all manner of dangerous aliens and starbursts and quirky, mind-bending ripples in space and time.
This mind-bending mix of music is known as free form, a style pioneered in the 70's that mixes musical genres and styles to create a unique style of its own.
Although it introduces a host of mind-bending economic theories, the movement for sustainable economies includes more than a little whimsy.
There is a distinction between perfective and imperfective verbs but I found that not too mind-bending (or at least easier than the nouns and adjectives).
I'm not revealing the answer I got...
Instead of taking that defeatist attitude, I prefer to valiantly soldier on and find new music that's 100 times more psychedelic or mind-bending.
Press Association Steven Frayne While he may not yet be a household name like David Blaine or David Copperfield, his mind-bending skills are creating a buzz.
Magician Steven Frayne Gets Back to Reality
Seriously, it has to be mind-bendingly frustrating to have to defend some of this nonsensical hooey.
Bob Cesca: When in Doubt, They Beat Up Women
What a radical, grand mind-bending thought that is.
In the face of protectionism, the skewed approaches to peace, security and war, the demand for feelingless restructuring programmes, the mind-bending abuse of international laws and multilateral institutions the people of the south cannot afford the luxury of complacency and compliance.
Tabletop RPGs are notoriously "swingy" things, sometimes uproariously fun, sometimes mind-bendingly boring.
My Secret Life
No doubt it helps this celebrity householder to go on some mind-bending trips now.
The Sun
Thanks largely to their pioneering and tireless efforts in these areas, this Park remains a world-class biological jewel where people can still experience a mind-bending diversity of unique ecosystems and species such as the charismatic nene goose, hawksbill sea turtle, and Mauna Loa silversword.
Robert J. Cabin: The Wildfires in Hawaii Are a Loss for Our World
This manga-based masterpiece steams ahead on so many levels and with so much depth, detail and mind-bending imagery that your brain barely has time to catch up with itself.
A Ph.D. is a long, weird and mind-bending experience, and bureaucracies generally are sympathetic about this fact.
Certainly, the implications are mind-bending.
Read Tricia Sullivan's fantastic, profane and mind-bending Maul mainly because it's very important to start loving brilliant genre fiction before older readers can tell you to be a snob about it.
Recently, Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom developed a mathematical argument to support the mind-bending theory.
Boing Boing
Enterprise, what I saw of it, was mind-bendingly awful, though.
Matthew Yglesias » The Final Frontier
Statistically, that means that must be one where some poor version of humanity lives in an inverted, mind-bending alternate reality where everything is backwards and nothing makes sense.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: A Letter From 64 Senators... In an Alternate Universe
A series of recent mind-bending laboratory experiments has given scientists an unprecedented peek behind the quantum veil, confirming that this realm is as mysterious as imagined.
Thor's Day
As a simple race-and-chase, "The Adjustment Bureau" succeeds on the purest cinematic level, especially in a wowser of a climactic pursuit that recalls "Inception" in its mind-bending tour through multiple doors of perception.
Ann Hornaday reviews 'The Adjustment Bureau,' an ambitious, impressive thriller
It was a mind-bending feat, and it gave the Vietminh high ground above the French base.
The French Connection
An armed robber is appealing against his conviction claiming that he was high on a mind-bending cocktail of drugs when he confessed to police.
And it's such a mind-bending, far-out trip that once-radical modernism comes to seem rather tame and dowdily down-to-earth.
I think that's totally mind-bending and awesome.
Infinity in space is a mind-bending concept.
Einstein's 1905 paper, along with another one he published in 1915, painted an entirely different and mind-bending picture.
If you're in the market for a role-playing game full of mind-bending teasers and intriguing twists, look elsewhere.
Read Tricia Sullivan's fantastic, profane and mind-bending Maul mainly because it's very important to start loving brilliant genre fiction before older readers can tell you to be a snob about it.
This manga-based masterpiece steams ahead on so many levels and with so much depth, detail and mind-bending imagery that your brain barely has time to catch up with itself.
Each week, the show took them and viewers on an emotional and mind-bending roller coaster ride, through a dizzying loop of supernatural forces, armed conspirators and, of course, romance.
A psychedelic pop tune, ‘The Test’ shakes off a troublesome start to find an intoxicating groove and mind-bending melodies.
A new mind-bending trailer is out for the reboot of the 1990 sci-fi action blockbuster, "Total Recall".
Beyond that, as described by an article in New Scientist, explaining it has "proven to be bafflingly, frustratingly, mind-bendingly difficult" (as are most scientifically challenging issues -- think climate change, for example).
Ball lightning: real or fantasy?
That living coast is the thing that draws me back to Torquay year after year, whereas once I'd witnessed the mind-bending beauty of Mauritius and the Maldives, I had no desire to do it again.
And later, there was a mind-bendingly great bit of roleplay in Insilico.
Fear of Bleeding Windows
But, like Jim Isermann's mind-bending geometric rug works, Leachman's paintings transcend the usual categories.
This is weird, transgressive, mind-bending cinema, reminiscent of silent-era German expressionism, and seasoned with Hollywood musical parody.
The co-op mode adds to the experience and playing multiplayer online opens up a new side of the story and a host of mind-bending puzzles.
The Sun
Humankind has become the single biggest cause of erosion, the major producer of biologically available nitrogen and the dominant force in the present and future evolution of life on Earth, to name just a few mind-bendingly massive impacts.
Environmental books suggest save-the-Earth climate may be entering a new phase
Each week, the show took them and viewers on an emotional and mind-bending roller coaster ride, through a dizzying loop of supernatural forces, armed conspirators and, of course, romance.
The show teams Mr. Arias with the mind-bending puppetry of Basil Twist to create a hilarious psychedelic fantasia that might be described as a surrealist version of "The Muppet Show.
NYT > Home Page
If you're in the market for a role-playing game full of mind-bending teasers and intriguing twists, look elsewhere.
But what's more mind-bending is what she does with this.
Infinity in space is a mind-bending concept.
There is a distinction between perfective and imperfective verbs but I found that not too mind-bending (or at least easier than the nouns and adjectives).
I'm not revealing the answer I got...
The game lacks any kind of flow due to the often mind-bending puzzles and silly dialogue sequences.
I totally grok this cover, and I can tell you that the story between the covers is even more mind-bending. » Blog Archive » 7th Son: Remastered
Working within the recursive logic is a mind-bending experience.
365 tomorrows » 2009 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
At $30, it is remarkably good value; but do not be sucked in by the publisher's claim that it "introduces the nonscientific reader to the mind-bending world of quantum physics.
How Physics Got Weird
The juxtaposition of the horrible imagery coming directly from the victim's recollections, to the obvious innocence of the parties involved makes for a mind-bending experience.