mind-altering drug

  1. a drug that can produce mood changes and distorted perceptions
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How To Use mind-altering drug In A Sentence

  • While she might lack experience when it comes to doing illicit substances I felt that her relative freshness to mind-altering drugs would prove invaluable.
  • One consequence of this is that taking mind-altering drugs with a high risk of rationality-reducing side effects is of dubious rationality.
  • Serve immediately with mind-altering drugs and stiff drinks.
  • The sacred drink hauma, which contained a mind-altering drug, was used to inspire worshipers with insight into truth and to stimulate warriors going into battle.
  • Together they edited a book of Aldous Huxley's essays about mind-altering drugs.
  • he took mind-altering drugs for nonmedicinal reasons
  • This intensely personal painting, the product of a psyche conditioned by mind-altering drugs, was probably his last.
  • Perhaps, except for older Australians, the term wowser is nearly obsolete, as the state fights to keep other addictive mind-altering drugs illegal and difficult to obtain.
  • Mind-altering drugs weren't necessary, since this was an evening of pure unadulterated, spontaneous and harmless fun.
  • The characters talk about psychoanalysis, dream study, mind-altering drugs, and sexual affairs with an almost textbook distance and passivity.
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