
mind's eye

  1. the imaging of remembered or invented scenes
    I could see her clearly in my mind's eye

How To Use mind's eye In A Sentence

  • A well-trained memory is essential for a player to envision and select — from the numerous combinations available to the mind's eye — those tactical "moves" that cause the most advantageous resolution of a given partita. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Advanced memory work consisted in fabricating personalized images, culled from one's experience and arranged in the imagination as a mental theater of memory prompts for the mind's eye. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • And so we can just, in our mind's eye, try to figure out what might be going on in that jury room, how many holdouts there might be.
  • In his mind's eye, he can imagine the effect he's having.
  • Designed to work on a subliminal level, after the event it grows in the mind's eye rather than fading from memory.
  • In my mind's eye, this was a sign that maybe I would be tempted to stray, and thus not worthy enough to get married.
  • My private encounter with a family of crested firebacks, one of the many stunning partridges in the area, will long remain in my mind's eye.
  • Jane was frankly disappointed, as she admitted to having pictured in her mind's eye a series of peripatetic herbaceous borders in full flower, cruising about the lake at their own sweet will and tended by fair Kashmirian maidens. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • In your mind's eye, can't you see the rocky peaks of the high mountains, the deep glens, the tumbling rivers?
  • My private encounter with a family of crested firebacks, one of the many stunning partridges in the area, will long remain in my mind's eye.
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