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How To Use Mimetic In A Sentence

  • And in a way I want to make my language as mimetic as possible, as sensual as possible, so that you can feel the treetops, taste the lamb chump chops, and hear the wind and the sound of the surf beating on the beach.
  • It is true that this explanation of the bright, conspicuous colours is only a hypothesis, but its foundations -- unpalatableness, and the liability of other butterflies to be eaten, -- are certain, and its consequences -- the existence of mimetic palatable forms -- conform it in the most convincing manner. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • Parasympathomimetic drugs such as pilocarpine constrict the pupil and ‘pull’ on the trabecular meshwork, increasing the flow of aqueous out of the eye.
  • Sinus tachycardia is usually a physiological response but may be precipitated by sympathomimetic drugs or endocrine disturbances.
  • He found that the psychotomimetic ingredient in all of them was some kind of anticholinergic alkaloid—very similar to atropine and scopolamine. Over the Edge
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  • His essay is in part a polemic against the mimetic theory of art, or against any theory which takes the image to be the basic constituent of the work.
  • These results are in agreement with those observed in biomimetic systems.
  • More evidence, if any were needed, that the sympathomimetic drugs of recreation cocaine, amphetamines, and ecstasy are bad for the heart.
  • Kant also assumes that although our pleasure in beauty should be a response to the form of an object alone, fine art is paradigmatically mimetic, that is, has representational or semantic content (CPJ, §48, 5: 311). 18th Century German Aesthetics
  • Polymers play an important role in many biological systems, so a fundamental understanding of their cross-links is crucial not only for the development of medicines but also for the development of biomimetic materials.
  • Though imitation should forge some mimetic relation between Ladies and Belphebe, her absolute exceptionality denies the possibility of this relation.
  • We have shown that phase-sensitive specular neutron reflectometry can be used to determine accurately and unambiguously the SLD depth profiles of biomimetic membranes with a resolution in the subnanometer range.
  • She deprives language of its mimetic function, confining it to the site of its utterance and apprehension rather than using it as a tool to comprehend the world.
  • Fever Night or Static Age aka Band of Satanic Outsiders is an acid-trip, psychotomimetic horror film about three Satanists who are faced with serious repercussions after going into the woods one night and worshipping the Devil. Fever Night aka Band of Satanic Outsiders (2009)
  • The essence of realism, it is not merely figurative but meticulously mimetic.
  • Now biomimetic engineers have mimicked this to give surfaces colour without the need for chemical pigments. The Sun
  • Active biomimetic systems as pursued in the new research network have many possible applications as drug delivery systems, molecular sorting devices, diagnostic tools for cell screening, or scaffolds for tissue engineering.
  • Therefore, individuals displaying dramatic psychotomimetic effects resulting from phencyclidine ingestion should be treated as a psychiatric emergency.
  • Britten's setting is mimetic and operatic, the piano part consisting of a stylisation of the boy's fiddling, notated on one stave only.
  • The reductive austerities of Minimalism were followed by a wide range of art movements that brought the body forcefully back into art - although not by the standard mimetic means.
  • Potential for additive effects resulting in hypotension and / or marked bradycardia with oral Ca++ channel blockers, guanethidine or beta blocking agents, antiarrhythmics, digitalis glycosides or parasympathomimetics. IMT Home
  • In an essay on Gerald Graff, Sukenick makes this wonderfully efficient statement: "Mimetic fiction depends on the suspension of disbelief; nonmimetic fiction does not. "Mimetic Fiction"
  • The most difficult task for the mothers was to explain the concept of abstract nouns and mimetic words in Korean.
  • “calloo-calloo” — a mimetic term imitative of the most frequent notes of the bird. My Tropic Isle
  • Pharmacologically, caffeine is a kissing cousin of theophylline, and in high doses it can produce sympathomimetic effects.
  • Cells were exposed either to the radiomimetic drug calicheamicin γ1 (CLγ1) or to ionizing radiation (IR) to create DSBs. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Based on motion similarity of micro robot drive fin and fish caudal fin, this paper discusses fish muscle hydrodynamics, and analyzes propulsion force produced by biomimetic fish-like drive fin.
  • In addition to shedding light on an age-old riddle involving a plant Charles Darwin called ‘one of the most wonderful in the world,’ the discovery has implications for biomimetic systems.
  • As mutagens we used two classic cytostatics: the radiomimetic bleomycin and the recombinogen mitomycin C.
  • In addition, hosts in sympatry were less likely to reject a mimetic model egg than a non-mimetic one.
  • The much-vaunted Frankfurt preference for modernist artworks of great complexity is the preference for a Baudelairean art still intent on risking experimental enactments of romantic aura together with mimetic reflections on postromantic modernity’s most anti-auratic, advanced technical-productive developments. Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • Prior research on interlocking directorates has focused on how overlapping board memberships can promote mimetic isomorphism in a population by facilitating the diffusion of individual policies and structures between firms.
  • High mimetic is not a phase but a heroic register (and one we might well argue turns romance into epic and horror into tragedy). Archive 2009-07-01
  • She had not taken any over-the-counter or prescription sympathomimetics, nor did she have a history of risk factors for hypertension or type 2 diabetes.
  • Mimetic adoption is a rather limited form of organizational learning from the experience of others.
  • Here we used bleomycin, a radiomimetic that generates DSBs with high specificity to focus on the response of PARP-1 to DSBs. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • In the reader's imagination these shards of place and time woven into the mimetic weft cohere into a sense of location, layout of objects, orientation of characters within that immediate frame -- at night, on a street corner, where a side-street joins a wide thoroughfare. Notes on Worldscape
  • I might end up in a similarly systemic view, but I tend to view things like mythos, ethos and dianoia, or Tragedy and Comedy, or mythic, romantic, mimetic and ironic modes as ... epiphenomena. Notes Toward a Theory of Narrative Modality
  • We predicted, based on the egg mimicry hypothesis, that robins and catbirds would eject white cuckoo eggs and accept mimetic blue cuckoo eggs.
  • There is no clinically tested antidote available to antagonize the psychotomimetic symptomatology induced by PCP.
  • Worldbuilding: The ambiguity in the term "worldbuilding" resides in the fact that it was coined for the craft of creating ordinate realities in the manner of Tolkien's highly methodical "subcreation," largely a matter of blocking, bolstering, gilding and bumphing, but has come to be applied not just to worldscapes generated by worldblazing but to any sufficiently foreign and/or complex fictive milieu, even to milieus that are largely mimetic. Archive 2009-12-01
  • One thus finds in Stubbs's portrait of the Pocklington family that the foundational relationship of husband and wife is triangulated and emblematized by the horse, to whom Mrs. Pocklington gives her hand and affections, and beside which the captain stands, legs mimetically poised like the animal's own. 'Sweet Influences': Human/Animal Difference and Social Cohesion in Wordsworth and Coleridge, 1794-1806
  • That sympathomimetic drug, which stimulates the nervous system, increases metabolism and burns fat.
  • Ironic and distanced at first as the proper mimeticist should be, but of course, once you start playing with diegesis, story is so seductive. War of All Against All: Realism vs Fabulism? Er, No…
  • In animal models 5 - HT2 antagonists (ketanserin and spiperone) were shown to block the psychotomimetic effects of both LSD and DOM.
  • Against this backdrop, it is easy to see why several funding agencies have expanded the area of research in biomimetics - in particular, biomimetic electromagnetic sensing.
  • This concentration effect was also observed in biomimetic systems.
  • The biomimetic range is super light but delivers a powerful swing-speed thanks to an open string pattern. Times, Sunday Times
  • the mimetic presentation of images
  • It exhibits the biomimetic qualities of an exoskeleton or possibly a coral. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Vertical Farm - Stackable Highrise - Mexico City
  • Tachycardia and hypertension are the result of sympathomimetic stimulation and the psychedelic effects of the drug result from serotonergic stimulation.
  • LSD - 25, used as a psychotomimetic, allows us to study these problems of communication from the inside and learn how to devise better methods of helping the sick.
  • Where the narrative is aimed to function mainly as a conceptual exploration of a quirk's implications, we may expect to see less bolstering as the alterior reality is argued via that exploration; in some cases -- some future and ulterior realities, for example -- the fictive milieu may be argued directly from the start point of a recognisable mimetic milieu. Archive 2009-12-01
  • This biomimetic windmill sports 19-ft. wings of aluminum and carbon fiber that rotate to and fro — à la bumblebees, hummingbirds and dragonflies — to produce 1-10 kW of wind power suitable for homes and small businesses. Kevin Gardner | Inhabitat
  • Cinacalcet is a calcimimetic agent that is approved for the treatment SHPT in patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis and for the reduction of hypercalcaemia in patients with parathyroid carcinoma and with primary HPT for whom parathyroidectomy would be indicated on the basis of serum calcium levels (as defined by relevant treatment guidelines). Latest News from SYS-CON MEDIA
  • Although these drugs may have antiinflammatory properties, they are considerably less effective than the sympathomimetics and potentially produce more significant side effects.
  • It's easier to write mimetic fiction, in which everything's set in this world just the way it is, than to change things with the conviction that'll keep people walking with you and believing.
  • Two species in whose nests these cuckoos' eggs have been found, and which are known to eject cowbird eggs, did not significantly eject more nonmimetic than mimetic cuckoo eggs.
  • Low mimetic is likewise a non-heroic register, a register of realism in the representation of an individual’s relationship to society. A Theory of Modes and Modalities
  • One alternative to considering the beauty of either art or nature as mimetic is to posit nature as art, that is, to admit that nature itself is exponible, or at least interpretable.
  • The hypertensive effects of cocaine and amphetamines also are sympathomimetic.
  • This paper is focused on their applications as gene delivery vehicles , protein mimetic and catalyst carrier.
  • Barthes's text is a melancholic testament to the horror and fascination Westerners have felt in reaction to the primitivism ushered in by their own civilization, its modernity and its explosive production of mimetic technologies.
  • All the commonly abused drugs are potentially psychotomimetic, Sergeant. Over the Edge
  • Biomimetics is the science of using microelectronics to mimic biological systems.
  • The world last year also got a glimpse of Japan's first child-robot, the CB2, with a so-called "biomimetic" body designed to learn and interact just like a human infant, mimicking a mother-baby relationship. Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
  • Loss of GlcNAcT-IVa, or the addition of glycan-ligand mimetics, attenuates Glut-2 cell-surface half-life, provoking endocytosis with redistribution into endosomes and lysosomes. “I have vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals.”* | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Both of these drugs have been used as appetite suppressants and both have amphetamine-like sympathomimetic effects.
  • The highly interdisciplinary nature of biomimetic work makes it difficult for a single research group to be successful unless its expertise truly spans multiple scientific disciplines.
  • On the one hand, early modern Italy witnessed a proliferation of new techniques of representation that transgressed against earlier, more mimetic ways of seeing and listening.
  • Many techniques that imitate nature - collectively known as biomimetic technologies - are prohibitively expensive.
  • Earth is repeatedly attacked by the Mimetic Beasts, leaving Goh and Anna to defend it in their battle mechas.
  • To convey it, Velazquez passed beyond mimetic rendering to composing with signs of identity when he pictured the Lady with a Fan.
  • Patients taking certain medications, including alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocking agents, oxytocic medications, sympathomimetic agents, general anesthetics, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors are more sensitive.
  • The evolution of language required major additions to the cognitive structure of the mimetic mind.
  • Here the craftsman's labor is a medium of likeness between man and the divine Artifex as well as a means of transgression that, when it overreaches its limit through an impossible copying of what is beyond it, produces the greater unlikeness of the hyper-mimetic hybrid as a secondary, grotesque creation. Archive 2008-02-01
  • To test the validity of the open-state model, molecular dynamics simulations in octane, a lipid bilayer mimetic, were carried out.
  • High potency as an antagonist of 5-HT in isolated smooth muscle preparations was not correlated with high potency as a psychotomimetic.
  • Both realism and naturalism are mimetic systems or practices of representation.
  • Initially, experimentation centered on the belief that the drug served as a psychotomimetic, inducing "model psychosis" in research subjects, which might enable researchers to understand the disease's somatic development. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • Seeing and knowing could not be made congruent in mimetic painting.
  • For example, the aposematic species involved in a Mullerian mimetic association all converge on the same coloration, thereby reducing the number of patterns that local predators have to learn. Mutualism
  • The ability to use the electric field to control the membrane structure opens new opportunities for biomimetic research.
  • The appearance and classification of fat replacer, study and application of carbohydrate fat - mimetic overseas are introduced in the paper.
  • In writing the 1955 review on the "Pharmacology of vascular smooth muscle," I had become very interested in the mechanisms by which sympathetic postganglionic denervation and certain drugs like cocaine markedly potentiate the response of effector organs to epinephrine and norepinephrine, yet markedly reduce the response to the sympathomimetic tyramine. Robert F. Furchgott - Autobiography
  • parasympathomimetic drugs slow the heart rate
  • S. von Euler, A specific sympathomimetic ergone in adrenergic nerve fibers (sympathin) and its relations to adrenaline and nor-adrenaline, Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 12 (1946): 73-97. Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
  • (SHS) exhibits more effective gelling properties than maltodextrin, which is currently applied as a fat mimetic. BakeryAndSnacks RSS
  • His work has the telegraphic simplicity of aboriginal craft and generic morphologies, rather than the more digressive and particularized qualities of realistically mimetic images.
  • Because of its ease of manufacture and ready availability, methamphetamine has become the sympathomimetic amine of choice among stimulant abusers.
  • Only if one accepts the claims of the naturalness of Renaissance artificial perspective can we accept photography as a mimetic representation of the world.
  • Very dorky looking - I much prefer the look of that biomimetic dolphin submersible. Scuba-scuba-doo!
  • Given that a mussel's ability to attach to a variety of surfaces underwater begs imitation, an inspired biomimetic line of research would require knowing which proteins and modifications contribute directly to adhesion and how.
  • The use of sympathomimetics should be avoided in patients with ventricular fibrillation.
  • The staff stands for Aaron and his power without mimetically representing him, as the painting seems paradoxically to observe the Hebraic ethos of iconoclasm that the Jewish leader first violated.
  • Some of the ads were the buildings themselves (it's called mimetic architecture). Latest News
  • As an anticholinesterase, Mev also elicits cardiac depression by a vagomimetic action on the heart via accumulation of acetylcholine. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Availability of the complete primary sequence of several plaque-derived proteins has inspired attempts to produce complete or partial biomimetic analogs.
  • That sympathomimetic drug, which stimulates the nervous system, increases metabolism and burns fat.
  • Among the several biological mimetic systems, cyclodextrins represent one of the most simple ones.
  • The actors have to rely on their mimetic skills.
  • We found high rates of acceptance of nonmimetic eggs in thornbills and fairy-wrens.
  • Howell1 had come to believe that vagus stimulation released potassium in the heart and that this was the cause of the resultant effect, and Bayliss2 discussed the possibility, in view of the similarity in action of the so-called vagomimetic substances and chorda stimulation, that this stimulation might be caused by the production of such substances. Otto Loewi - Nobel Lecture
  • Nevertheless, the ejection of nonmimetic eggs by longspurs suggests they are physically capable of removing cowbird eggs, yet they accepted all cowbird eggs added to their nests.
  • a mimetic dance
  • Philip K. Dick once offered advice on "How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later" -- a nonmimetic writer might offer exactly the opposite advice. "Mimetic Fiction"
  • People undergoing cancer treatment such as radiation and chemotherapy and use of radiomimetic alkylating agents develop secondary Myelodysplastic syndrome as an effect of late toxicity caused by the treatment. Undefined
  • the mimetic tendency of infancy
  • mimetic coloring of a butterfly
  • LSD was a synthetic drug, based on a naturally produced substance, which is called psychotomimetic drugs, made out of this rust.
  • But this does not in reality differ from the Aristotelian mimetic, which is concerned, not only with the real, but also with the possible. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
  • Having tried to design nanosystems for almost a decade, he recently turned to biomimetic principles (mimicking nature) with promising results.
  • In English these are called mimetic words, or a mimesis, but who knows what that means anyway? JapanNewbie
  • The crystalline mirror reminds us that the images of the dream vision are not mimetic representations but allegorical figurations.
  • Frye refers back to his scale here, where he says that, given the historic tendency of verisimilitude to provide plausibility and "reading forward in history [...] we may think of our romantic, high mimetic and low mimetic modes as a series of displaced myths, mythoi or plot-formulas progressively moving over towards the opposite pole of verisimilitude [away from myth, which doesn't require verisimilitude], and then, with irony, beginning to move back" (52). Anime Nano!
  • The Formalists evaluate literary form for its perceptibility and not for its mimetic capacity.
  • Many techniques that imitate nature - collectively known as biomimetic technologies - are prohibitively expensive.
  • Both of these drugs have been used as appetite suppressants and both have amphetamine-like sympathomimetic effects.
  • It has also been suggested that the long-acting sympathomimetics when administered alone may contribute to a loss of control of asthma and even death.
  • Patients taking certain medications, including alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocking agents, oxytocic medications, sympathomimetic agents, general anesthetics, and monoamine oxidase inhibitors are more sensitive.
  • Aspects such as natural ventilation, a safe water supply, an on-site power generator that uses solar, wind and biofuel and biomimetic design features will all be incorporated to create a building that is environmentally and financially sustainable for the people of Haiti. Rick Fedrizzi: Two Years Later: Rebuilding a Resilient Future for Haiti
  • Next time, I'm planning to investigate the notion of mimetic desire - unless there's anywhere else you'd rather visit first. The Guardian World News
  • “Sounds like a hell of a psychotomimetic to me, Doc.” Over the Edge
  • The Mendelian genetics of mimetic color patterns in Heliconius have been well studied using crosses between races and species.
  • A widely used strategy is the use of so-called biomimetic studies, in which the process of biomineralization is simulated by a simplified system in a laboratory. Undefined
  • The staged contrast reveals an acute awareness of this double bind, this problem of representing mimetic desire while remaining insulated from it.
  • Acomplia is a diet pill is a sympathomimetic amine and is known as 'anorexigenic' or 'anorectic' drug too. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Their mimetic intention, unlike that of most mimetic art, does not depend on images in the viewer's memory.
  • The most difficult task for the mothers was to explain the concept of abstract nouns and mimetic words in Korean.
  • While the term mimesis surfaces in numerous fields with diverse connotations, in Girard desire itself tends to be mimetic or imitative. Bloodlust
  • Enclosed was a note suggesting that they use it as a psychotomimetic—a drug that would induce “model psychoses” and thus allow firsthand study of the “pathogenesis of mental illness.” MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • The protagonist of legend can be seen as, relatively speaking, the overman of high mimetic or everyman of low mimetic, while the protagonists of gothic/horror may be seen as, again relatively speaking, everyman of low mimetic or nobody of ironic. A Theory of Modes and Modalities
  • The hypothesis that psychotomimetics induce a rapid dopamine receptor regulation that could participate in the expression of the brain dopaminergic overactivation and in the early signs of psychotic-like behaviour, was checked by radioligand binding on rat brain cryosections.
  • Precipitants include being in a dark room (dilates pupil), stress, and certain drugs (e.g., sympathomimetics or anticholinergics).
  • Many of his works feature astonishingly mimetic renditions of fruits, flora, and vessels, as in the Bacchus.
  • In the standard Western division of genres, mimetic resemblance is the first criterion of portraiture.
  • It is never the case that a single hegemonic entity called capitalism enters new settings that simply succumb in mimetic fashion to the new order that is thus reproduced neatly and cleanly over these remote environments. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • But what one remembers is the the mournful downstage revelry, while upstage a fleshy, ageing chanteuse is mimetically seduced by the MC.

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