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mimeograph machine

  1. a rotary duplicator that uses a stencil through which ink is pressed (trade mark Roneo)

How To Use mimeograph machine In A Sentence

  • Cuba has banned sales to the public of computers, along with photocopiers, printers, and mimeograph machines.
  • Mimeograph: With one mimeograph machine, one operator has made 5,752,500 reproductions. Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. K
  • We had a newsletter called The Roscoe Street Blues, which we ran off with a mimeograph machine.
  • The mimeograph machine was going all the time, churning out a cross-flurry of monographs, memos and rough drafts.
  • Note 2: Beatitude was first published in 1959 on the mimeograph machine at the Bread and Wine Mission on Grant Avenue by Bob Kaufman, John Kelly and others.
  • At the designated time, he showed up in a subterranean Parrish office and was greeted by an upperclassman and a mimeograph machine.
  • In the 1960s - thanks to the mimeograph machine and the photo-offset printed paperback book - poetry was popular, glamorous, engaged, and confrontational.
  • The Gestetner mimeograph machine was at my house, along with a scanner new at the time that allowed us to create mimeograph stencils from original layouts. Larry Magid: Original 1969 Berkeley People's Park Leaflets Found
  • They sit there; they copy opinions from these fools, these babblers, these idiots, the State Department mouthpieces, mimeograph machines!
  • There were 6,000 other prisoners in the camp, and the nurses used an old mimeograph machine to start a public health campaign on the dangers of disease.
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