How To Use Mimeo In A Sentence
The second is a mimeograph typescript of the report of a military court of inquiry into the massacre, assembled at the Mater Hospital.
The people disagreeing would be staying up all night at the Kinkos in Columbus, Indiana, sending a mimeographed newsletter to the handful of other right wing cranks they knew.
For a decade now, former major-label hype guy Alfonso's been printing up Ralph, a free, deliciously mimeographed zine of his Beat-inspired poetry which would find its way across Canada.
In late September 1961, she called everyone she knew and then started sending mimeographed copies of a call to strike on Nov. 1.
Dagmar Wilson, founder of women's peace group, dies at 94
The mother did not ask her about school and did not look up when she pushed the mimeograph worksheets under her nose, did not react as she repeated something the teacher said.
Still Life, With Girl
That night Jo Ann Robinson, a professor at the all-black Alabama State College, and a member of the Women's Political Council went with friends to her college and mimeographed leaflets calling for a boycott of the buses.
In several of his courses, Fermi handed out mimeographed notes before each lecture.
Judy Grahn starts a mimeograph press in Oakland that becomes the Women's Press Collective.
He edited a series of mimeo magazines from his university office.
She mimeographed the syllabus
I mimeographed the following Whalen poem (which I had from a letter he sent me) and passed it around.
He'd handed out a mimeographed sheet telling you what the rules were; everybody had to get a crew cut, coats and ties on game day, no alcohol, no smoking, and an eleven o'clock curfew.
A Letter
After all, they are the original pecking-order punching bags, the bottom-of-the-esteem-food-chain freaks who are universally seen as smelling of mimeograph toner, body odor, and old corn chips.
There were 6,000 other prisoners in the camp, and the nurses used an old mimeograph machine to start a public health campaign on the dangers of disease.
James, a night watchman at a pork and beans factory, sold 75 of his first Abstract, a stapled, mimeographed sheet full of new statistical curios: average length of games by individual umpire, attendance by pitcher, etc.
Cuba has banned sales to the public of computers, along with photocopiers, printers, and mimeograph machines.
An feisty old Texas dairy farmer I knew had this joke in his stack of well-worn mimeographed copies he loved to take out and show to visitors.
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Which doesn't belong on the following list of business tools: mimeograph; overhead projector; flip chart; PowerPoint?
One evening, the workshop leader told us that we had been asked to help collate the pages of a mimeographed magazine.
Anis Shivani: WATCH: Indie Literary Publishing: Editors And Writers Speak Out
Other immediate color associations which come to mind: sepia tones and oddball diner to-go cartons, goldenrod mimeographs, and the wild chartreuse decor of mid-1990s urban splendor.
Over the next few years, I published seven mimeographed issues of Toothpaste, and three mimeographed books, while beginning to learn the craft and history of letterpress printing and small press publishing.
Anis Shivani: WATCH: Indie Literary Publishing: Editors And Writers Speak Out
Mimeograph, theoretically, could reproduce unlimited numbers of copies.
Wednesday, Feb. 17 – The Bleat.
By the time I got to the Berkeley Poetry Conference in 1965 and saw Ted Berrigan read and bought a mimeo copy of The Sonnets, something like a poetics was well underway.
I had previously mentioned to Alan that I was putting together a new poetry mimeo, Shell Magazine, and I wanted desperately to have new work by John in the first issue.
I was alone in a room with my books on a wall and a mimeograph machine at a table nearby.
He had circulated it in mimeograph, but the Church forbade him to publish it while he was alive.
World Wide Mind
Mimeograph: With one mimeograph machine, one operator has made 5,752,500 reproductions.
Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. K
By the time I got to the Berkeley Poetry Conference in 1965 and saw Ted Berrigan read and bought a mimeo copy of The Sonnets, something like a poetics was well underway.
Of course, the health care reform bill is a mimeograph of Mitt Romneycare that differs only in that it expands into Federal programs that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts isn't allowed to monkey with, like Medicare.
TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
We had a newsletter called The Roscoe Street Blues, which we ran off with a mimeograph machine.
An indication of the novelty for him of this surprising ‘Visitation’ came in the early December 1966 note that accompanied it and another occasional poem Dom gave me at the same time for Spice, my latest mimeo venture.
I wanted to order but was finding it hard to read the fuzzy purple letters on the mimeographed menu.
At least let us copy it down to save you the trouble of sending us a mimeograph.
It used to take anywhere from 10 to 20 years for an idea, a notion or news or information, to rise from graffiti on a wall to mimeographed zine to the underground press to the alternative press to the mainstream.
The philosophy was connected to new technology - photocopies or mimeographs to dj studio sound systems and of course audio cassettes.
I carefully folded the mimeographed sheet she handed out to every one of us and took it home after school with enormous excitement.
Archive 2009-06-01
Mimeograph, a newly recorded, four song EP that includes covers of "Rocks Off" (The stories
Her office staff worked long hours mimeographing and mailing the lessons.
Because my civilian job history had included mimeograph operator for two plus years with the Civil Service Commission office in Chicago, I was assigned to work in the Publications Office - an early-day Army version of Kinkos.
Carlson, frustrated at having to make endless hand copies of the patents passing through a law firm where he worked, became convinced that there was a better alternative than messy carbon paper or ink mimeographs.
The mimeograph machine was going all the time, churning out a cross-flurry of monographs, memos and rough drafts.
Note 2: Beatitude was first published in 1959 on the mimeograph machine at the Bread and Wine Mission on Grant Avenue by Bob Kaufman, John Kelly and others.
In the reserve copies transferred from Indiana to Missouri in 1974, mimeo copies without covers were on file before 1940, followed by printed-cover copies beginning with Vol.14.
If you needed more than a handful of copies, then expensive, smelly and imperfect alternatives, like the mimeograph, were your only options.
At the designated time, he showed up in a subterranean Parrish office and was greeted by an upperclassman and a mimeograph machine.
We went from hieroglyphics to mimeographs to home computers, which allow us to mass mail letters that go something like this.
In the 1960s - thanks to the mimeograph machine and the photo-offset printed paperback book - poetry was popular, glamorous, engaged, and confrontational.
The Gestetner mimeograph machine was at my house, along with a scanner new at the time that allowed us to create mimeograph stencils from original layouts.
Larry Magid: Original 1969 Berkeley People's Park Leaflets Found
They sit there; they copy opinions from these fools, these babblers, these idiots, the State Department mouthpieces, mimeograph machines!
The answer is obvious: instead of crudely mimeographed newsletters, the cranks had access to talk radio and the internet, both of which expanded their audience to the point that the mainstream press felt it had to pay attention.
They reminded me of civic leaders I knew back in the United States, of church basements and mimeographed flyers and community meetings; except the community, in their case, was Sadr City.
Day of Honey
Since that time it has grown from a mimeoed sheet distributed to ten newspapers to a printed 20-page packet of articles and graphics mailed to nearly 800 subscribers twice a week.
Me, the King of the Mimeo Revolution (according to Booklist), zinging around through cyberspace like a gooney bird.
John bennett | murmurs and shards « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
They typed their flyers, mimeographed and then distributed them; they painted slogans and graffiti on prominent walls.
When they get up to leave, you notice the little mimeographed magazine they left face down on the table.
Noah published the Ark Newsletter with the mimeograph machine I used to run in the office.
I understand those who choose not to deal with either, but to publicly dismiss them as too complex to bother with marks you as part of the Mimeograph Generation.
I remember Searchlight when it was mimeographed, yes mimeographed, on yellow paper.
Rather than think PowerPoint will solve this perennial problem, we need to adapt it to what we know about how people learn and not repeat the same mistakes that we made using the old purple mimeograph.
Although it was very modest indeed, five or six pages mimeographed on rough paper, I believe it was this newsletter which announced the rebirth of aikido to the general public.
One of my big complaints about Pacifica is that it is still an analog network, dealing with every fringe loon left with a mimeograph.
It's a mimeograph of a newspaper I put out in grade school, proving that I couldn't spell then, either.
Shelves and walls in Latonya's home were filled with family photographs, childlike paintings, and mimeographed school announcements.
This was long ago that the reports were mimeographed and mailed, like small press catalogs.
Ed also wrote regularly for the series of one-shot mimeo magazines I'd begun producing, sub rosa and under cover of darkness, on a mimeograph machine I'd discovered in a broom closet at the University.
I was enthused and immediately ordered North, Towle's first large collection and Lines For The New Year, an Adventures In Poetry mimeo, and bought his subsequent books as soon as they came out.
Sometimes, you might as well be looking at a mimeograph, or a seventh-generation photocopy.
The mimeoed version kept vanishing from the Nuffield library, so at least it was being read, or looked at.
James A. Mirrlees - Autobiography
At the time he was busy mimeographing handouts about ordering constraints among syntactic transformations.
When Woody Guthrie was singing hillbilly songs on a little Los Angeles radio station in the late 1930s, he used to mail out a small mimeographed songbook to listeners who wanted the words to his songs.
That last proviso might have given whale oil entrepreneurs the power to veto electric lighting or allowed mimeograph machine manufacturers to nix photocopiers.
Inside Lord 100, Cris Cheek was rattling through a complex history of performance-based poetry in England in the 70s, and on the screen in front of us flashed many slides of old mimeoed programs of great, if transient events.
Archive 2008-10-01
Knowing the innate power of the press, he bought a mimeograph machine.
CONAN: Ray, have you looked at a copy of the "Green Book" that you've mimeoed from Buck O'Neil?
'Green Book' Helped African Americans Travel Safely
He had been long impressed by the desirability of the rapid production of copies of written documents, and, as we have seen by a previous chapter, he invented the electric pen for this purpose, only to improve upon it later with a more desirable device which he called the mimeograph, that is in use, in various forms, at this time.
Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
My publication was called, "Eldritch Leanings"; and would contain minor thoughts, movie and book reviews, pictures, a little bit of artwork (mostly the cover), and began as a Xeroxed production, then switched to mimeographed, and finally to high-quality printing before I gave it up due to time constraints and embarrassment over how poor my offerings were compared to the scholarly works of others like S.T. Joshi.
Archive 2009-08-01
Mimeograph involved typing into a waxy, blue sheet that cut out an actual blank spot where the key struck the stencil.
Wednesday, Feb. 17 – The Bleat.
His 6,000 inventions included the electric light bulb, the phonograph, and the mimeograph machine.
When E. Joyce Matheny produced church bulletins, she brought them to life the old-fashioned way: with a typewriter from Sears Roebuck and a mimeograph machine she believes was ‘model 410.’
It was produced only as a mimeographed pamphlet in 20,000 copies, which sold for 35 cents.
Judy Grahn starts a mimeograph press in Oakland that becomes the Women's Press Collective.
In 1967, with $400 from an honorarium, he bought a used mimeograph machine, and with the help of poets Johari Amini and Carolyn Rodgers founded Third World Press in the basement of his Southside Chicago apartment.
Frank O'Hara and John Wieners's work inspired cottage industry George Schneeman drawings for covers with mimeo insides.
He finished the stencils in two hours, and, feeling a towering strength in his heretofore ordinary frame, immediately carried them upstairs to the mimeograph machine.
I remember the motion of the feathers on that sparrow's wings from the moment I typed this poem for publication in a mimeograph newsletter.
She was certainly generous and open to letting people use the mimeo and the space.
Solanas mimeographed her manifesto and sold it on the streets.
My mom said I could probably get it mimeographed at the office, but then I wouldn't have anything to type anymore.
As Domenico takes it all in, the mimeograph crescendos into an echo of the city's roar.
Then too there was the maddening task of blind-typing the mimeo stencils.
The mimeograph was the same idea in a totally different form.
Steam, Steel and Electricity
In the 1960s - thanks to the mimeograph machine and the photo-offset printed paperback book - poetry was popular, glamorous, engaged, and confrontational.
For fapans, the mimeograph was the reproductive method of choice (and wouldn't that statement have gotten a reaction from the membership), but a few of the sixty-five members had the equipment and inclination to get fancy.
Sara Ryan
The Old 97's "Mimeograph" EP, which came out this month, features covers of some recognizable
Photos -
Since that time Liberation News Service has grown from a mimeoed sheet distributed to ten newspapers to a printed fifteen-page packet of articles and graphics mailed to over 500 subscribers twice a week.
LNS in Trouble
One of his poems, ‘For Barbara,’ appeared in the mimeo magazine ‘J,’ edited by Jack Spicer; the other two poems will be new, I think, to all but a few.
And for the sailor off the coast of Japan putting out a mimeoed sheet and a prisoner sharing LNS with others, it's even harder.
LNS in Trouble