How To Use Millionth In A Sentence

  • We don't know a millionth of one percent about anything. Thomas A. Edison 
  • As the Irish say, we'll have a very big hooley when the millionth person gets water," Water Affairs Minister Kader Asmal told a media briefing today. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Free radicals are very difficult to study due to their short life-times - measured in millionth's of a second. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1971 - Presentation Speech
  • Some people fondly remember Seiko's Thermic watch, which runs continuously off body heat on 1 microwatt (one-millionth of a watt). Turning Body Heat Into Electricity
  • After washing up and taking 2 aspirins in hope to cure my headache, I exit and re-enter my kitchen for what seems like the millionth time in the past 2 days.
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  • According to the firm's site languagemonitor. com, 'cuddies' - the Hinglish word for ladies underwear or panties; jai ho - used as a term of praise in Hindi that became popular through the Oscar winning 'Slumdog Millionaire'; as well as slumdog - a disparaging description of slum dwellers - are all in the race to becoming the millionth word in the English language. India eNews
  • Each dose contains 50 micrograms (a microgram is one-millionth of a gram and a gram is the weight of one-fifth of a teaspoon of water). Global Immunization: Vaccine Coverage is Variable
  • While microscopic, the particles are large enough to be measured in microns, or millionths of a meter.
  • Then, a line of tiny holes, less than one-millionth of a meter in diameter, is punched into the metal, spaced five micrometers apart. Television
  • A nanometer is one-thousandth of a micron, which is one millionth of a meter.
  • Challenge: today's chips contain millions of elements with features as small as a fraction of a micrometer (millionth of a meter), projected by visible light.
  • Whoever downloads the 500 millionth song wins 10 iPods and an iTunes gift card for 10,000 songs and oh Lordy, would I just love to get my hands on the latter.
  • Thomas Peters is the owner of the popular Catholic insider blog American Papist, which recently received its two millionth visitor. Weblogs
  • One micron is 1 millionth of a meter, and chips with narrower gaps between transistors can perform more functions faster.
  • It signed up its millionth customer in December, and delivered over a million orders in the run-up to Christmas.
  • Edison had tested his tasimeter, and was satisfied that it would measure down to the millionth part of a degree Fahrenheit. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 1
  • And even at millionth, which is the mention number we've reached. Vh1 Blog
  • The DOE states the "maximum contaminant level developed by the Environmental Protection Agency for tritium in drinking water supplies is 20,000 pCi/L or 0.02 microcuries per liter (a picocurie is a millionth of a microcurie).
  • Also, cycling fans got to witness another milestone today, when BSNYC commentator Eben Oliver Weiss typed the word "nonplussed" for the one millionth time during his daily blog. Fully Loaded: Excessive Packaging
  • The technique allows them to chill atoms to a temperature as low as a millionth of a degree above absolute zero.
  • The bomb must explode within less than a millionth of a second.
  • Since an angstrom is a tenth of a millionth of a metre, that's pretty small.
  • Political bloggers need to do better than just parroting their party talking points or being the millionth person to pontificate on something that is going to be moot anyway .... but I guess it did say “partisan” bloggers ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Bloggers unite against finance bill bipartisanship. Split on Obama effect in November
  • The reactors range in diameter from about 400 to 60 microns, or millionths of a meter.
  • “Mm,” I grunt, not bothering to ask him to drop the “doodlebug” thing for the millionth time. Slayed
  • The spectroscope will detect less than one-millionth of the matter contained in the word pencilled above.] [Illustration: _Reproduced by permission of X-Rays Ltd. The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
  • The park has just received its millionth visitor.
  • Then, a line of tiny holes, less than one-millionth of a meter in diameter, is punched into the metal, spaced five micrometers apart. Television
  • Can I a suggestion for the eight millionth time?
  • If, for example, the osmotic pressure measured is the hundred-millionth of a barye, we shall know that a cubic centimetre of hydrogen under normal conditions (pressure equal to a million baryes) contains 100 million million times n molecules (1014 n). Jean Baptiste Perrin - Nobel Lecture
  • Last year the millionth truck rolled off the assembly line.
  • All the door staff were primed to leap into action when the ticket machines recognised the 10-millionth visitor and were waiting for the moment.
  • The diameter of the pore is so small that it corresponds to that of a single ion (0. 5-0.6 millionths of a millimetre). Physiology or Medicine 1991 - Press Release
  • Coventry City football club counted their millionth supporter through the gates last Saturday.
  • The reaction event proper is a molecular drama that takes place under an exceedingly short time span - of the order of a millionth of a millionth of a second - times scientists refer to as a "picosecond". The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986 - Presentation Speech
  • By coincidence John Shimer was also in Southampton, on the gang plank, only feet away from the ‘Two Millionth Yank’, who embarked for France on January 16, 1945.
  • Now, the point about polonium is of course that we need, as you just said, very tiny amounts, a microgram, which is a millionth of gram, of polonium will do terrible damage to you once inside your body. CNN Transcript Nov 29, 2006
  • The researches had been able to put flat plates millionth of a meter apart.
  • WACO (June 2, 2010) - Oncor installed its 1-millionth digital smart meter Wednesday at a home on Crestwood Drive in Waco as independent testing continued to ensure the new meters are accurate. KWTX - HomePage - Headlines
  • I don't analyse visitor statistics in detail, just a one line summary each day, so I've no way of telling who was the two-millionth visitor.
  • The technique allows them to chill atoms to a temperature as low as a millionth of a degree above absolute zero.
  • Ram is where the computer holds data while it is processing it, and it can pull data in and out of Ram in as little as 5 nanoseconds (nano = one millionth).
  • This year, PSI will deliver its 120 millionth mosquito net, and we are set to distribute an additional nine million nets in a campaign planned for the Democratic Republic of Congo later this year. Karl Hofmann: World Malaria Day: Our Work Is Not Over
  • Last year the millionth truck rolled off the assembly line.
  • The level that's regarded in Australia as being an unacceptable level is more than 10 micrograms per decilitre in the blood, which means 10-millionths of a gram for each tenth of a litre of blood.
  • A microsievert (μSv)is one millionth of a sievert (Sv), which is a standard international unit of radiation dose. Leigh Vinocur, M.D.: Full Body Scanners: Should You Really Be Concerned?
  • For the one millionth time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The grids comprise carbon nanotubes - long, hollow cylinders of pure carbon a few millionths of a millimetre across and several thousand nanometres long.
  • So he put the black magic in a can - and Guinness recently sold its 100 millionth tin.
  • A unit of length equal to one thousandth ( 10 - 3 ) of a millimeter or one millionth ( 10 - 6 ) of a meter.
  • This is no trivial task as current worldwide production is around one millionth of a gram. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trouble was that a mere microgram (millionth of a gram) can kill, if lodged in the lungs.
  • Its lifetime has been found to be 100 million times shorter than the lifetime of the µ-meson, which is one-millionth of a second. Nobel Prize in Physics 1950 - Presentation Speech
  • A nanometer is one-thousandth of a micron, which is one millionth of a meter.
  • This is a map in the scale of one - millionth.
  • The bubbles then expand to a much larger size, about 6,000 microns, or millionths of a meter - large enough to be seen with the unaided eye.
  • Last year the millionth truck rolled off the assembly line.
  • In the most recent studies, lead was not detectable in most foods and the average dietary intake of lead was about 1 microgram (a microgram is a millionth of a gram) per kilogram of body weight/day. Public Health Statement for Lead
  • He has held back planting the one millionth tree because of his illness. Times, Sunday Times
  • A nanometre is one millionth of a millimetre and corresponds to only a few layers of atoms. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2007
  • By one estimate, no more than a millionth of a gram of astatine has ever been produced in the lab.
  • In the years 1986 to 1991, the average adult in the United States consumed an average of 0.8 micrograms (a microgram is a millionth of a gram) of DDT a day. Public Health Statement for DDT, DDE, and DDD
  • Last year the millionth truck rolled off the assembly line.
  • Once considered blue-sky research, the field has produced such milestones as carbon nanotubes a few hundred millionths of an inch thick that function as the world's tiniest transistors.
  • Miraculously, the whole process only takes a millionth of a second.
  • The new ‘evidence’ is tiny (one-millionth of an inch in diameter) crystals of magnetite, a magnetic oxide of iron.
  • The grids comprise carbon nanotubes - long, hollow cylinders of pure carbon a few millionths of a millimetre across and several thousand nanometres long.
  • Times of India - NEW DELHI: 'Jai ho', 'cuddies' and 'slumdog' are among the 73 other finalists from across the globe to become the millionth English word. ... A new species called "Slumdog"
  • These things are measured in nanometres, with a nanometre being a millionth of a millimetre, or about as far as a fingernail grows in a second.
  • Within less than a millionth of a second, this vapor expands into a highly luminous mass of burning air and nuclear material that ascends on its own far up into the atmosphere, reaching widths as large as thousands of feet across.
  • The cells were then placed one at a time between two tiny mirrors, just 20 millionths of a metre across, which acted as the "laser cavity" in which light could bounce many times through the cell.
  • MY girlfriend left me last week for what feels like the millionth time. The Sun
  • THE mighty Mini clocked up another milestone this week - as the two millionth rolled off the production line. The Sun
  • The level that's regarded in Australia as being an unacceptable level is more than 10 micrograms per decilitre in the blood, which means 10-millionths of a gram for each tenth of a litre of blood.
  • Like the gray, the sievert is a large unit and for normal radiation protection levels a series of prefixes are used: nanoSievert (nSv) is one thousand millionth of a Sievert (1/1,000,000,000) microSievert (µSv) is one millionth of a Sievert (1/1,000,000) milliSievert (mSv) is one thousandth of a Sievert (1/1,000) Radiation units
  • The other is nanotechnology, which promises to reduce the size of electronic components to one-millionth of a meter, or roughly 10 times the size of an atom.
  • But I can understand a certain impatience with reading the millionth entry in the log of the USS Mary Sue (or Ye Unpredictably Capitalized Chonicles of Mary Sue, or whatever). Quote of the Day
  • The moving object is in motion during exposure, no matter whether the time be a fiftieth or a millionth part of a second.
  • ** Though a nanosecond has a technical definition as a millionth of a second, PT has always been partial to the folk definition: A nanosecond is the length of time between when the light in front of you goes green and the car behind you honks its horn. Who will replace Van Blake?
  • Nanotechnology uses the scale of the nanometre, equal to one millionth of a millimetre.
  • Said hyphenate's name is Josh, and his film, Winter Solstice, is about the millionth variation on a tried-and-true template.
  • The data are stored in tiny sheets of plastic polymer film as tiny indentations just 10 nanometers, or millionths of a millimeter, in diameter.
  • These things are measured in nanometres, with a nanometre being a millionth of a millimetre, or about as far as a fingernail grows in a second.
  • Last year the millionth truck rolled off the assembly line.
  • The measurements require an accuracy in timing which is good to ten millionths of a second.
  • This is a map in the scale of one - millionth.
  • The watchdog recently opened up its one millionth case about PPI. Times, Sunday Times
  • June 6th, 2009 NEW DELHI - 'Jai ho', 'cuddies' and 'slumdog' are among the 73 other finalists from across the globe to become the millionth English word. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The data are stored in tiny sheets of plastic polymer film as tiny indentations just 10 nanometers, or millionths of a millimeter, in diameter.
  • The measurements require an accuracy in timing which is good to ten millionths of a second.
  • A nanometre is one millionth of a millimetre. photo: © IBM The Nobel Prize in Physics 2007
  • THE two millionth new Mini will roll off the production line today. The Sun
  • Nanotechnology uses the scale of the nanometre, equal to one millionth of a millimetre.
  • The bomb must explode within less than a millionth of a second.
  • Now, if you just want to tell the time, you can pay £30 and get a radio-controlled clock that will tell the time to one millionth of a second, which is great.
  • Last year the millionth truck rolled off the assembly line.
  • These things are measured in nanometres, with a nanometre being a millionth of a millimetre, or about as far as a fingernail grows in a second.
  • Frankly the thought's so scary that I'm now scrabbling around for a shampoo that guarantees me precisely 100% normal shininess and not a single millionth of a percentage either way.
  • As of 1791, the meter was defined as one ten-millionth the distance from the North Pole to the equator along the line of longitude that passes through Paris.
  • The library announced yesterday that it had been able to buy the pamphlet thanks to benefactors and put it online, its 12 millionth printed item. Times, Sunday Times
  • As you remember, last week when we discussedBored to Death with Ted Danson, I waxed on (for probably the millionth time) about my love ofCheers. Josh Wolk's Pop Culture Club talks 'The Good Wife': Who knew we needed another legal show? |
  • A microgram is a millionth of a gram; a deciliter is one-tenth of a liter. For many kids, lead threat is right in their own homes
  • The two millionth won't take so long coming. Times, Sunday Times
  • There I was, sitting half-naked in public for the tenth time that day, the hundredth time that month, the millionth time in my life — and the associations were inconsistent? The Case Against Breast-Feeding
  •  He noticed for the millionth time that her fingertips were slightly spatulate, as if her body needed to touch more, feel more than other people. The Secret Animal
  • A nanometer is one-thousandth of a micron, which is one millionth of a meter.
  • These things are measured in nanometres, with a nanometre being a millionth of a millimetre, or about as far as a fingernail grows in a second.
  • Photos: TF Hammerhead celebrates two 'millionth' gallon pumped Blackanthem Military News
  • The device can detect even tiny concentrations of less than one microgram (one millionth of a gram) per liter.
  • According to NASA, a complex computer model's preliminary calculation shows that Earth's days should have shortened by 1.26 microseconds (a microsecond is a one millionth of a second). CTV News RSS Feed
  • She picked me up in her brand new Mustang Convertible about a second after I'd finished spritzing my hair for the millionth time.
  • I always mean to be rude to these people but Jehovah's Witnesses always seem to have a good looking young lady in their team and lust kicks in so you end up talking politely about evolution for the millionth time. What to do with missionaries
  • A new imaging technique developed by researchers at the University of Illinois overcomes the limit of diffraction and can reveal the atomic structure of a single nanocrystal with a resolution of less than one angstrom (less than one hundred-millionth of a centimeter). Friday!
  • I stare at my reflection in the kitchen window and ask for the millionth time,'What is wrong with me? Times, Sunday Times
  • A microsecond is a unit of time equal to one millionth (10-6) of a second. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • I don't analyse visitor statistics in detail, just a one line summary each day, so I've no way of telling who was the two-millionth visitor.
  • 'Jai ho', 'cuddies' and 'slumdog' are among the 73 other finalists from across the globe to become the millionth English word. India eNews
  • A microsievert (μSv)is one millionth of a sievert (Sv), which is a standard international unit of radiation dose. Leigh Vinocur, M.D.: Airport Scanners: Should You Really Be Concerned?
  • Smaller units of time are measured in milliseconds which are one thousandth of a second and microseconds, which are one millionth of a second.

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