
How To Use Millimetre In A Sentence

  • Even the global sea level is now half a millimeter higher than it was before the temblor.
  • We asked the surgeon, are you talking millimeters, centimeters, inches?
  • Therefore, although it is the summation of light from several millimeters of tissue, the transilluminated signal gives the appearance of originating from a fairly restricted depth.
  • The unit of measurement is actually millimeters of mercury, and that figure of 120 just means the pressure is high enough to hold up a column of mercury 120 mm high.
  • Crews endure loneliness, sensory deprivation, disorientating microgravity and the anxiety of knowing the vacuum of space is kept from them by an aluminium hull just a few millimetres thick.
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  • The researchers combined the copper patterns with millimetre-sized round holes in the surface, which leads to additional resonances as in so called photonic crystals and further improves the absorption. - latest science and technology news stories
  • American point (ap) :ap is a traditional unit in United States, it is a little bit smaller than the point, it is approximately equal to 0.3514 millimeters. Adobe Blogs
  • Patches can range from a few millimetres to a few centimetres in size.
  • Since the end of the 18th century we know of the existence of a curious structure in the region of the sinus, the glomus caroticum or carotid body which, in man, extends over only a few millimetres. Physiology or Medicine 1938 - Presentation Speech
  • These vary in width from a few millimetres to a few hundred metres.
  • The loonie is a seven-gram, 11-sided disk - technically a hendecagon - 26.5 millimetres in diameter and 1.75 millimetres thick.
  • Let the pressure fall 2 millimeters, or lines on the dial, per second while listening for your heart sounds.
  • With a small whoosh, one of four 15- millimeter projectiles streaks from the munition pod strapped to his wrist.
  • Larvae range from a few millimeters to a few decimeters, while adults can range from less than 1 cm to 2 m.
  • The beauty of its composition would be destroyed, he said, if one were to move any of the vertical or horizontal black lines just a millimetre or two.
  • Physically he had been just one millimetre closer to Doreen than ever before, but emotionally he had crossed a frontier.
  • This textbook provides an introduction to turbulent motion occurring naturally in the ocean on scales ranging from millimetres to hundreds of kilometres.
  • The culprits are psocids - or booklice - which are common but harmless insects between one and two millimetres long.
  • The small-scale karren features, usually a few millimetres to a few metres in size, are the most widespread karstic landform.
  • The resolution of this addressing technique is about two thousandths of a millimetre - over a length of one millimetre, therefore, several hundred qubits could be stored.
  • Before the skull emerges, he "collapses" it by inserting a three-millimeter instrument known as a cannula and extracting its fluid. Re: Am I Blue? - Swampland -
  • To within a few millimetres, human brains share a reading hotspot - what Stanislas Dehaene calls the "letterbox" - on the bottom of the left hemisphere. Stephen's Lighthouse
  • Apparently Britain had moved a millimetre, it's so weird to contemplate that an earthquake can move a land mass that's so far away.
  • Love cannot be measured in millimetres, weighed in ounces or unwrapped and sliced.
  • They present also a peak of 4 millimeters centered at the azimuth - 20 [degrees] and 40 [degrees] elevation angle.
  • The sizes often vary from several millimeters to several centimeters.
  • Rhinoplasty is precise surgery in which the margin of error is measured in millimeters.
  • To complete the magnet, the coils were encased in an iron yoke then wrapped in a 40-millimeter-thick aluminum shell.
  • The tongs pinch your skin and a gauge measures the hunk of flesh in millimeters.
  • In addition, it might be physically impossible for newly hatched zooplankton to emerge into the water column were they to hatch more than a few millimeters deep in the mud.
  • Adapters to fit a variety of scopes are available and fix the camera lens and scope eyepiece within millimetres of each other keeping vignetting to a minimum.
  • In 1867 the difference between the highest and lowest barometrical readings was not more than 13.96 millimetres.
  • It is a widespread phenomenon that takes place at different scales: the large mass of soil brought up among the exposed roots of a wind-toppled oak tree and the few-millimeter thick sediment layer disturbed along the trail of a tiny aquatic snail are both examples of bioturbation. Archive 2007-01-01
  • It is just a couple of centimetres square, a few millimetres thick and unbelievably easy to use. Times, Sunday Times
  • With these branching patterns, roots can be characterized by fractal analysis over a range of scales from about a quarter of a millimetre to several centimetres.
  • The firm notes on its Web site that the process can create objects with high precision at scales of less than a thousandth of a millimeter.
  • The design team solved the issue of thermal heat by using a disc platter that was reduced to a size of 2.5 in. or 65 millimeters in diameter.
  • It won't be the world's first submillimetre telescope, but it will be substantially larger and more sensitive than the others. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The Ogluinsky mine specimens are millimeter-sized octahedra, and the Nicolay mine specimens are unabraded and have mica attached.
  • One exhibit will focus on microdots which are photographed documents reduced to a size less than 1 millimetre.
  • Oh, and the screens are just a few millimetres thick and highly energy-efficient. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are less than a millimetre long and feed on scales of human skin. The Sun
  • Woody stem diameters were measured with calipers to the nearest millimeter immediately above the root collar.
  • Patches can range from a few millimetres to a few centimetres in size.
  • He opened it to find reel upon reel of sixteen millimeter film, labeled in black marker. DO NO HARM
  • The glass is only one millimetre thick, and is pale amethyst in colour.
  • They are less than a millimetre long and feed on scales of human skin. The Sun
  • It is remarkable, also, that we are enabled to superpose and obtain the maximum effects on thin strips of iron from ¼ to ½ millimeter in thickness, while in thicker rods we have far less effect, being masked by the comparatively neutral state of the interior, the exterior molecules then reaching upon those of the interior, allowing them to complete in the interior their circle of attractions. Scientific American Supplement, No. 392, July 7, 1883
  • The prototype four-legged robot weighs just 10 grams and measures 70 millimeters in height.
  • The manufacturing breakthrough that made this possible is a system of drawing out a foot-long "preform" with millimeter-thick layers, into hundreds of meters of fiber with micron-thick layers. Medgadget
  • Space Telescope as well as from observations done with the APEX 12-metre submillimetre telescope, astronomers discovered the presence of a jet. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Using 35-millimeter film, the camera produced high quality pairs of images that could be viewed in hand-held illuminated stereoscopes or projected using polarizing filters.
  • The reserve has a hot arid continental desert climate and lies just beyond the 100 millimeters (mm) average annual isohyet. Aïr and Ténéré Natural Reserves, Niger
  • The scientists found on the ocean floor miniscule meiofauna, single-celled creatures less than half a millimeter long, the most successful and numerous animal in the southern sea.
  • Body size was assessed using two measures: body length from the frons to the end of the abdomen (in millimeters), and the combined lengths of the hind tibia and tarsus leg segments (in millimeters).
  • I have to shave a few millimeters off the bottom of the door to make it shut.
  • In the quaint 1950s in the very Puritan U.S., there were "nudist" and "art photo" magazines that pushed the legal envelop and "men's" magazines explored how much of a woman's anatomy they could show and still stay at least one millimeter away from the legal limit. Sunbelt Blog
  • ‘If all the planets were to align perfectly with each one as close as possible to the Earth, their gravity would raise the ocean tides by just one 25th of a millimetre,’ the agency said.
  • Place a layer about six millimetres (a quarter of an inch) thick on a tray, lined with plastic wrap.
  • A 500-millimeter lens enabled him to photograph a mother polar bear and her two cubs from a reasonably safe distance.
  • They run millimetres from the ground and have all the suspension movement of a roller skate.
  • They are only up to five millimetres long and burrow into the silt in tiny pods.
  • Geologists have tried various zircon treatments, including abrading the outer surfaces of the crystals, which are typically a tenth of a millimeter across, or leaching the crystals with strong acid.
  • The average in England this month has been seven millimetres - equivalent to a few heavy dews - and it has been drier in the east than the west.
  • She shaved a few millimetres off the bottom of the door, so that it would open more easily.
  • They are less than a millimetre long and feed on scales of human skin. The Sun
  • The 120 square millimeter chip is twice as fast as its predecessor, the A4, which is also made by Samsung, according to reports from teardown firms that have taken Apple's devices apart. Reuters: Top News
  • Echinoderms are also not microscopic, except for their larvae; they range from a few millimeters to a few decimeters in size, although the stalks of some crinoids could reach a length of over a meter.
  • One centimetre is equal to 10 millimetres.
  • Millimeter is used as length unit in this drawing unless otherwise noted.
  • It is usually about 20 millimetres in diameter, with the requisite internal nut and as hard as a stone.
  • It would be much less than a millimetre even involved these days in much surgery, particularly microsurgery.
  • In the back of the truck was a 12.7 millimeter rapid-fire machine gun.
  • Newer electrodes using transparent indium-tin oxide as conductor material have increased the electrode density from 36 to 64 per square millimeter.
  • In an email to AFP, Han said the experiment entailed a tiny microfluidic chip, just a few millimetres (fraction of an inch) square, that desalted just 10 microlitres per minute. : Breaking News
  • Next thing I knew I was plunked a millimetre above the elbow.
  • She found clams with shells measuring 4.5 millimeters that had elongated their feet some 13 centimeters from the shell.
  • Tinea capitis often presents with multiple hairs broken off at the scalp level (or a few millimeters above) and scale, papules, or pustules.
  • Infrared and submillimetre measurement show that Vega is surrounded by a disc of dust, while irregularities in the disc suggest that there is at least one Jupiter-sized planet. Starwatch
  • They had almost come alongside for tea when Captain Fang had unholstered the dorsal cannon and fired a burst of caseless thirty millimeter high-explosive rounds into the Rover. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Goose feathers have to be trimmed down to the exact millimetre and heels are filed into a sharp metal triangle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vane - radiator is an ideal cooling device for beam millimeter - wave traveling wave tube.
  • Patches can range from a few millimetres to a few centimetres in size.
  • It has been calculated that if the total rainfall over the Earth were averaged out, each place would get something like 800 millimetres of rain a year.
  • A baby and toddler may require a double buggy (carefully designed to be three millimetres wider than the doorway of your favourite shop).
  • A pixel density of 2,500 pixels per square millimeter corresponds to a pixel size of only 20 micrometers.
  • Tests of the Active Denial System, a ray gun that shoots painful millimeter waves, have ranged from terrifying to laughable.
  • There's a thousand microns in a millimetre for reference there.
  • The diameter of the pore is so small that it corresponds to that of a single ion (0. 5-0.6 millionths of a millimetre). Physiology or Medicine 1991 - Press Release
  • Slowly, millimetre by careful millimetre, she inched her hand towards the pouch.
  • The following morphological measures were obtained from each otter: body length, total length (nose to tip of tail), baculum length, testicle width (in millimeters), and body weight (in kilograms).
  • If every single pilot in America shows up for work with a nine-millimeter on his belt, are the security bozos really going to shut down the country again?
  • A transparent cast ran from her knee to a few millimeters below her crotch, the skin beneath the rigid micropore mottled with bruises, the black shading into ugly yellow. Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth
  • General Hospital, said The root cause of acne is a lipid-rich gland, the sebaceous gland, which sits a few millimetres below the surface of the skin. Boing Boing: April 9, 2006 - April 15, 2006 Archives
  • Snow pellets or graupel are spherical white bits of ice that have a diameter less than 5 millimeters. Precipitation and fog
  • I can see things now to within a fraction of a millimeter," says Tewari, who has done nearly 300 robotic prostatectomies in the past year. Cutting Edge
  • Epididymite was known several years ago from a few small (millimeter-sized) crystals that occurred on some specimens and also as inclusions of white acicular crystals in smoky quartz.
  • The margins were expansile and located within a few millimeters of the overlying epithelium.
  • This spider is about the size of a Black Widow in body length, has a leg span of 20-30 millimeters (1 inch) and has a violin-shaped marking on its back. Spider Bites
  • The margin was only a millimetre or two, a row of stitches on the seam. Times, Sunday Times
  • Together the layers are only about a millimetre thick. The Sun
  • We are talking about maybe less than millimetres of margin in the cars and engines. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pollen diameter was recorded in units with the aid of a micrometer placed in the eyepiece of the microscope and later transformed into millimeters.
  • The story does not differ one millimetre from that. The Sun
  • They are less than a millimetre long and feed on scales of human skin. The Sun
  • His team removed turf from about one third of the outfield to a depth of 30 millimetres. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their boffins used sophisticated hospital scanners to mould the exact shape of Schuey's head to within one-tenth of a millimetre.
  • The mean rainfall for September, across much of the country, ranges between a millimetre and some four millimetres.
  • It was within a millimetre of a potentially fatal injury. The Sun
  • Localized cataclastic deformation is common in both areas of outcrop, with millimetre-scale shatter seams containing comminuted material and rounded strained grains of quartz and feldspar.
  • Some of the materials used in the timber-framed building will be recycled, including 300 millimetres of newspaper insulation in the walls.
  • The main criterion for subdivision of the detrital rocks is grain size, given as the diameter of the grain in millimeters.
  • Who could dream some ten years ago that science would be able to penetrate the problems of heredity in that way, and find the mechanism that lies behind the crossing results of plants and animals; that it would be possible to localize in these chromosomes, which are so small that they must be measured by the millesimal millimetre, hundreds of hereditary factors, which we must imagine as corresponding to infinitesimal corpuscular elements. Physiology or Medicine 1933 - Presentation Speech
  • Their boffins used sophisticated hospital scanners to mould the exact shape of Schuey's head to within one-tenth of a millimetre.
  • I have to shave a few millimeters off the bottom of the door to make it shut.
  • The Hope Diamond is a very brilliant deep blue faceted ovoid diamond that measures 25.60 millimeters by 21.78 millimeters by 12.00 millimeters and weights 45.52 carats. Hope Iv | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Recent upgrades on Earth mean that the laser teams can measure the lunar orbit to within a few millimetres. Times, Sunday Times
  • The specific areas of the sample selected for ablation are subjected to a burst of laser light, which acts like a microscopic thermal lance, to vaporise a tiny spot on the surface just 0.02 millimetre wide.
  • A dielectric waveguide integrated plasma lamp is disclosed for powering a small and bright bulb with a diameter of a few millimeters.
  • In the back of the truck was a 12.7 millimeter rapid-fire machine gun.
  • And, because light can penetrate only about one millimeter into the skin, the glucose actually being monitored is contained in fluid found around blood vessels, called interstitial fluid, not within the vessels. Researchers Beaming at Light's Medical Uses
  • The grids comprise carbon nanotubes - long, hollow cylinders of pure carbon a few millionths of a millimetre across and several thousand nanometres long.
  • With the laser's ability to be focused to points of a few micrometres or millimetres in diameter, high power densities can be spatially confined to heat target tissues.
  • Apertures range from millimetre to decimetre.
  • Corals consist of an extremely thin layer of living tissue (often less than a millimeter thick) over a rock-like skeleton of calcium carbonate. Disease-Hunting Scientist: Dr. Laurie Richardson and black-band disease in coral
  • The shale is extremely fragile, and Gess's main tool has been a pen knife, with which he systematically prises layers apart, centimetre by centimetre, or even millimetre by millimetre.
  • It uses a simple roller with fine blades to cut a pattern of parallel slits in a 0.1-millimetre-thick sheet of a piezoelectric ceramic material called lead zirconate titanate.
  • Hundreds of thousands of pollen and spores are usually preserved in a few millimetres' thickness of sediment, each giving a clear identity of their parent plant. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • A unit of length equal to one thousandth ( 10 - 3 ) of a millimeter or one millionth ( 10 - 6 ) of a meter.
  • I shaved a few millimetres from the bottom of the door to make it close properly.
  • Seven universities from four provinces have joined the international effort to build the submillimetre wavelength telescope. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Some travel a few millimeters in their lifetimes, others thousands of miles.
  • Engine oscillation is held to a few thousandths of a millimeter.
  • Some travel a few millimeters in their lifetimes, others thousands of miles.
  • They used computers to design the complex branching of the veins and arteries that ranged from 10 microns to 3 millimetres wide.
  • Third, anti-aircraft division, 37 millimeters equipped with 30 anti-aircraft guns, 16 anti-aircraft 57-mm, 85 mm anti-aircraft 11, 100 mm anti-aircraft gun 7, and searchlight units and radar units.
  • A millimeter is one - thousandth of a meter.
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  • Generally, the sliding strips are flush with an edge of the glazing and they project into the interior of the glazing beyond the power lead-ins by at least about 5 millimeters.
  • The ALS is one of only two places in the world where photoelectron spectroscopy can be performed on surfaces at pressures above 1 torr (a unit of pressure equivalent to 1 millimeter of mercury in a barometer).
  • This thesis talk about millimeter wave (MMW) and LFMCW, its main mission is design and debug hardware of the radar target processor.
  • Echinoderms are also not microscopic, except for their larvae; they range from a few millimeters to a few decimeters in size, although the stalks of some crinoids could reach a length of over a meter.
  • We were one millimetre or so away from winning the game. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plastic shopping bags are currently about 15 microns thick (a micron is a thousandth of a millimetre).
  • It those days, television was distributed for syndication on something they called kinescope, or sixteen millimeter black and white movie film played directly into a machine for conversion to video on local TV stations.
  • With millimeter and submillimeter waves, we can watch planet formation, investigate astrochemistry and detect the light that is finally reaching us from the universe's earliest galaxies," said Alison Peck, an NRAO astronomer serving as ALMA deputy project scientist during construction.
  • A nanometre is one millionth of a millimetre and corresponds to only a few layers of atoms. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2007
  • Predict today the city zone of before dawn make one's bow, bring the 2 precipitation to 5 millimeter, end gradually afternoon.
  • Patches can range from a few millimetres to a few centimetres in size.
  • Lengths range from just a few millimeters to several centimeters.
  • Microsurgical replantation involves in addition to fixation of bone for stability and tendon repair for mobility, the repair of nerves and blood vessels with diameters as small as a millimetre.
  • Not a millimetre of individualism or personality was in evidence.
  • By contrast, pain fibers only pick up sensations from a millimeter away. Mozart, Mahler, Magic
  • The fungus and algal cells of lichens are associated together in a spongy thallus which can range in diameter from less than 1 millimeter (mm) to more than 2 meters (m). Lichen
  • A tolerance of one millimetre means that the measurement has to be within one millimetre of what has been specified.
  • Place a layer about six millimetres (a quarter of an inch) thick on a tray, lined with plastic wrap.
  • All of these outcomes were measured on visual analog scales with scores expressed as millimeters from to 100.
  • The vegetation communities of the Cauca Valley montane forests are very diverse and range from dry enclaves in the foothills of the eastern versant of the Western range of the Andes (precipitation 500-1,000 millimeters [mm]/year), to very humid forests on the middle and upper elevations of the western versant of the Central range (precipitation up to 3,000 mm/year). Cauca Valley montane forests
  • Malleable, silver may be beaten into a leaf 0.00025 millimeters thin.
  • The result is that your honker can droop by as much as 10 whole millimetres. Times, Sunday Times
  • A tolerance of one millimetre means that the measurement has to be within one millimetre of what has been specified.
  • In the back of the truck was a 12.7 millimeter rapid-fire machine gun.
  • Dr. Schafer uses a local anesthetic combined with a mild intravenous sedative before making an incision a few millimeters long under each arm.
  • Apertures range from millimetre to decimetre.
  • They need to be one millimetre apart. The Sun
  • Normal rainfall in the province was between 120 millimeters and 130 millimeters.
  • You take the brown snake, its fang length is about 2-millimetres, and in one of the patients that we had, the spider actually bit straight through someone's fingernail.
  • Easier, but not easy, and still only around a billionth of a millimetre over five million kilometres.
  • The movement of the pillar is measured in millimetres.
  • Typically, the in-plane resolution is several hundreds of micrometres with observed slices of several millimetres thickness.
  • Millimeter waves at 35 to 70 GHz could have a much higher transmission capacity.
  • Inches here, millimeters there, it didn't matter; all of the shots were misses.
  • The grids comprise carbon nanotubes - long, hollow cylinders of pure carbon a few millionths of a millimetre across and several thousand nanometres long.
  • These things are measured in nanometres, with a nanometre being a millionth of a millimetre, or about as far as a fingernail grows in a second.
  • Lesion size can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters.
  • I don't mind dying a bit, if it is my Maker's pleasure; if it would serve any useful purpose; if it would help my country a myriadth part of a millimetre on towards victory. The Red Planet
  • 3. How many millimetres are there in a decametre [can also be spelt [or spelled] with a ‘k’]? Archive 2009-05-01
  • He estimated the separation between the stripes of excited neurones from reported hallucinations to be 2 millimetres.
  • Among the tiny sand grains was this tiny foraminiferan shell almost exactly a millimeter wide. A shell of a different kind
  • The spacing of the rods, each of which measured one thousandth of a millimetre wide, alters a property of the material known as the refractive index, which changes the speed of light inside it. The Guardian World News
  • The bugs are only a few thousandths of a millimetre across and lack the cell walls which most bacteria have.
  • Annual rainfall ranges from 12,000 millimeters (one of the highest rainfall rates in the world) on the western slopes of the Southern Alps, to less than 300 millimeters in the rainshadow areas east of the Southern Alps. The Kermadec Islands have a subtropical climate, with warm, moist conditions throughout the year, while the Chatham Islands have a cloudy, humid climate, with cool, wet winters and warm, usually dry summers. Biological diversity in New Zealand
  • It may be found on any part of the body as a scaly and crusted patch from a few millimeters to many centimeters in diameter.
  • One wound was millimetres from being fatal. The Sun
  • At the wettest place at sea level, the mean annual precipitation is 356 millimeters (mm), whilst at 200 m above sea level the equivalent figure is 1,092 mm. Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador
  • The intermediate arm is finished to a tolerance of 0.008 mm, and the cams controlling the eccentric shaft are machined to tolerances of a few hundredths of a millimeter.
  • Engine oscillation is held to a few thousandths of a millimeter.
  • As far as styling goes Lakewood are obviously borrowing heavily from the Martin heritage, since in outline these are millimetre-perfect dreadnought copies.
  • Setae range in length from a few micrometers to several millimeters.
  • Metric Lengths. -- 10 millimeters 1 centimeter, 10 centimeters 1 decimeter, 10 decimeters 1 meter, 10 meters 1 dekameter, 10 dekameters 1 hektometer, 10 hektometers 1 kilometer. The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing A Manual of Ready Reference
  • His list of demands - about the conditions, the noise, the exact shade and millimetre length of the squares on the board - grew longer each day.
  • Slowly, millimetre by careful millimetre, she inched her hand towards the pouch.
  • It may be found on any part of the body as a scaly and crusted patch from a few millimeters to many centimeters in diameter.
  • Then there's Alma, another telescope in the Atacama searching for submillimetre radiation, Hubble in a near-Earth orbit and the yet-to-be-launched James Webb Space Telescope that will observe the beginnings of the universe from 1m miles above Earth. TV review: Horizon: Seeing Stars; Safebreakers and Only Connect
  • Psocids or booklice as they are commonly known are small usually dull coloured insects with a body length of 1-10 millimetres.
  • All linear measurements were made in millimeters under a binocular microscope at magnifications from 10 to 50 times.
  • If they are separated by more than two millimeters (one-twelfth of an inch) then the telescope can resolve them as being separate, at least in principle.
  • The silicon chip is less than a millimeter thick.
  • Centaurus A with jets powered by a supermassive black hole within - the orange jets are as seen in submillimetre by the Atacama Pathfinder and the blue lobes are as seen by the Chandra X-ray space telescope. Can a Really, Really Fast Spacecraft Turn Into A Black Hole? | Universe Today
  • Tires have built-in wear indicators that appear as a bald strip when there is 1.6 millimeters of tread remaining.
  • The internationally recognized abbreviation of the meter is m. Meters are divided up into smaller units so a decimeter is one tenth of a meter, a centimeter is one hundredth of a meter, and a millimeter is one thousandth of a meter.
  • Using radiation pressure and optical dipole forces, atoms that roam in gases at a few hundred meters per second are now routinely slowed down to velocities of a few millimeters per second.
  • The offset between the mean phase center and the geometric center of an antenna can range from a few millimeters to several centimeters.
  • The boundary line of demarcation between the groups was 19 millimeters, or 3/4 inch, with very little overlap.
  • One biopsy of gingival tissue of each periodontally-healthy subjects (N = 57) were taken from sites that showed no bleeding on probing, probing depth smaller than three millimeters, and clinical attachment loss smaller than one millimeter during surgical procedures due to esthetics, orthodontic or prosthetic reasons. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It glows under ultraviolet light and can be broken down so that a millimetre of hair would be enough to give an analysis.
  • The system's antenna emits a focused beam of millimeter wave energy.
  • This was a heavy barrage of what they call rocket-assisted projectiles, coming from 155 millimeter Howitzers, that's a very big gun, firing directly over our heads, as you can hear the rounds passing over us and then several seconds later hear the loud clap as they impact on what was believed to be Republican Guard -- a Republican Guard division that may be dug in or in place out there. CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2003
  • Inches here, millimeters there, it didn't matter; all of the shots were misses.
  • However, insulating a millimeter-square battery in a way that minimizes heat loss is no easy task.
  • In size their cells are commonly about 0.001 mm. (1 micromillimetre or 1 µ) in diameter, and from two to five times that length, but smaller ones and a few larger ones are known. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The latter, with the 75 millimetre quick-firing gun, is particularly adapted to following up the results of the aeroplane's reconnaissance, especially with the system of rafale fire, because the whole position can be searched through and through within a minute or two. Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War
  • The internationally recognized abbreviation of the meter is m. Meters are divided up into smaller units so a decimeter is one tenth of a meter, a centimeter is one hundredth of a meter, and a millimeter is one thousandth of a meter.
  • There were gale force winds and driving rain across parts of Victoria too - but a bit more than two millimetres.
  • An especially impressive quality of the fully multicoated Nikon is its exceptionally high twilight factor of 24.5 (calculated by multiplying the power by the objective diameter, in millimeters, and then extracting the square root). Nikon 12x50 Superior E
  • The margin was only a millimetre or two, a row of stitches on the seam. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each rack is suspended over a lake of thick black paint and dipped with minute precision so as to coat the very top of the pencil in a millimetre of black.
  • Goose feathers have to be trimmed down to the exact millimetre and heels are filed into a sharp metal triangle. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are left a few millimetres thick and lapped flat or polished, using a lapping compound with paraffin oil lubricant.
  • The specifications on the other hand do provide for a 19 millimetre void between the two wythes.
  • Normal rainfall in the province was between 120 millimeters and 130 millimeters.
  • Nanotechnology uses the scale of the nanometre, equal to one millionth of a millimetre.
  • I knew, to the nearest fraction of a millimetre, the length of the nuchal fold that would indicate Down's syndrome. Charlie Condou: The three of us
  • The silicon chip is less than a millimeter thick.
  • These images owe their existence to a layer of calcite, several millimeters thick in places, that preserved them from a cleaning with chlorhydric acid ordered in 1976 by a judicial administrator of the privately held cave. Grotto Paintings Revealed
  • Also, you have to wait for hair to be between two and five millimetres in length before you can wax. The Sun
  • Other independent study requirements include completion of various styles of case bindings, a millimeter binding, a half-leather binding, and a full-leather binding with design, chemise, and slipcase. You’re Certifiable
  • The pellets missed major arteries by millimetres. The Sun
  • Methodist has invested in high resolution microcopy that can see at nanometer, rather than millimeter resolution, including a confocal laser scanning microscope, a Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) microscope, and an in vivo multi-photon laser scanning microscope. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • It fits neatly into the cubbyhole next to my bed - my measurements must have been spot on when I checked the cubbyhole for size, because when I got the TV home, it literally could not be a millimetre taller or else it wouldn't have done.
  • At the Huniya Base, a massive weapons storage facility on the outskirts of the eastern rebel-controlled city of Ajdabiya, 35 warehouses and at least a dozen underground armories were filled with heavy weaponry, including helicopter-mounted anti-tank rockets, anti-aircraft missiles and 122-millimeter Katyusha rockets, along with thousands of rounds of small-arms ammunition. A Rebel Army Struggles to Ready for Battle
  • The trick is to cross two separate lasers, and where they intersect to write in three dimensions across a 1.3 millimeter gap filled with a two chemistry photopolymer, between the substrates.
  • The small-scale karren features, usually a few millimetres to a few metres in size, are the most widespread karstic landform.
  • Whatever the specifics, they wrote, the important thing is that the stimulation affected only “a few cubic millimeters of neural tissue,” which means that “the depression probably resulted from the stimulation of afferent, efferent, or passing fibers within the substantia nigra or from the inhibition of those fibers.” MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • Now, if someone has a millimetre of talent, it seems he's too quickly sent off to the conservatoire.
  • The data are stored in tiny sheets of plastic polymer film as tiny indentations just 10 nanometers, or millionths of a millimeter, in diameter.
  • 6-millimetre film was used because it offered clearer freeze frames than video tape.
  • The utility belt attached below the vest includes two canteens of water and a nine-millimeter pistol.
  • You can control the placement of all objects to within hundredths of a millimeter.
  • Results indicate that this kind of quasi-optical resonance system has many advantages, as they might help develop high power electronics in short millimeter and sub-mil...
  • The layers can be stacked like 1-millimeter-thick pages of a book, and even contoured into desired shapes prior to heating.
  • These things are measured in nanometres, with a nanometre being a millionth of a millimetre, or about as far as a fingernail grows in a second.
  • Outside, workmen on scaffolding grind and scrape at our walls, breaking in by the millimeter and decibel.
  • But there he was fixed, unable to advance another millimeter. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • I shaved a few millimetres from the bottom of the door to make it close properly.
  • Traditional inch-pound bar sizes are the bar's diameter in eighths of an inch; metric bar sizes are the bar's diameter in millimeters.
  • She loathes negative space, filling every millimeter of every panel with shading or detail.
  • A court heard that the travelator gap was bigger than the legal limit of four millimetres. The Sun
  • Remember, you can learn more about ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, an up-and-coming radio telescope high in the Chilean Andes that will probe astrochemistry like never before, from their website, Richard Drumm's 365DoA podcast, or my first URSI update. Archive 2009-02-13
  • A plate of aluminium about fifteen millimetres thick, though it enfeebled the action seriously, did not cause the fluorescence to disappear entirely.
  • For example, air pressure is usually given in terms of atmospheres, torr, bars, or millimeters of mercury.
  • The data are stored in tiny sheets of plastic polymer film as tiny indentations just 10 nanometers, or millionths of a millimeter, in diameter.
  • The Active Denial System fires a beam of millimeter-wave radiation. It make people feel like their skin is burning without causing any permanent damage.
  • These vary in width from a few millimetres to a few hundred metres.
  • A nanometre is one millionth of a millimetre. photo: © IBM The Nobel Prize in Physics 2007
  • ALMA will observe the Universe in millimetre and submillimetre wavelengths. - Articles related to Changi Airport Cargo Growth Slows
  • The mean rainfall for September, across much of the country, ranges between a millimetre and some four millimetres.
  • Take the silk back up the shank until you are a couple of millimetres behind the eye of the hook.
  • SD2 will drill for small cores of ice and dust from depths of down to 250 millimetres.
  • Space-based submillimetre telecopes are not feasible because of the size of the telescope required. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nanotechnology uses the scale of the nanometre, equal to one millionth of a millimetre.
  • They developed a thin glass micropipette (a thousandths of a millimeter in diameter) as a recording electrode. Physiology or Medicine 1991 - Press Release
  • The water retained by this force is called hygroscopic water and it consists of the water held within 0.0002 millimeters of the surface of soil particles. Infiltration and soil water storage
  • A micromillimetre (μ) is 1/1000 of a millimetre or 1/25000 of an inch. V. Angiology. 2. The Blood
  • At first, while training for the keirin, she reaches 75mph as her front wheel remains a nerveless few millimetres behind the back tyre of a motorbike. Victoria Pendleton: 'Dreaming of being chased by a killer is normal'
  • You can control the property with percentages, as I have done here, or with ems, exs, inches, picas, centimeters, millimeters or pixels (px).
  • The vernier callipers I guess would do a very fine measurement, down to a millimetre or perhaps less.
  • In the deep sea, however, some scavenger species of amphipods may obtain lengths of up to 140 millimeters. ancylostomiasis and serious cases can result in as much as 200 milliliters of blood loss per day. Undefined
  • The millimetre thick displays weigh only a few grams and operate on two to five volts.
  • About 1 millimeter long, the reddish Varroa mites can kill or weaken adult and larval bees by sucking their blood or exposing them to diseases.
  • A white coagulum forms and frequently extends many millimeters beyond the point of initial contact.
  • With these branching patterns, roots can be characterized by fractal analysis over a range of scales from about a quarter of a millimetre to several centimetres.
  • These things are measured in nanometres, with a nanometre being a millionth of a millimetre, or about as far as a fingernail grows in a second.
  • It occurs in millimeter-sized anhedral grains or as bronze-colored hairlike crystals intimately intergrown with the oxide minerals.
  • Standing height was measured with a Seca stadiometer to the nearest millimeter with the participant standing erect with back straight, heels together, and toes slightly apart at a 60 degree angle. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The firm notes on its Web site that the process can create objects with high precision at scales of less than a thousandth of a millimeter.
  • The edge must be machined down to 0.02 millimetres.
  • Now we can measure just a few millimetres of rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Predict today the city zone of before dawn make one's bow, bring the 2 precipitation to 5 millimeter, end gradually afternoon.
  • Ray lurched in that moment, saving his own life, for surely the gunner was shooting right to left, semiauto, had missed twice, hitting goat, the huge .50-caliber detonations unleashing waves of energy that flipped other goats airward and splattered them, then scoring a hard one that took Skelton solid, and then pivoted the huge weapon on the bipod another half a millimeter to plant one in Ray. Dead Zero
  • We knew we would have to magnify the drop for final measurements, so we used a medium-format camera and 120-millimeter macro lens on a bellows.
  • The bullet missed his head by a millimetre.
  • A millimetre here, a millimetre there, and the whole visage was somehow distorted, though its beauty remained undiminished. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • For the next thirty minutes, the two tanks traveled in opposite directions, completely destroying the convoy with their one twenty millimeter cannons and 50 caliber machine guns.
  • We'd always expect insurers to be reasonable if it comes down to a dispute over a few miles per hour or a millimetre of rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under direct microscopic visualization, three tiny incisions (ie, sclerotomies) are made through the sclera a few millimeters behind the limbus.
  • Larvae range from a few millimeters to a few decimeters, while adults can range from less than 1 cm to 2 m.
  • Multiple foci of infection, several millimeters in diameter, were seen in many organs.
  • In the back of the truck was a 12.7 millimeter rapid-fire machine gun.
  • To recap: Optogenetics can trigger neurons within a carefully limited area, that is, a cubic millimeter or two. World Wide Mind
  • How many millimeters in diameter is the watch case? SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1176
  • Outside, workmen on scaffolding grind and scrape at our walls, breaking in by the millimeter and decibel.
  • Love cannot be measured in millimetres, weighed in ounces or unwrapped and sliced.
  • Lengths range from just a few millimeters to several centimeters.
  • To within a few millimetres, human brains share a reading hotspot - what Stanislas Dehaene calls the "letterbox" - on the bottom of the left hemisphere. LISNews - Comments
  • These things are measured in nanometres, with a nanometre being a millionth of a millimetre, or about as far as a fingernail grows in a second.
  • I shaved a few millimetres from the bottom of the door to make it close properly.
  • Hundreds of thousands of pollen and spores are usually preserved in a few millimetres' thickness of sediment, each giving a clear identity of their parent plant. EXTINCTION: Evolution and the End of Man
  • By 2019 the square millimetre of particle routes and imperceptibly tiny self-organising magnetic fields is producing deoxyribose by the picometre slice. Everything2 New Writeups
  • We have a 15-inch demo and a 50-inch demo, and have achieved 600 candelas per square meter generating 1 millimetre sized pixels.
  • This type of migmatite is characterized by discrete millimetre - to centimetre-scale discontinuous granitic layers separated by high-grade metamorphic host rock and dark selvages (mesosome).
  • Right now, he has been charged with one count of felonious assault for allegedly firing a nine millimeter pistol into a house where people were.
  • The bugs are only a few thousandths of a millimetre across and lack the cell walls which most bacteria have.
  • In the film's lustiest scene, Colbert, just millimeters shy of baring her bosom, lolled in a black marble tub of what's meant to be asses' milk, when one of the ladies of her imperial retinue dropped by with some gossip. 'Encyclopedia of the Exquisite: An Anecdotal History of Elegant Delights'
  • When complete, ALMA will have at least 66 high-tech antennas operating together as an "interferometer", working as a single, huge telescope probing the sky in the millimetre and submillimetre wavelengths of light. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The abscissae give the brilliance measured in international candles per square millimetre.
  • The fish measured two metres in length and the fins would have been between 700 and 800 millimetres long.
  • The length of each tendon was measured with a millimeter ruler.
  • I had to shave a few millimetres off the door to make it shut.
  • You could pile up 3m sheets and they would be only a millimetre thick. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your tissues, on the other hand, eject water rapidly through the pores, at least as deep as a few millimeters, and the outer skin collapses down to a tough, leathery integument. Masked
  • I saw this little springtail—barely a millimeter long—sitting on a mushroom on a rotting trunk in the woods last weekend. Springtail before it sprung away
  • Dispersed material may range in size from particles of atomic and molecular dimensions to particles whose size is measured in millimeters.
  • You see a marker post which tells you that you're on the right track, which momentarily raises your spirits about three millimetres from rock bottom.
  • Whatever the specifics, they wrote, the important thing is that the stimulation affected only “a few cubic millimeters of neural tissue,” which means that “the depression probably resulted from the stimulation of afferent, efferent, or passing fibers within the substantia nigra or from the inhibition of those fibers.” MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • Slowly, millimetre by careful millimetre, she inched her hand towards the pouch.
  • Even if one is committed to the SI system, there is no objection to such units as grams , centimeters, millimeters, etc.
  • That means sea level has been rising at an average rate of 1.8 millimetres per year.
  • Maternal arm and calf circumferences were measured with plastic-covered fabric measuring tapes and read to the nearest millimeter.
  • Physically he had been just one millimetre closer to Doreen than ever before, but emotionally he had crossed a frontier.
  • The cutter is accurate to within ? a millimetre.
  • As far as styling goes Lakewood are obviously borrowing heavily from the Martin heritage, since in outline these are millimetre-perfect dreadnought copies.
  • They run millimetres from the ground and have all the suspension movement of a roller skate.
  • As small as a quarter of a millimetre, the mites in themselves are harmless, but their excrement pellets can cause huge problems for asthma sufferers.
  • Lesion size can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters.
  • Recent upgrades on Earth mean that the laser teams can measure the lunar orbit to within a few millimetres. Times, Sunday Times
  • Easier, but not easy, and still only around a billionth of a millimetre over five million kilometres.
  • Freeport has blamed the collapse of the overburden pile on heavy rainfall, which reached on average of 40 millimeters last week.
  • The sizes often vary from several millimeters to several centimeters.
  • Herschel Space Observatory will be the first space observatory covering the full far infrared and sub-millimetre waveband. MIND MELD: Interesting Areas of Scientific Research
  • ‘We shook the top with a motor to produce a displacement of about 1 millimeter at 10 hertz,’ says Giazotto.
  • m decameter dam decimeter dm hectometer hm centimeter cm kilometer km millimeter mm megameter Meter
  • A fall into the yawning gap between the two CCDs (almost a millimetre wide!) would expose me to the - 120C temperature deeper inside this cryostat, killing me instantly as my suit failed. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The silicon chip is less than a millimeter thick.
  • I was a millimetre surprised at this glance into my inner elemental make-up though I really shouldn't have been.
  • They run millimetres from the ground and have all the suspension movement of a roller skate.
  • I descended a little way off the reef and saw a dazzling concentration of corals, every millimetre covered in table, brain, encrusting and staghorn corals and draped in whip corals and gorgonians.

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