

  1. belief in the Christian doctrine of the millennium mentioned in the Book of Revelations

How To Use millenarianism In A Sentence

  • In other words, the revival of religious millenarianism was a pre-patterned localised response to the social rifts and cultural crisis induced by French colonialism.
  • A diffuse, volatile blend of everything from anarchism to religious millenarianism, it continued to mark working-class movements up to and including Chartism.
  • In other words, the revival of religious millenarianism was a pre-patterned localised response to the social rifts and cultural crisis induced by French colonialism.
  • Thompson expertly unravels a tangled tale suffused with Victorian mores, millenarianism and frontier idealism.
  • As the recent research of Warren Johnston has shown, after 1660 providentialism and millenarianism were still vibrant and robust means for understanding the meaning of contemporary events.
  • His apostles, as well as the great body of primitive Christians, held and taught what some call chiliasm, or millenarianism, can as readily be substantiated. American Lutheranism Volume 2: The United Lutheran Church (General Synod, General Council, United Synod in the South)
  • Their commitment to improving the human lot through a fuller knowledge of nature was closely connected with their millenarianism.
  • Because of its concern with imminent change, millenarianism appealed to radical reformers and could be secularized into utopianism.
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