- purgative consisting of a milky white liquid suspension of magnesium hydroxide; used as a laxative and (in smaller doses) as an antacid
How To Use milk of magnesia In A Sentence
- (Medicine/Pharmacology) any of various milklike pharmaceutical preparations, such as milk of magnesia cry over spilt milk to lament something that cannot be altered vb 1. - Articles related to Ranchers fight for legal camel milk
- Nothing would cure it -- camomile tea, milk of magnesia -- nothing would even ease it. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
- Some further experimentation, and some work with a pill-pressing machine, provided Astor with two part-filled bottles, one labelled milk of magnesia and the other labelled soluble aspirin.
- Administer several vials of 10% aqueous calcium gluconate orally. (Calcium carbonate, Maalox, Mylanta or Milk of Magnesia may also be used.
- I had a colonoscopy last fall and the doctor said that I could take milk of magnesia as often as needed.
- Another option to help reduce discomfort and speed healing is dabbing a mixture of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide directly on the sore, followed by a bit of milk of magnesia.
- My doctor suggested I use milk of magnesia to combat constipation.
- Vodka, orange juice, and milk of magnesia: a Phillips Screwdriver. FLIGHT LESSONS
- Pharmacology) any of various milklike pharmaceutical preparations, such as milk of magnesia cry over spilt milk to lament something that cannot be altered vb 1. - Articles related to Ranchers fight for legal camel milk
- She went into the bathroom and dug out the bottle of milk of magnesia; as predicted it was on the top shelf. LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY