How To Use Militia In A Sentence

  • Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias," blared the headline on afront page story inThe New York Times, which went on to report on several incidents recounted in WikiLeaks documents that journalist Michael Gordon called "the shadow war between the United States and Iraqi militias backed by Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Ali Gharib: What Did WikiLeaks Really Tell Us About Iran?
  • Our militia fired off volley after volley from anti - aircraft artillery.
  • The soldiers will be from local militias and local reserves, with all the tangled politics that implies.
  • From the Whiskey Rebellion to the Know-Nothings to the reborn Militias of the 1990s, the eastern establishment has always had reason to fear the expression of a certain kind of cussed American individualism that rebels against what it sees as the encroachments of the state. Obama's Culture War
  • To minimize risks, they would not be required to disarm the several militia groups responsible for recent massacres.
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  • Also, Mousavi has written a letter (in Farsi) to the Iranian security council saying that personnel from the Ahmadinejad-loyalist Basij militia are doffing their uniforms and attacking innocent people in the streets. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Wednesday June 17)
  • Bluntly, what the founding fathers described as a militiaman was a warrior citizen. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Democratic participation, fair and free elections and effective governance need to be institutionalised and made routine, or non-violent means to resolve political crises could be replaced by remobilisation of militias, with significant risk of violent conflict. Crisis Group
  • It had its own assembly and militia, the power of veto over federal decisions and control of education and other public services.
  • Then hadn't it been Deeck, the phlegmatic militiaman who had taught her an English limerick? DISPLACED PERSON
  • The army is already building up civilian militias close to the gas field.
  • But sporadic fighting continues between militiamen, rebels and government troops in the lawless north-east.
  • Surviving civil wars and brutal militias in several African countries, they arrive in Algeria and then must walk across the desert to Morocco.
  • The councilmen bowed, the oarsmen saluted, the militia all watched him with awe. A TIME OF WAR
  • During the Napoleonic wars, the militia was supplemented by various ‘fencibles’, and after 1859 by the Rifle Volunteers.
  • The five men were captured by 40 heavily armed militia wearing police commando uniforms. The Sun
  • Imperat illi Deus; supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute in infernum detrude. Why Distributism Can Work (For Us, Right Now) Part I
  • The Oklahoma bombing of 1995, which killed more than 160 people, emerged out of a netherworld of shadowy right-wing militias that grew up during the Eighties and early Nineties.
  • Maryland tried to preserve its militia's arms by employing an armorer, Isaac Miller, who also served as an arms dealer, purchasing guns in England for several colonies.
  • But the militias have also clashed with the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Murwanashyaka said he suspected local Congo militias, known as the Rasta, were to blame for the massacre. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • That lady was ready to call the militiamen on you. Waiting for Snow in Havana
  • US commanders demanded that the militias leave the battlefield. Times, Sunday Times
  • Based on eyewitness accounts, the report described how Pashtun villages were attacked after being disarmed by local militia commanders.
  • Machiavelli goes on to specify that armies are basically of two types: hired mercenaries and citizen militias.
  • The pro-Mousavi supporters were being aimed by the besieged, which is the government-funded militia. CNN Transcript Jun 16, 2009
  • He was told by villagers that approximately 10 minutes after the airman had landed, militiamen from the village found him hiding in a bamboo thicket and captured him. Busch, Jon T.
  • The state militias were organized into the 'National Guard' and for all intents and purposes 'federalized' over 100 years ago in Title 10 of the US Code (Militia Act of 1903) - that's when they started calling it the 'National Guard' ... BlueOregon
  • Without stopping, as soon as the sun rose Banastre Tarleton ordered his unrested Legion and dragoons to charge into the American militia in the center.
  • It may be called the state police, state troopers, militia, the rangers or the highway patrol.
  • Southern delegates to the Continental Congress expressed unwillingness to use their militias outside their own borders.
  • If the rebel American militias were beaten on the battlefield, their ringleaders could expect to be hanged as traitors.
  • The councilmen bowed, the oarsmen saluted, the militia all watched him with awe. A TIME OF WAR
  • By 1702, Robert Quary could report that the militia is ‘so undisciplined and unskillful and in such great Want of arms and ammunition proper and fit for action, that not one fourth of the militia is fit to oppose an Enemy.’
  • The other main characters are FBI agent Brad Wolgast, death row inmate Anthony Carter and young African nun Lacey in the near future thread, while in the main part, young "watchers" - ie militiamen/women of the colony that protect it from the "virals" aka ageless and seemingly non-sentient, instinct driven, "pseudo-vampires" that populate most of North America now - Peter Jaxon, Alicia Donadio and Peter's older brother Theo. "The Passage" by Justin Cronin (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • No democracy could reasonably define an armed militia as a political party. Times, Sunday Times
  • The principal purport of his letter was to inform them that Mr. Wickham had resolved on quitting the militia. Pride and Prejudice
  • Resolved, that the committee on finance be instructed to enquire into the expediency of paying for clothing, & c. furnished to a portion of the militia of Roanoke when called out by the authorities, and the call countermanded before the said militia were mustered into service. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Session of 1861-62
  • Traditionally the Afghan governments relied on three military institutions: the regular army, tribal levies, and community militias.
  • Despite the heavy police presence in the area, few are reassured - many of the policemen are militia members. Times, Sunday Times
  • I see from the Independent that Mugabe is arming his youth militia with weaponry from China and Iran.
  • When the two-ship Argentine fleet approached Monterey, the local government cautiously retreated inland, leaving the defense to the soldiers in the presidio, or fort, and to pro-Spain militiamen. Nicolás Meyer: California In Argentine Hands: A Brief History Lesson
  • Francis Lovelace in 1673 wrote to Governor Winthrop, "It will be necessary to forme a militia, for if it should miscarry they must not radicate longer. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 3
  • The militia was a part-time force charged with a wide range of duties and organized at the village level, but supervised from higher echelons.
  • I watched as the militias picked out their victims, swearing at them, insulting their mothers and hurling sectarian insults. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both parties relied on their own militias, alliances with clan chiefs and security apparatus.
  • Virginians are accustomed to counteract with a mint julep, and such as cloudy heads iind conf'emal to corritation; that the Sa pecanoe boys, the Ohio militia, the Michi - iran raccoon catchers and a band of music, were all disembogued upon the opposite shore. The wars of the gulls; : an historical romance in three chapters; chap. I, Shewing how and why and with whom the gulls went to war: chap. II, Shewing how the gulls make the deep to boil like a pot: chap. III, Shewing how a certain doughty general of the g
  • The name of Adel Bundouq, who leads a militia that is allied with the National Transitional Council in Zuwara, Libya, was incorrectly given as Abdel Bundoud in a photo caption accompanying a World News article on Wednesday about Berber-Arab clashes in Western Libya. Corrections & Amplifications
  • Imperat illi Deus; supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute in infernum detrude. An Interview With Thomas Storck
  • When Albany refused to go along with the New York junto, Leisler sent some militia under the command of his son-in-law, Jacob Milbourne.
  • In a running battle that took a heavy toll of British soldiers' lives, the New England militia forced the redcoats back to Boston and besieged the port city.
  • Men plow fields, cut grain, litigate in court, and serve in the local militia.
  • The colonists themselves were able to mobilize support for their cause through their militia. The British way in Warfare - 1688-2000
  • One searches in vain through the colonial period for evidence of Americans armed with guns rising to defend their liberties, whether in organized militia units or unorganized crowds.
  • He plans to double the number of the security forces, and create a million-man militia.
  • During the Revolutionary War, state governments assumed the colonies' authority to raise their short-term militias through drafts if necessary.
  • France has deployed 1,600 troops in an attempt to disarm the militias. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the end of the tenth century, a system of military service had developed in which every unit of five hides was responsible for providing and equipping one man for the fyrd (militia).
  • The following day, militiamen of Sadr's Mahdi Army attempted to seal off the densely populated suburb with barricades to prevent US forces entering again.
  • A UN force was sent in to stop fighting between three rival militias.
  • Rebab Haleb, 32, an activist lawyer representing 15 Zwara women who were raped by Gadhafi militia, says she has no problem with Shariah and wouldn't mind if her husband took a second wife. Among Libya's Liberals
  • The disarmament of Northern Ireland's illegal militias would have to be completed by May 2000, with legislative sanctions to suspend the government if the so-called decommissioning of arms does not take place. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • From the west, Kurdish militias. Times, Sunday Times
  • Head teachers complain that they have been usurped by militia loyalists who do not have the necessary qualifications or experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • They could be replaced with, I dunno, some kind of workers' militia.
  • Eight hundred militiamen and soldiers arrived from Montreal to fight.
  • Until the national army becomes operationally effective, parts of the regional militias will have to be maintained as local security forces under strict control of the central government.
  • The militia lieutenant took the page and read it quickly, then returned to the top to give it a slower redigestion. The Bear and the Dragon
  • In England the French rather than the German threat gave rise to the Volunteer Force, which supplemented the regular army and militia.
  • Aid workers have been caught in crossfire between warring groups of militia or bandits.
  • France has deployed 1,600 troops in an attempt to disarm the militias. Times, Sunday Times
  • The five men were captured by 40 heavily armed militia wearing police commando uniforms. The Sun
  • Many are simply sad sacks, like the Alabama "militiaman" urging people to break Democrats 'windows and prattling about "civil war" on his Web site. Politics
  • This is the story of a revolution, but a revolution without leaders or manifestoes or militias. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Again he says: "The term militia is a collective term meaning a body of men organized. Journal of the Senate of the State of Georgia, at the Annual Session of the General Assembly, Begun and Held in Milledgeville, the Seatof [sic] Government, in 1862
  • Ripple firecracker detonations erupted from the rise overlooking the barracks as the militiamen opened fire.
  • Through the day, about 800 black-clad militiamen with Kalashnikovs and RPG launchers have been patrolling city streets in commandeered police vehicles. Running back?
  • The Nationalists' military advances were everywhere marked by the slaughter of leftist militiamen and of known left-wing and Republican activists.
  • It seems that there is a new Shi`ite militia in Iraq called Kata'ib Al-Janub Al-`Iraqi. Sunday, June 17, 2007
  • But suppose I adopt the definition of the term militia insisted upon by those who differ from me. Correspondence Between Governor Brown and the Secretary of War, Upon the Right of The Georgia Volunteers, In Confederate Service, To Elect Their Own Officers. 16 p.
  • The most likely explanation is that the militias' leadership is ordering this restraint, obeying the instructions of Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani.
  • Since such a war is more destructive to the civilian population than to the combatants, the militias have little incentive to opt for a peace that does not favor their corporate agenda.
  • The Kamajor militia and other loyal forces have been put in army uniform and brought under its command.
  • Like many of his colleagues he was increasingly disturbed by certain developments, in particular the setting-up of the Workers ' Militia. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Before the end of the war, preparations were made for embodying a national militia, which should take the place of the ancient hermandad. The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 2
  • The baseej, a volunteer militia that played a big part in suppressing the 2009 The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • Since such a war is more destructive to the civilian population than to the combatants, the militias have little incentive to opt for a peace that does not favor their corporate agenda.
  • He hugged me, introduced me to some of The Fine Arts Militia, and they did a banging performance knocking us all down with the funk.
  • A senior army general who has defected said that his forces were preparing to enter the fray en masse alongside the citizens' militia yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Upon an exigency, local authorities shall summon militia to guard riverbanks immediately.
  • Lt.Gen. Lloyd Austin attributed the decline mainly to efforts by Iraqi forces to choke off radical elements of Shiite militias in the southern cities of Basra and Amarah. Iraq: Bombs kill 14
  • It begins when armed militia raid a village in the Sudan. Times, Sunday Times
  • France has deployed 1,600 troops in an attempt to disarm the militias. Times, Sunday Times
  • His officials said western troops would not disarm militias by force. Times, Sunday Times
  • His officials said western troops would not disarm militias by force. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, the militia clause is what is referred to by lawyers as "precatory language. Latest News Media Claim: U.S.
  • British troops entered Greece in 1944, after the Resistance had liberated the country, only to rearm the fascist militias the Germans had created in order to turn them on the Resistance!
  • The local militia gathered at their barracks, but their officers were reluctant to hurt any members of the mob.
  • It will also need to ensure that the various heavily armed militias turn in their weapons to a national police force. Times, Sunday Times
  • Military resources of the crown: (1) (nonfeudal) the old Anglo-Saxon fyrd (including ship fyrd) was retained (i.e., a national nonfeudal militia, loyal to the crown, was used, as against the Norman rebellion of 1075); (2) (feudal) about five thousand knights 'fees owing service on the usual feudal terms. B. The British Isles
  • HELLO meeta new US extended militia,1979to06,130Bil to Isreal from US foriegn aid + now welike em more fortheir aggression+loaded andready to the limit. Think Progress » Fox Military Analyst on Syria: ‘We Can Talk To Them When We Line Them Up and Kill Them’
  • I hope that the Israelis will really understand the importance of holding these Palestinian elections, because failure to do these elections will mean (UNINTELLIGIBLE) sliding further and further toward chaos, lawlessness, militias, violence and counterviolence. CNN Transcript Nov 14, 2004
  • Meanwhile the peasants' militia had been destroyed when they loyally opposed the Guangxi mutineers.
  • You can unite the forces of Russian princedoms and give battle to the Horde, or gather the Novgorod militia and warmly greet the Order knights on the ice and snow of the northern lands.
  • In addition to this flotsam, which is found in large masses in every big city, the militia which I mentioned consists of many adherents of an international European republic. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 10 Prince Otto Von Bismarck, Count Helmuth Von Moltke, Ferdinand Lassalle
  • They “browbeat and discouraged” the militia and presented “an example of all manner of debauchery, vice, and idleness when they lie skulking in forts,” while the country was “ravaged in their very neighborhood.” George Washington’s First War
  • These forces, consisting mostly of state militiamen, volunteers, and conscripts, endured heavy casualties.
  • Human Rights Watch found that the militias use Sudanese military weapons, insignia and chain of command.
  • But the games of bouchon were the most amusing thing of all, and that famous game of galoche, which the Breton militia had brought into fashion during the siege. The Child Spy
  • The security personnel then resorted to aerial firing to scare away the rioters, which prompted the Taliban militia to fire back in retaliation.
  • Should our army be based on regulars or militia?
  • Iraqan insurgency against the Government of Iraq and Coalition forces is primarily concentrated in Baghdad and in areas north, northeast, and west of the capital; the diverse, multigroup insurgency consists principally of Sunni Arabs with a shared desire to oust the Coalition, end US influence in Iraq, and reassert Sunni Arab dominance; a number of predominantly Shia militias, some associated with political parties, challenge governmental authority in Baghdad and southern Iraq Political pressure groups and leaders
  • By 1901 there were 230,000 volunteers, augmented by the Royal Navy and Royal Artillery Volunteers, the militia and the yeomanry.
  • The new refrain is that, while the amendment does indeed protect an individual right, the exercise of this right is conditioned on the existence of and participation in a state militia.
  • More than 160 militants and local militiamen have been captured, according to army sources.
  • The colonists themselves were able to mobilize support for their cause through their militia. The British way in Warfare - 1688-2000
  • As they were tying up the coracle, a handful of militiamen surrounded them. A TIME OF WAR
  • The militias have relinquished control of the airport and largely vanished from the clogged streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • How strictly this requirement was enforced is hard to determine but the intent of the law was clear - if the need arose, the Crown could turn-out a formidible force/militia in relatively short order and the longbow was as revolutionary in its day as the firearm was in its day. Our Supreme Moment
  • The troops were trying to withdraw from the city and were surrounded by thousands of civilians and armed militia. Times, Sunday Times
  • By April 1775, when hostilities broke out between colonial militiamen and British soldiers at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts, the British garrison at Fort Ticonderoga numbered barely 50 men.
  • The British retreat to Boston was the high-water mark for American militiamen during the war.
  • Coalition airstrikes saved Benghazi in mid-March, forcing Qaddafi's militias to retreat.
  • Karimov issued a general amnesty, but a rally organized by democratic movements on Aug. 26 was broken up by militia.
  • Each group's militias have arrested human rights activists, newspaper editors and other dissidents.
  • It begins when armed militia raid a village in the Sudan. Times, Sunday Times
  • The colonists themselves were able to mobilize support for their cause through their militia. The British way in Warfare - 1688-2000
  • [Del Spier] brokered a deal with Afghanistan's fledgling Ministry of Interior, which agreed to loan USPI hundreds of its troops -- a coterie of ragtag militiamen under the command of a notorious warlord named General Din Mohammad Jurat. Clara Jeffery and Monika Bauerlein: Afghanistan Contractor: "We Were Warlords Over There"
  • I watched as the militias picked out their victims, swearing at them, insulting their mothers and hurling sectarian insults. Times, Sunday Times
  • The general demoralization of Soviet society during the Brezhnev period affected the militia also and by the 1980s widespread corruption was reported.
  • Pillay is "concerned about reports of an increasing number of arrests, which may not be in conformity with the law, and the possible illegal use of excessive force and acts of violence by some militia members," her office said. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Friday June 19)
  • This morning the faculty and the students protested by gathering at the lobby of the hospital where they were confronted by plain cloths anti-riot militia, who in turn closed off the hospital and imprisoned the staff. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Tuesday June 16)
  • The military base is the principle strategic airhead for the militia, supporting its small fleet of helicopters and warplanes.
  • Others say the surge in militias is largely because of the election of the first black president. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 31, 2010
  • Here too, militiamen have assumed effective control of the municipality.
  • His officials said western troops would not disarm militias by force. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shia militia leader than the Government to meet his needs. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first the Russian army appeared unable or unwilling to control the militias. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bands of excited children who walked behind local militiamen heading to battle in the fall now clamor around machinery laying down new water pipes.
  • In 1705 the assembly granted all militia officers the authority to ‘impress any smith… or other artificer, whatsoever, which shall be thought useful for the fixing of arms.’
  • Training of farmer militiamen involved mainly military drill and volley fire, often on the village green or nearby field.
  • From the west, Kurdish militias. Times, Sunday Times
  • The uprising led to a fierce, and widely condemned, retaliation by government forces and allied militia.
  • Once there the army and militias moved in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the Constitution of 1787, military training was divided, as were the nation's military institutions, between the state militias and the regular army.
  • Across the country revolutionary committees and citizen militias came into being to contain worsening urban food riots. Earthly Powers: Religion and Politics in Europe from the Enlightenment to the Great War
  • However, during the truce, the party's militia would respond with force in the event it came under attack from government security forces, the rebel leader said.
  • Some of these militiamen were fresh from training in a US military base in Hungary.
  • The prisoners were also made to cook and wash for the militiamen, who are mostly from nomadic tribes and who travel by horse and camel.
  • The referendum proposes a constitutional amendment that would ban army-issue weapons at home, forcing militiamen to pull them from basements and closets and store them on base. In Switzerland, a Cherished Tradition Comes Under Fire
  • A dozen men armed with clubs set upon a corporal in the colonial militia when he tried to execute a sentence on a man delinquent in his duty.
  • Sometimes the local militia would support a local theatre as patrons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The militia and citizen patrols remained primarily responsible for control of the black population.
  • In 1675 Maryland abandoned the pretense of a militia and shifted to reliance on paid rangers, though they rarely called upon them.
  • After weeks of dreadful anticipation, a rebel militia advances against government forces.
  • The destruction of the old regime has triggered scrappy battles for power and influence, as chancers, coalitions and militias move into the vacuum left by the war.
  • In Nineveh, carefully negotiated agreements dictated where the Kurdish militias, or pesh merga, would be stationed around the polls, along with the local and national Iraqi police and the army.
  • The militias pose a long-term problem for security, since they violate the state's monopoly on the use of force.
  • The uncompromising and terrible hatred of the trade-unionist for a scab is the hatred of a class for a traitor to that class, -- while the hatred of a trade-unionist for the militia is the hatred of a class for a weapon wielded by the class with which it is fighting. THE CLASS STRUGGLE
  • It was this semipermanence that made them different from militia. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • Iraqi authorities say clashes between Shi'ite militias and Iraqi security forces have left 15 people dead in the southern city of Amara.
  • In the Chouf now, the Druze holy colours hang over the militia checkpoints.
  • They are also demanding greater clarity on the role of, and more funding for, regional security forces known as the peshmerga, many of whom are former militia members who fought Saddam and complain of lower pay and fewer resources than their Iraqi army counterparts. Front Page
  • Anglo - American troops face a well organised militia who were especially repressed by the dictator and had hitherto seemed willing to cooperate with his removers.
  • The most unexpected, and potentially risky, aspect of NATO's resurgence is Abdul Razziq, the 32-year-old police colonel best known for allegations of pocketing millions of dollars in illegal customs dues, who has left the border to lead hundreds of his militiamen into Taliban-held villages that have bedeviled NATO troops for years. U.S. operations in Kandahar push out Taliban
  • Mogadishu-based Elman Human Rights group was named after Mr. Mohamud Ali Ahmed, popularly known as Elman, who was killed by militiamen on March 9, 1996, while walking with a young child along a city street. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • Because the forts must be garrisoned by the militia in the absence of the regiment, he declared, “I do therefore by virtue of the power and authority with which I am invested as commander in chief hereby require and command you to raise and send one hundred men of your militia,” along with officers, to a fort specified, and remain there until the return of the regiment. George Washington’s First War
  • Too late - Verrarc was speaking to the militiamen, summoning a pair, plunging into the crowd and heading straight for him. A TIME OF WAR
  • A UN force was sent in to stop fighting between three rival militias.
  • The militias have been know to use torture to get people to confess.
  • The surge in arms sales has fuelled accusations by rival political factions that opponents are building militias in anticipation of war. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also unsettling was the revelation that the husband, identified as Sher Mohammad, 30, was suspected of being a member of a local militia that, the police and government officials said, has proliferated in the region and stoked lawlessness and violence, including in the home. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • Obligated militiamen were required to arm and equip themselves, and take part in occasional musters and training sessions.
  • During the first part of Hals's career the militia companies continued to play a vital role in the defence of each city.
  • The prisoners were also made to cook and wash for the militiamen, who are mostly from nomadic tribes and who travel by horse and camel.
  • When the colonial militia deployed at Concord, the uniform was work clothes.
  • We have destroyed significant armoury of the militia.
  • His officials said western troops would not disarm militias by force. Times, Sunday Times
  • The five men were captured by 40 heavily armed militia wearing police commando uniforms. The Sun
  • A former member of the Virginia legislature as well as a militia captain and commissioned leader of partisan rangers, Peregrine Hays was forty-one years old at the time of his capture.
  • Apart from some garrison artillery, the regular army comprised staff officers and instructional cadres for the volunteer militia.
  • Answerable only to themselves, the uniformed militia nonetheless provided the only martial experience for thousands of otherwise untutored citizen-soldiers who would volunteer for the next war.
  • The joint effort has led to the disarmament of about 20,000 militiamen.
  • Six months later, U.S. troops drove Filipino militias from Manila and pursued them into the countryside.
  • And conscription was only used to recruit the militia, a reserve army never now mobilized except in wartime.
  • It was at this time that the idea of a citizen militia to defend the constitution against its enemies gathered support.
  • He comes from Liberia where he was forced to become a child soldier and fight in a rebel militia.
  • He was ignored, so in 1749 he sent Captain Céleron de Bienville at the head of a party of soldiers, militia, and Indians to the Allegheny River, then down the Ohio and up the Great Miami, to post lead-plate notices declaring that this was French territory. George Washington’s First War
  • Beginning in 1753, thousands of Canadians were conscripted each year into the militia, draining labour away from agriculture.
  • Using brutal tactics Duvalier created a rural militia to intimidate the population.
  • Until their arrest, the Hutaree were considered brothers-in-arms by other Michigan militia groups, including the SMVM. Rapid Growth of Militia Fueled by Politics | Impact Lab
  • The war effort was built upon volunteer companies and the amorphous state militias behind them.
  • It was a tough fight – Boudicca's militias killed thousands of Roman soldiers, at St Albans, London and Colchester – but a lost cause. Tonight's TV highlights: Secrets Of The Arabian Nights | House | Wishful Drinking | The Animal's Guide To Britain | A History Of Celtic Britain | Long Lost Family
  • The Palestinians will pledge to prevent terror and incitement and disarm all militias.
  • Article 8 of the constitution of the Painters 'and Decorators' Union of Schenectady provides that a member must not be a "militiaman, special police officer, or deputy marshal in the employ of corporations or individuals during strikes, lockouts, or other labor difficulties, and any member occupying any of the above positions will be debarred from membership. THE CLASS STRUGGLE
  • The evidence suggests that a strong case can be made for a planned strategy using militia.
  • I don't recollect how long he held the office, but it was long enough to make the title stick to him for the rest of his life with the tenacity of a militia colonelcy or village diaconate. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 03, January, 1858
  • Small groups of Canadian Fenians would cut the telegraph lines, destroy the railway bridge that connected Canada West and Canada East, infiltrate the Canadian militia, and suborn British soldiers.
  • The militia of the tercio will train together with the reserves for another seventeen days per year. The Lensman's Children
  • Society suffers from dangerous sects and cults, militia movements, media control, and misrepresentations of psychiatric treatment and mental disorders.

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