How To Use Military service In A Sentence

  • The other recurring problem is the avoidance of military service by privileged youth during peacetime and combat duty during wars.
  • Is military service compulsory in your country?
  • Why should ordinary Koreans pay taxes for those shirkers who educate their children abroad and avoid military service duties?
  • The war brought money and an opportunity for military service for 98,000 men, called "askaris". Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Russia's system of compulsory military service means that most have some military experience. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The last serving member from the Battle of Long Tan is retiring from service this month after nearly four decades of military service.
  • They were primarily to secure the allegiance of their subject, with most barons providing military service.
  • He was 34 and like most of his company a reservist, called up for emergency military service a week ago on Friday.
  • In the 1960s and early 1970s, inner city youth were targeted for induction into military service.
  • He completed his military service in 1967 as defence attaché Madrid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Military service is compulsory and frequently traumatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • As all those who held direct of the crown by military service (for those who held "by serjeanty" appear to have been classed apart), from earls downwards, were alike "barons," the great difference in their position and importance must have led, from an early date, to their being roughly divided into "greater" and "lesser" barons, and indeed, under Henry II., the _Dialogus de Scaccario_ already distinguishes their holdings as Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • It was a historic day for the army but also an important day in the history of Irish military service.
  • Is military service compulsory in your country?
  • This difference in initial age strata was necessary because most 19 year old males in Sweden fulfill a year of compulsory military service.
  • Some might stay on indefinitely, happy with a job suited to their talents, (like re-up'ing a 'careerist' in the public-employee military service). An idea to save newspapers (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Even so, remuneration for military service did provide inducement early on.
  • He briefly worked with Sonny Stitt and led his own band before military service, which ended in 1962.
  • Jack had been excused from military service on account of short-sightedness.
  • McCain will also try to "disqualify" you as an effective CinC given your lack of military service. Amb. Marc Ginsberg: Debate Prep #1: On Guard Against McCain
  • Men in college were exempt from military service.
  • Students are continually guilted into shouldering the burden of responsibility when they do not succeed in school and all too often accept as inevitable their fate of being sucked into military service.
  • He introduced a bill to reduce military service from five years to three but to close the loopholes by which seminarists, students, and the rich could obtain exemption.
  • The team join tens of thousands of people who have fled a dictatorial regime, widespread poverty and compulsory military service. Times, Sunday Times
  • He relates that his years in military service as a drill instructor has helped shaped him and he became more independent and wiser from it.
  • These three Manors did not come into the possession of the Audleys until early in the 12 th century when they were held by socage, i.e. military service, from the De Verdun family.
  • By the end of the tenth century, a system of military service had developed in which every unit of five hides was responsible for providing and equipping one man for the fyrd (militia).
  • The pioneers of a warless world are the youth who refuse military service. Anti-war quotations | Letter Never Sent
  • Males between 18 and 20 had to leave a deposit as a guarantee of returning to do their military service.
  • Will it be from the captains, majors, or commanders who entered military service five or ten years ago, or from the lieutenants or ensigns who joined last year?
  • University was a way of avoiding compulsory military service. Times, Sunday Times
  • After two years there, he and other American Japanese male prisoners of the appropriate age were drafted for military service.
  • He had one dose of diphtheria vaccine during military service in 1970.
  • He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service.
  • However, as in Australia and Ireland, social discord erupted on the issue of compulsory military service overseas.
  • Colbert donated proceeds to the Yellow Ribbon Fund, a Bethesda, Md., non-profit that helps injured military service members and their families.
  • Under the clan system they were pressed into feudal military service by their clan chiefs.
  • The essence of the original feudal system introduced by William I was that tenants of manors or other substantial units of land had obligations to their lords, of which fealty, suit of court, and military service were the most common.
  • Worse, so many doctors, scientists, and lab technicians had been drafted into military service that civilian operations were hamstrung.
  • The solitary stranger was mounted upon an able horse, fit for military service, and for the great weight which he had to carry, and his rider occupied his demipique, or war-saddle, with an air that showed it was his familiar seat. A Legend of Montrose
  • Its enthusiastic reception earned Rossini exemption from military service.
  • He had completed his military service as defence attaché in Jakarta. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless, on December 13, 1999, despite the inconclusiveness of the "group identification" and the lack of mass graves, the Pentagon released its official, public announcement that all members of this crew of U.S. military service personnel are now "accounted for." ... Statistics on the Prisoner of War issue
  • With a history of military service and labour detention camps, these provisions are not surprising.
  • Guns and Butter: As a man who applied for and was granted five (I sense a theme here) deferments from military service in the Vietnam War, who could have guessed Cheney would become the ultimate war monger. The DC Damsel: The Top Five Reasons I'd Boff Dick Cheney
  • He's completed 30 years of active military service.
  • After all, Israel has a rare commodity: more or less its entire young female population spends some time in compulsory military service. Matthew Yglesias » Leave it to the Professionals
  • Rumsfeld is a Chickenhawk: a person who actively avoided military service, and yet is determined to go to war. Report: 'Bin Laden was within our grasp'
  • The proposal -- intended to save the Department of Veterans Affairs $530 million a year -- would authorize VA to bill private insurance companies for the treatment of injuries and medical conditions related to military service, such as amputations, post-traumatic stress disorder and other battle wounds. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Veterans Groups Denounce Private Insurance Proposal
  • Once one becomes a soldier, the only way to stop being a soldier (and an enemy combatant) is to die or else be discharged from military service honorably or dishonorably. The Volokh Conspiracy » Opinio Juris Discussions of Targeting of US Citizen
  • The ‘double belting’ of the cottise is indicative not only of military service, but also of public office.
  • This injury left him unfit for military service but did not seem to affect his martial ability.
  • The religious were exempt from military service. The Tribes Triumphant
  • It was normally possible to make a payment, known as scutage or shield money, in place of performing feudal military service.
  • Military service is compulsory for every able-bodied male between 18 and 27.
  • The main accusation levelled against him was that he tried to avoid military service.
  • During the war, when men were drafted into military service, women joined the labor force by the millions. Sociology
  • Small farms were assigned to sons of noblemen and promising warriors, on condition they reported annually for military service.
  • Male students who finished their military service were excluded from the sample because they were considered to be adults, under the assumption that they might have had opportunities for coital experiences during their service period.
  • Such a vision would support Christians in their military service—especially if the military they serve increasingly approximates the ideal of Christian universalism.
  • According to the Constitution of the country all the young men do a year's military service.
  • During the war, when men were drafted into military service, women joined the labor force by the millions. Sociology
  • We MUST educate the young, the vulnerable, the at risk, that military service and war is not a career, nor is it a dignified cause for one's country; it is an ignominious act of ignobility, where the fate that awaits you is death, being maimed, mentally disabled or a murderer. Wexler: A Lone Hero at the Petraeus/Crocker Hearings
  • All ceorls could win promotion through prosperity or military service.
  • Plus, Heinlein figured there were certain virtues you†™ d learn in military service that might make you a better voter. » Heinlein evoked in plea to ban universal sufferage heinleinblog
  • In countries where military service is compulsory, failure to perform this duty is frequently punishable by law.
  • A streamlined system should be created in cooperation with the military commissariats and educational agencies, enabling young men liable to conscription to learn the basics of military service and up their athletic skills.
  • Yet even when we are made aware of that disengagement, we can still remain committed to military service.
  • An official date has been set for the opening of Maldon's Combined Military Services Museum.
  • For example, suppose a researcher wishes to determine the influence of military service on later civilian earnings.
  • Basic training installations and the military service academies are what they call "gateways" -- the places that young and vulnerable military personnel pass through early in their careers. Chris Rodda: Top Ten Ways to Convince the Muslims We're On a Crusade
  • To say that soldiers have "nothing to complain about ex ante" is to assert that they have already been paid everything they are owed, as though the military service can be reduced to a purely economic transaction. The Draft: Who Pays the Price?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • She has to do her military service.
  • After training as a reserve officer in the army during military service, he signed up for a degree in business administration combined with an apprenticeship. Times, Sunday Times
  • The recruits they train are all volunteers who, unlike draftees dragged kicking and screaming into camp, willingly seek military service.
  • As with the Persian kings, military service was expected in return.
  • It is the obligation of citizens to perform military service.
  • In many districts no revenue whatever is levied, the land being held free on a sort of feudal tenure in requital of military service; in general the tent-dwelling eels pay no tax on land, the quantity cultivated by those tribes being small. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • A seigneurie on the St. Lawrence might well be looked forward to as the reward of military service when the war should be happily terminated; if not, it was something to be able to reduce the great establishment which otherwise must still be kept up in France. The King's Warrant A Story of Old and New France
  • At this point, I'll also note that he was drafted for military service in the Vietnam War.
  • He boasts of dodging military service by feigning illness.
  • If the young Palinwas involved and didthe deed described, was given the choice of jail time ormilitary serviceandchose the service instead of jail, it was because that was the choice that he was given. OpEdNews - Diary: OEN Help Requested to Check Out This Palin Story
  • This protected him from being called up for military service. Christianity Today
  • It concludes that since military service is a burden, moral considerations require that the load be shared as equally as possible.
  • I got a glimpse of this difficulty because in my military service I was a weather forecaster, a meteorologist.
  • Her husband is also on active military service with the 9th artillery regiment.
  • He had completed his military service as defence attaché in Jakarta. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was exempted from military service for illness.
  • It is the obligation of citizens to perform military service.
  • This practice was also founded on the notion that a fief was a benefice, and that, while the heir could not perform his military services, the revenue devolved to the superior, who employed another in his stead. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part A. From the Britons of Early Times to King John
  • During the war, when men were drafted into military service, women joined the labor force by the millions. Sociology
  • Men in college were exempt from military service.
  • The term "scutage" may be roughly translated "shield money," and, as the word implies, it was a tax assessed on the knight's fee, and was in theory a money payment accepted or exacted by the king in place of the military service due him under the feudal arrangements. The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John (1066-1216)
  • The government planned to replace required military service with a voluntary army.
  • Meyer banked on his military service as a way to gain dignity and self-respect.
  • However, we have been unable to to locate any information that would help us in verifying military service. Heroes or Villains?
  • After military service, he became an international freelance choreographer.
  • However, Gavzy said Opacity, a funeral director in Kenilworth, touted his military service during his election campaign three years ago. Heroes or Villains?
  • All the U.S. military services use the range at one time or another for a variety of training needs.
  • During this period, all states and territories required men who wanted to avoid military service in the militias to pay fees or to hire substitutes.
  • Military service was a hot topic at Oxford in the mid-1950s, too.
  • All 18-year-old males are required to do a year's military service.
  • He still has to do his military service.
  • He was the first post-World War I major leaguer inducted into military service in 1941.
  • Between earning his nursing degree, completing his military service, and his first decade as an anesthesiology nurse, Mr. Reese realized that American standard-bred birds were in big trouble. One Big Table
  • Military service entails frequent changes of domicile.
  • He was exempted from military service for illness.
  • His bad eyesight exempted him from military service.
  • At present, barely half - 134,000 of 323,000 soldiers - are conscripts completing their military service.
  • Unfortunately, Donald was drafted for military service and was inducted into the U.S. Army in July.
  • More and more men are refusing to do military service .
  • Her husband is also on active military service with the 9th artillery regiment.
  • Admittedly, military service does change a person and oftentimes for the better.
  • After this he undertook voluntary military service in the fortress artillery.
  • The term militia is commonly used today to refer to a military force composed of ordinary citizens [1] to provide defense, emergency law enforcement, or paramilitary service, in times of emergency without being paid a regular salary or committed to a fixed term of service. Think Progress
  • Accordingly, in March 1863, Congress passed the Conscription Act to draft men into military service.
  • Defense Secretary Robert Gates said earlier this week that most Americans have grown too detached from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and see military service as "something for other people to do. Torrey Shannon: Cleaning for Heroes -- A Clean Home for Every Veteran
  • They are discharged from military service, two have their ranks lowered, and all three are ordered to forfeit pay for two months.
  • Francesca, daughter of Giovanni da Polenta, count of Ravenna, was given in marriage by him to Giovanni (Sciancato, the Lame) Malatesta, of Rimini, an ill-favoured man, in return for his military services.
  • The next time the government votes to go to war, I think every congressman and senator should be required to pr predesignate someone in their family begins immediate military service. CNN Transcript Nov 30, 2009
  • But she broke off the engagement when he went home to do military service.
  • Military conscripts who complete military service within a single period are assigned to special standby units after basic training and are immediately available.
  • The issue of military service as a requirement rather than an option has been around since the colonies were fighting for their independence from Great Britain.
  • His father's life was blighted by trauma he'd suffered during military service in the Second World War.
  • To some extent migrant labour is performing the role once played by military service when ex-army conscripts returned to the villages with new skills and ambitions.
  • Theoretically a government provides some form of compensation — military services, police services, fire services, court services, “bread and circuses” to distract the masses who might act as overt thieves otherwise — but such compensation, even moreso in the last fifty-odd years — can be indirect, unobvious, and/or useless. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Economic Alchemy
  • He was second Kapellmeister at the Tivoli Theatre in Bremen in 1914 before being drafted for military service in 1915.
  • 19 Although anxious about excessive preinduction attachment to mom, Grinker and Spiegel also argued that a preoccupation with family and home — particularly wives and mothers — was an inevitable by-product of overseas military service. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • Such a situation could only arise from a limited number of circumstances; either Mr. KENT was discharged due to physical injuries which precluded any further military service (active duty or reserve duty), or he was discharged under conditions/circumstances which involved disciplinary action. Grafton loola KENT
  • The Russians will almost certainly set up client states in Abkhazia and South Ossetia (and possibly Adjara — that’s in southern Georgia, watch out for that name in the news) and use the ’sensitive situation’ there as an excuse to shift all their military service exercises ever closer to the Georgian border. Archive 2008-08-01
  • exempted from military service by a dozen questionable medical certificates detailing a multitude of childhood infirmities. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • It is the obligation of citizens to perform military service.
  • Legislation was passed on private business transactions and shareholding companies, and also amending the law on military service.
  • According to the Constitution of the country all the young men do a year's military service.
  • The religious were exempt from military service. The Tribes Triumphant
  • This difference in initial age strata was necessary because most 19 year old males in Sweden fulfill a year of compulsory military service.
  • Under the clan system they were pressed into feudal military service by their clan chiefs.
  • Today's (god, the word gags me) 'journalists' are either brain dead of simply evil if all they see in Clark's comments are insults to McCain's military service. McCain Campaign Accuses Obama Camp Of Coordinating With Webb To Attack McCain
  • No-one shall be required to bear arms or perform military service against his or her conscientious beliefs.
  • The toastmaster (some old gentleman from Florida) introduced him as a person with 20 years of military service, a Green Robert William Levy
  • William Jackson was reportedly a professor at the University of Georgia; the nature of his military service and the source of the title colonel is unknown. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Being the only son in the family, the young man was immune from military service.
  • Military service entails frequent changes of domicile.
  • His bad eyesight exempted him from military service.
  • In order to force these territorial lords to do military service fiefs were granted from the already existing public domain, and in their turn the great lords granted part of these fiefs to their retainers.
  • He suffered from poor eyesight so he was not fit for military service during the war.
  • The grand irony in this, which was that he spent his own period of military service drinking and whoring around bars in Alabama, was rarely mentioned.
  • The recruits they train are all volunteers who, unlike draftees dragged kicking and screaming into camp, willingly seek military service.
  • unpatriotically he contrived a way of avoiding military service
  • He moved to Athens when he was 18 to fulfill his required military service as an ephebe, but left again shortly thereafter when his parents wer expelled from Samos, along with the other Athenians, when Athens lost the island to Colophon for a time and continued to study philosophy and began to attract disciples. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • He was captured and held as a prisoner of war, but survived and received his honorable discharge from military service on Jan. He returned Upstate, and worked for many years as a gun tester at Remington Arms in Ilion. Heroes or Villains?
  • The other guys start ribbing him, not about his politics but about his age, asking if he voted for Lincoln, saying that his first military service was as a guard on Noah's Ark.
  • His religious principles made him a pacifist so he was exempted from military service and remained at Cambridge.
  • That day, military service men and women launched, sailed, soared, and landed in harm's way to defend America's home front.
  • Being the only son in the family, the young man was immune from military service.
  • There were recurrent scutages (payments for the commutation of military service) and tallages (arbitrary levies) on demesnes, which included boroughs.
  • Even the West Saxon ceorl appears as the head of a free peasant household, owing military service, capable of owning slaves, and with significant legal status.
  • Henceforth we command that no man be disseized of any seisin that he holds, without cognisance of cause, or special order from ourselves; and that our people be not oppressed with new exactions of tallages and fresh customs; nor shall a muster be ordered in order to get the people's money, nor shall they be called out for military service without sufficient cause. The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville
  • After passing the tests of childhood and circumcision, boys must fulfill a civic requirement similar to military service.
  • David Waller's hugely entertaining biography describes how in 1885, at the age of 18, Sandow, a keep-fit fanatic since childhood, escaped military service by joining a travelling circus. Evening Standard - Home
  • A state effort to enlist new voters calls on people to make a choice between being drafted for military service or registering to vote.
  • BTW is it me, or does anyone else struggle to identify anyone at SMT level or higher within their Force whose had had previous military service? Sunday Post, Ruralshire, England. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • He was exempted from military service for illness.
  • Military service also brings about major and frequent changes of domicile.
  • The issue of military service did not matter to the same extent in Great Britain.
  • With only a little more than a year in the Army Reserve, Baker has now become the bearer of the military service torch in his family.
  • Many conscripts resent having to do their military service.
  • Military service is still compulsory in Russia and men aged 18 serve two years.
  • Tenancy was also in some ways akin to modern citizenship, as the obligations of a tenant often included providing military service and submitting to the jurisdiction of the landlord where such jurisdiction was appurtenant to that lord's property.
  • In spite of being exempt from military service he'd volunteered on his twenty-first birthday. Bomber
  • Many conscripts resent having to do their military service.
  • By challenging the courts, it's possible that strategy could backfire, which is a risk that some discharged military service members fear. Lt. Dan Choi, Openly Gay And Excited To Rejoin Military In Face Of Possible DADT Repeal (VIDEO)
  • men between the ages of 18 and 35 were liable for military service
  • And, Albert Einstein said, “The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service.” Printing: Make the War an Issue on Your School's Campus
  • Built as a great ocean liner, the Titanic's sister-ship was launched in 1914 and immediately entered military service as a hospital ship.
  • He's a wealthy patrician, but he does have an impressive record of military service.
  • “We want to send the message that there will be a consequence for any individual who embellishes or fabricates a military service record,” said Larnhart. Media Coverage October 2009
  • This is the often-unacknowledged postscript to military service.
  • The remaining eight constitutional amendment issues include adjusting the terms of Control Yuan members, lowering the voting age and revoking compulsory military service.
  • To connect my previous military service to today†™ s military service in connection to my rank is your mistake, not mine. Heroes or Villains?
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Veterans Groups Denounce Private Insurance Proposal'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'The proposal -- intended to save the Department of Veterans Affairs $530 million a year -- would authorize VA to bill private insurance companies for the treatment of injuries and medical conditions related to military service, such as amputations, post-traumatic stress disorder and other battle wounds. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Veterans Groups Denounce Private Insurance Proposal
  • According to the Constitution of the country all the young men do a year's military service.
  • He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service.
  • Military police are dealing with at least 40 percent more deserters than last year, the result of increasing numbers of reservists refusing to perform military service.
  • He had one dose of diphtheria vaccine during military service in 1970.
  • Bloggers were among the first to cast doubt on a report challenging the president's military service.
  • After one year, the men's fitness for military service will be subject to a final evaluation.
  • Previously, only men had to do compulsory military service. The Sun
  • All he had to look forward to in this country was death, a prison camp or compulsory military service.
  • The team join tens of thousands of people who have fled a dictatorial regime, widespread poverty and compulsory military service. Times, Sunday Times
  • When land was held by feudal tenure, military service was due from a tenant to his lord.
  • Women are also obliged to do military service, but are not required to serve in combat units.
  • A detached retina disqualified him from military service and in 1917 he worked for the American Red Cross in New Orleans.
  • In August 1914, he was re-called to military service to lead the Eighth Army in Prussia.
  • Mr Sharp worked on steam ships HMS Juno and HMS Phoebe during his military service. Pipes in both warships were lagged with asbestos material.
  • The other group of knights were the ‘enfeoffed’ knights, who after a period of military service were granted land, and then continued to serve or paid rents or rendered other services to the King.
  • Following his father's death in 1754 and military service during the French and Indian War, Revere took over the family goldsmithing business. History of American Women
  • In other words, military service would equal corrective discipline.
  • However, in March 1916, he was drafted for military service to the Reserve Officers School near Sofia.
  • After training as a reserve officer in the army during military service, he signed up for a degree in business administration combined with an apprenticeship. Times, Sunday Times

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