How To Use Military personnel In A Sentence

  • Whether Mr. Johnson was speaking metaphorically or just plain sillily, the fact he was expressing concern over adding many US military personnel to a small island displays concern for the overall impact on the Guamites … Guamians … Guamicans, hell just what does one call a resident of Guam? Think Progress » Rep. Johnson worries that the island of Guam will ‘tip over and capsize’ if U.S. troops relocate there.
  • Private military personnel marched with the US Army first into Somalia, then Bosnia, and Kosovo.
  • The WIC office located near Omaha serves 650 servicewomen, wives of military personnel, and their children each month.
  • It is used by active duty military personnel in field units and will not present any physical hazards to the soldier.
  • Article 12 State functionaries and military personnel on active service shall not renounce Chinese nationality.
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  • If we attack Iran, and any type of ground deployments become necessary, as it likely will, where will the US come-up with the military personnel to bolster the ground troops we would need for another prologued war? If We Go To War With Iran, Who Will You Blame?
  • There is fear that division of the province will ultimately see a dramatic increase in the numbers of military personnel stationed in the contested territory.
  • Yet he was concerned that, without the legal cover from Goldsmith, military personnel could be prosecuted for war crimes.
  • Military personnel were early users of electronic equipment operating in close proximity to radio transceivers.
  • Earlier this year PBS distributed to its affiliates only the expurgated version of A Company of Soldiers, a Frontline documentary about American forces in Iraq, because of concerns that obscenities shouted by military personnel during an ambush might bring censure from the FCC; it released the unbleeped version only to those local stations willing to sign waivers absolving PBS of liability for any fines. Fatwa City
  • Then swarms of military personnel combed the area and a tarp-covered flatbed truck rumbled out of the woods.
  • About 500 military personnel are medically discharged from the armed forces each year because or mental health problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • ROSEMONT, IL -- Marines and other military personnel who are wounded in combat as the result of a high-energy trauma, such as a bomb blast, are likely to develop an abnormality known as heterotopic ossification. Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
  • Local, civil, and military personnel patrol or enclose ancient sites.
  • These cases where military personnel are delegated to the CIA are sometimes known as "focal point operations. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • She saw the names of military personnel on a bronze memorial plaque and asked her mother, "Who are all those people? Christianity Today
  • Bonuses require military personnel to make a commitment to serve for a specified time.
  • But the rules only covered a portion of the lending methods available to military personnel -- payday loans, auto title loans and refund anticipation loans, which are high-interest loans based on the expected proceeds from an income tax return. At Fort Sill, High-Interest Lenders Circle The Gates
  • They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.
  • But little has been done and military personnel have been unable to get any information about retraining as teachers from official sources. Times, Sunday Times
  • It defines the limits of authority and liability of U.S. military personnel.
  • Military personnel found the front bumper and were attempting to dig out the wreckage from the landslide. Taiwan Rescue Workers Find Bus Missing in Mudslide
  • Angus: For any military personnel who resign or choose not to re-enlist because they refuse to serve alongside gay people, I say good riddance. The Volokh Conspiracy » Light at the End of the DADT Tunnel
  • The war that followed took the lives of 255 British military personnel. The Sun
  • Courses are taught by former or serving military personnel in public parks and the business has spread across the country and spawned various imitators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drawing from these definitions, noncore logistics functions can be described as nonoperational activities that are not required to be undertaken by military personnel.
  • Soldiers guarding the entrances to the base thus need to ensure only that military personnel or civilians coming in carry one of the many passes accepted within the base.
  • As the planes flew past I saw dozens of military personnel who had been involved in friendly fire incidents cowering in fear. The Sun
  • Thousands of people are attending parades to welcome military personnel home and local ceremonies to pay their respects to servicemen and women killed in battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • To contain the existing problem military personnel thoroughly sprayed the decaying animals with the insecticides methyl carbamate and "Baygon" (a propxur produced by Bayer, the aspirin makers); "Sevin" (a carbaryl produced by Aventis, a French company and smallpox vaccine maker that donated close to $2 million to the Bush camp in 2000); and "Lannate" (a methomyl produced by the chemical making machine DuPont). R. B. Stuart: Honoring Our Nations Veterans as Cancer Stricken Soldiers Go Ignored
  • The military code of conduct does require that military personnel resist capture.
  • Thousands of people are attending parades to welcome military personnel home and local ceremonies to pay their respects to servicemen and women killed in battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • It in no way relieves the strain on our overextended military personnel.
  • Turkey maintains Kurdish extremists - members of the Kurdistan Workers Party, known as the PKK - have been launching attacks from northern Iraq on Turkish military personnel and civilians.
  • Basic training installations and the military service academies are what they call "gateways" -- the places that young and vulnerable military personnel pass through early in their careers. Chris Rodda: Top Ten Ways to Convince the Muslims We're On a Crusade
  • Military personnel were likely to experience repeated exposure to combat in a single enlistment.
  • Britain has a dozen warships in the area, with a total of five thousand military personnel altogether.
  • A total of 13,223 military personnel have been classed as 'non-deployable', meaning they cannot serve on the front line. The Sun
  • By midnight on the seventh, downtown Los Angeles had been declared out of bounds for military personnel.
  • During World War Two, military personnel were strictly forbidden to keep journals or diaries.
  • Miliutin had begun not only to reduce expenditure, but also to introduce military personnel to the spirit of post-emancipation society.
  • The Pentagon has had a policy of refusing press access to the repatriation of dead military personnel.
  • Park free charge to military personnel in general, the state - level scenic areas hit 5 discount.
  • Applications are available from military personnel flights and commander support staffs.
  • They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.
  • Did this action increase or decrease the overall quality of military personnel? Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • The charity gives grants to wounded, inJured or sick military personnel and veterans and other charitable groups focused on recovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Military personnel will also have access from inside the camp perimeter.
  • The mechanistic aspects of warfighting were all in the hands of Pakistani military personnel, ex-servicemen or serving instructors.
  • There are little villages set up in the training area, and military personnel are tasked to play civilians.
  • All military personnel are expected to know and to act in accordance with these principles.
  • They get mainly former military personnel, many of them retired, some of them who have just done one or two stints but who have certifiable skills in everything from being an infantryman to being a chopper pilot.
  • Neither do we have a clear sense of how the everyday activities of the priests, voyageurs, habitants, military personnel, and their families were influenced by close interactions with Native groups on the frontier.
  • I recommend that the Council join the other non - military personnel inside the temple.
  • In addition to military personnel, about 2,000 civilians worked to construct Alcan Highway.
  • The town is off limits to military personnel.
  • France began stationing military personnel in French Polynesia in 1962.
  • They usually portray American military personnel as barbarians with no respect for human life.
  • Australia has about 1,500 military personnel in and around Iraq.
  • President of the Republic of the appointment of the country's civilian and military personnel.
  • In order to salute the real-life equivalents of its subjects, the film affects a semi-documentary style, casts character actresses rather than stars in the leads, and uses genuine military personnel as walk-ons.
  • In addition to military personnel, about 2,000 civilians worked to construct Alcan Highway.
  • Military personnel were called on to drop thousands of tons of sand, clay, lead, dolomite, and boron on the damaged reactor to smother the radiation stream, often without adequate protection.
  • He came up with all kinds of ways to send messages from the military personnel to their families.
  • Last week the superpower-defying website, in collusion with unknown U.S. military personnel, posted 391,832 field reports from Iraq -- SIGACTs, in military-speak, or significant actions in the war -- including the checkpoint incident above. Robert Koehler: Defying a Superpower
  • Military personnel were likely to experience repeated exposure to combat in a single enlistment.
  • By midnight on the seventh, downtown Los Angeles had been declared out of bounds for military personnel.
  • It seems the time has come for military personnel to be given the right of conscience.
  • As the planes flew past I saw dozens of military personnel who had been involved in friendly fire incidents cowering in fear. The Sun
  • The LIDA machine has been credited with putting an entire auditorium of Russian military personnel asleep.
  • By midnight on the seventh, downtown Los Angeles had been declared out of bounds for military personnel.
  • He soon caught sight of Vince Grant, towering walnuthrown and square-shouldered over a small gathering of civilians and military personnel bottlenecked at the arrival hold's security gate.
  • Since 1954 Japan has never dispatched military personnel abroad.
  • Britain has a dozen warships in the area, with a total of five thousand military personnel altogether.
  • He claimed a strike would harm national security and threatened dockworkers with replacement by military personnel.
  • That likely means greater investments in intelligence-gathering systems such as pilotless drone aircraft, special-operations forces and equipment, and advanced cultural training for military personnel, aides said.
  • Britain has a dozen warships in the area, with a total of five thousand military personnel altogether.
  • They are recruiting around 200 former military personnel to deploy super-fast fibre broadband to homes and businesses. The Sun
  • Officials say the White House has already frozen some $800 million in security assistance to Pakistan in recent months because of factors that include Islamabad's refusal to readmit American trainers and military personnel who process Pakistani reimbursement claims—items that fall into categories on the U.S. performance checklist. U.S. Links Pakistani Aid to Performance
  • Marine helicopters arrived at the U.S. embassy in Beirut with a team of military personnel who are supposed to survey the situation from a security standpoint, as to see how they can establish what they call a secure and orderly withdrawal of nationals there. CNN Transcript Jul 16, 2006
  • Britain has a dozen warships in the area, with a total of five thousand military personnel altogether.
  • I recommend that the Council join the other non - military personnel inside the temple.
  • Key military personnel looked down on the big board from glassed-in offices.
  • Military personnel join other worshippers during Friday prayer ceremony.
  • For example, a 2007 estimate had 180,000 contractors supporting roughly 160,000 troops in Iraq; to the extent official numbers list just the 160,000 military personnel, the government can give the impression that our footprint is only half its actual size. David Isenberg: We Don't Need No Stinking Democracy
  • They are recruiting around 200 former military personnel to deploy super-fast fibre broadband to homes and businesses. The Sun
  • About 18,000 military personnel were detained. Times, Sunday Times
  • Firefighters were also at the scene, and a group of military personnel waited at the edge of the cordon.
  • Vision links strategic policy to tactical actions; leadership relates to training the next generation of military personnel.
  • The Reverend David Allen, President Allen's brother-in-law, gave the invocation after asking the audience to join in a moment of silence for caregivers and military personnel around the world.
  • No one likes admitting that they were wrong, least of all military personnel, but there comes a point when retreat can be more honourable than defending an unsustainable position.
  • Courses are taught by former or serving military personnel in public parks and the business has spread across the country and spawned various imitators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Military personnel were called in to join the search for survivors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two at the Public Records Office, checking the death certificates of all serving military personnel from May to July. BARRACUDA 945
  • Operating under the radar, Condor operatives included military personnel, European neofascists, CIA-trained Cuban terrorists and international narcotraffickers who did the "wet work" for their political masters, Latin American oligarchs and their North American allies. Pacific Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times - Progressive opinion, dissident news
  • Britain has a dozen warships in the area, with a total of five thousand military personnel altogether.
  • They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.
  • It is understood large numbers of military personnel were boarding aircraft.
  • Military personnel were already under a night-time curfew. Times, Sunday Times
  • The day honours all past and present military personnel - particularly troops who fought in the First and Second World Wars who Australians call "Diggers" - with ticker-tape parades and services. Undefined
  • The Kings are Hitler and Roosevelt, complete with military personnel, figures of the capitals and tanks as the strong chessmen also fighting to protect. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 658
  • As many as 200 civilians and an unknown number of military personnel died during heavy fighting between government and rebel forces.
  • Military personnel were called in to join the search for survivors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such information is restricted within military personnel.
  • His family claim he and other military personnel were duped into taking part in what they believed were harmless experiments.
  • Six truckloads of military police were sent by the army to clear out all military personnel so they would not be involved.
  • Britain has a dozen warships in the area, with a total of five thousand military personnel altogether.
  • In response, imperial military personnel were dispatched: four commanders, chiliarchs, and centurions from the capital were each given 30 skilled cavalry troops to patrol trouble spots around Liangxiang.
  • Mobilization for war shifted authority and resources from New Dealers to military personnel.
  • It is estimated that the number of military personnel who have deserted from the ranks and who have stated, from their actions, that they will not fight in an illegal and immoral war for imperialist America, numbers approximately 8,000. Think Progress » Staying in Iraq.
  • Since 1954 Japan has never dispatched military personnel abroad.
  • The LIDA machine has been credited with putting an entire auditorium of Russian military personnel asleep.
  • An 18-hour curfew remains in place in Concepcion, the country's second largest city, and military personnel are on patrol to make sure food and water are distributed properly.
  • Some 24 ships, 23,000 military personnel, 400 armoured vehicles and a squadron of fighter-bombers are involved.
  • The contract also includes training military personnel in the use of the tools.
  • Military personnel may have had contact with hydrazines and nitric acid when they disarmed or disposed of Scud missiles or were downwind of a missile explosion.
  • Corruption and bribery are rampant in many countries across Asia Pacific, often involving top politicians, government officials, military personnel, and business tycoons.
  • They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.
  • As the planes flew past I saw dozens of military personnel who had been involved in friendly fire incidents cowering in fear. The Sun
  • It's hard to know what military personnel make of this phrase, which has become almost perfunctory through constant use. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 13-strong caving group included non-military personnel John Taylor of North Derbyshire and Kevin Welch from North Yorkshire.
  • Thousands of people are attending parades to welcome military personnel home and local ceremonies to pay their respects to servicemen and women killed in battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here and there we could see both farmers and military personnel busy gathering Chinese cabbages and Japanese radishes to make the spicy Korean dish of kimchi.
  • A jail for the detention of military personnel guilty of minor offenses or awaiting court - martial.
  • Drugs could also be used to enhance the performance of military personnel.
  • The cemetery contains the bodies of military personnel who died in service, as well as those of ex-service personnel and dependents.
  • Military discipline has reportedly collapsed, with armed military personnel leading the dash to the airport.
  • Since 1954 Japan has never dispatched military personnel abroad.
  • For any military personnel who resign or choose not to re-enlist because they refuse to serve alongside gay people, I say good riddance. The Volokh Conspiracy » Light at the End of the DADT Tunnel
  • She saw the names of military personnel on a bronze memorial plaque and asked her mother, "Who are all those people? Christianity Today
  • Britain is increasing its presence on the ground to 500 military personnel, most of them involved in training. Times, Sunday Times
  • Discreet replacements of senior military personnel also took place at that time.
  • Military personnel join other worshippers during Friday prayer ceremony.
  • John Lucaks isn't happy with the recent tradition of American presidents returning salutes from uniformed military personnel.
  • There is also the phenomenon of US military personnel posting their own personal blogs.
  • She saw the names of military personnel on a bronze memorial plaque and asked her mother, "Who are all those people? Christianity Today
  • In addition, about 50,000 U.S. military personnel are stationed in Japan. Mr.
  • President of the Republic of the appointment of the country's civilian and military personnel.
  • The town is off limits to military personnel.
  • And the first resource that's been drained is our military personnel, who have spent the past decade on long, backbreaking deployments. David Broder: War With Iran Will Save Economy, Obama Presidency
  • Apart from military personnel, it is only our oldest generation that has had first-hand experience of life in a war zone.
  • In order to salute the real-life equivalents of its subjects, the film affects a semi-documentary style, casts character actresses rather than stars in the leads, and uses genuine military personnel as walk-ons.
  • Since 1954 Japan has never dispatched military personnel abroad.
  • The girls tossed flowers and blew kisses as the ranks of military personnel passed by, a supportive gesture tinged with romanticism.
  • Air Force Academy where students are pressured to attend the Crusade's weekly "cru" - (short for crusade) Bible study, American military personnel are, as Campus Crusade's Scot Blom gloats, "government paid missionaries" - when they complete their training. U.S. Military's Middle East Crusade for Christ
  • Local, civil, and military personnel patrol or enclose ancient sites.
  • It seems a stretch that a trained group of military personnel lose all sanity after only 28 days.
  • ROSEMONT, IL-Marines and other military personnel who are wounded in combat as the result of a high-energy trauma, such as a bomb blast, are likely to develop an abnormality known as heterotopic ossification. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • But little has been done and military personnel have been unable to get any information about retraining as teachers from official sources. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some 24 ships, 23,000 military personnel, 400 armoured vehicles and a squadron of fighter-bombers are involved.
  • Courses are taught by former or serving military personnel in public parks and the business has spread across the country and spawned various imitators. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, speaking of contempt, there is no restoring the reputation of an administration that has scrupulously sought to sabotage the Bill of Rights, and Geneva, as well as destroy evidence of what can only be called war crimes by U.S. military personnel, acts of torture that were not merely approved, but orchestrated, by the executive brank, as this latest report from the bipartisan Senate Armed Services Committee establishes. Jayne Lyn Stahl: Bush: On the Line
  • If this kind of prosecution is upheld it could lead to a witchhunting due to personal conflicts within military personnel. Think Progress » Air Force sergeant discharged under DADT after police see her marriage license and out her to the military.
  • Military personnel were already under a night-time curfew. Times, Sunday Times
  • To contain the existing problem military personnel thoroughly sprayed the decaying animals with the insecticides methyl carbamate and "Baygon" (a propxur produced by Bayer, the aspirin makers); "Sevin" (a carbaryl produced by Aventis, a French company and smallpox vaccine maker that donated close to $2 million to the Bush camp in 2000); and "Lannate" (a methomyl produced by the chemical making machine DuPont). R. B. Stuart: Honoring Our Nations Veterans as Cancer Stricken Soldiers Go Ignored
  • Under Texas law, a copy of military personnel files of those serving in the Texas Air National Guard must be retained on microfilm at the Texas archives.
  • By midnight on the seventh, downtown Los Angeles had been declared out of bounds for military personnel.
  • The president is sending in almost 20,000 military personnel to help with the relief efforts.

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