How To Use Milieu In A Sentence

  • Sadly, I must concede, that it was an understandable response in that milieu.
  • The actors themselves are firmly located in contemporary Rome: the vivid specificity of the social milieux is sometimes more reminiscent of satire than of earlier elegy.
  • It was into this lawless milieu that Devi was born, the second daughter of a low-caste illiterate farmer.
  • What is left in ‘her’ wake, however, is an acerbically astute representation of a social environment in which mothers are routinely erased, undervalued, and ‘trapped’ within the domestic milieu.
  • History is the process of immunizing us to the eccentricities of a specific milieu, the milieu of place in favor of ideology.
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  • The social milieu to which her family belonged tended not to regard further education for women as a priority. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moi j'etais dans la voiture a un stop donc je n'ai pas pu aider la vieille femme qui 'perdue' est resté abasourdie au milieu du passage clouté immobile a regarder de droite a gauche ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Against this, however, stood the successful isolation of the political resistance organizations and the overwhelmingly closed nature of the different social milieux inherited from the Weimar period.
  • The author also tells us about the economic history, the changing socio-political milieu and the spatial emergence of Bangalore.
  • Instead Schodt recreates the social and cultural milieus that surrounded MacDonald at various stages of his life.
  • To locate a text in a specific historical milieu was only the preoccupation of specialist scholarship.
  • Fine French Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry, rosewood and tulipwood table de milieu.
  • Almost all come from monastic or mendicant milieux, and are passages in annals or chronicles of the writer's abbey. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • In the end, we're not quite sure if the soulless quality of the milieu he chronicles is a reflection of the world outside his head or the one inside it.
  • As a Christian, you can say Sathya Sai Baba's miracle stories are not interesting, let's not pay attention to them, but if you set them within the prescientific religious milieu of the first-century Roman Empire, suddenly miracle stories become especially compelling. The God Debate
  • He hypothesized that basal primates were visually directed predators of fauna on slender branches, a milieu that favored a wide field of stereopsis and clawless, prehensile hands for visually tracking and grasping prey.
  • The story is set brilliantly in the context of ever changing social and scientific milieus, which often gave rise to controversy, some of which continues to this day.
  • The previously undomesticated boy quickly realizes that half-measures like hastily buying his little cousin a pre-packaged lunch at a convenience store on the way to kindergarten can have traumatic consequences in a milieu where bringing in an amateurish or non-homemade bento is perceived as a symptom of a shamefully inadequate family. Daddies dearest
  • Is it possible that there are social circumstances and milieus that are uninspiring by their very nature?
  • Notwithstanding the toons' huge popularity whether it is Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck or the Scooby Dos, Tom & Jerry and so on, they are set in a different social milieu.
  • The oozy goo of reproduction and decay impinges darkly on the tidy geometrical regularity of a bogus suburban milieu.
  • The social milieus they provided in the household were shared by their daughters and very much valued.
  • Changing the organization often results in a milieu characterized by defensiveness and feelings of insecurity.
  • I just didn't realize how moving it was and how radical it was to have that stated so clearly in the context of the kind of supercilious cultural milieu of indie rock. Be specific: Chad Clark, co-producer of the Dismemberment Plan's "Emergency & I," on how the album might have been very different
  • You could require it only be taken out for use in predetermined milieus — someone visits a theater with it, another a restaurant at which a call is to be made and received, another on a day hike through the Santa Cruz hills to test reception, and so on. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Next iPhone — and the Criminal Law Angle
  • The ensemble playing that provides the story's milieu has an organic feel, but is often fussy and gauche when what's required is brisk, broad caricature.
  • They don't need intermediaries to put their ideas into practice and their work is transforming our cultural milieu. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Dimanche dernier, au milieu de toute la splendeur de leur clairvoyance, Andry Rajoelina et Gilbert Raharizatovo ont fait un copier-coller de la décision ridicule de réduire Viva TV au silence, et ont tenté de fermer Radio-Mada et Radio Fahazavana.” Global Voices in English » Madagascar : Transitional government is trampling on freedom of speech
  • In an overwhelmingly male milieu, the diminutive Borda added verve and vigour.
  • But there's no estival diversion quite like a juicy brew of crime and passion: a bouillabaisse of murder, sex and politics, perhaps with a hint of the milieu mixed in. Letter From Paris: Savoring A Summer's Scandal
  • The social milieu upon which they have up to now been based is deeply divided.
  • While for some, video games conjure up the image of the socially withdrawn and uncommunicative male, the milieu of video games is intensely social.
  • They don't need intermediaries to put their ideas into practice and their work is transforming our cultural milieu. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the one hand, the photograph gives us a hint of what it feels like to be a power broker whose milieu is the smoke-filled room, or an insider who manages the campaign from the sidelines.
  • But there are more radical readings of the contextualist setting by which antigens are sensed, and debate concerning what constitutes the milieu of meaning of antigenicity and ensuing reaction have spawned certain provocative, and potentially important models of immune regulation (reviewed in Podolsky and Tauber 1997; Tauber 2000). The Impulse of Breathing
  • All the elements of outstanding success were there for the asking: the superb maritime ambience of Phuket, the December offshore north-easterlies, safe anchorages and the potential for a matchless social milieu.
  • From the milieu of the nobility itself there arise preachers of conciliation.
  • Milieu Recognition: With different specifics of comparable locales elided, a fictive milieu may be recognised as essentially matching the experiential milieu of the reader -- e.g. where the fictive milieu of a novel set in Liverpool resembles the experiential milieu of a reader living in Glasgow. Archive 2009-12-01
  • In search of a possible explanation for the attenuation of Kim53Δ nlpD, we evaluated the involvement of Y. pestis NlpD in resistance to prolonged growth in rich (HIB) and minimal (M9) broth, and in acidic and oxidative conditions that simulate the intra-phagosomal milieu. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • They hail from an upper-class hoity-toity milieu — they met at the superfarty Wellington College — so I can only imagine how bizarre and declasse it must seem to their friends and family that they chose to enter the shmatte business. Fashion���s Midget Moment: Bryant Park Tents Billow With Teensy Togs
  • Her book is not only a biography, but the detailed chronicle of a social milieu. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Jane Gilbert, trim, honey-haired, and freckled, is quite at home in this milieu.
  • The artist tries to pull off the trick of synthesizing these two strains into something characteristic, first of himself and second of his milieu.
  • On top of the milieu, in wonted Godspeed fashion, an old man recalls a bizarre and oddly moving story of how a penguin is gobbled up by a killer whale.
  • It was into this milieu of religious ferment, focused in particular on the temple and Jerusalem, that John the Baptist and Jesus came.
  • Rattle's socialist leanings have often brought him into conflict with his musical milieu. Times, Sunday Times
  • As well as departing from the normal milieu of Bulgarian theatre, the production is also very different from other interpretations of the play.
  • What is certain is that a sport that has been out of sympathy with the cultural milieu for many years has reached its lowest point. Times, Sunday Times
  • Baccarat is a good fit for folks who enjoy the agony and ecstasy of gambling as well as the resplendence of the milieu, and don't come to the casino primarily or exclusively to parlay small stakes into big bucks.
  • The more deliberately this type of milieu is fashioned from the foreign, the more the process of composition can be considered a craft in its own right. Notes on Worldscape
  • Her book is not only a biography, but the detailed chronicle of a social milieu. The Times Literary Supplement
  • What was their social milieu? Times, Sunday Times
  • This is Shatner's milieu these days - riffing about love and pain in a sort of slow-motion white man's rap.
  • Merton and Barber reveal social milieus to be productive or receptive to the concept.
  • Depuis 1978, le FIDA a investi plus de 10 milliards d'USD sous forme de prêts à faible taux d'intérêt et de dons, aidant ainsi plus de Oeuvrer pour que les Fonds international de populations rurales pauvres développement agricole 300 millions de femmes et d'hommes vivant dans une grande pauvreté en milieu rural à Via libèrent de la pauvreté se Paolo di Dono, 44 accroître leurs revenus et à faire vivre leur famille. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Les tuiles sont ensuite mises curer pendant 5 jours en milieu humide (100% d'humidit) et Chapter 12
  • Variete de Variete is more decorated, filled with allusions to recognizable dance forms - a tango, an apache dance - with even the hint of a specific milieu.
  • With perhaps the exception of Steven Spielberg's "Munich," which dovetails nicely in morose spirit and disturbing milieu, very few movies about the 1970s (that weren't actually made in the 1970s) look and feel as perfect as "Carlos" does. TV Preview: Sundance Channel's 5 1/2-hour biopic 'Carlos'
  • How did you end up in the Music City and what are your thoughts on this musical milieu?
  • Worldbuilding: The ambiguity in the term "worldbuilding" resides in the fact that it was coined for the craft of creating ordinate realities in the manner of Tolkien's highly methodical "subcreation," largely a matter of blocking, bolstering, gilding and bumphing, but has come to be applied not just to worldscapes generated by worldblazing but to any sufficiently foreign and/or complex fictive milieu, even to milieus that are largely mimetic. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Despite this, we trust both media to be the repositories of our cultures, to store the minutiae, the details and experiences that define our milieu.
  • Milieu: Separate locales cohere across the suturing of scenes -- e.g. in one scene the character is on the road; in the next they are booking into the motel. Notes on Worldscape
  • Presumably the cost of being insusceptible to bilayer tension often outweighs the benefits, especially where the in situ milieu of channels can provide mechanoprotection.
  • Henighan considers the Toronto literary scene to be an ingrown milieu in which writers not published by USA branch plants are losers, and writers not living in Toronto are ignored.
  • Any attempt by the Labour mafia to intrude a political crony or some ‘socially inclusive’ candidate into the specialist, highly sophisticated milieu of the National Galleries would be an outrage.
  • Several of Mr. Perrotta's earlier novels—particularly "Election," his 1998 satire about a hotly contested New Jersey high-school election, and his chatty "Little Children" 2004, about thirtyish parents in a Boston neighborhood—inhabit the same micropolitan milieu. Into Thin Air
  • This was the encouraging milieu in which China's reform of the State sector was able to proceed.
  • You could require it only be taken out for use in predetermined milieus — someone visits a theater with it, another a restaurant at which a call is to be made and received, another on a day hike through the Santa Cruz hills to test reception, and so on. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Next iPhone — and the Criminal Law Angle
  • The enjoyment of water was evident in garden grottoes and nymphae structures in which fountains, cascades and pools were choreographed to create an appropriately sybaritic milieu.
  • Does the research help members to arrive at a better understanding of their social milieu?
  • Even business professors, such as Harvard's Rakesh Khurana and Andy Zelleke, are trashing the prevailing corporate milieu wherein "little has been meaningfully valued by either executives or shareholders beyond the short-term accumulation of wealth. John Cavanagh: A Bold Proposal for a New Economy
  • The poetry of this Staffordshire circle embraces the non-court, recusant and social milieu of the first Lord Aston, his children, their spouses and friends.
  • In reaction to other philosophies of life the Taoists retreated and lived as recluses outside the milieu of society.
  • A hundred or so of us huddled together in the shelter of the lobby of the Hibiya Town Hall, where I had a strong sense of not being in my natural milieu.
  • The social milieu of Hebrew poetry changed, rising from egalitarian synagogical circles to the elite upper class.
  • Or he can go for an approximation, adopting a kind of Brooklynese, for example, but this would not evoke Döblin's louche Berlin milieu so much as Damon Runyon's New York. [ The Genius of Berlin
  • Our specific role in the political milieu is to upset the apple cart, which is precisely what happened in Florida.
  • Where the narrative is aimed to function mainly as a conceptual exploration of a quirk's implications, we may expect to see less bolstering as the alterior reality is argued via that exploration; in some cases -- some future and ulterior realities, for example -- the fictive milieu may be argued directly from the start point of a recognisable mimetic milieu. Archive 2009-12-01
  • They picture Egyptian milieus from the most ancient of times to contemporary everyday life, deal with questions of broad human concern, raise philosophical and existential questions. Naguib Mahfouz – The Son of Two Civilizations
  • Nie werden sie sich bewegen werden sich von einem Milieu im anderen nicht begeben, wenn sie allein aber ja uns Bewegungsempfindung geben werden. Modular bookshelves and room dividers by Permafrost and Katharina Styren
  • The milieu is the wealthy, East Coast cocktail-hour set.
  • Into this milieu comes now the neural network approach to artificial intelligence,[Sentence dictionary] where learning is built into every system.
  • At this point, I looked around and thought that one more item would add to the homey atmosphere and peaceful milieu that I was trying to create.
  • The second is that his treatment of psychotic patients fulfils most of the criteria for an ideal milieu therapy.
  • And in that process, he places himself against borrowing folk arts and transplanting them in a new milieu.
  • Her book is not only a biography, but the detailed chronicle of a social milieu. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Rambam excluded the levirate wife from the condition to prohibit the husband from taking another wife because he considered the precept of yibbum as taking precedence, both because he lived in a polygynist milieu and because the husband did not seek out the marriage. Legal-Religious Status of the Married Woman.
  • This aural quality thus complements the film in its evocation of the 1920's era of Woolf's Richmond as well as the modern milieu of contemporary New York.
  • What is certain is that a sport that has been out of sympathy with the cultural milieu for many years has reached its lowest point. Times, Sunday Times
  • I grew up firmly middle class in a supersmall town and, boy, did I go through a lot of the same stuff these fictional rich kids do, just in a far different milieu. Class Warfare
  • Extrapolation of some physiologic data may be valid, but with the differing anatomy, neuroanatomy, and hormonal milieu of each gender, physiologic differences outweigh the similarities.
  • All the elements of outstanding success were there for the asking: the superb maritime ambience of Phuket, the December offshore north-easterlies, safe anchorages and the potential for a matchless social milieu.
  • She is no outsider, but a talented draftswoman whose upbringing in a family of steamfitters afforded her familiarity with the milieu of pipes, valves and boilers.
  • With a considerably larger cast of main characters, this second novel takes in three generations and a wide milieu of itinerant bed-hopping actors, theatrical agents and journalists.
  • Such was the milieu in which nineteenth-century gymnastics and calisthenics systems offered women palliatives for infirmities that were equated with consumptive female invalidism.
  • Worrying about schools or 'milieux' is something only seriously provincial people do. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the while, people ignore how these movies are about very small human stories and they're always confined by and constrained by the social milieux where they take place.
  • Milieu is sufficiently abstracted from locale layout, in fact, that dressing and general staging may override specifics -- e.g. the milieus of two contemporary realist novels could be functionally equivalent despite the fact that one locale layout is mapped closely to Liverpool while the other is mapped closely to Glasgow. Archive 2009-12-01
  • To locate a text in a specific historical milieu was only the preoccupation of specialist scholarship.
  • Primarily in academic milieus, greater emphasis and discussion is centering on what has come to be called "sexuality and gender studies" sometimes referred to as "queer studies" -- an area of critical studies where writers, educators, and students analyze and challenge current notions and categories of sexuality and gender constructions. Warren J. Blumenfeld: Tribute to Youth Activism & Possibility for a Better Tomorrow
  • Gold's milieu, the laid-back '70s, saw things move away from the highly tailored mod look to unisex dressing inspired by the sexual revolution and feminism.
  • Each milieu affects the space, bends it, inflects it, shapes it.
  • While for some, video games conjure up the image of the socially withdrawn and uncommunicative male, the milieu of video games is intensely social.
  • It is a study of the social and cultural milieu in which Michelangelo lived and worked.
  • The milieu story calls for a deft hand at world-painting, and Sir Kenneth does that very well, with flourishes of specific terminology that shows the extent to which the story was researched – or the immersion he may perhaps actually have in hobbies of the sea. Review: Philippine Speculative Fiction IV (3 of 4) « BAHAY TALINHAGA
  • Perhaps the attendant dangers of living here are immaterial, given the hipness of the milieu. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Anthony Cronin's telling portrait of the time, Dead as Doornails, portrays the boozy pub-centred milieu as a place where the attitude and drinking seemed nihilistic and alcoholism and underachievement were rife.
  • Later, Reactionist writers took the view that frontier women were lonely, displaced persons in a hostile milieu that intensified the worst aspects of gender relations.
  • Oracle said it was his natural milieu. A Plague of Angels
  • The imperial armed forces are bogged down in an unwinnable war amidst an ever more unpredictable milieu, giving up ground in Iraq while US allies Turkey and Pakistan are thrown into political crisis and Iran -- anathema to the independence-averse US establishment -- grows in influence at the heart of this strategic region, and talks with Chinese and Russian "multipolarity" advocates. Stan Goff: PING & PONG: you are the ball
  • They don't need intermediaries to put their ideas into practice and their work is transforming our cultural milieu. Times, Sunday Times
  • Machiavelli's suggestion, for example, that a prince "not deviate from what is good, if possible, but be able to do evil if constrained," must be appreciated in context. 140 Although political and military leaders were exhorted to virtues of constancy and temperance, the late quattrocento (and early cinquecento) was not a juste milieu, as Machiavelli illustrates: Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • During pregnancy along with the change in the cytokine milieu, other physiological changes including insulin resistance, thrombophilia, immunosuppression and hypervolemia, increase the risk of chronic disease PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Mahfouz's novels and short stories are works of art, picturing milieus from the most ancient of times to contemporary everyday life. Naguib Mahfouz – The Son of Two Civilizations
  • It is a study of the social and cultural milieu in which Michelangelo lived and worked.
  • The milieux may be very different, yet the concerns of the men who frequent the two clubs are the same. Times, Sunday Times
  • What was their social milieu? Times, Sunday Times
  • Specifically, negative social milieus and socialization severely limit the possibilities of achieving preventive success.
  • Perhaps the attendant dangers of living here are immaterial, given the hipness of the milieu. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Meanwhile, an unrevised manuscript of The Divine Milieu had found its way to Rome and was under study by Vatican theologians.
  • She is no outsider, but a talented draftswoman whose upbringing in a family of steamfitters afforded her familiarity with the milieu of pipes, valves and boilers.
  • Our specific role in the political milieu is to upset the apple cart, which is precisely what happened in Florida.
  • Given the fiery contentiousness that defines our current academic milieu, we would do well to emulate the tough-minded but collegial exchange between Howe and Ellison.
  • Such was the milieu in which nineteenth-century gymnastics and calisthenics systems offered women palliatives for infirmities that were equated with consumptive female invalidism.
  • Throughout, the authors emphasize the role various institutions and milieux have played in shaping literary processes. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Though he admired drunks immoderately, he was seldom seen drunk in what was already a heavy - drinking milieu.
  • But there is no reason to abandon optimism, or to believe that the future of Buddhism in India is compromised by this absence of conversation between the two very different milieux in which the dharma is pursued and the sangha is conceived.
  • Rather it is the social milieu of the physicists of the Weimar period with its Spenglerian hostility to science and causality that is the cause of their beliefs.
  • The findings of the report refer to a particular social and cultural milieu.
  • It's a timeless conceit, but in "The Rules of Civility," Amor Towles sets it convincingly in a late-1930s milieu where the limousines and cocktail parties of the haut monde contrast piquantly with the wider context of the Great Depression. The Best Fiction of 2011
  • A surprisingly ambivalent entry in a genre that's usually brain-dead, Reggie Rock Bythewood's Biker Boyz mines intelligence by recognizing the contradictions inherent in its milieu.
  • It is only romantic reverie that cannot thrive in a milieu of sober criticism.
  • Needless to say, he had no domestic skills either, never having been taught any; and his friends, coming from the same social milieu, were just as undomesticated.
  • But his eclecticism has seemed a weakness, a tendency perhaps to adapt to stronger personalities, including some of his leading performers, and various social milieus.
  • The milieu created by Lloyd and his designer, Soutra Gilmour, is a mix of mad militarism and rave-up. Salome
  • Instead, the concept of ‘Swan Lake’ as a performance milieu is the basis for a fast paced maelstrom of ballet, yoga, capoeira and gymnastics.
  • What more, I appreciated Tatsumi's little details that reveal a good bit about Hiroshi and his milieu, like how his ne'er do-well father immediately tries on his son's new suit jacket, declaring he'll "borrow" it "whenever he needs to look smart," or the sequence where Hiroshi attempts to hire a female model to pose nude for him and his friends in order to improve their draftsmanship. Robot reviews: A Drifting Life | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • These poets, it must be remembered, emerged out of a highly politicized milieu, where socialism was the word of the hour.
  • One of the horses in the second big race had to be put down, and whatever else it was trying to do -- establish Dustin Hoffman as a TV star, create a trackside milieu, give us a world full of compromised, colorful individuals, say something about the gambler's mentality -- 'Luck' made us feel awful for that poor horse and for the jockey that had to comfort the beast in its last seconds. 'Luck': Dustin Hoffman And David Milch Debut Their New HBO Drama
  • Je pense qu'il y a fondamentalement un problème d'adéquation public/fonds en effet, si ton événement vise à aider les gens qui souhaitent devenir indépendants dans le milieu du web, alors ne pas indiquer directement le prix de la conférence est une erreur. Going Solo Venues, Open Stage, and Link Love — Climb to the Stars
  • Modern sociologists have tended to focus on the full range of social milieus that make up German society and on the various kinds of consumer behavior that characterize each milieu.
  • Compared to other studies, McDonagh succeeds in giving the reader a much better sense of the general anxieties that permeated the cultural and social milieus of her many commentators.
  • Coming from another milieu , she found life as an actor's wife very strange at first.
  • In the wake of institutional approaches, it is the consubstantial interdependence between theory and reality that researchers seek to assess that is at the heart of the innovative milieus approach.
  • Joyce used his own life and the social milieu of Dublin through which he took an imaginary walk every day of his exiled life.
  • Proust's work reflected his own social and cultural milieu.
  • But I was only able to do this because of contacts I have in my milieu of academic sociology.
  • Into this milieu comes now the neural network approach to artificial intelligence, where learning is built into every system.
  • Now, in all but the most conservative milieus, that is no longer true. Is It Healthy For The Kids?
  • Comme la fourchette se trouve au milieu, vous allez inciser la crevette un peu sur le côté, tout près des pattes. Décortiquer sa crevette sans douleur — Climb to the Stars
  • The findings of the report refer to a particular social and cultural milieu.
  • His work has proved difficult to define within the artistic milieu of Hans Holbein the elder's workshop.
  • Her rose-colored view of the Castro regime is typical of a particular social milieu.
  • The cellular milieu would then support the immunosuppressive reactions of UVB and its photoproduct, cis-urocanic acid, through their oxidant dependence.
  • The whole point is to disorient - that's how you get consumers to consume, put them in a milieu of bedazzlement and wonder.
  • This corporate milieu suits the man who convinced a hodgepodge of individuals, corporations and governments to join him in raising the cash to construct a new space to accommodate Calgary's burgeoning theatre scene.
  • Perhaps the attendant dangers of living here are immaterial, given the hipness of the milieu. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • A milieu deeply penetrated by interpersonal distrust forestalls the development of associability and mass membership in associations.
  • J'ai recu de nouveau un coup de fil en plein milieu du repassage et comme je suis tres bete vous savez le temps de repondre j'ai laissé le fer a repasser couché sur la planche .... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • An accomplished harmonicist and vocalist, Godboo's talent has flourished in the fecund blues milieu.
  • Despite its potential as a powerful therapeutic lever in hypnotherapy, little has been written about applying OBE in this milieu.
  • Après avoir démissionné de l'armée britannique, dans laquelle il avait le grade de capitaine, Charles Boycott fut recruté comme représentant de propriétaires fonciers en Irlande pendant les années de famine du milieu du XIXe siècle. Archive 2010-05-01
  • The films plunge the viewer into milieux with their own procedures and terminology. The Times Literary Supplement
  • His donnish concerns and highly specific milieu make him less ‘contemporary and accessible’ than his Anglophilic, Masterpiece Theaterish, young fogey fans might think.
  • Coming from another milieu , she found life as an actor's wife very strange at first.
  • Alcoholism is so widespread here that it has a spiralling effect on the social milieu of the State.
  • Shields shares with fellow Canadian Alice Munro not only her Ontario milieu but also a gift for psychological acuity expressed in limpid, shimmering prose. Unless: Summary and book reviews of Unless by Carol Shields.
  • Where mimesis is breached and the figurative function of the semiotic milieu foregrounded, the result may be a radical schism from reality. Notes on Worldscape
  • The artistic milieu of late-nineteenth century France is the world in which he moves, surrounded by artists, aristocrats, mountebanks and tarts.
  • We do not inhabit a fixed or even firm milieu, the poem suggests, while enacting polyvalence and parataxis.
  • They discuss the importance of using this expanded system to increase the physician's understanding of the complex interplay between the soma, the psyche and the social milieu of the patient.
  • How ironic then that some women writers sneer at men who enter therapy's allegedly feminised milieu.
  • Eating habits in Germany vary by social class and milieu, but it is possible to generalize about the behavior of the inclusive middle class, which has emerged in the prosperous postwar era.
  • Today, it is argued, essentially the same experiences are interpreted within the current cultural milieu as visitors from space. Dictionary of Mind, Body and Spirit
  • Her book is not only a biography, but the detailed chronicle of a social milieu. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Will seems to thrive in the hard-driving, mind-altering milieu of rock and soul.
  • Modern Contextual Dewarping: Such conventions persist, but with the increased scope of post-Enlightenment experiential milieus, such mock-recognition is less likely to be afforded in the face of credibility warp; the unknown world and the unknown past are expected to conform to the same principles. Archive 2009-12-01
  • However if the site can deliver on its promise of multifarious gameplay, then it should see a fair number of paying visitors to its virtual tropical island milieu.
  • The degree to which the characters are bound to their milieu is made apparent at every turn — sometimes, in didactic bits of dialogue, almost too apparent. International Crime Fiction
  • I suppose you could historicize or contextualize them – Ballard with the ICA milieu and Eno with the UK art schools. Ballardian » The 032c Interview: Simon Reynolds on Ballard, part 2
  • And in fact, the isolation and weakness of the radical milieu put a premium upon commitment to an unqualified Utopia.
  • As it is, the somewhat uniform and monolithic representation of ‘the West’ mars the attempt to produce a nuanced and subtle reading of cultural hybridity as the inevitable product of a complexly interwoven global milieu.
  • Perhaps the attendant dangers of living here are the reason for the hipness of the milieu. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • The social milieu to which her family belonged tended not to regard further education for women as a priority. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, his films were also movies with complicated characters, a distinctive milieu, and emotional resonance.
  • Là les enfants attendent des bateaux, qui dans l'île sont allés, au milieu du lac plein de rires: Archive 2009-09-01
  • The findings of the report refer to a particular social and cultural milieu.
  • Oracle said it was his natural milieu. A Plague of Angels
  • The heated, heady campus milieu provides tinder for explosive debates in which more than mere politics is at stake.
  • Our specific role in the political milieu is to upset the apple cart, which is precisely what happened in Florida.
  • Today, it is argued, essentially the same experiences are interpreted within the current cultural milieu as visitors from space. Dictionary of Mind, Body and Spirit
  • It is only romantic reverie that cannot thrive in a milieu of sober criticism.
  • The heroes are mostly antiheroic, and the milieu is more frenetic than credible, but it's no surprise that this novel is a 2008 Hugo Award nominee. Retirement Policy
  • This role will give Leo's career a shot in the arm, I feel, rather than sink him to a level of ordinary boy-toy pretties of the Tab, Rock, Troy milieu which Mr. Bailey eschews.
  • I had grown up in a middle-class Jewish milieu where intellect, distilled into academic achievement, was everything.
  • Some fresh air has wafted through this milieu in recent months. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fourth, the promise of superior performance is not made to atomistic individuals, but to real people in real social and political milieus.
  • After dark, the street milieu is the domain of the shadowy.
  • Standing among these grotesques, one immediately attempted to connect the images, to deduce the cultural and social milieu from which they came.
  • He begins with the fact that religion is the source of considerable social conflict, much of which involves how ‘religion’ is to be defined in different social milieux.

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