How To Use Miles per hour In A Sentence

  • In other wet news, the Cassini-Huygens probe successfully buzzed Saturns moon Enceladus yesterday at a height of 50 kilometers (30 miles) and a speed of 14.4 kilometers per second (32,000 miles per hour). Water, water…. somewhere? « Imaginary Potential
  • Its movement is north-northwesterly at 15 miles per hour. CNN Transcript Jul 10, 2005
  • The speed limit is 40 miles per hour.
  • Within a nanosecond of my reaching the other side, a high speed streamliner coming around a curve passed over those very same tracks at about 100 miles per hour. Advice to those people seeking info on Mexico
  • Mac nodded, turning on the Jeep and pulling out of the driveway at forty miles per hour.
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  • On Aug.13, Hurricane Charley roared in from the Gulf of Mexico, bringing winds of 140 miles per hour and spawning tornadoes.
  • The average airspeed of the common housefly is 4.5 miles per hour.
  • It is 15 miles per hour faster than a Piper Cub due to using a NACA developed airfoil. Would You Bring Back NGLT-or SLI? - NASA Watch
  • With gusts of up to 180 miles per hour, Commonwealth Bay is often the windiest place on earth.
  • When the aircraft closed in on each other - at hundreds of miles per hour - the dogfights began.
  • They all went whizzing by us as we tootled along at forty miles per hour.
  • But amazingly, it kind of regenerated itself a little bit earlier this morning and strengthened and probably could have been labeled back to tropical storm status because we have sustained winds between 40 and 45 miles per hour. CNN Transcript Aug 19, 2007
  • Mowing speed can be finely regulated up to four miles per hour.
  • The car reaches a speed of 60 miles per hour within five seconds.
  • The players use a cesta, or basket, made from Spanish chestnut and reeds to throw the ball up to the blistering speed of 188 miles per hour.
  • But by the time the melee is in full effect, everyone and everything on the screen is computer-generated - including the perspective of the camera itself, steering at 2,000 miles per hour and screaming through arcs that would tear any physical camera apart. Boing Boing: April 6, 2003 - April 12, 2003 Archives
  • Without gravity, we would be immediately flung into outer space at l, 000 miles per hour.
  • Freezing easterly gales, with wind speeds up to sixty miles per hour registered at Harry's weather station, continue to dominate the beginning of spring.
  • The speed column is the average ground speed (in miles per hour) gliding between thermals which should roughly correspond to the average air speed between thermals given the task.
  • It is not a simple ribbon of water running northward; the Gulf Stream is a complex system of constantly shifting currents and eddies that parallel the coast at speeds that average about four miles per hour. The Atlantic and Its Warm, Blue River
  • 25 years ago Gales gusting from thirty to sixty miles per hour left a trail of damage in York for the second time in a week.
  • They are very fast swimmers and can reach speeds of up to 60 miles per hour.
  • All I saw was a car coming straight at me, at about thirty to forty miles per hour!
  • This tub could make only about eight or nine knots (nautical miles per hour).
  • The car crawled at 11 miles per hour, as excited onlookers cheered the smiling President and his glamorous wife.
  • Straight away the players had to do ten miles per hour for 90 minutes. The Sun
  • Boost is engine manifold pressure, a key ingredient in the maintenance of horsepower and ultimately, miles per hour.
  • Formula One's high-tech, single-seater cars zip around twisty tracks at speeds of up to 220 miles per hour. BMW Pulls Out of Formula One Racing
  • A few taps on the pocket calculator show that the Moon's speed in its geocentric orbit is around 2,300 miles per hour, although variable between perigee and apogee.
  • Motor City in the shuttle roaring in the sky , if more than 200 miles per hour, not how to prevent them from the building hit?
  • I have street-luged off ramps at 60 miles per hour where you don't see where you're landing," Chaput says of his willingness to hop in the show's reality TV time machine. The Orange County Register - News Headlines : Top Stories
  • Driving at eighty miles per hour wasn't something new for him.
  • At about 4: 00 p.m., she was going about 30 miles per hour and hit a patch of black ice on a steep, curvy section of the road and lost control of her vehicle.
  • The other driver had been 2 times over the legal alcohol limit and had run the red light at 75 miles per hour and totaled both cars.
  • London traffic now moves at an average speed of eleven miles per hour.
  • Some of that smoothness is thanks to a seven-speed, double-clutch transmission that can move this beast from zero to 60 miles per hour in 2.48 seconds. Beautiful Monster
  • Even in good conditions 70 miles per hour on the motorway is a potentially lethal speed if you are tailgating the car in front.
  • It is not an indicator of instability; even though the bike is highly unstable when shimmying, it can be an extremely stable bike just a few miles per hour slower.
  • Winds, initially between the North East and South East in direction, are to reach speeds of between 45 and 55 miles per hour with gusts of up to 70 or 80 mph.
  • These days, the coolest way to get that adrenaline pumping is to catch a ride on a river bodyboard-a sleek, lightweight craft that sends you flying downstream at up to 25 miles per hour. Hey Dude, Let's Catch Some Rapids
  • When you are careering down the motorway at the breakneck speed of forty-five miles per hour, make sure you sit in the middle lane.
  • The spokesman said the signs were very useful in combating excess speed, showing reductions on average of eight or nine miles per hour.
  • You claim you did not know the difference between kilometres per hour and miles per hour. The Sun
  • The car reaches a speed of 60 miles per hour within five seconds.
  • Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour.
  • Next we will be having our speedometers changed from miles per hour to kilometres per hour.
  • This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour
  • Keep in mind that these paintballs travel at about 200 miles per hour and usually draw blood when they hit their target.
  • You should've seen her last night, driving at seventy miles per hour going on eighty, blasting rock music.
  • In this new, higher orbit, the craft's linear velocity, measured in miles per hour, was greater than before.
  • The other driver, who was fixing her makeup in the rear view mirror while driving on my side of the road at forty miles per hour, hit me quiet forcefully.
  • Elizabeth guessed that he was going at least forty or fifty miles per hour.
  • It was far away and traveling very slow (seven miles per hour); no need to worry now.
  • Vehicles must decide how to navigate and avoid these obstacles while traveling at 10 to 30 miles per hour.
  • Their common gait is a shuffle like walk, however, they are able to reach speeds of 15 miles per hour on the ground.
  • A quick glance at her speedometer told her she exceeded the speed limit by at least fifteen miles per hour, but she didn't care.
  • According to the meteorological department, strong winds of up to 75 miles per hour were whipping the area at the time of accident.
  • Local anglers know the best day for good results is when a warm southerly or south westerly wind blows at speeds of about 10-15 miles per hour and with low cloud overhead.
  • The fleet of six human-powered passenger paddleboats in a Swan motif began to shuttle passengers around the Public Garden Lagoon on April 16 at a leisurely two miles per hour.
  • The giant 580-mile (930-km)-wide storm unleashed 8O miles per hour (130 km per hour) winds, grounding aircraft all along the heavily populated eastern seaboard. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Yes, its society doing that, but alsa there is beauty all around and it is much more likley to be seen when your average speed is say, 15 miles per hour with the wind blowing hot air thru your helmet then sittin in any car, train or bus... BSNYC Morbid Death Quiz! (Formerly the "Friday Fun Quiz")
  • Through radar studies, scientists now have proof that these bats fly and feed up to two miles high, and sometimes ride tailwinds that carry them over long distances at speeds of more than 60 miles per hour.
  • My Volkswagen puttering at thirty-five miles per hour on the expressway north. DOUBTING THOMAS
  • The hurricane is moving to the west at about 18 miles per hour.
  • It had a cruising speed of 106 and a maximum speed of 129 miles per hour.
  • The car has a top speed of 155 miles per hour.
  • The odometer shows now 140 miles per hour.
  • His yen for a sport, in which speeds of 110 miles per hour can be reached, was fuelled when he was taken to Silverstone by his dad to watch friend Moore in karting action.
  • This broad definition sweeps within its confines the modern "crashworthiness" case that lets a jury hold a manufacturer liable when a drunk driver wraps his car around a telephone pole while driving 80 miles per hour. News
  • Typically for a caique, the Balun has a slow but powerful diesel engine that allows it a cruising speed of roughly seven nautical miles per hour, and rarely uses its heavy canvas sails. Slow Boat to Croatia
  • Recommended ground speeds are usually between 4 and 6 miles per hour.
  • He blasted down the longest straightaway, reaching a speed of about 200 miles per hour.
  • None of us had a radar gun today, but I'm guessing Jimmy was topping out at forty miles per hour.
  • Mina rolled the window back up and floored the accelerator, and they took off at fifty miles per hour.
  • A racing homer can average 40 miles per hour or more under normal conditions, but they have reached speeds of 60 miles per hour and faster.
  • He drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour.
  • Buses on dedicated routes can regularly travel at 35 miles per hour and adhere far more closely to schedules.
  • The planes only had a top speed of fifty miles per hour and when hitting strong headwinds actually began to move backwards in mid-air.
  • I suspect it may also be the fault of the speed limits changing from miles per hour to kilometres per hour.
  • He drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour.
  • The 2003 Tour was the fastest on record, averaging more than 25 miles per hour and putting the cyclists under threat from speed cameras, currently proliferating throughout the world like triffids.
  • Average hourly wind speeds ranged from 70 to 90 miles per hour.
  • He then started at a sprint, perhaps moving thirty five to forty miles per hour in his inhuman speed and his horrible fear.
  • Anything less than a wind of 30 miles per hour is considered but a gentle zephyr.
  • Sighing in relief she headed toward the turnpike and eased her Eclipse into a comfortable sixty miles per hour.
  • [107-2] A remark by the abridger who noted the inconsistency between a total of 48 miles for a day and night and even an occasional 15 miles per hour. The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503
  • The competitors were doing 29 miles per hour for the first hour, an incredibly fast pace.
  • Select or measure ground speeds in miles per hour (mph).
  • From two thousand feet he tried again, rolling into his dive, beak straight down, wings full out and stable from the moment he passed fifty miles per hour.
  • For three weeks passengers will be whooshed at 1,000 miles per hour through the African skies, deplaning to take in the lions and ibex in the Serengeti and to bob under the spray of Victoria Falls.
  • The police stopped them doing 100 miles per hour on the motorway.
  • The system was said to be moving west-north-west at seven miles per hour, with maximum sustained winds of 35 mph.
  • Max winds, 85 miles per hour, north-northeasterly movement. CNN Transcript Aug 14, 2004
  • Travelling at the rate of over eighty miles per hour, all I could hear was thunderous air rushing pass my ears.
  • They call the Kentucky Derby the most exciting two minutes in sports, but it also contains the most bizarre, fascinating and harrowing millisecond—the moment the steel starting gates pop open and release 20 half-mad, inexperienced thoroughbreds that zoom to 30 miles per hour in just a couple of strides. The Most Critical Two Seconds in Sports
  • The whole kit and caboodle sped from Los Angeles to New Orleans at 70 miles per hour, stopping six times along the way to put on shows. Rita Houston: Rita's Railroad Revival
  • I took a glance at the speedometer: eighty miles per hour and still increasing.
  • On Aug. 30, Gustav, a Category 4 hurricane, with record wind gusts over 200 miles per hour, pummeled the Isle of Youth and Pinar del Río province. OpEdNews - Diary: End the Blockade of Cuba - Send Hurricane Aid
  • The new 911 Carrera features a six-cylinder engine with 350 horsepower that can accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour 60 miles per hour in 4.6 seconds. Porsche, Auto-Industry Peers Buck Fears of Downturn
  • The Reverend W Hughes followed with a suggestion that the speed of motorcars should be restricted to four miles per hour on district roads which were less than eleven feet wide, and another member went so far as to suggest two miles per hour.
  • She said the blue dress she wore during the first month "calmed" her mind; "my brain was moving 360,000 miles per hour. Jane Levere: Marina Abramovic Answers the $64,000 Question: "How Did I Pee?"
  • Ostensibly designed to outkick the legendary Cristiano Ronaldo (who can reportedly kick a soccer ball at speeds measuring 130 kilometers per hour, or about 80 miles per hour), we kinda think the robot was built just for the heck of it. Autoblog
  • The 30 to 40 miles per hour wind drove perpendicular across my path making it impossible to stay on the road even if I could see it.
  • For now, the memorial includes a field of wild flowers, mainly golden coreopsis and Queen Anne's lace, and a 17-ton sandstone boulder marking the spot where the plane crashed at more than 500 miles per hour. Memorial in Pennsylvania Still Short on Funds
  • He drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour.
  • Cars passing the elementary school generally are already going about fifty miles per hour.
  • The hurricane is moving to the west at about 18 miles per hour.
  • A fine spray of medicine in liquid form then shoots out the front at 520 miles per hour.
  • Cars cannot exceed 35 miles per hour within city limits.
  • The vehicle had been travelling at speeds in excess of 90 miles per hour.
  • Top speed is 120 miles per hour.
  • Straight away the players had to do ten miles per hour for 90 minutes. The Sun
  • Teams of between two and eight dogs will run at speeds of over 20 miles per hour around the gruelling four-mile course.
  • They all went whizzing by us as we tootled along at forty miles per hour.
  • He estimated that his top running speed is about fifty miles per hour.
  • The Big Bertha produced a greater average carry, whether the clubhead speed was 85, 95 or 108 miles per hour, on center hits, high toe hits or low heel hits, with a two-piece ball or a three-piece wound balata.
  • Pilots were regularly flying between United Kingdom and the United States of America and they noticed that it was quicker to fly to the UK, reporting tailwinds of over 100 miles per hour.
  • While driving home along an empty stretch of freeway from a dinner party at a senior executive's house outside Houston, the ultracompetitive Bethune thought he'd leave his underling, Smisek, in the dust and pulled away in his Porsche at 130 miles per hour. Continental CEO Jeff Smisek sports a competitive streak
  • After the wreck, the driver decides to try and make it home, dodging merging headlights like schools of blonde fractioning into failed deliveries and distances (D) tantamount with words like dog track or jalopy — all traveling at a pace of 35 miles per hour through rain. Probability
  • The speed limit is 40 miles per hour.
  • Also at a certain time in the morning, right where the 101 and the 405 meet, it lends itself to incredible lighting, perfect for tweezing your eyebrows as you scooch along at two miles per hour. You’ll Never Blue Ball in This Town Again
  • Paddling on the river is easy and relaxing - until winds at 30 miles per hour transform the waters into whitecaps breaking over the bow of your little kayak.
  • Top speed is 120 miles per hour.
  • After the wreck, the driver decides to try and make it home, dodging merging headlights like schools of blonde fractioning into failed deliveries and distances (D) tantamount with words likedog trackorjalopy — all traveling at a pace of 35 miles per hour through rain. Probability
  • The car was travelling at 70 miles per hour .
  • The car reached speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour.
  • The police stopped them doing 100 miles per hour on the motorway.
  • Walking away from a rollover accident at 60 miles per hour to go home and see your wife and daughters. Christianity Today
  • Top speed is 120 miles per hour.
  • We chug towards home at a steady forty miles per hour.
  • Jane hit the brakes, and we slowed to sixty miles per hour.
  • Once waterborne it can reach speeds of 30 miles per hour, according to Gibbs Technologies, the British firm that designed it.
  • It has a top speed of fifty five miles per hour and riders will experience spirals, corkscrews, a cobra roll, and overbanked curves.
  • Add to that 25 miles per hour wind that brought the wind-chill down to minus 40 degrees F. Subhankar Banerjee: Extreme Weather Report From Home: The Thong Will Drop
  • Walking away from a rollover accident at 60 miles per hour to go home and see your wife and daughters. Christianity Today
  • Its operationally loaded top speed is rated around 38 nautical miles per hour.
  • The computer showed my ball speed was 150 miles per hour, my launch angle 14 degrees and my spin rate 4,400 revolutions per minute.
  • A CAB firm has called for a speed camera to be investigated after 12 drivers were clocked jumping a red traffic light - at zero miles per hour.
  • Freezing easterly gales, with wind speeds up to sixty miles per hour registered at Harry's weather station, continue to dominate the beginning of spring.
  • Then each succeeding mile was completed at a lower steady speed than the previous mile, again at a whole number of miles per hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he points out that the monitoring of hurricane winds today has a coarseness of about 5 miles per hour.
  • The odometer shows now 140 miles per hour.
  • This bird is the world's fastest animal at 220 miles per hour.
  • I worked out that my average speed over those two months was fifty miles per hour the whole time.
  • Something catches the driver's eye at forty miles per hour through the congested street.
  • Teams of between two and eight dogs will run at speeds of over 20 miles per hour around the gruelling four-mile course.
  • The three brakemen needed about eight hundred feet to stop a train going ten miles per hour, Worthen said. The King's Best Highway
  • The grazing animals were running fast — thirty or forty miles per hour Ada guessed in the seconds before the sonie carried them out of sight — but the birds were moving faster, perhaps sixty miles per hour, four times as fast as any droshky or carriole that Ada or the other three had ever ridden in. Ilium
  • I turned my skis down the steep inrun, put my arms out for stability and went speeding at thirty-five miles per hour toward this intimidating jump. The Full Feed from
  • We were doing about 45 miles per hour when we topped that hill and saw a 2-ton truck 30 feet in front of us.
  • The speed limit is 40 miles per hour.
  • they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour
  • Having clocked a speed of just over 240 miles per hour, this car still holds the record as the fastest production car ever.
  • A few taps on the pocket calculator show that the Moon's speed in its geocentric orbit is around 2,300 miles per hour, although variable between perigee and apogee.
  • We were bowling along at seventy miles per hour.
  • The earth can be thought of as a gigantic gyroscope, spinning at over 1000 miles per hour at its equator.
  • The little karts reach speeds of more than 65 miles per hour on the straightaways.
  • First, the rate of travel of a standard bottle rocket can reach speeds up to 200 miles per hour.
  • I saw the car coming at a hundred miles per hour and then suddenly, wham!
  • Each channel separates into many streamers and stabs into the ionosphere at 4 million miles per hour.
  • His average velocity on the fastball was ninety miles per hour on the button.
  • We'd always expect insurers to be reasonable if it comes down to a dispute over a few miles per hour or a millimetre of rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of the weight of the bogie, if it's traveling at 11 miles per hour, NASCAR can re-create the impact of a 40-mph crash.
  • Cross-channel trains reach speeds of up to 160 kilometers, or 100 miles per hour.
  • Sometimes speeds reach 100 miles per hour as the convoy screeches around corners and over central reservations.
  • Next we will be having our speedometers changed from miles per hour to kilometres per hour.
  • Then each succeeding mile was completed at a lower steady speed than the previous mile, again at a whole number of miles per hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Horsemen were greeted by temperatures in the 40s, heavy rain, and wind gusts of nearly 40 miles per hour on Tuesday.
  • This car does 150 miles per hour
  • This car goes faster than 120 miles per hour.
  • The planes only had a top speed of fifty miles per hour and when hitting strong headwinds actually began to move backwards in mid-air.
  • A. the speed of light in a vacuum is about 670,616,629.2 miles per hour or 983,571,056 feet per second, which is about 186,282.397 miles per second, or roughly one foot per nanosecond. the speed of sound? How Fast is….
  • Dry conditions and wind gusts of up to 40 miles per hour are fueling the fires.
  • This new superplane has an average speed of 80 miles per hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Top speed is 120 miles per hour.
  • Sighing in relief she headed toward the turnpike and eased her Eclipse into a comfortable sixty miles per hour.
  • The high-velocity rail system known as TGV (Train à grande vitesse) began operating between Paris and Lyons, offering passenger service at speeds up to 168 miles per hour. 1983
  • They don't look too bad, but we've seen them kind of fluctuate to about 15 to 17 miles per hour. CNN Transcript Jun 24, 2007
  • I was dozing happily this morning when I became conscious of four little paws pounding up the stairs at what sounded like forty miles per hour.
  • The speed limit is 40 miles per hour.
  • But their impact is usually as decaying, moisture-laden tropical storms (wind speeds under 74 miles per hour) or their remnants, rather than hurricanes. Otto may form, but tropical season slowing?
  • The night air, fraught with chill and gelidity, rips past the sensuous curves of the luxury sports coupe at 40-plus miles per hour. Getting Sideways On Douglas
  • The Alaskan kites are very hardy and can withstand wind speeds of up to 15 miles per hour.
  • Modern iceboats have been reported to reach 90 miles per hour, but in 1938 an official speed record was set that still holds.
  • This car was certainly not travelling at fifty miles per hour!
  • Driving sixty miles per hour, the telephone poles are closer together - it's only when you're walking that you recognize how far apart they are.
  • Our speed had dropped down to fifty miles per hour.
  • It is a differnt energy from the ride on Monday then the ride on Friday no matter what you do for a living Yes, its society doing that, but alsa there is beauty all around and it is much more likley to been seen when your average speed is say, 15 miles per hour with the wind blowing hot air thru your helmet then sittin on any car, train or bus... BSNYC Morbid Death Quiz! (Formerly the "Friday Fun Quiz")

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