How To Use Mildly In A Sentence

  • Second, at the same time, I'm somewhat surprised and mildly appalled that this story hasn't generated a lot of buzz in the blogosphere.
  • Yet, going to their house could be mildly upsetting.
  • He took to antiquarianism, which is a sort of philtre, driving its votaries mildly insane, and filling them with emotions which, on the whole, are probably more often happy than grievous. Hawthorne and His Circle
  • In any case, Pang et al. may have unknowingly found an unstated risk for hospital birth of having a mildly premature baby.
  • He fixed her with a mildly reproving glance which diluted quickly into a fond grin.
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  • So it's mildly surprising to hear the axeman sounding like some gentle bod who works at your local guitar shop. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first time he had drunk it he had been violently sick, then had fallen to the ground in a dead faint as the mildly poisonous root exploded through his system.
  • He sets all of this action in a kind of unnamed anywhere, a mildly bizarro world of wacky mini-mart customers, humdrum garden apartments and seething ennui.
  • The effect on his colleagues would have been only mildly eased by the fact that Laplace was right!
  • He was almost physically pained by rigid doctrinal systems, and mildly revolted by the idea of discipleship.
  • Saying that Joan was taken aback is to put it mildly. She was completely flabbergasted.
  • His oxygen saturation was 98 per-cent as measured by pulse oximetry, and his peak flows were only mildly reduced from his baseline.
  • A woman dressed in a grey babygro reads a story about a man and his imaginary children which features a mildly disturbing maternal death. Richard III; Lullaby; Hundreds & Thousands – review
  • There has been, to put it mildly, teething trouble. Times, Sunday Times
  • That said, nearly all four-wheel-drive cars are equally capable of amazing their owners by getting stuck on little more than a mildly sloping croquet lawn.
  • Even straight men, so often skittish and easily threatened, found his aw-shucks persona and mildly sarcastic, I'm-in-on-the-joke attitude congenial.
  • So far most American critics seem unconvinced, to put it mildly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, in the kingdom of the dull, the mildly interesting man is an automatic choice for king.
  • Those figures are mildly encouraging, but we need faster progress.
  • On stage, he's smart but unacademic; attractive yet mildly awkward; friendly but acerbic.
  • I pointed out the mysterious and mildly alarming position of the bag to an usher, and he, rather phlegmatically, held on to it until the woman returned to claim it.
  • They're soft and mushy, anemically pale yellow, and thick-cut - perfect for soaking up a squirt of malt vinegar or dipping in a side order of mildly spicy curry sauce.
  • Then having signalled that he was quite unintimidated he replied mildly: `Who told you I was negotiating with Christie's? ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • But I was mildly put off, and somewhat challenged.
  • Q. How many times a week do you do mildly energetic activity such as gardening, light housework or repairing things? The Sun
  • But while walking in a park in New Orleans a few days ago, I suddenly got the urge to drop a couple of bucks on what I thought would be a mildly amusing little black magic hoodoo voodoo palm reading.
  • I had never been a Star Trek geek myself, but I felt like this film had a potential to ruin something so sacred for so many, andall for the sake of a few bucks and a mildly fun but forgettable night at the movies. Shep’s Top Ten of 2009: After this it’s over…I promise. | MovieChopShop
  • I felt mildly depressed.
  • I'd always be mildly irritated and try to ignore it.
  • I am mildly disappointed not to be earning money, but a large glass of red wine has an enormously compensatory effect.
  • To call Barbara ‘fickle’ would be putting it mildly: this dame is as cold and calculating as Einstein in a freezer!
  • She has written her description of him in a mildly humorous vein.
  • His claim to have been an Army photographer is also beginning to sound bogus; his photographs, to put it mildly, really stink, and are an insult to military photographers everywhere. Heroes or Villains?
  • This incident at Walker's Point when a freak storm destroyed his mildly ancestral home in Kennebunkport was almost a kind of portent of what was to come. Hell of a Ride: Backstage at the White House Follies 1989-1993
  • ‘My intention was to abstain on the matter of the landscape lighting,’ I said mildly.
  • I found it amusing, but as in mildly; and I was underwhelmed by the music.
  • You could be heavily reward dependent, indifferent to novelty, and mildly harm avoidant—a stay-at-home hedonist, in other words. Mind Wide Open
  • Talking to him is a mildly surreal experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • As multimedia enthusiasts can tell you, a coax connection is not the best choice for image quality, to put it mildly.
  • In its current construct, the NIC is in danger of becoming just a mildly diverting government think tank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since the front extended northwestward some 1,900 kilometers from Belgorod to Leningrad, to say that the armies of the Germans and their three principal allies were overextended is putting it mildly. Deathride
  • In any case, when I saw post after post going up on the progressive side of the aisle, while at that point nothing had appeared in quarters where one might reasonably have expected it, I found that mildly ironic; so I dropped Collins a line asking the obvious question. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Taggart, however, did not seem even mildly censorious, only interested. LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE
  • It was priceless, I won't even bother to describe thier reaction except to say that it was mildly agast. Suit-of-meat Diary Entry
  • There's a lot of resentment towards America in the rest of the world today, and "resentment" is putting it mildly. Page 2
  • Their lives are calm, to put it mildly, until they take in a young Polish castaway, who washes up unconscious on their beach.
  • There may be something mildly transgressive in the whole enterprise.
  • Instead of a movie actress I once liked mildly for a season or two, I now only see an abstraction of the financial verities of modern movie superstardom. Diaz, Roberts, Aniston: it's all the same when it comes to films like Bad Teacher
  • It is a mildly inflammatory disorder, somewhat similar to urticaria, and presumably due to vasomotor disturbance; the amount of exudation, which is variable, determines the character of the lesions. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Such soil as occurs is usually shallow, leached and mildly acid, and of generally low fertility.
  • Thornton also stars as a mildly retarded man who returns to his hometown after 25 years in a mental institution.
  • The abdomen was mildly distended, but ascites was not evident.
  • His constant travelling to outlying villages to hold clinics was only mildly odd.
  • I think I'm regarded as harmless and mildly eccentric; I'm happy with both qualities.
  • 'You've been busy," she said mildly, looking over his shoulder at his notebook open to a page of ballpoint scrawl. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • Regular readers of this blog will have noted previous entries on the “paradoxical” reverse epidemiology of obesity and cardiovascular mortality, where risk is apparently higher in underweight compared to normal weight, overweight or even mildly obese individuals (for e.g. of previous blog entries on this click here, here or here). Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Obesity Paradox also Holds in Denmark
  • Bolt strolled to the line like a man at a mildly amusing party. Times, Sunday Times
  • “She surely deserves it all,” Graham murmured, although vaguely hurt in that the addle-pated, alphabet-obsessed, epicurean anarchist of an Irishman who gloried in being a loafer and a pensioner should even mildly be in love with the Little Lady. CHAPTER XII
  • He is mildly positive but points out that a talk-radio discussion of the bill ‘illustrates how quick people are, even on the right, to constitutionalize all sorts of arguments that aren't really about the Constitution at all.’
  • A nice idea, but it came off a bit gimmicky and mildly overacted, though the six seconds or so in which Bincohe puts on lipstick in front of the mirror and wrestles with earrings (in another example of how a film still takes on a different meaning after one has screened the film) were very good. Michael Vazquez: ON THE 48TH ANNUAL NEW YORK FILM FESTIVAL
  • In common with the fillies' classics already run, the result was at least mildly surprising. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, let me just wake him up… he's mildly indisposed right now, can I take a message?
  • I sensed he was mildly irritated, but also knew I'd succeeded in sowing a doubt in his mind.
  • Summer temperatures routinely soar above 120 degrees, and unless you are a chuckwalla lizard, your discomfort at any time of year will likely range from mildly overheated to thoroughly scorched. Living It Up in Death Valley
  • The conditions at Champagne Pool are ideal for thermophilic, mildly acidophilic archaeans such as the Sulfobales and Thermoproteales.
  • When first he had glimpsed her off there on that narrow strip of rockbound coast he was mildly surprised, for it was a desolate spot and seldom frequented by bathers so late in the season. Archive 2008-12-01
  • The water is clear, colourless, palatable, odourless, mildly mineralised, and contains hydro carbonates of sodium and small quantities of fluorine.
  • When half the population is reading a book, you'd have to be dead not to be mildly curious.
  • Mildly aphasic and often confused, he could no longer defend himself.
  • The soup tasted mildly spicy.
  • There are only so many repeat viewings a mildly humorous pro-gramme can withstand before it becomes simply unwatchable.
  • Horses he only mentioned in connexion with racing, and when Mr. Linton inquired mildly if he were fond of dances, he was met by raised eyebrows and a bored disclaimer of caring to do anything so energetic. Mates at Billabong
  • To say we are disappointed about this is putting it mildly.
  • This is not a book for the history specialist, who may be mildly infuriated by the shallow treatment of pet subjects.
  • On examination, the patient was mildly dyspneic, with massive ascites, left pleural effusion, left axillary lymphadenopathy and no hepatosplenomegaly.
  • That came as a surprise to me, for while there were moments during the film that were mildly amusing, I would hardly have recognized it as a satire or a comedy of any sort.
  • And solecisms such as calling the Orthodox liturgy a ‘mass’ are mildly distracting.
  • Meanwhile, she rested on a perch, mildly disgusted by all the commotion.
  • It's true that model predictions of Global Warming are inexact to put it mildly, and that numerous scientists are undecisive regarding future temperature levels, but there are facts which are proven: - On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The road itself, paved with a pretty good grade of mildly iridescent plastic, was named the Great White Way. New Race
  • A packrat, also known as a woodrat, from the Great Basin of Utah is surrounded by mildly toxic juniper leaves that make up much of its diet. - latest science and technology news stories
  • At the same time there was something mildly hunted about him. Times, Sunday Times
  • To say they are cheesed off with the share market, the government, the company and all the other players puts it mildly.
  • The atmosphere was convivial, to put it mildly. Spitfire Women of World War II
  • The term "volunteer" is used loosely; following in the grand tradition of mildly pervy prestidigitators, Wuthergloom/Woolfe has a tendency to select the most attractive, young women in attendance to participate. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • If your skin cracks open, doctors sometimes prescribe wet dressings with mildly astringent properties to contract the skin, reduce secretions and prevent infection.
  • In fact, the best type of calcium, because it is the most soluble, is calcium citrate, which is itself mildly acidic. Leo Galland, M.D.: Acid Reflux: The Truth Behind Heartburn
  • If you're fascinated (or just mildly curious) about birds and their habits, this is a must-see.
  • The women were mildly curious, yes, but after some brief excitement, they knew they had no answers.
  • The French police have recently cracked down on speeding on the autoroute and ‘Oh, pardon, monsieur, my speedometer is mildly eccentric’ will not cut much ice with les flics.
  • But a play that seemed mildly provocative on a first viewing now looks as coldly manipulative as its heroine.
  • At this point I preferred to have a quick look myself, and indeed my daughter had a mildly angulated Smith's greenstick fracture.
  • Others more mildly murmur that it destroys male confidence and breeds rebellious violence in young men. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sure, it's mildly entertaining to read an essay excerpt where a kid uses the word "urine" in place of the word "yearn. Turnstyle: Talking Sh*t about Sh*t My Students Write
  • At least TOWIE is mildly amusing although it must be said that on the whole the women are utterly vacuous and self-obsessed. The Sun
  • Nathan said only enough to indicate that he was using language with an unaccustomed force and intelligence - but mildly annoying, as if all substantives fell away, leaving only the prepositions.
  • The production is mildly amusing and pretty to look at. Times, Sunday Times
  • The photos, which include some mildly titillating semi-nude shots of the actress, will be on display for a week.
  • Only the dingbats at Haaretz would have the chutzpah to suggest that the IAEA is even mildly confused about the type and grade of Uranium residues found at the Syrian site, if any. ‘jump the gun’
  • She was mildly irritated by the fact he didn't wait for her.
  • In its current construct, the NIC is in danger of becoming just a mildly diverting government think tank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Medieval towers sprout hither and yon, frontages on the titchy streets have a stately aspect, and from the esplanade by the cathedral, the landscape looks mildly Tuscan.
  • They also suggest that individuals are mildly polygynous, having evolved in a system in which one man maintains a harem.
  • One only mildly irritating curiosity worth mentioning here is a little bit of what sounds like pre-echo.
  • He ran the back of his hand along his mouth and offered her an expression that toed the line between nauseated and mildly amused. Last Night at Chateau Marmont
  • Were this Zach Curtis-directed Theatre in the Round production less entertaining than it is, I might have been more than mildly irked by Beane's rather artless repetition.
  • Elizabeth found the question, voiced so mildly, infuriating.
  • But as an adult, I regarded the memory of these trips with a mildly affectionate disdain – ah, such innocent fun, but such bourgeois misunderstanding of what constitutes NATURE and WILDERNESS. In The Outside | Her Bad Mother
  • Well," Nora said mildly," Bradie's older sister is infertile, from endometriosis. A THEORY OF RELATIVITY
  • Some fungoids are mildly poisonous, though most are benign.
  • Our subjects had had persistent mildly abnormal smears before being referred for colposcopy (reflecting United Kingdom guidelines).
  • Reading early Zionists such as Nordau, Borochov and Gordon provides us with some very contemptuous references to Jewish character and identity that would make Nazi ideology look mildly liberal. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • To say that we were flabbergasted is putting it mildly -- flabbergasted and ashamed of ourselves for our assumptions. Hotels? - Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Leon
  • I mention this by way of alerting you to the only moment in the book where we feel even mildly uncomfortable.
  • It was 1944, and civilian America was undergoing a regimen of wartime austerity by which it was never more than mildly discommoded, but that imparted a sort of scratchy gray wool feel to the atmosphere. Catacomb Efreet
  • When people who had nothing to do with the case were so sensible of its flagrancy, people who lost money by it could scarcely be expected to deal mildly with it. Little Dorrit
  • The conditions at Champagne Pool are ideal for thermophilic, mildly acidophilic archaeans such as the Sulfobales and Thermoproteales.
  • He looked over the faces, found himself mildly curious at the quizzical smile on the good side of Voss's face. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • So it's mildly surprising to hear the axeman sounding like some gentle bod who works at your local guitar shop. Times, Sunday Times
  • Few data are currently available as to the yield of investigating mildly abnormal liver biochemistry in such a group.
  • John W. Shervais, Scott K. Vetter, 2009, High-K alkali basalts of the Western Snake River Plain (Idaho): Abrupt transition from tholeiitic to mildly alkaline plume-derived basalts Scientific Articles on Yellowstone
  • Each Loser is introduced with a comic rendering of their likeness, a handful of mildly implausible stunts keep things visually interesting, and then there's the egg-shaped superbomb that Max refers to as "The Snuke". Something Awful
  • Marijuana, which is now way more expensive than it was in my own mildly misspent youth, was always around.
  • The performance was at times mildly amusing, at times cringeworthy and on one occasion convincing.
  • They might find their reading is hard, which could mean they are mildly dyslexic, or their maths might be hard, or they can't colour in properly as they are colour blind.
  • I found this to be a pleasant, mildly spiced starter.
  • Then began a day of great anxiety, to put it mildly.
  • In its current construct, the NIC is in danger of becoming just a mildly diverting government think tank. Times, Sunday Times
  • In meetings with government officials to thrash out problems, participants typically chew khat, a mildly narcotic plant that is widely consumed in Yemen but banned in many places around the world.
  • When half the population is reading a book, you'd have to be dead not to be mildly curious.
  • Another mildly interesting stat was the fraction of papers submitted from Europe - 44.6%.
  • Spice up pub nights with your anecdotes, amaze friends and family with facts from your lectures, and expand the ranks of the mildly curious.
  • Medicines and herbs that are diuretic, warming diaphoretic, warming stimulant, expectorant, carminative and aperient (mildly laxative) are appropriate for treating Water imbalances…
  • But his father sat still, smiling mildly, swathed in the blanket, like a baby in a perambulator.
  • The bottoms of my bars of Dial soaps are deeply sculptured while the tops are mildly concaved. Mouse Print»Blog Archive » Skimpy Peanut Butter — Part 2
  • I've always found going clubbing mildly ridiculous, which probably added to the novelty of last night's outing.
  • Grades 1 to 2 are considered non-to mildly comedogenic and grades 3 to 5 are considered significantly comedogenic.
  • 'I didn't mean to upset you' he said mildly.
  • She seems only mildly, politely interested in my world.
  • The mildly narcotic nut of the betel palm is chewed by many labourers who say it helps them stay alert during long working hours.
  • Which is mildly amusing for a little while. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the one hand, there's this woody liana which has in it a series of beta-carbolines, harmine, harmaline, mildly hallucinogenic. Wade Davis on endangered cultures
  • Aluminum in mildly acidic or neutral soils occurs primarily as insoluble deposits and is essentially biologically inactive.
  • I picked it up and was mildly surprised to see my name written in perfect cursive across the front.
  • All it has done is replace one despotic tyrannical regime with another that is mildly better in some ways, and much worse in others.
  • Her father was his normal, sedated self, perhaps mildly drunk, looking around the room as if he were in a dream, his pale, washed-out features expressionless.
  • Some people find incessant talking mildly annoying.
  • The atmosphere was convivial, to put it mildly. Spitfire Women of World War II
  • Lying in a brain scanner, they were asked to look at photographs of lovers and friends while subjected to mildly painful shocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • His voice is mildly nasal, mildly ironic, and in general, mild.
  • The king of the capsicums is poblano, an only mildly hot chilli - pepper as big as two morning rolls.
  • I’m pretty sure I have always been mildly ADD and had what is know called dysgraphia when young — maybe still do. The Volokh Conspiracy » Suing to Get More Time on Exams
  • You can also choose to stay conscious during the operation, or be mildly sedated so that you aren't fully aware of what is happening.
  • I’m getting my groove together and takin’ it on the road with these two mildly funky instrumentals from the U.K. Gruesome Twosome: Avocado Funk Edition :
  • She had large dark brown doe eyes and a mildly soft voice.
  • And of the 5,000 children who turned up at eye clinics for further checks, about half were mildly myopic or shortsighted.
  • Her father scolded her mildly, her mother fussed for a time then took her into town to see the shoemaker. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • He became determined to succeed as a writer, starting out as a journalist on a local newspaper in England, where he drew on his everyday experiences to write witty, mildly self-mocking columns.
  • To put it mildly, the monks' dogged persistence in spite of these waxing and waning earthly powers suggest they know a thing or two about sticking around. Christianity Today
  • This type of intervention is called inoculation because it may be analogous to the process whereby antibodies are induced in response to injections of mildly virulant toxins. Handbook of Stress
  • From the point of view of historical fact, this is all - to put it mildly - arrant nonsense.
  • “She surely deserves it all,” Graham murmured, although vaguely hurt in that the addle-pated, alphabet-obsessed, epicurean anarchist of an Irishman who gloried in being a loafer and a pensioner should even mildly be in love with the Little Lady. CHAPTER XII
  • She said that she has been thinking about how she feels about her father, and while she feels mildly aggrieved, she is unable to feel any true anger.
  • Hence, if one traits is highly adaptive but another pleiotopically linked trait is mildly deleterious, the deleterious trait can be selected for because of its pleiotropic association with the more advantageous trait. Evolution
  • It's a mildly light-headed, giddy sensation that starts in the chest and spreads out through the body and along the limbs.
  • To this end, helpful responses are mildly sardonic, while acerbic comments are scathing, derisive insults.
  • A good hour and a half later, Erial once more stepped outside the sickroom, this time not mildly irritated and hiding her slight anxiety under good-natured insults.
  • In the cold-war era, "Finlandization" -- a term the Finns loathe -- became synonymous with a mildly coerced neutrality. Deep-Frozen Assets
  • It's a mildly light-headed, giddy sensation that starts in the chest and spreads out through the body and along the limbs.
  • It is curious, and probably mildly infantile, that we find the notion of people with opinions so alarming, particularly as other countries appear to manage perfectly well with them.
  • He was almost physically pained by rigid doctrinal systems, and mildly revolted by the idea of discipleship.
  • Sage: A strongly aromatic herb with a mildly resinous flavor, sage has a particular affinity for game birds.
  • I also got mildly tipsy on fruit wine which was necessary due to bloody coldness.
  • Soldiers invent "mildly pejorative terms" to help them blow off steam, Adams says.
  • Bartleby minimize the window on his PC containing his minesweeper game—which he was, in fact, just simply putting the screws to, to put it mildly—right as I gave a quick courtesy knock and, subsequently, walked through the CEO's open office door. Things You Can Do, Some Can't Be Done
  • At least TOWIE is mildly amusing although it must be said that on the whole the women are utterly vacuous and self-obsessed. The Sun
  • When he set down a brimming but unordered glass before me with coffee one night, I remonstrated… mildly.
  • Fundal examination revealed that the left disc was mildly edematous ; however, its margin was not blurred and the appearance of mottled RPE was also noted in the left macula.
  • His voice is mildly nasal, mildly ironic, and in general, mild.
  • It's a tendency that is both endearing and mildly frustrating.
  • My friend, who may mildly be described as vacillating in temperament, left me in Calcutta. Autobiography of a Yogi
  • The response of Bob Dole was not really adequate to the task, to put it mildly.
  • One newspaper diary seemed to become mildly obsessed - and rather offended - by my weight loss, suggesting its readers send me ‘gifts of stollen and mince pies’ for Christmas.
  • Every fibre of his being seems to be wrapped around the songs and yet it only mildly suffers from a few repetitive moments that make some songs less than perfect.
  • Those figures are mildly encouraging, but we need faster progress.
  • For many mildly (or not so mildly) addictive modern commodities, the attraction is itself dangerous.
  • A thin diamond and a thick one form an endlessly interlocking field of five-pointed stars and decagons, sort of like a mildly psychedelic bathroom tile.
  • A few seconds later, Tony came into the room with two plastic cups with brown liquid that tasted mildly of coffee, but was way too weak to be called coffee.
  • It i s mildly repulsive in its crude vulgarity, but strangely and inexplicably alluring.
  • From matcha tea to multi-masking, we're getting mildly obsessed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It acts slowly and mildly on the secreting organs, such as kidneys, skin and bowels.
  • The anti-monarchist sites out there range from the mildly reformist to the rabidly antipathetic.
  • He's not very musical, to put it mildly .
  • The mildly teasing tone in the girl's voice took most of the sting out of her last comment, yet it still rankled.
  • The teacher lectured those pupils rather mildly for not finishing their homework.
  • ‘I've never thought there was too much in that,’ said Toby mildly.
  • The roasted bola could also be left to ferment, yielding a mildly alcoholic drink known as mescal crudo.
  • But about two-thirds of this book is filler, page after page of mildly amusing caricatures of political figures, doodles and sketches.
  • The sweet pepperoni is usually made of all pork and is mildly seasoned.
  • Such selection is inimical to the evolution of traits like sinistrality that, at least in their early stages of development, are accompanied by mildly deleterious side effects.

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