How To Use Migrate In A Sentence

  • He is a Berlin gestaltist who emigrated to the United States, became professor of the Psychology of Art at Harvard University and published 13 books on gestalt theory and art.
  • John emigrated to England at the age of eighteen.
  • The other group migrated into South America, where it survives today as wild guanacos and vicunas and domesticated llamas and alpacas.
  • The Pythagorean doctrine that one soul can not only transmigrate from man to man, from man to beast, but also indifferently to plants, serves as the basis for the soul's secular progress.
  • He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia
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  • Some of the most charismatic cloud forest species such as the resplendent quetzal (Pharomacrus mocinno) and three-wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunculata) are equally dependent on the seasonal moist forests as they migrate annually to these moist forests at the completion of their breeding season. Costa Rican seasonal moist forests
  • In particular, light measurements are performed at sunset because increased prey and predator interactions occur at twilight, when animals previously hidden in the deep, aphotic (without light) zone migrate vertically up to the surface. Scientific American
  • A large number of those who migrated across the new border to India were resettled in Delhi.
  • Unemployment soared, thousands emigrated and the national debt spiralled out of control.
  • He told of a young woman from Burma who immigrated with her family and, upon entering college, identified with fellow Muslim students and began wearing a hijab (traditional headscarf).
  • For 1, 000 years the indigenous Nenets people have migrated along the Yamal peninsula.
  • In places where there is no water for farming, men migrate to urban areas in search of work leaving women behind to fend for the old, and the infirm and the children.
  • We are most anxious in Canada to secure a greater population, but a man who has once received the "dole" argues, "why should I leave England, where the 'dole' is obtainable, and migrate to Canada, where it is not to be secured? A Canadian's View of the Empire as Seen From London
  • The electrons on the anode migrate via a wire to the cathode, the other electrode in the fuel cell, where they are electrochemically assisted to combine with the protons and produce hydrogen gas.
  • Groups of humans that remained in Africa might be expected to differ from those that migrated to the Russian steppes, the Asian archipelagos, or the Australian outback.
  • The country from where most people emigrate is Morocco, which in 2005 had more then 3 million Moroccan citizens registered at the Moroccan consulates abroad. Archive 2008-01-01
  • The cushat and the rock-dove migrate, and never winter in our country, as is the case also with the turtle-dove; the common pigeon, however, stays behind. The History of Animals
  • He immigrated with his parents in 1895, and grew up in Long Island.
  • Many villages in the regency are devoid of young people as they have all migrated to Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya and other urban areas due to a lack of jobs at home.
  • After biogenesis, trichocysts migrate to the plasma membrane and are anchored to predetermined sites.
  • Bottom trawling (scraping large nets across the seabed) kills coral, stirs up sediment causing pollutants to migrate into seaweed and other fish feed, and scoops up large amounts of by-catch -- other sealife, like turtles and dolphins unintentionally caught and wasted. Cathy Erway: The Pescatore's Dilemma
  • Minor building alterations brought forth mighty dagga plants; cannas migrated without provocation into any gap left by the lantana and inkberry.
  • Several barriers in his consciousness that normally stand sentinel around his impressions of women become pliable and my image begins to migrate towards that of his mother.
  • Living near the factories where they worked, first-generation Romanian Americans established communities which often consisted of extended families or of those who had migrated from the same region in Romania.
  • They are currently using microlight aircraft to teach the zoo-bred birds how to migrate south and escape the mountains in winter.
  • Misconception number two is that fat cells migrate to treated areas from other parts of the body to keep an even distribution of body fat.
  • There are tracts of wetland all over Europe, all over the world, but they are not named fens, fen is an English word, it will not migrate. Nobel Lecture - Literature 2003
  • Animals could react, choose, migrate, adapt and give room for the blossoming of pseudo - Lamarckian evolution.
  • On top of all of this, Beijing is encoura ging large numbers of Han Chinese to migrate to East Turkestan Uighur Writers Silenced
  • Much of the couple's efforts subsequently went on enabling their own family to emigrate to the West.
  • Dragonflies that migrate appear to build up fat reserves, wait for favorable winds, take rest breaks, and reorient themselves when they lose their way, according to the study.
  • Only the most horrifying convergence of sheer monster power ever to emigrate from the old world. Dark Horse Title Shipping in December | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Birman, who died on April 6 at age 82, was a Russian economist who emigrated to the U.S. in 1974 and predicted the collapse of the Soviet economy. Right From the Start
  • Along the lines that smart Turks dont emigrate to Germany so that Germany ends up with genetical infirior Turks. Matthew Yglesias » Ethnocentrism and Small Government Hypocrisy
  • Significant numbers of larvae reach the lungs and migrate to the bronchioles where they are killed by the animal's immune response.
  • O. m. gairdneri steelhead spend two to three years in fresh water, smolt, and migrate to salt water. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • Around the same time, the sclerocytes located in the outer cell layer, ingress and migrate into the posterior portion of the inner cell mass.
  • Animals could react, choose, migrate, adapt and give room for the blossoming of pseudo - Lamarckian evolution.
  • I wish we could migrate from here every winter, as the birds do!
  • People wishing to emigrate would no longer need to prove that they had close relatives in the destination country.
  • Almost everyone had a family member or friend who had migrated and returned or continued to live abroad.
  • The park spreads out behind the mouth of the river, where each day at twilight a flood of scarlet macaws migrates from the tropical forest to the mangrove swamps.
  • Leukocytes may adhere, transmigrate, release proteases, cause additional endothelial injury, and lead to the development of inflammatory changes in the vessel wall.
  • It's funny, because so many spawning stripers come out of the Hudson River and migrate north and south, there is a good chance the striper you caught in scenic Montauk or South Jersey spent some serious time in the Big Apple. Big City Hooking and Cooking
  • In 1938, Kisch-Arendt and her husband, physician and physiologist Bruno Kisch, immigrated to the United States, entering the country on nonquota visas. Ruth Kisch-Arendt.
  • Wealthy people often migrate in winter to warmer sunnier countries.
  • Pioneers from New England migrated to all parts of the United States.
  • Like Sholom Aleichem, who made his way from Russia to Switzerland and then emigrated to America during World War I, Theodore Bikel amassed his own share of frequent flyer Diaspora miles -- starting out in Vienna, escaping the Holocaust by traveling to Israel (then Palestine), then on to London and finally settling in the United States. Thane Rosenbaum: Tevye From Fiddler Back With Bikel
  • Their children migrated to the cities and the parents had to fend for themselves.
  • What that metadata harvesting protocol really is fundamentally, is a way for metadata and pointers to data to migrate from one system to another.
  • Huge schools of black and silver mullet migrate southwards along the coast in the autumn, almost always within casting distance, accompanied by an army of predators including tarpon, sharks, jacks, barracudas and snook.
  • Each winter, flocks of birds numbering in the tens of thousands migrate from the northern islands and build their nests there. THE BROKEN GOD
  • In the 17th century, gunsmiths from Central Europe emigrated to the colony of Pennsylvania, and in their shops the jaeger began to evolve into a much smaller-calibered rifle. Rifle That Made America
  • His paintings were exhibited in Pittsburgh as early as 1927 and again in 1931 at the Museum of Modern Art. But Nazi rule (which deemed his art degenerate), World War II and postwar abstractionism relegated Dix to the background, and unlike Max Beckmann and George Grosz — the Berlin painter with whom he is often linked — Dix did not immigrate to the U.S. Sex, Blood and War
  • When ice recrystallizes, water molecules migrate from smaller crystals to larger ones, thus increasing both crystal size and the probability of injury to the tissues.
  • This year the 40th anniversary of Plantagenet Wine, is the story and history of its wines and founder Tony Smith. In 1960 Tony Smith, an English gentleman, migrated to Australia.
  • Even a relatively sedentary species can be listed if a significant proportion of its number migrate.
  • In the developing mammalian brain, for example, neurons migrate up into the cranium, using much the same kind of amoeboid movement that our deep ancestor employed to capture bacteria. NPR Topics: News
  • Snakebite Orks always carry a selection of venomous serpents with them when they migrate to new planets, just in case the indigenous lifeforms prove to be unsuitably inoffensive .
  • only few plants can immigrate to the island
  • Negatively charged (anionic) analytes move to the positively charged electrode (anode), and uncharged species do not migrate. The Scientist
  • Canada has made it possible for * some* same-sex couples and individual lesbians and gay men to emigrate from the United States to Canada under Bill C-23 and the new Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-27), passed in 2002. Free advice
  • He was to have unveiled a memorial to the Irish potato famine and those who had emigrated to the west of Scotland as a result.
  • The adhesion ability, the migrated ability and invasive ability were determined with the laminin adhesion test, the chemotactic migration test and the invasion test of reconstituted basement membrane.
  • The English agent even had the cheek to send an e-mail saying he was doing a bunk and planned to emigrate to Italy.
  • The goal is to establish suitable habitats throughout each watershed to allow the topminnow to migrate from one site to another.
  • When an electric current is passed through this molten mixture, the aluminum ions migrate to the cathode, where they are reduced to metal.
  • Of course, the original term "refusenik" was an unofficial term applied to individuals, typically, but not exclusively, Soviet Jews, who were denied permission to emigrate abroad by authorities of the former U.S.S.R. and other Eastern bloc countries. Tech-Ex
  • But if the government of a Darul-Kufr allows him to observe his religious duties, then it is not incumbent upon him to migrate to Darul-Islam.
  • The arabs (sometimes called "turcos", since they emigrated from the Ottoman Empire) have pretty well assimilated into the Mexican mainstream, and -- having been generally financially prosperous emigrants -- are prominent in Mexican business and industry. Anti-semitism in Mexico
  • In 1973, after being denied permission to emigrate to Israel, he became one of the leading Jewish refuseniks lobbying for greater human rights.
  • Never mind that most of the conventions of modern personal computing got their starts on the Mac and migrated later to the IBM platform.
  • As warmth gradually returns to the northern temperate latitudes, so do the birds that migrated south last autumn.
  • For the most part they were Creek Indians who, over the course of the eighteenth century, had migrated from Georgia and Alabama to Florida, intermarried with other Indians residing there, and developed distinct identities. Between War and Peace
  • These immobilized, charged moieties are under the influence of the electrical field, but are unable to migrate. The Scientist
  • Hindus believe that we transmigrate
  • If he did decide to emigrate, would he actually find happiness elsewhere?
  • These birds migrate to Europe in the summer season, returning to warmer places in the south for the winter.
  • When you hold in gas, it migrates backward through your gastrointestinal tract.
  • Washington birds appear to migrate east before turning south and migrating across the Gulf of Mexico.
  • He'd been a solicitor's clerk when he decided to emigrate to America. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Arizona has been in the news a lot these days, and so for this week's job we are calling all senior bankruptcy attorneys who may be looking to "immigrate" there. Above the Law
  • Eighteen months later the family Davids emigrated to Holland, where they settled in a poor suburb just north of Amsterdam.
  • The problem was compounded when some owners emigrated or absconded, some sold their buildings to slumlords, and others abandoned their properties, allowing squatters to move in.
  • During human fetal development, the primordial germ cells migrate to and are incorporated within the developing ovary and are termed oogonia.
  • Born in Iran in 1948, he emigrated with his parents to Israel when he was 9 and settled in Elat, then a harsh desert outpost by the Red Sea. Point Man In A War Of Bloody Attrition
  • The ortolan is a copper-breasted bird that migrates from Africa to Europe. TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends
  • February 15th, 2008 5: 40pm well said Ravi - the scarlet pimpernel AKA field will probably migrate to another page now to continue with his nonsense On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • She had emigrated from Germany to America at the age of fourteen.
  • These workers migrate from country to country in search of work.
  • Smaller software vendors in particular said they were unable to migrate applications to Linux, simply because they lack open source knowledge.
  • Priestley left his home - what was left of it - went to London, and in 1794 emigrated to the banks of the Susquehanna River where he and other intellectuals tried to set up a utopian community (Pantisocracy).
  • As with a foreign object, sometimes the body rejects a body piercing and expels it or causes it to migrate.
  • His father, Simon Farber, a former bargeman in Poland, had immigrated to America in the late nineteenth century and worked in an insurance agency. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Additionally, they migrate through the tissues of the horse, especially the liver and lungs, and cause considerable damage.
  • On migrated sections migration noise can become the equivalent limitation.
  • Ultimately, it is a syndrome of fear that has pushed Hong Kong people to migrate.
  • The sockeye are very similar to kokanee salmon, which do not migrate and spend their entire lives in Redfish Lake.
  • The microfilariae are especially dangerous as they migrate to the surface of the cornea, causing eye infection and, eventually, blindness. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The blackpoll warbler, weighing .5 ounce, migrates up to 6,000 miles and it has been estimated that it flaps its wings roughly four million times during the journey. The Albert Lea Tribune
  • In the autumn, these insects migrate to members of the prunus family, such as plum and blackthorn, so attacks can be prevented by not planting these or related trees and shrubs near the pond.
  • She emigrated from her home to work in England where she later married and made her home.
  • • With fall in the air that means the chum salmon are starting to migrate back to Kennedy Creek in southern Puget Sound. The Seattle Times
  • Rana, a Canadian of Pakistani origin, had put out an advertisement in English dailies asking youths willing to immigrate to US and Canada to appear for interview at a five-star hotel in Kochi last year. Top Headlines
  • Melanocytes derive from cells of the neural crest and can migrate throughout the body.
  • Every spring they migrate towards the coast.
  • The grubs migrate through the tissue to the loin area where they encyst, cut a breathing hole in the skin of the animal on the back-line and complete their larval development.
  • The Essex Police wildlife officer, said fallow and muntjac deer migrate across the major route and are killed or injured by unsuspecting motorists.
  • Information storage operations can involve complex or repetitive user tasks and system processes - in workflows that migrate across multiple platforms.
  • For instance, larger species may migrate in longer flights than smaller species for ecological reasons beyond the scope of my inquiry.
  • The Namesake is a meandering narrative following Gogol, the American son of Bengali Indians who immigrated to Massachusetts during the 60s.
  • He said the compounds migrate to the poles, get flash-frozen and collect in craters, where they stay "in the permanent shadows. What's the moon made of? NASA mission finds it's nothing so simple as cheese.
  • These days, every industry from pharmaceuticals to human resources has migrated their complex systems to the online environment.
  • Bars migrate downstream, producing tabular cross-stratified sands, and these merge to give sand flats covered by rippled and planar-bedded sands developed during flood stages.
  • Failing to get the vacant adjutancy Tolmer decided to migrate to South Australia.
  • In hunter gatherer societies, the primary social ethic is equal 'sharing' - in which the majority gang-up to demigrate anyone who seems likely to become too dominant. Envy, Happiness, and Social Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • From the alar lamina and its rhombic lip, neuroblasts migrate into the basal lamina, and become aggregated to form the olivary nuclei, while many send their axis-cylinders through the floor-plate to the opposite side, and thus constitute the rudiment of the raphé of the medulla oblongata. IX. Neurology. 2. Development of the Nervous System
  • Blacks migrated to the District, first to avoid slavery and then for federal employment opportunities which free enterprise long denied.
  • The segregation vesicles are interpreted to represent solidified interstitial melts, which migrated into gas bubbles prior to lava solidification.
  • In nature, the scenester always migrates to urban areas, and, much like the peacock, delights in showing off its plumage. Globe and Mail
  • They also migrate through the interior in small numbers, spending time on lakeshores, alkaline ponds, and shores of sloughs and flooded fields.
  • One of the primary criteria in granting a visitor visa is proving the applicant intends to return to Mexico and does not intend to immigrate. Visa for wife
  • Unlike lampreys, salmon, and other anadromous fish, which migrate from the ocean to fresh water to breed, eels head in the opposite direction.
  • Sinking into her comforter, I stared at the ceiling; pictured her in Italy, traipsing along the same ancient streets her great grandmother Nana had walked before she immigrated to America.
  • Meiotic division then gives rise to haploid cells that develop into infective sporozoites, which migrate to the mosquito salivary glands and infect humans during mosquito blood-feeding.
  • Ancient English comes from earlier period earlier period German person's tribe which immigrates to Albion.
  • Each winter, flocks of birds numbering in the tens of thousands migrate from the northern islands and build their nests there. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Let me remind you that my great-grandfather immigrated from the Old Country, risking the high waters of the Atlantic and hiding his glaucoma from the medical inspectors at Ellis Island, just so he could be part of an old-fashioned democracy. Ilana Ross: Why Won't You Join Me In Voting? An Open Letter to A "Non-Voter"
  • Furthermore, it cannot migrate or hibernate during winter, as is thought possible for some polar dinosaurs and turtles.
  • The degradation of the substantial vegetative covering has caused migration to markhor and wild goat that has disturbed the food chain for the elusive snow leopard forcing him to migrate to some other habitats. Climate Vigil Rally Chitral, Pakistan
  • The newborn larvae migrate from the host's blood vessels through the sarcolemma of striated muscle tissue, where they penetrate and encyst inside an individual muscle cell.
  • Playwrights, directors, songwriters migrated from New York to California, confecting a word-and-picture medium quite similar to the one they had left behind.
  • My family migrated to Australia from Scotland in 1970 when I was 7.
  • Many citizens with higher education were trained abroad and they often emigrate permanently.
  • However, many small songbirds such as robins, thrushes, flycatchers and warblers migrate mainly during darkness, probably to avoid predators and to keep cool.
  • There are fewer than 360 whooping cranes left in the wild, including a nonmigratory flock established by humans in Florida and another one that migrates with human guides disguised as cranes in ultra-light aircraft. Severe Texas Drought Threatens Coastal Wildlife
  • After you immigrated to America, you spent some time in a yeshiva.
  • Most Spruce Grouse do not migrate, but some do move short distances between separate summer and winter ranges.
  • Herdsmen used migrate with their cattle and sheep in search of fresh grass.
  • The famines and pogroms in 19th-century Eastern Europe forced many Jewish refugees to emigrate.
  • With each seasonal death of the marsh, some of the carp, crabs, and crayfish succeed in escaping to the brackishness of Sonoma Creek, from which they migrated.
  • American kestrels, smallest of North America's falcons, migrate at about the same time as the jays and flickers.
  • On reaching the gut of the sand fly, the organism converts to a promastigote form, reproduces, and migrates to the buccal cavity.
  • Painted lady and red admiral butterflies, both of which migrated here in early summer, have produced abundant new broods and buddleia blossom is a magnet for their dazzling displays.
  • Indeed, when they immigrate to developed countries they are often among the most creative and inventive people in their new homes.
  • Chuck-will's-widows migrate in Texas from late March through early May and will initiate breeding soon after arriving on their breeding grounds.
  • These include dorsally migrated scapulae, a broad thorax, laterally directed humeral glenoids, an increased number of sacral vertebrae, a reduced/absent tail and less fasciculated back musculature. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Hindus of many castes and sects and from many parts of India have migrated, taking with them traditions that were familiar to them back home.
  • I believe that it is nonsense that 40% of Mexicans want to "immigrate" or "emigrate" to the United States. 40% of Mexicans want to move to U.S.
  • My parents immigrated to the United States from Bangladesh and gave birth to me soon after.
  • In these two species, the young smolt when they are barely 1 inch 25 mm long, allowing great numbers of juvenile salmon to migrate to the ocean from even small areas of freshwater spawning habitat. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • Another particularly cold dip in the early 17th century corresponded with the Thirty Years' War, a time when many people abandoned Europe and migrated to America.
  • He is intensely irritating, with a cockiness untempered by charisma and exacerbated by a grating accent he brought from England when his family emigrated.
  • During the Pliocene, Paratethys was linked to the Arctic Ocean via a seaway just west of the Urals, apparently, and accordingly it has been proposed that the Ringed seal of the Arctic Ocean descends from a phocine that migrated north from the Paratethys (Ray 1976, Grigorescu 1977) [adjacent image shows a Ringed seal]. The most inconvenient seal
  • As parkour migrates to the States so do American stunt ninjas find their way onto the internet.
  • NBOB. .very true, also the aftermath investigations found fire on Aluminum ships, the ally melton and burning did more damage. its one of the reasons as well that ships have migrated away from ally as the sole material as well in construction. Cheeseburger Gothic » Anyone been following the build up to next falklands war?
  • Those practices, in turn, to use the obscure word resorted to by the Administration, somehow "migrated" to U.S. military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, as if no human hand had been involved in the dissemination. Kennedy's right: No on Gonzales...
  • The cheese may have migrated from the centre of Marie's biscuit, but Rampling is in full control of her faculties here.
  • The Central Chiapas Depression connects, and is the convergence of two biogeographically important routes: the Gulf and the Pacific; thus, it contains species that have migrated to the dry forest through each of these corridors, which contributes to the diversity and richness of species in the region. Chiapas Depression dry forests
  • The larvae develop into the cysticercoid stage in the tissue and migrate back into the lumen of the small intestine, where they attach to the mucosa.
  • So-called immigrate rights have to take a second priority as long as our border with Mexico leaks like the Washington press corps. NewsHour with Jim Lehrer Podcast | PBS
  • As instant messaging migrates to cell phones and other wireless devices, interoperability will be even more crucial.
  • Born in Glasgow in 1850, he migrated at the age of four to Quebec, where his father built up a lucrative career in shipbuilding and lumber.
  • The study also suggests that the substances in black tattoo inks -- materials known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs -- migrate into subjects' lymph nodes, which aid an individual's body in filtering out disease-causing organisms. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Tattoos: Inks Raise New Health Concerns About Age-Old Designs
  • Eastern birds may migrate south, but western populations are more often altitudinal migrants, moving from the mountains into nearby lowlands in winter.
  • We want a system that does not allow ions (salts and corrosion products) to migrate through the coating.
  • Buddhism held an alternative but no less unbelievable theology - that there was no such thing as a God, and that on death your soul transmigrates into the body of some new born creature.
  • To emigrate might mean abandoning the old climbing oak, the hearth, relatives, and childhood friends-all the small town familiarities.
  • However, the efficiency of this process is low because the positive charge from the guanine radical cation also migrates to the solvent.
  • The armadillo, ground sloth, opposums, and phorusrhacid birds were among the animals that migrated North from South America.
  • Mayo man Admiral William Brown, who left Foxford aged nine when his family emigrated, is honoured as the Father of the Argentine Navy.
  • As cod is demersal (i.e., a near-bottom fish), it is not likely to migrate north of the Barents Sea and into the deep Arctic Basin. Future change in processes and impacts on Arctic biota
  • As water migrates to the soil surface, it replenishes soil water around the seed and new roots during the critical germination and emergence period.
  • According to a report in Nature News, the study used radar to track the movement of more than 100,000 noctuid moths, hawkmoths and butterflies as they migrated to northern Europe in the spring and south to the Mediterranean in autumn every year between 2000 and 2007. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • He also explained that in summer some herders migrate further up the mountain, moving into summer shacks, to let their cattle graze on better and different kinds of plants.
  • This German-American brewer was born in Saxony, Germany, but immigrated to Chicago, with his family, when he was 12. Five People Born on March 28 | myFiveBest
  • The sporozoites migrate to the salivary glands and are inoculated into a new vertebrate host when the mosquito feeds.
  • And they have poorer mental health than the people in the country they've migrated to.
  • Young Basque men emigrated because no patrimony could by custom be divided, leaving younger sons to fend for themselves.
  • Acting on your recommendation, I have decided to emigrate to Australia.
  • He emigrated to America, but returned to Sicily in 1913 and bought a field covering three acres at the foot of Mount Cronio, covered in olive trees, almond trees and stones.
  • (B) Full length PknJ was purified as GST-tagged protein of ~93 kDa which migrates as duplet. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The "cooly" from Hindostan may in time become a valuable article, but it will be long before he can be induced to emigrate in sufficient numbers: the Chinese will be Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • Last time I was there, peak-time viewing was a programme in Gaelic about a poet who emigrated to Canada and then died. Archive 2008-09-01
  • It is possible that faulting along the crests of deep-seated anticlines provide the conduit for mobile muds to migrate through to the seafloor surface.
  • The offspring, known as microfilariae, migrate under the skin and cause intense itching. Medindia Health News
  • On this question many of them have frequently said that it is the soul which, in such cases, changes its nature, and assumes the passions of animals into which, as is said exoterically, it transmigrates, though it does not enter into their bodies. Reincarnation A Study in Human Evolution
  • But suppose she could replace all of his memories, one by one, as minerals migrate through a fallen log to create petrified wood. THE BROKEN GOD
  • I focus on five families from very different backgrounds -- Swiss-German Mennonites who emigrated together in 1873, a Yankee family who moved to Dakota when the railroads first opened the land, an extended Norwegian family who came from a lovely village in the Telemark region, etc. An interview with David Laskin
  • ErgoClient is aimed at large networked enterprises that intend to migrate from one computing environment to another.
  • Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the nineteenth century.
  • Many emigrated to Australia to seek their fortune.
  • I grew up with an awareness of terrorism, because my grandpa did emigrate from a war-torn country, a country which to this day is ripping itself apart through terrorist acts. Bugger this. I want a better world.
  • Afterwards I tried to let them know that we could arrange for the son to emigrate to the States, and that there would be a job for him. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • The sockeye are very similar to kokanee salmon, which do not migrate and spend their entire lives in Redfish Lake.
  • Coastal ecosystems have been forced to migrate staggering distances since the waning of Pleistocene glaciers began to drive the postglacial rise in global sea level, termed eustasy by geologists.
  • Later, after they had migrated to Lowell and other textile towns to work in the mills, young women like Sally would look back longingly on the days they spent roaming hillsides, walking along brooks, and lying about in meadows.
  • In late winter they migrate to selected shallow bays, forming congregations to pair and eventually mate.
  • Mr. Volkov, who emigrated to the U.S. from the Soviet Union in the 1970s, also tends to name-drop. Czar-Crossed Writers
  • The two events happened after our ancestors migrated out of Africa to colonise the rest of the world. We May All Have a Little Bit of Neanderthal Man in Us | Impact Lab

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