How To Use Mightily In A Sentence

  • Lobefins today have dwindled to the lungfishes and the coelacanths ‘dwindled’ as ‘fish’, that is, but mightily expanded on land: we land vertebrates are aberrant lungfish. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • So spake he, and Athene was mightily angered at heart, and chid Odysseus in wrathful words: ‘Odysseus, thou hast no more steadfast might nor any prowess, as when for nine whole years continually thou didst battle with the Trojans for high born Helen, of the white arms, and many men thou slewest in terrible warfare, and by thy device the wide-wayed city of Priam was taken. Book XXII
  • Origen did mightily oppugn a new heresie which did springe vpp in his tyme/it was called the heresie of Helchesaites/and at lẽghth he did happily extinguishe it. A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful by Peter Martyr; Wherunto is Added A Sermon made of the Confessing of Christ and His Gospel and of the Denying of the sam
  • Having done with him I took boat again (being mightily struck with a woman in a hat, a seaman's mother, -- [Mother or mauther, a wench.] -- that stood on the key) and home, where at the office all the morning with Sir W. Coventry and some others of our board hiring of fireships, and Sir W. Coventry begins to see my pains again, which I do begin to take, and I am proud of it, and I hope shall continue it. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1666 N.S.
  • In this rather archaically written biography, marred by ornate, stilted language and the author's reliance on and citation of endlessly extended passages from his great-great-grandfather's autobiography, James Mellon struggles mightily but fails to make his readers care much for or about Thomas Mellon. Banking On the Future
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  • I'd like to be picking holes in him but he was mightily impressive at Leopardstown and seems to have it all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then Plenorius gat his horse, and came with a spear in his hand walloping toward Sir Launcelot; and then they began to feutre their spears, and came together as thunder, and smote either other so mightily that their horses fell down under them. Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table, Volume 1
  • It was mightily impressive bowling by any standards, and with his left hand in plaster it was quite remarkable.
  • She was singing live on Radio 2 and he was a mightily impressed fellow guest. The Sun
  • they rejoiced mightily
  • This is the lesson of the 1930s, which Republican/libertarian/right-wing propaganda has striven mightily, and successfully, to erase from the American memory, allowing it to happen all over again. xearther Bush Team Seeks Dictatorial Financial Powers « Blog
  • He said it was the kind of response he expected from his team but, still, he had the air of a man who was mightily happy at the reassurance.
  • As a native of the area around Mobile, Alabama, a place long ridiculed by many as the nation's stepchild, it amused me that what was disdained as a redneck corner of the universe populated by ignorant and racist whites and besieged blacks became the "sunbelt" in the 1970s and as soon as those "cheeseheads" arrived in "crackerland" with no more need for their snowtires and discovered giant flying cockroaches and mildew among other horrors and complained mightily about the tropics they had naively sought, they became disenchanted. Lake Level Sucks 11-19-05
  • But an unusually wonderful and totally involving display at Tate Modern makes almightily clear that this view is bunkum.
  • He again defied the elements at Pittsburgh's Heinz Field, where hometown kicker Kris Brown had struggled mightily with tricky winds and poor field conditions. - One swing of his legs puts Vinatieri in super category
  • Carnegy loved pleasure mightily, painted her face "devilishly," and drove in the park flauntingly. Royalty Restored
  • Though justified on grounds of profile and race sponsorship, it is a mightily uncomfortable compromise for a supposedly front-rank sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this is not the case with mean old Ebenezer Scrooge, whose first name chimes with "squeezer" as well as with "geezer," whose last name is a combination of "screw" and "gouge," and whose author disapproves mightily of his ways: Debtor's Prism
  • The US $183 million Yankees are struggling mightily at the plate, leaving their fans restless.
  • You would have needed to be mightily stone-hearted not to have been swept along by the sense of occasion yesterday.
  • In “Allison”, what in fact was happening – although the writers tried mightily to keep it ambiguous – was fairly obvious: her glitch from the car bomb caused her to crosslink her self-awareness with her memories of the woman she was modeled after, and then channel those memories through her human emulation mode. Matthew Yglesias » Spitzer: Let’s Condemn the Human Race to Slavery and Extinction
  • After the first decade, the money was appreciably better, and Ann campaigned mightily for a plantation she had picked out.
  • We were also mightily impressed by her twerking antics on US chat show Live! The Sun
  • She was mightily impressive when finally opening her account at Kempton Park last time and can follow up. Times, Sunday Times
  • And actually, how often the power of this one grain of salt turns out to be mightily effective! Christianity Today
  • He used new irons and a new putter in Stockholm and was mightily impressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I beg of you to let me hear from you, and when I may expect to have the happinesse of seeing you in this countrey, which is what I both long mightily for, and expect as soon as you can conveniently. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Volume I.
  • The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association - the nation's first preservationist organization that once saved Washington's estate from ruin after the U. S. Civil War - struggled mightily with this dilemma.
  • The horsemen looking on with the keen anticipation of those about to be mightily entertained paid me the compliment of rapidly becoming bored.
  • We've striven mightily to adjust to our dinner guests showing up late, but when the time stretches to 2 or more hours, and food is ready, and we, the hosts, are starving, then it inevitably becomes stressful. Not being on time a high art in Mexico
  • The power of God came mightily upon us, insomuch that many cried for exceeding joy, and many fell to the ground.
  • At about 3 a.m., Wesley wrote, ‘the power of God came mightily upon us, insomuch that many cried for exceeding joy, and many fell to the ground.’
  • Despite its wars, Britain prospered mightily during the eighteenth century.
  • The rhythm section groove mightily; Parker can light a fire underneath pretty much any band and his solidity is typically elemental here.
  • Then you see the massive lobbying efforts by those who simultaneously are contributing mightily.
  • The Sextons dub this syndrome "conspicuous conservation," which is directly diametrical to "conspicuous consumption" -- our current materialistic cultural orientation that contributes mightily to the unsustainable exploitation of the earth's natural resources. Edward Flattau: Conspicuous Conservation
  • Old Swan, and there to Michell and staid while he and she dressed themselves, and here had a 'baiser' or two of her, whom I love mightily; and then took them in a sculler (being by some means or other disappointed of my own boat) to W.ite Hall, and so with them to W.stminster, Sir W. Coventry, Bruncker and I all the morning together discoursing of the office business, and glad of the Controller's business being likely to be put into better order than formerly, and did discourse of many good things, but especially of having something done to bringing the Surveyor's matters into order also. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 49: January 1666-67
  • St Mirren caretaker manager John Coughlin was mightily relieved that Ricky Gillies was deemed fit to play.
  • Up betimes, and leaving my wife to go by coach to hear Mr. Frampton preach, which I had a mighty desire she should, I down to the Old Swan, and there to Michell and staid while he and she dressed themselves, and here had a 'baiser' or two of her, whom I love mightily; and then took them in a sculler (being by some means or other disappointed of my own boat) to White Hall, and so with them to Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1667 N.S.
  • In the days following his budget speech to a joint session of Congress last week, the president has tried mightily to steamroll congress into supporting his $1.6 trillion tax cut.
  • I've never seen you before, mum, and I reckon I never shall see you again; but we've been mightily holped up by what you've been saying, and I reckon we ought to be doing something for them poor humans. The American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 3, July, 1900
  • The phrase flattered the general, touched him, and pleased him mightily. The Idiot
  • He was struggling mightily at the plate in the play-offs and appeared out of sorts.
  • The council will, no doubt, feel mightily aggrieved.
  • If there is a problem, I think it is mightily exaggerated.
  • His audiences often applaud mightily.
  • They wait there, standing stilly even as the bus slows and tries to stop close to that spot, where a brake squeals mightily.
  • Cold weather states, for example, are rushing along mightily, while those short-winter states like Florida are being a pit pokier about breaking ground. ProPublica's Reporting Network Spot-Checks First Wave of Stimulus Construction
  • The company is striving mightily to save itself at home by catching up abroad.
  • Among others, the work of two pairs of designers is still mightily influential in California design.
  • And he is mightily impressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The US has contributed mightily to the peace of the world over the past half-century.
  • Economically, Hong Kong prospered mightily under British colonial rule.
  • He had given a mightily impres-sive performance.
  • But, father," the Golden Maiden said -- she called him _father_ now and it pleased him mightily; "father, I should rather marry Janko! The Laughing Prince Jugoslav Folk and Fairy Tales
  • The astronauts must be getting mightily tired of this.
  • The old tile-roofed village in the old green countryside, the Hwang Ho mightily flowing, a bell at twilight, lifeways and a reverence for them that had changed their outward guise only a little as the millennia swept past; science and machines could ensorcel a girl, she could snatch at a scholarship and lose herself in the marvels of city and university and a certain young man, but always, always she would yearn back. Starfarers
  • It is, instead, mightily concerned with underground economies, which did not report their income and allegedly overwhelmed traditional economies.
  • But they were silent in amazement and expectation when they saw the mighty white ape wriggle upon the back of their king, and, with steel muscles tensed beneath the armpits of his antagonist, bear down mightily with his open palms upon the back of the thick bullneck, so that the king ape could but shriek in agony and flounder helplessly about upon the thick mat of jungle grass. The Beasts of Tarzan
  • he strove mightily to achieve a better position in life
  • I was mightily relieved when we landed at Manchester airport.
  • He was holding Malbihn in a grasp the giant Swede could not break, though he struggled to do so, and he was holding him as easily as Malbihn might have held a little child, yet Malbihn was a huge man, mightily thewed.
  • The IRS would then move to close these loopholes, a process that will take years, the number of years lengthened, of course, by even beadier-eyed (but better dressed) attorneys who will use every legal dodge in their legal dodge bag of tricks in order to save their rich clients 'untaxed wealth so as to mightily increase their own. The Moderate Voice
  • Earl passed a treatment room off ER where another youthful trainee, this one masked and gloved, frowned mightily as he wielded a suture and hemostat over a child's lacerated cheek. Mortal Remains
  • When William Godwin found out, he was mightily annoyed (especially since the debt-paying-off never eventuated), and Mary and Percy ran away together to live in sin. Archive 2009-03-01
  • I cannot tell the difference, and I am mightily suspicious of those who claim they can, believing that such overdeveloped taste buds must be having a depleting, detrimental effect to some other bodily function.
  • After playing a little upon my new little flageolet, that is so soft that pleases me mightily, betimes to my office, where most of the morning. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1668 N.S.
  • Don Quijote is mightily impressed with his squire and plans to dub him a knight.
  • They campaigned mightily to get the old visitors permit scheme revoked and the replacement scheme activated.
  • News of horrendous mortality rates awaiting Liberian colonists contributed mightily to this declining interest.
  • Regardless of the outcome last night, that is mightily impressive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The good news pleased the family mightily.
  • Far from the most stylish player but mightily effective. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's difficult to imagine him not struggling mightily his first year in New York.
  • SHORT, stylish, ginger and mightily effective. The Sun
  • We have struggled mightily to win back lost trade.
  • The next ball is short and hoicked mightily over midwicket for Prior to take him to fifty from 39 balls. Australia v England - live! | Rob Smyth
  • Despite the lackluster dialogue, the cast strives mightily to bring some sincerity to their roles.
  • I wonder mightily how this little event came to pass?
  • The choir was mightily tickled at the idea o 'gittin' shed o 'the old pest, and Sam Crawford went to him and told him he was on the right track and to go ahead, for the Babtists was undoubtedly correct, and if it wasn't for displeasin' his father and mother he'd jine 'em himself. Aunt Jane of Kentucky
  • Matthew was mightily entertained, and almost forgot his own troubles while laughing at his cousins.
  • His own father had desired mightily to be governor of a State, and it had killed him; his grandfather had died amassing the Covington fortune; he had friends who had died of love, and others who had overdrunk and overeaten. The Triflers
  • Having left Rose working mightily away at fastening shakes to her roof, he was giving himself a workout on the oars, something he'd always enjoyed.
  • NBob it seems is mightily afeared of our collective PMS consciousness. Cheeseburger Gothic » The Ladies Blue Room. Or something.
  • He has struggled mightily, especially on the road, throughout his second season.
  • He struggled mightily, but had no luck.
  • I'd note that "Bart" here, after complaining so long and so mightily about the "ad hominem" of Dowd and the lack of specifics, slings around the "perjury! perjury!" cowflop with nary a supporting argument (and even against the weight of undisuted events such as the failure of even the impeachment on the second "perjury" article). Balkinization
  • But enough of that; the topic displeases me mightily. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • Republicans tried mightily to get him to switch parties.
  • They will have to lobby mightily in the halls of Congress on behalf of broadening their nation's version of perestroika.
  • The first -- it was hard to admit this, even to himself -- was none other than the child-woman of the Shaandaar, his loyal ally in that nightmare time which he was now trying so mightily to conceal behind banalities and mists, the aficionada of the martial arts, Hanif Johnson's lover, Mishal Sufyan. The Satanic Verses
  • The Obama Administration tried mightily to entice Assad into "engaging" Washington in a vain attempt to untie Assad from his patron Ahmadinejad. Amb. Marc Ginsberg: Syria-sly Mr.President, Turn the Heat Up on Assad
  • There was no reproach in his shuddering sobs; only sorrow, only the desolation and eternal heart-ache of that which loves mightily, unrequitedly, and realizes that all it desires can never, never be. The Eternal Maiden
  • Men who have no imagination, but have learned merely to produce a spurious resemblance of its results by the recipes of composition, are apt to value themselves mightily on their concoctive science; but the man whose mind Lectures on Architecture and Painting Delivered at Edinburgh in November 1853
  • After all, the last time there was a trend like this — I’ll cite the surge in psychosexual killer-based horror that happened in the Eighties — the rest of “traditional” speculative fiction suffered mightily. Who’s Afraid of Urban Fantasy? «
  • Speaking of shelling out the ducats, industry watchers seem to concur that during these flush economic times, and even during lean ones, parents will spend mightily on toys.
  • It was mightily impressive bowling by any standards, and with his left hand in plaster it was quite remarkable.
  • In my humble opinion this phone is an iPhone beater, I sold my 3G to get it, and so far I am mightily impressed with it.
  • His model for comparison is Latvia, an Eastern European nation struggling mightily to reduce its fiscal deficit and keep its currency pegged to the euro in the hope of soon joining the currency union.
  • They will certainly have been mightily impressed by the magnificent Croke Park.
  • They steer to sea; one might think that the Cyclades were uptorn and floated on the main, or that lofty mountains clashed with mountains, so mightily do their crews urge on the turreted ships. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • Academics may fancy themselves ‘above’ the sordid world of commerce, but they fight mightily for raises, time off, perks.
  • We all experience times of feeling mightily right and dismissing dissent as small-minded pettiness.
  • Up and dressed a pease pudding with boyled rabbets and bacon to dinner for want of a cook-mayde, Sarah leaving us at dawn, and he loving it mightily. The Ladies A Shining Constellation of Wit and Beauty
  • Drummer Chris contributed mightily with his thunderousness, and Omar's trumpet/keyboard/percussion playing also added a lot.
  • For example, her lovely graphic up above there is supposed to be centered, and I bet if I were a more advanced web designer I'm sure I could ensure its centeredness, but I've tried mightily and it's just not sitting still.
  • Their portfolios and performance will suffer mightily if this issue is allowed to flop.
  • The men of Bononia and Mutina are swearing mightily—and not because they felt themselves intimidated. Antony and Cleopatra
  • He struck it mightily with his sword.
  • If you get rid of that I'll be mightily impressed. The Sun
  • Oliver's father tried mightily to bring his son out of his shy and retiring shell, but the violence they saw every day in the world around them resulted in the young boy retreating even further within himself.
  • Finally, the new medium of television contributed mightily to the success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  • Apple -- which has mightily resisted tampering in any way with its 99 cent price point for tracks -- said that if the rate hike goes through and the labels refuse to absorb the entire resulting increase, the iTunes music store will become unprofitable.
  • “They were there, in short, because America did not yet know what it was all about; and because they were there they contributed mightily to the fact that an overstrained army driven from the field in defeat dissolved into a wild and disorderly rout which no man could stop.” Louisa May Alcott
  • I caught the freshly signed quartet play a tiny show in London and was mightily impressed. The Sun
  • They praised his earlship, his acts of prowess worthily witnessed: and well it is that men their master-friend mightily laud, heartily love, when hence he goes from life in the body forlorn away. RIP Duke Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur
  • Although sugar is lower in total calories per gram than fat, it contributes mightily to a fatty frame.
  • From the outside, the hotel is mightily impressive.
  • The commissioners labored mightily to reach the ultimate judgment that the department might be found guilty of mismanagement but not corruption.
  • Many of the records of this marvelous instrument sound as though the recording-room of the factory had been "papered" with creative listeners who coöperated mightily with the master on the stage. The Joyful Heart
  • The accessions, which are made to lands bordering upon rivers, follow the land, say the civilians, provided it be made by what they call alluvion, that is, Insensibly and Imperceptibly; which are circumstances that mightily assist the imagination in the conjunction. A Treatise of Human Nature
  • She makes a rather large assumption that all of earliest Christianity would have been just as apocalyptic in its outlook as the Apostle Paul, and that it suffered mightily from a delay of the Parousia.
  • The waves roil mightily, and batter and strike the ship so that they crush both sides of the hull and the planking almost shatters.
  • The keeper of special collections there, Richard Ovenden, has been striving mightily to raise the necessary millions.
  • I caught the freshly signed quartet play a tiny show in London and was mightily impressed. The Sun
  • The young man shouted, still struggling mightily against two exhausted police cadets.
  • Francis in particular is a mightily impressive performer and he and Holt get through a prodigious amount of work in matches.
  • After this, came the dinner and the letter writing, and some more talking, in the course of which Miss Haredale took occasion to charge upon Dolly certain flirtish and inconstant propensities, which accusations Dolly seemed to think very complimentary indeed, and to be mightily amused with. Barnaby Rudge
  • Rapid transit would aid mightily a more intensive development of this metropolitan heartland and would tend to minimize this aesthetically unattractive "scatteration". Planning for Transportation in the Metropolitan Community
  • The pearls about her neck became her mightily, as did the green ribbon, the same shade as her dress, snooded in her hair. Love of Brothers
  • And lo, it did pass that the Allblogger's day job didst task him mightily, and yea, his labours didst take him to most unseemly climes where e'en Frost Giants dost fear to venture, let alone broadband signals. Archive 2009-03-01
  • And lo, it did pass that the Allblogger's day job didst task him mightily, and yea, his labours didst take him to most unseemly climes where e'en Frost Giants dost fear to venture, let alone broadband signals. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The beadle is the only sober man in the composition except the pawnbroker, and he is mightily indifferent to the orphan-child crying beside its parent's coffin. The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete
  • There was nothing in it, to be sure, that answered to my own case, yet it interested me mightily as an honest unvarnished narrative of sea perils; and I see myself now in fancy reading it, the lanthorn hanging by a laniard close beside my head, the book in one hand, my pipe in the other, the furnace roaring pleasantly, my feet close to it, and the atmosphere of the oven fragrant with the punch that The Frozen Pirate
  • Through the other nostril he blew mightily, a volcano of air.
  • Adrian, who readily admits that this is unchartered territory as far as he is concerned, has been mightily impressed by the atmosphere of the place.
  • I would struggle mightily in those courses, whereas I have many friends who find them a breeze.
  • There was an assertiveness and commitment about his play that, in the circumstances, was mightily impressive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The airline that MSNBC declared the \ "worst of the worst\" in June 2008 is striving mightily to maintain that status in 2009. Eric C. Anderson: Saying Goodbye to United Airlines
  • On board the middle-aged littérateur is mightily pleased with himself - more particularly he is pleased with his literary reputation and power.
  • First, an angel from heaven cries mightily with a strong voice, "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen"; and then "_another voice_" from heaven says, "COME OUT OF HER, The Revelation Explained
  • Pronouncing the words distinctly, the voice came from her breast in a deep stream, and each word reeked with boiling blood, stirred up by outrage, poisoned by offence and mightily demanding vengeance. The Man Who Was Afraid
  • Plenorius gat his horse, and came with a spear in his hand walloping toward Sir Launcelot; and then they began to feutre their spears, and came together as thunder, and smote either other so mightily that their horses fell down under them. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Some people grieve mightily, volcanically, with sadness and anger and regret issuing forth like a painful eruption.
  • The rhythm section groove mightily; Parker can light a fire underneath pretty much any band and his solidity is typically elemental here.
  • If you do, you'll be slugged mightily.
  • Justine remembered that Kylie had been cramming mightily for the test when they last spoke.
  • My wife hiked up to see her milpa with its magnificent views of nearby mountains and canyons and was mightily impressed. Chamula Power
  • This is certainly a mightily impressive building and unmistakably Scottish.
  • The stadium looks mightily impressive and I hope I am still here to see it!
  • Rising onto all fours, the breagar yawned mightily. Flinx's Folly
  • In short, she did not like, as she phrased it, "to be shaken off;" and after a sleepless night she resolved to judge for herself, much moved thereto by the malicious suggestions to that effect made by Mr. Sprott, who mightily enjoyed the idea of mortifying the gentlemen by whom he had been so disrespectfully threatened with the treadmill. My Novel — Volume 06
  • This 'working within' is stated in the original of my text most emphatically, for it is literally 'the inworking which inworketh in me mightily.' Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • He had given a mightily impres-sive performance.
  • He says he blames himself mightily for not pushing harder.
  • Three of our last four games have been on the road and we have been mightily impressive. The Sun
  • This is the kind of book that I would hint mightily to someone that I wanted for a birthday/holiday present, perhaps by saying, suggestively, that if I knew how to SEW, *someone* might get a handmade whatsis. More on Fabric - A Dress A Day
  • Clark was "disappointed but not downhearted" after a late missed penalty denied his team what would have been a mightily impressive double. Huddersfield Town look ready to gain promotion to the Championship | John Ashdown
  • Women also strive mightily to repair these things in their flawed sons.
  • Are the four horsemen saddling up to harvest mightily from all of us?
  • Trying mightily to reknit the coalition that sent him to the White House, Obama was reaching out to Latino voters, college students, women and others as he sought to boost the candidacies of key congressional allies whose success or failure on Election Day will help determine the fate of his own agenda. Obama In Los Angeles: President Campaigns For Boxer At USC
  • It was a mightily impressive job. The Sun
  • Mightily impressive it may be, but the Continental falls just short.
  • If a houseguest decided to get themselves a midnight snack without my permission, it is not at all unlikely that I would be mightily peeved.
  • Regardless of the outcome last night, that is mightily impressive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The behavior disorder, which often causes children to struggle mightily in school and in life, can be "impairing," says Mark Wolraich, lead author of the American Academy of Pediatrics 'clinical guidelines on diagnosing ADHD. The Creative Energy Behind ADHD
  • I bought the album when it came out and have been listening to it fairly regularly since, and it has grown on me mightily.
  • And in fine, devote ourselves as we will, a term approaches when the enthusiasm for serving as your wife's playfellow all day, running round tables and flying along corridors before a knotted handkerchief, is mightily relaxed. Complete Short Works of George Meredith
  • It annoyed Flaubert mightily that purveyors of political cant should be greeted with more ballyhoo than gifted poets.
  • We have struggled mightily to win back lost trade.
  • His father Mercury, because he could leave him no wealth, taught him many fine tricks to get means, [1151] for he could drive away men's cattle, and if any pursued him, turn them into what shapes he would, and so did mightily enrich himself, hoc astu maximam praedam est adsecutus. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The steam generation is impressive and mightily effective. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile the Lord Mayor, with his hands in his pockets, looked on as an idle man might look at any other show, and seemed mightily satisfied to have got a good place. Barnaby Rudge
  • He feigned disappointment. Secretly, he was mightily relieved.
  • This harmless-looking blooze duo barks and stomps mightily, yielding slobbery praise from music critics all over.
  • This is the lesson of the 1930s, which Republican and libertarian propaganda has striven mightily, and successfully, to erase from the American memory, allowing it to happen all over again. Bush Team Seeks Dictatorial Financial Powers « Blog
  • Is he trustworthy enough so that you don't have to feel fearful about exulting over it in front of your conservative friends who seem mightily disdainful?
  • I was mightily pleased until I popped in to admire the roses of a neighbour who has the best flower and vegetable garden in the district.
  • They try, mightily.
  • I caught the freshly signed quartet play a tiny show in London and was mightily impressed. The Sun
  • This splash of gold is bright and mightily effective. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the postseason begins its month-long run the intriguing subplot is this: Can teams which have struggled so mightily down the homestretch reverse the pattern. - Tigers want better postscript after regular-season tailspin
  • Both clashed mightily against each other, wounded by their unbearable desire for her bed.
  • In the last few decades, I think the business has erred mightily in both directions.
  • We laboured mightily to rebuild the walls.
  • In his cradling arms the duar began to vibrate and glow mightily. A Corridor in the Asylum
  • And I'll be mightily amused if anyone goes searching through the archives for lurid details of my love life.
  • Other thoughts after the jump: 1. The sight of Nick Lachey and "the faculty" lavishing "thestudents" with gift bags from K-Mart—and hearing Nick Lachey trymightily to make the word "K-Mart" sound exciting– made me scoff-snortso hard that snot flew out of my nose. 'High School Musical: Get in the Picture' recap: Showmance is in the air! |
  • The former dictator's defense team had struggled mightily to evade the tests - as well as a trial.
  • Progressives have bollixed up mightily and must now atone. Oh, My Bad, I Misunderstood What I Thought I Heard, but I Guess I Didn't Hear What I Thought was Said.
  • He was a spoiled, pettish rich kid who worked mightily to destroy millions of dollars worth of equipment in the years before he was captured. A Word On McCain's Heroism And His Speech Tonight
  • The game of chess with sword-wielding pawns and deadly queens is both dramatic and mightily beautiful.
  • Both offer unexpected views of Evans, swinging mightily through standards, modern classics and originals.
  • I was mightily refreshed by the beverage, as much so as a giant with wine.
  • By what means God hath mightily and effectually wrought, -- by mixing folly with their counsels, putting fear, terror, and amazedness upon all their undertakings, -- into carry on his own purpose, I could easily give considerable instances. The Sermons of John Owen

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