How To Use Midterm In A Sentence

  • A third-party group headed by a GOP operative is out with a new Nevada ad spot encouraging Latinos in the state not to cast votes in this year's midterm elections. GOP-Linked 'Latinos For Reform' Airs Nevada Ads Urging Hispanics Not To Vote (VIDEO)
  • Nevertheless, CNN has talked to a "language analyst" who gets paid to "[analyze and catalogue] trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture," and they report that Obama was too "professorial," and now America is at grave risk of not passing its midterm exams on the oil spill. Obama Oil Spill Speech Criticized By CNN's Language Analyst For Not Being Moronic Enough [UPDATE]
  • An airport official said the alternative is to take passengers to the midterm car park for a free shuttle bus. The Sun
  • Ninety percent of the students in Quashie's class bombed the midterm.
  • The place was only half full and it was still dark outside but it was way past bedtime on a Saturday night and midterms were just a dim, horrific memory.
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  • We know that historically the party that holds the White House loses seats in Congress in their first midterm election.
  • Around this time in every midterm election cycle, the vultures of political prognostication begin hovering over incumbents in trouble.
  • Palin divvied out 57 total endorsements of House, Senate, and governor candidates in the run up to the midterm elections. Sarah Palin Endorsements Boast Winning Record, Tarnished By Key Losses
  • Republicans rule both chambers of Congress and the midterm elections are nearly two years into the future.
  • OpEdNews - Quicklink: Beware the midterm mudslinging OpEdNews - Quicklink: Beware the midterm mudslinging
  • It is the fact that even sooner, midterm congressional elections can have the effect of emasculating their legislative programs.
  • Obama is rebounding from his party's midterm drubbing with the kind of lame-duck victories any White House would want. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The recent decision by four veteran House Democrats to call it quits is raising questions about whether more will soon follow as the 2010 political climate grows more threatening in the midterm congressional elections, a year when government and business forecasters are predicting high unemployment and a slow economic recovery. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: December 22, 2009
  • No additional midterms will be posted for this fall term.
  • In some ways, they said, the midterms were not as bleak a harbinger as some Democrats fear. 'Soul-searching' inside the White House
  • Two weeks (!) separate political junkies from the end of one of the most fascinating midterm elections in modern memory. The final 14 days: Reports from the field!
  • He was one of the few Republican successes in the disastrous 2006 midterm election. Times, Sunday Times
  • I smile politely and compliment her on her ‘ageless beauty’ and tell the rest of the ladies that I must retire to my room to do some studying for a midterm coming up.
  • One senior official said the key is to neither overreact nor underreact to the midterms but to accurately pinpoint the areas that were truly problematic for the president and try to act on them. 'Soul-searching' inside the White House
  • After the president's midterms humbling, the US media envision horse trading, vetoes – and a legislative logjam Barack Obama facing two years of political gridlock
  • The question will be, do you have time to do that before the midterms evict your majority? Calm down at The Pink Rose Tea Room
  • Take another look at meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, talking to a professional or any other stress release that works for you during midterms and exams.
  • When things like this happen, we have what is called a short, midterm, and long-term program, relief first, rehabilitation, reconciliation, reconstruction and what we call reawakening, that is the final phase. CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2005
  • Most midterm election results are only of passing interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, in case you missed all the fun we had at politicians 'expenses this year, we collected our 13 favorite political parodies from the 2010 midterm elections for you below. The 13 Best Political Parodies Of The 2010 Midterm Elections (VIDEO)
  • The party of the president typically does not fare well in midterm elections.
  • At the end of the day the Midterm Roundup is just happy that the word “meshugaas” has suddenly become so appropriate in describing this race. Midterm Roundup
  • An audit of the Virginia Department of Transportation shows more than $1 billion in unspent money, allowing the Republican governor to crow about government mismanagement and toss some dirt the way of his predecessor, Timothy Kaine, who happens to be head of the national Democratic Party on the eve of important midterm elections. McDonnell's VDOT pots of gold
  • Now there's only one thing left to do after you vote as you gather your friends to watch Tuesday night's midterm election results: Get rip-roaring drunk. Lee Brenner: The Election Night Drinking Game: HyperVocal Edition
  • Wheat price is clearly an endogenous player in the system, particularly at midterm and longer-term horizons.
  • I was surprised weeks later when I found I had gotten a very decent grade on the midterm.
  • Much like President Bill Clinton took solace from the Democratic defeat in the 1994 midterms, so does Obama embark this week on a lengthy trip to Asia, where he will be able to put aside temporarily the political setback at home for a turn on the global stage, where he remains widely admired. Around the world, concern over the global impact of U.S. elections
  • He has shown that grandmothers are ten times more likely to die before a midterm exam, and nineteen times more likely to die before a final exam. Christianity Today
  • A commitment to making reforms to the care system will form part of tomorrow's midterm progress report. Times, Sunday Times
  • I stayed up the whole night studying for my midterm math exam.
  • The role of ideological positioning is often overstated in American politics -- presidential elections are largely driven by the economy, and Congressional outcomes are closely related to the number of seats held by the president's party, whether it is a midterm election, and the state of the economy. Brendan Nyhan: The fallacy of insufficient extremism
  • Her teacher had given her one more chance to pass the midterm within two weeks, and if she did so she wouldn't have to repeat the class the following year.
  • It's a busy time right now and people have midterms and other commitments.
  • This became a major issue in the midterm elections.
  • Historically, midterm elections are referendums on the party in power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Democratic National Committee raised $16 million in September alone, a startlingly strong month of fundraising that party operatives insist is a sign of momentum for their side with roughly one month remaining before the November midterms. DNC rakes in $16 million in September
  • Republican midterm stumble, or amid the rifts and rage of a sharply divided government if they prevail or sweep this November, the party may be irresistibly drawn to a recycled idea. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • So where were we when we were interrupted the other day by the midterm elections?
  • The snow is not as white, the road salt is collecting in classrooms, everybody walks head down to avoid winter, midterms loom on the horizon, co-op interviews are in full swing and groundhogs are forecasting spring.
  • She must rub up her English for the midterm examination.
  • The exams, midterm, and final were equally weighted when determining final course grade.
  • The high-ranking LBGT operative who passed the numbers along cited them as evidence that the gay community was not disaffected with the president prior to November's midterm elections and that they would not lose patience with Obama even if he fails to persuade Congress to move major agenda items in the years ahead. Poll: Obama Had Strong Standing With Gay Community Even Before DADT Repeal
  • Attorneys could be permitted to interfere with this plan, hence the midterm firings and replacements. Diving Deeper Into the Muck of Bush Scandals
  • Last December, I was talking with a Democratic operative about the midterm elections.
  • Why did the administration shift the focus just 60 days before the midterm elections?
  • Check out the video below for The Fix's answers to your most pressing midterm election questions in our first LIVE Twitter videocast. The Fix Live Twitter Videocast!
  • It's going to be one of those elections that 10 to 15 years from now people look back and point to as a midterm bloodletting," said Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the Washington-based -- Top News
  • We had a real character teaching us in the pre-midterm phase.
  • Multimedia: An interactive with highlights of the midterm races is in the wdc/politics_timeline folder. After Bailout, Business Groups Now Turning On Former Allies
  • Those of a cynical nature are saying that President Obama's and Vice President Biden's remarks early in the week about the "whining" from the Left are merely setting up a finger-pointing exercise for the aftermath of the midterm election -- the White House shifting blame, in other words, beforehand. Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points [141] -- Rahm's Exit Contest Winner Announced
  • Franchises that have success are studied like a college history book the night before midterms.
  • With only 15 days to go until midterm election day on 2 November, the tempo is getting faster as candidates in crucial marginal seats scour their districts for votes and debates – such as the one between Rand Paul and Jack Conway last night – take centre stage. Midterm elections live blog - Monday 18 October
  • The calming sound of water tickled the ear while it trickled from a metal candy-cane-shaped faucet into the marble bathtub to form a deep celadon green sea that would ease even the most extreme case of midterm anxiety.
  • We're already seeing some of this has new business formations have dropped and midterm cancellations have ticked up slightly. Financial Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • All kinds of atrocious policies -- from Lyndon Johnson's war on Vietnam to Jimmy Carter's midterm swerve rightward to Bill Clinton's neoliberal measures such as NAFTA, "welfare reform" and Wall Street deregulation -- were calamities facilitated by acquiescence or mild dissent from many left-leaning Democrats. Norman Solomon: Obama: Beyond Savior or Trickster
  • It wasn't until Republicans returned to rock-ribbed conservative principles in the 2010 midterms that the GOP regained its footing, and winning back control of the House proved the primacy of principles. Battle of Hearts vs. Minds in GOP
  • It's tempting to dismiss cliquishness as a relic from high school, along with midterms, lockers, and prom dates.
  • In restoring undivided Republican control of the federal government, the 2002 midterm elections confirmed three current realities of American politics.
  • Nonbinding this and that, deadline lah-di-dah, Bush/Cheney are going to ignore the mandate of the midterm elections and every pressure from Congress on Iraq, because Bush/Cheney know their opponents 'bark has no bite. Laura Flanders: No Special Rights
  • KING: But if Republicans defy the traditional midterm jinx, the reasons extend beyond the President's aggressive campaigning. CNN Transcript Nov 5, 2002
  • As the 1998 midterm elections approached, Republican lawmakers had no desire to alienate the conservatives who formed their core constituency.
  • In the earlier Republican news conference, Boehner said he saw no problem for Republicans in "incorporating members of the tea party with our party in the quest that's really the same" following the midterms, which amounted to a major rebuff of Obama and the Democrats by an electorate worried about the economy and the size of government. After midterm wins, GOP vows to block Obama's agenda
  • The results broke a five decade trend in which the governor's party lost seats in the midterm election.
  • Examinations should be given routinely and include simple quizzes, a midterm examination, and a final examination.
  • The gutlessness of Democrats reached its pinnacle in the autumn of 2010 when a mere two months before midterm elections congressional Democrats refused to bring to a vote a measure that would have brought to an end tax cuts for those making more than $250,000 a year. America has the opportunity to usher in radical new political era | Michael Cohen
  • The point is that each of us has something we do to keep our minds off school, exams and the impending midterms.
  • One of America's "brainiest" politicians, Frank is a household name in his district, and he has $1 million - much more than Bielat has - to spend in the final month before the midterm vote. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Maybe its pure double-speak, or maybe the president has emerged from his midterm shellacking with a new religion. Obama
  • Midterm and Final can be proctored by an approved official, such as a librarian, military educational officer or other school official’.
  • It seemed only natural for our group of four to continue with the study sessions right after class as the midterm loomed closer.
  • The midterm drubbing for the Democrats masks the many encouraging auguries for the president Why Barack Obama is looking good for a second term in 2012
  • To understand my vexation with this, let me share my schedule from this past week with you: five engineering midterms, five days.
  • But midterm campaigns have tended to be slightly more dignified - until now. Times, Sunday Times
  • With midterm congressional elections approaching rapidly, both parties have said that passage of drug coverage will be critical to their success.
  • You know, ever since watching him on TV for the first time back in June, the Midterm Roundup has felt an eerie, sort of inexplicable sense of distrustfulness toward Tom Kean, Jr. Midterm Roundup
  • It's the latest fence-mending session following the midterm elections.
  • But one stop not on his midterm itinerary is Nevada, home to politically vulnerable Majority Leader Harry Reid. McConnell Keeps Polite Distance From Reid in Nevada Senate Campaign
  • The CSD used to offer me time and a half for midterms and exams to accommodate for this.
  • Yes, Obama is still Commander in Chief, and yes, the U.S. remains the world's sole superpower, but while foreign policy played nary a role in the midterm elections, the foreign policy fallout from the election drubbing is unavoidable. Amb. Marc Ginsberg: The Post Election Foreign Policy Hangover
  • Also fueling the runup are the U.S. midterm election results. News On Earnings
  • The Republican victory of 60 seats in the House ranks with other midterm landslides in 1938, 1946, and 1994. Steven M. Gillon: The Lessons of 1994
  • Acceleration above that level, should push pair higher, with next resistance area around 126.10 and finally, key midterm inflection point 126.60 -
  • But if I had to bet, I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear praise from the president from Representative Gephardt for supporting him, maybe praise from Senator Lieberman for supporting the resolution and an insistence that this is life and death stuff way bigger than any midterm elections, because in making his speech free of politics, he further helps istle (ph) those Democrats who are not supporting him. CNN Transcript Oct 7, 2002
  • That president's party went on to gain seats in the midterm elections.
  • I can't promise anything though since midterms and tons of projects are coming up!
  • The Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Solicitor General Elena Kagan are weeks away, but her nomination is already becoming a flash point in midterm Congressional campaigns as candidates in both parties try to exploit the coming court fight. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
  • As midterm loom, mosque near Ground Zero dominates debate Main RSS Feed
  • That afternoon, in spite of the Israeli warships lurking in the distance and the Israeli planes lancing the skies, my upcoming midterm loomed larger in my mind. Callie Lefevre: Evacuation From Beirut (Or, How I Spent My Summer Vacation)
  • I should have been studying for my midterms.
  • And that's right, this is the president's first test on the international stage since his party received what he called a thumping in last week's midterm elections. CNN Transcript Nov 16, 2006
  • With midterm elections being merely a week away here in the United States, my morbid fascination with what the political pundits are saying has reached a fever pitch.
  • Having broken a short term ascendant trend line, pair has turned south under 1.5400: indicators remain slightly bearish while price is under 20 SMA that lost previous bullish momentum and turned flat. 4 hours charts show more clearly bearish signs coming from indicators, supporting the bias ahead of US opening; 1.5260/80 area should be key as only holding above that level, the midterm bullish trend will remain intact.
  • A 35-foot by 85-foot hoop building houses boars and the sows from weaning through midterm gestation.
  • He's really got to move quickly on this because he cannot be doing it in the same year as a midterm election.
  • Delivering the ANC's midterm organisational report, he said there was growth among coloureds in the Northern and Western Cape, business people in Gauteng, and among traditional leaders in ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Midterm break is on Monday—enjoy!
  • But blacks midterm turnout is also traditionally low compared to white and older voters. Ah, gerrymandering. | RedState
  • Palin divvied out 61 total endorsements of House, Senate, and governor candidates in the run up to the midterm elections. Sarah Palin Endorsements Boast Winning Record, Tarnished By Key Losses
  • Several nonprofit leaders and experts in the space spoke to The Chronicle of Philanthropy about their anticipations of the impact of midterm elections. Nonprofit Experts Weigh In On What Election Results Will Mean For Organizations
  • The Republican National Committee is once again dismissing criticism from Republican insiders that Chairman Michael Steele's election-year operation has left the party in a far less advantageous state than it otherwise would have been in this midterm cycle. RNC Dismisses Steele's Terrible Poll Numbers Among GOP Insiders
  • With midterms approaching, it is unavoidable that professors and exam supervisors will have to consider cheating among students.
  • Here's an online (e.g. superquick-accessible) resource where I pilfered the midterm formative assessment logistics. Wired Campus
  • They did so well on all the quizzes, midterms and tutorials that each had an ‘A’ coming up to the finals.
  • We have to get through the midterm hump and the illness," she said. Queen's Journal: Latest stories
  • But that was before the president's party got what he called a thumping in the midterm elections, losing their majority in the House, and possibly the Senate. CNN Transcript Nov 8, 2006
  • Even before this month's midterm shellacking, many commentators were saying that Barack Obama was beginning to look like the second coming of Jimmy Carter. Ari Emanuel: Forget the Carter Comparisons, Obama Is Following in the Footsteps of Harry Truman -- and That's a Very Good Thing
  • The results indicated that the extraordinary surge in support for Right-wing candidates and measures, which dealt Mr Obama what he called a "shellacking" in last year's midterm elections, may have retreated. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • She must rub up her English for the midterm examination.
  • President Barack Obama admitted he had been "humbled" today by the worst Democratic midterm election defeat in 70 years, and promised to work alongside the revitalised Republican party in Congress.
  • Here's the reason Obama is so serene about his party taking a midterm drubbing: "If Democrats lose control of one or both houses, Obama will have an easier time in 2012, just as Bill Clinton used Newt Gingrich as the foil for his 1996 reelection campaign. Fact And Comment
  • I'm so relieved that my midterm is out of the way
  • With opposition growing and midterm elections looming in November, time to get bipartisan agreement on the reforms is running out. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results of the midterm elections support this.
  • The Tea baggers can beat their chests and crow all they want about the "hugeness" of their movement's big victory, as Paul boasted last night, but all it portends for the party in November's midterm elections is Republican-on-Republican bloodletting. Andy Ostroy: To Know What Rand Paul's Victory Means, Look to Pennsylvania 12
  • Enclosed is the format guideline of midterm report for your reference.
  • To vastly increase -- or even marginally increase -- turnout among young voters would require him to again bend the curve of electoral history in midterm elections. Barack Obama and the difficulty of energizing young voters
  • With opposition growing and midterm elections looming in November, time to get bipartisan agreement on the reforms is running out. Times, Sunday Times
  • With just five weeks to go before the midterm elections, the talk of war appears to be overshadowing other issues, such as the economy and Social Security.
  • Forgive me if I take a long time with the next chapter and if it seems snippety and choppy: I just started taking midterms today.
  • Members of Congress will be fearful of challenging a president who has public backing and greedy to enact popular laws that they can bring to their constituents in the midterm elections of 2010.
  • It wasn't until after the president felt what he called the thumping of the midterm election defeats that he announced he had changed his mind. CNN Transcript Dec 31, 2006
  • Every student but one in my fall 2002 class responded that they preferred the on-line quizzes to an in-class midterm.
  • WASHINGTON — Democrats' Senate majority faces a midterm shrinkage Tuesday, a further complication for President Barack Obama's agenda, even if Republicans fall short of seizing control of the 100-member chamber. Will The GOP Win Control Of The Senate In The Midterm Elections?
  • I stayed up the all night absorbinging for my midterm math exam.
  • Well Mr. Rennie, the Midterm Roundup thinks you are bedizened. Midterm Roundup
  • In the 1952 midterms, which after all came just two years after the 1948 election, in which President Truman had his marvelous upset, railed against the do-nothing Republican Congress, brought Democrats back into power, just two years later in the middle of a really unpopular Korean War, Democrats thrown out again. 'Vanity Fair' Writer: What Will Speaker Boehner Do?
  • It’s the lotusland equivalent of Tom DeLay’s 2003 midterm redistricting in Texas, except with a sweeter smell, a better disguise, and larger stakes. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Votescam: California Voters Take Note!
  • February 4th, 2010 at 11: 38 am there’s no mystery here. unemployment rates are going to be a main determinant of the midterm elections. high rates will hurt democrats. bernanke is a republican, acting to help the republicans. that is all. Matthew Yglesias » Bernanke: I See What You’re Saying, Will Keep Doing the Same Thing
  • WASHINGTON (CNN) – Minnesota Senator-elect Al Franken's arrival on Capitol Hill some eight months after Election Day has set off a message battle in anticipation of the 2010 midterm elections. Senate Republicans highlight Franken's arrival in new Web video
  • Tara was holding study sessions for second midterms, trying to convince the students that their grades were still salvageable and that they really did need these sessions.
  • The fact of the matter is, Democrats are trying to delocalize these elections, these midterm elections, and essentially make them a referendum on Bush, hoping that low poll numbers will translate into high Democratic turnout. CNN Transcript Sep 18, 2006
  • The speedup is the latest move in a tumultuous legislative session that followed last fall's midterm elections in which Republicans won the governorship and control of both chambers of the Legislature. The Seattle Times
  • The Republican Party was in bad shape after the 1974 midterm elections.
  • Six weeks ago, in the wake of the Democrats' midterm shellacking, many commentators put the Obama presidency on life support; he was weak, spineless, out of touch. Ari Berman: Is Obama the New Comeback Kid?
  • An airport official said the alternative is to take passengers to the midterm car park for a free shuttle bus. The Sun
  • Ron Brownstein compares his pre-midterm election interviews with President Bill Clinton in 1994 and President Barack Obama last week. Obama and Clinton
  • No other modern president has been able to accomplish such a delicate task in a midterm election.
  • The midterm elections in November 1938, however, made it unnecessary for President Roosevelt to react to a possible electoral threat from the left.
  • Democrats have been at the sprawling bayside resort since Thursday afternoon, discussing their strategy and messaging after a midterm shellacking that saw their party lose 63 seats in the House. Obama pays short visit to House Democratic retreat
  • During the recent midterm elections, Republicans "shellacked" the Democrats - a word used by President Obama. Fate of New START Treaty Uncertain After US Elections
  • Seniors vote in very large numbers, particularly in midterm elections when most people don't vote.
  • The presence of initiatives has the power to increase turnout by as much as 9 percent in midterm elections and 3 percent in presidential election years.
  • That's true of both die-hard Democrats and Republicans who turn out in heavier numbers than unaffiliated voters in midterms and others who may be well-versed in the big races but know little about other contests. Statewide Races Could Tip House Contests
  • The answers to the eighth-grade geography midterm are in her hands.
  • In 1950, four months after the Korean War began the Republicans made President Truman's quote, "blundering" a key part of their midterm argument. CNN Transcript Oct 19, 2006
  • With the 2010 midterm election just days away, Sarah Palin signaled that she sees another man in the Republican party as "mavericky" -- a label that the former Alaska Governor and Arizona Senator became notorious for embracing together when they were running mates during the 2008 presidential campaign. Sarah Palin Names New 'Mavericky' Man Of The GOP (VIDEO)
  • Our midterm cancellations and the decline in policy endorsements have stabilized. Financial Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • Roll Call: Even as the AFL-CIO braces for losses among its Democratic allies in Congress, the union federation is mobilizing its grass-roots operation in the weeks leading up to the midterm elections. HUFFPOST HILL - OCTOBER 18TH, 2010
  • Will they have as much of an impact in the midterm elections?
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Beware the midterm mudslinging'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Cal Thomas is a conservative columnist. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Beware the midterm mudslinging

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