How To Use Midrash In A Sentence
Although the Midrash does not openly state it, it is asking the same question as the Talmud did above.
As Judaism, except in Jerusalem, had, properly speaking, no clergy, the first comer stood up, gave the lessons of the day (parasha and haphtara), and added thereto a midrash, or entirely personal commentary, in which he expressed his own ideas. [
The Life of Jesus
There are various Midrashim that have the Hebrew letters vigorously competing for attention by calling out to God.
Midrashim are those called homiletical, or Hagadic, which embrace the interpretation, illustration, or expansion, in a moralizing or edifying manner, of the non-legal portions of the Hebrew Bible.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
According to another exegetic tradition, she told him: “I am one of those women who receives her gifts the hard way, like Sarah and the other righteous women” (Midrash Samuel 2: 11).
Hannah: Midrash and Aggadah.
Midrash Mishle, on Proverbs; (11) Yalqut Shimeoni, a kind of catena extending over all the Hebrew Scriptures.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
The Midrash describes for us the origin of God's blueprint for the world as follows.
According to the midrash, Rebekah is buried in Kiriath-Arba, which is so named because of the four [arba] matriarchs buried there: Eve, Sarah, Rebekah and Leah (Gen. Rabbah 58: 4).
Rebekah: Midrash and Aggadah.
Some early Jewish, albeit postbiblical, sources deconstruct the general picture: “Four women exercised government in the world: Jezebel and Athaliah from Israel, Semiramis and Vashti from the [gentile] nations” (in a Jewish Midrash for the Book of Esther, Esther Rabbah).
Jezebel: Bible.
But I do wish you'd mention specific sources so that I know whether you are using terms like "midrash" in their narrow sense or in a more vague way that has become increasingly common in recent years.
The Kingdom of God
The very late rabbinic midrash on Lamentations in fact takes this text explicitly as a messianic prophecy.
A number of Midrashim comment on the word ‘Karcha.’
Nonetheless, Jewish philosophers regularly allegorize scripture and are also influenced by allegorical readings given in rabbinic and midrashic literature (Shatz, 2003).
Literary Forms of Medieval Philosophy
Esth. 2: 7 states: “Mordecai adopted her as his own daughter [literally: took her le-vat],” which the midrash understands as: Mordecai took her le-bayit, that is, as a wife (BT Megillah loc. cit.).
Esther: Midrash and Aggadah.
A typical example of such an enumeration appears in the homiletical midrash collection Pesikta de-Rav Kahana 20.1.
Infertile Wife in Rabbinic Judaism.
The Midrash describes the first Tu B'Av ever celebrated.
The Midrash gives the well-known answer that the Jewish Nation is compared to the moon.
A completely different approach is expressed in the midrash that observes that the letter samekh does not appear from the beginning of Genesis until the creation of Eve, until Gen. 2: 21, which states: “and closed up [va-yisgor] the flesh at that spot.”
Eve: Midrash and Aggadah.
Recently, this midrash made me think about a monumental sculpture called "The Spirit of Haida Gwaii," which was created by the late Canadian Haida artist Bill Reid.
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A quick survey of my friends shows that many of them are quoting the midrash about the death of the Egyptians at the Red Sea, when the angels are chastised for celebrating the death of God's creatures.
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In this guest essay, retired Baptist minister Howard Bess cites the Hebrew concept of "midrash," how to bring the word of God to everyday experiences, as he examines the challenge of applying Jesus's principles -- of advocating peace on earth and railing against greedy elites -- to today's problems:
However, Rashi, quoting the Midrash, says that it refers to the day after Yom Kippur.
It also includes the words of the Talmud and the many Midrashim, all of which speak about the End of Days.
Perhaps this is why Rashi chooses to bring the comment of the Midrash as he explains why Moshe took the flock deep into the wilderness.
He realized full well that the function of the Bet Ha Midrash (house of Study) was to grant the scholar the right to pursue the truth unconditionally.
It wasn't until I discovered interpretive methods such as midrash and its pesher subset that I began to appreciate what the NT writers were actually doing with OT texts.
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This may explain the Midrash that says Yaakov was reciting Shema when he met Yosef.
The Midrash says that the Third Temple has already been constructed in heaven, and merely awaits our preparations here on earth.
Robert Price said it very eloquently: "Not only do the Gospels contain basic and irreconcilable differences in their accounts of Jesus, they have been put together according to a traditional Jewish practice known as "midrash", which involved reworking and enlarging on scripture.
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The Midrash then says that Hashem disapproves when Tzaddikim rest in this world.
In a Midrash, the ancient rabbis asked why Eve was created from Adam's side.
Furthermore, although compilations of Rabbinical exegeses of the books of the Bible are usually called midrash (e.g. Midrash Gen. Rabbah), some are also called aggadah or haggadah (e.g. Aggadat Shir ha-Shirim, Haggadat Tehillim [i.e.,
Midrash and Aggadah: Terminology.
Strictly speaking, the Torah refers to the first five books of the Bible (Five Books of Moses), but it can also mean the entire Bible or all of Jewish law, including the Talmud and the Midrash.
In addition to making leaps from "not historical research as we know it" to what he calls "midrash" in the next paragraph, and from there to "myth," a key problem is that apparently he hasn't read in detail sources like the first-century Jewish historian Josephus.
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In a Midrash, the ancient rabbis asked why Eve was created from Adam's side.
The Midrashim, however, go to great lengths to describe Serach as someone who was given extreme longevity for having done a single virtuous deed as a child.
Moreover, they have produced a body of poetry that is significantly midrashic, exploring the lacunae in biblical texts and developing poems that give voice to women like Sarah, Hagar, Dinah, and Lilith.
I’ve mentioned Midrash in this chapter, and perhaps I can make the sense of the term clearer by venturing a Midrashic observation.
The Muse in the Machine
The term "midrash" refers to the deep textual interpretation of the Bible, with every word examined for meaning.
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Festivals that provide a forum for Arab and Israeli art and culture, and universities and academies that offer joint courses in the Qur'an and the Bible, midrash and tafsir, cabbalah and Sufism, thereby placing them in their original relation to one another, are today only feasible in exile -- in the West, of all places, which bears part of the blame for the present-day impossible situation.
The answer leads us full circle to our most fascinating subject - snow, as described in the Midrash.
The midrash relates that she was buried in Kiriath-arba — so named because the four (arba) Matriarchs are buried there: Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, and Leah (Gen. Rabbah 58: 4).
Eve: Midrash and Aggadah.
The Midrash relates that a Roman aristocrat asked Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai to explain the strange laws involving the Parah Adumah to him.
A parallel text in the Midrash is more explicit in relating the cherubs to paganism.
According to the midrashic retelling, after Cain murdered Abel, Adam resolved to abstain from relations with his wife and they lived a celibate life for one hundred and thirty years, during which the male spirits were fructified from Eve, who then gave birth, while the female spirits were fructified by Adam and they then gave birth.
Eve: Midrash and Aggadah.
During the Roman occupation and subsequent exile, this body of knowledge was committed to writing as an emergency measure and was formalized into what is now known as the Talmud (authoritative case law, ethics, mysticism and ritual practice), the Midrashim (homiletical stories) and the Kabbalah.
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The Midrashim give several different approaches.
Consequently, she was called “Asenath daughter of Poti-phera,” for she was raised in the home of Potiphar and his wife, as if she were their own daughter (Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer [ed. Higger], chap. 37; Midrash Aggadah [ed. Buber], Gen. 41: 45).
Dinah: Midrash and Aggadah.
As midrash, that is, as a form of exegesis of scriptural text, to Leviticus 18: 3, this passage thus invokes the authority of scripture for its discourse on female homoeroticism; it links marriage between two women to the practices of the Canaanites and Egyptians, which this verse and numerous others explicitly forbid, as well as to a number of other sexual/marital connections explicitly or implicitly forbidden in scripture
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At this time, it is difficult for Matzat to divulge more detailed information about both Jew It Yourself Metros and our online beit midrash because we are deeply concerned about the competitive nature of such initiatives, taking under consideration the fact that some of the proposals we have shared privately with potential funders have made it into the hands of our funding competitors who have more access and reputability than we do.
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One Midrash states that we can learn an interesting lesson from pigs.