How To Use Midi In A Sentence

  • These were monitoring variables like humidity and temperature, information that is invaluable to the horticulturalists attempting to propagate the trees.
  • To ensure that there is no interference from the most recent deworming, FECRT should not be performed within eight weeks following the last benzimidazole or pyrimidine treatment, or within 12 (ivermectin) or 16 (moxidectin) weeks after a macrocyclic lactone treatment. Thoroughbred News |
  • The first was that, though the sea was indeed rough, there was little rain, and the air lacked the clammy humidity of a thunderstorm.
  • Handa and Autar Mattoo, a research plant physiologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service and collaborator in the research, had shown earlier that polyamines such as spermidine and spermine enhance nutritional and processing quality of tomato fruits. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Weather balloons measure pressure, temperature, humidity and air speed. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Significantly, he is unconcerned by the expected humidity.
  • Humidity and barometric pressure play a role in where she chooses to go. Times, Sunday Times
  • Printed pieces including chiffon blouses and jersey midi skirts. The Sun
  • The acid protonates the amidine groups and renders the catalyst water-soluble. Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News
  • Experts have linked the harder rains to the warming of the Mediterranean, which results in higher humidity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The curved tail covers the nose while sleeping during extreme temperatures, acting as a filter to warm and humidify the inhaled air.
  • If you do use a portable humidifier (approximately 1 to 2 gallon tanks), be sure to empty its tank every day and refill with distilled or demineralized water, or even fresh tap water if the other types of water are unavailable.
  • Instruments constantly monitor temperature and humidity.
  • Of course, keeping beautiful amid the heat and humidity is no easy task, so the Shanghai Star brings you some new and effective ways to help you look your best in the hot weather.
  • In plants the organization of DNA as multiple replicons can be readily visualized by fibre autoradiography, in which replicating DNA molecules are labelled with tritiated thymidine.
  • Or it will be stored in a dehumidified car park accumulating value and dust. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently, these mutant cells rely exclusively on glycolysis for their energy requirements and require exogenous pyruvate and pyrimidines for growth.
  • Briefly, hot and dry air drawn into the upper level of the atrium is humidified by high-level misters.
  • I hang clothes before we go to bed at night and it humidifies the air and allows me to save money and time on a humidifier. The Seattle Times
  • Local companies have also provided dehumidifiers to dry out the classroom damaged by the van.
  • And the first thing that hits you is the heat and the incredible, oppressive humidity.
  • People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
  • On the contrary, there is a vast shadow of melancholy, a painful sadness, doubt and cross-purpose, boldness at one moment and timidity at the next, a longing for solitude. Half a Rogue
  • The ten Light emanations purines a n d cytosine which is a are necessary to preserve the cor - pyrimidine. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In addition, the mold and moisture issues associated with chillers operating at part-load conditions are eliminated when proper dehumidification can occur.
  • Émile Zola admired their fine clear skin, like that of girls of the north of France, he thought, in contrast to the peaches from the Midi which were yellow and sunburned like the girls of that region.
  • But the brutal conditions - including high humidity and a harsh rocky terrain - soon took its toll. The Sun
  • _ -- Is the practice of _dimidiation_ approved of by modern heralds, and are examples of it common? Notes and Queries, Number 188, June 4, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Conditions feel like a sauna, with extremely high humidity making the heat feel far more oppressive. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would look great with a midiskirt. Times, Sunday Times
  • On arriving in the troubled area, dark clouds and intense humidity increased the sense of tension in the area.
  • It's not that it's been hot so much as the very high humidity that's made me feel darned uncomfortable.
  • In an attempt to shed light on this matter, we have studied the intrinsic fluorescence properties of the purine and pyrimidine nucleosides dA, dG, dT, and dC in organic solvents in the presence of small amounts of water.
  • Unique inner - outer circulation vent design shall guarantee the high homogeneity of temperatures - midity.
  • The orchestra added little apart from a certain unwelcome tumidity to music that would have been more at home as a Hollywood soundtrack.
  • You could also partition off part of a room with an insulated timber frame and vapour barrier, then add a modified air conditioner to give you total control over temperature and humidity.
  • This autumn, the elegant option is a midiskirt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, anthropomorphise that shrug, and imagine it dies, but not an exciting death maybe it got caught in a dehumidifier or something. This week's new singles
  • It also has the disadvantage of wide and often wild fluctuations of temperature and humidity. Planning the Organic Vegetable Garden
  • Multiple mechanisms have evolved to repair damaged DNA, including the versatile nucleotide excision repair (NER) which is capable of removing a variety of bulky helix-distorting lesions, such as UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and 6-4 photoproducts PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Don't use an airtight one, otherwise the humidity inside will dampen the dry powdered ingredients.
  • This can be particularly painful when it comes to big audio-visual systems and "smart" home automation systems that control everything from radiant floors and humidity to light dimmers and pool temperatures. Cutting Edge Today, Passé Tomorrow
  • Humidity affects the drying time of all paints, but especially latexes.
  • | The Hwaro (Korean for "fire oven") warms, purifies, and humidifies air -- and looks far sexier than the typical space heater. Fast Company
  • Air conditioners, dehumidifiers and thorough cleaning practices, especially in your bedroom, can minimize your exposure to these substances and help you breathe easier.
  • In order to increase reliability using phenolphthalein solution to detect alkaline cell sealing characteristics, the water in the alcohol was decreased, environment humidity were requisite.
  • MIDI keybord tic tic tac joão brasil fruta fruit natural stop motion carioca wafer guettotech Do bem™ - Açaí Juice 100% fruit (Tic Tic Tac Wafer's Keyboard) on Vimeo
  • Defog It antifog gave officers a fog-free view in the heat, humidity and high-exertion of the Mock Prison Riot training," says John Swett, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • MIDI technology and digital synths have replaced creaky old unreliable analogue methods.
  • Folliculitis is made worse by sweating, humidity, pre-existing skin inflammation or infections. The Sun
  • Relative humidity in the mornings is 94% to 99%, dropping in the afternoon as much as 70-80%. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • My wife's a teacher and I have long berated her for her timidity in using IT in the classroom.
  • But, the frig isn't spending energy dehumidifying per se. Make Your Refrigerator Far More Efficient | Lifehacker Australia
  • People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
  • The only problem of note was a pair of malfunctioning dehumidifiers, which temporarily raised temperatures inside the laboratory to the low 80s, 10 degrees higher than desired.
  • Hanc postquam Tartari ceperunt, ad dimidium miliare fecerunt vnam ciuitatem nomine Caydo, et habet duodecim portas, et � porta in portam duo sunt grossa miliaria Lombardica, spacium inter medium istarum ciuitatum habitatoribus plenum est, et circuitus cuiuslibet istarum ambit 60. miliaria Lombardica, qu� faciunt octo The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Tidal range at spring tides is probably about 1 m, and tides are semidiurnal. Henderson Island, United Kingdom
  • People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
  • His pentamidine appointment was at nine, but the office opened at eight. SURE OF YOU
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  • For other works, conservation treatments include reducing stains with a mixture of distilled water and ethyl alcohol; removing glue with a cotton swab dipped in de-ionized water; humidifying and flattening pages; and resewing bindings by hand. The New York Public Library: From Vault to Exhibition Gallery: Conserving Library Treasures
  • Beneath the flowering plants were slats of the veranda half eaten by ants or crumbling with tropical humidity.
  • Humidity means the amount of moisture in the air.
  • Our analyses also suggest that the utilization of products of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis may differ between different cell types.
  • The strict proprieties of time and place and my own timidity meant that I was only a day-tripper in this world, never a candidate for resident status.
  • The State Department, however, was meeting the Red menace with “basic timidity,” he complained to a friend, and Dean Acheson, who became its secretary in 1949, was a “pantywaist,” he told Jones. Wild Bill Donovan
  • I like them with ankle socks and a midi skirt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Joe Policastro has found a pleasant way to acclimate to the Florida heat and humidity that are part of early season racing - he and his wife Pam spend the winter months in their Palm Beach home.
  • The organic compound spermidine is a polyamine and is found in all living cells. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • In DNA footprinting analyses using the C-module of retrotransposon TRE5-A as probe, two CbfA binding sites have been determined that contain 14-22 homopolymeric thymidines PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Go to, then; we'll use this unwholesome humidity, this gross watery pumpion; we'll teach him to know turtles from jays. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • Planting this close to the ocean presents a few problems, among them salty dewfall and constant humidity.
  • High humidities are necessary for this disease to develop.
  • Hot showers, a humidifier, and gargling with warm saltwater aid drainage, shrink inflamed membranes and soothe sore-throat pain.
  • But the wounded feelings and the timidity of Joan of France rendered her incapable of an effort to make the conversation more general; and at length, excepting a few interjectional civilities of the Lady Quentin Durward
  • Two systems are currently available for warming and humidifying the gases delivered to mechanically ventilated patients.
  • Using a cool-mist vaporizer to humidify the air may help soothe irritated breathing passages and relieve coughing.
  • He listens to the oxygen machines hum and burble and gasp, the humidifier wheeze, the buzz of the fluorescent light in the hall.
  • All humidity measurements were made with a model 2200 hygrometer.
  • It needs to be kept in a stable environment, without extreme fluctuations in temperature or humidity and out of direct sunlight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike cooling-based dehumidifiers, which cool the air to condense moisture, desiccants attract moisture molecules directly from the air and release them into an exhaust air stream.
  • bromidic sermons
  • The exposure of the upper person shows the size and tumidity of the areola, even in young girls; being unsupported, the mammae soon become flaccid. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Je n'ai ouvert le paquet qu'au midi car le facteur avait deja pris 5 minutes de mon precieux temps car je suis reglé a la minute! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The organic compound spermidine is a polyamine and is found in all living cells. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • We previously showed that subjects with seasonal allergic rhinitis, out of their allergy season, had a reduced ability to warm and humidify air compared with normal subjects.
  • In 1986, a drug known as azidothymidine was identified by NCI researchers as inhibiting HIV activity in laboratory studies.
  • The air was always this coarse in the badlands due to continuous sandstorms and complete lack of humidity in the air.
  • I tell her that long warm showers or a humidifier can sometimes make breathing a little easier and help to clear out her sinuses and that she can take a decongestant if the runny nose is really bothering her, but to be careful because many of those medicines can make you drowsy. Between Expectations
  • Tygris, et Euphrates, ab ista dimidia parte terrae circa 苢uatoris circulum terrae influentes, quapropter et merito credendum videtur, exire de eodem fonte et alia quatuor flumina irrigantia terram oppositam, quae est circa alteram dimidiam partem circuli The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It's been produced by Reflex Products, who also make Romio - a $40 USB-MIDI cable with the electronics encased in a kind of perspex ice cube... Nice looking, cheap MIDI knob box
  • J'ai des nouvelles de ce coté d'ailleurs puisqu'ajd'hui vers midi et quart, genre l'heure ou tu manges et que personne est censé t'appeler, un monsieur qui ecorche mon nom de famille me demande si je recherche encore un emploi. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • If the soil is moist but the plant still wilts, mist over the plant lightly to increase humidity.
  • In the 80 per cent humidity, sweat pours from my forehead. The Sun
  • The conservatories are humidified with rainwater.
  • Their design uses two liquid desiccant waterfalls inside the house to dehumidify household air and uses heat captured by the solar thermal system to process and reuse the desiccant in the waterfalls. read the whole story on their blog Susanna Murley: The DOE's Solar Decathlon Prepares Graduates for Green Jobs
  • The system cools incoming gases to approximately 180F, humidifies the airstream and charges particulate and water droplets with opposite polarity.
  • From the increase in the weight of the desiccant the absolute humidity can be determined.
  • It really doesn't get down to Scandinavian lows here, but the humidity caused by our maritime climate makes a zero degrees day feel utterly bitter.
  • midiskirts
  • It employs a chilled mirror of polished rhodium as the primary humidity instrument and infrared optics to control thermoelectric cooling and heating.
  • If indoor is dehumidified, you can feel comfortable at a higher temperature, therefore saving energy. Homepage | INFORUM | Fargo, ND
  • Signac's pastorals indicate that in the 1890s the Latin heritage so closely allied to the Midi could have associations other than with the political right, and Signac made these other correlations palpable in his art.
  • The cornea is hazy because of oedema, and the pupil is semidilated and fixed to light.
  • Its characteristics are the argentiferous and cupriferous ores, whereas in South Midian gold and silver were worked; and the parallelogram whose limits are assigned above, might be converted into a Northern The Land of Midian
  • Tantalus, ut famast, cassa formidine torpens; sed magis in uita diuum metus urget inanis mortalis casumque timent quem cuique ferat fors; nec Tityon uolucres ineunt Acherunte iacentem nec quod sub magno scrutentur pectore quicquam55 perpetuam aetatem possunt reperire profecto; quamlibet immani proiectu corporis exstet, qui non sola nouem dispessis iugera membris obtineat, sed qui terrai totius orbem, non tamen aeternum poterit perferre dolorem60 nec praebere cibum proprio de corpore semper; sed Tityos nobis non est in amore iacentem quem luctus lacerant: at quem exest anxius angor aut alia quauis scindunt cuppedine curae. The Powers of Hell
  • The little midinettes, who get their name from their habit of promenading the streets at the midday hour, are the youngest of the workers in the dressmaking establishments.
  • From recent developments in molecular biology, it is becoming clear that cationic chemical species, such as histone octamer, protamine, spermidine, etc. play an essential role in the packing of long DNA chains into the nucleus.
  • The most noticeable rhetorical development in this sequence is the profound infantilization of Stephen's represented speech and the repeated ascription of shyness, timidity, and silence to Stephen and his soul.
  • Maybe even higher efficiencies would have been obtained using spermine instead of spermidine.
  • Sodium antimony gluconate and pentamidine have been used as the first and second line drugs respectively.
  • Seems we're two of a kind, Dolly and me, both loving the sunshine and the long, langourous days of summer, and both of us loathing the heat and humidity.
  • Timidity and maladdress do not retard perils by ignoring them. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6
  • The rest of the trail is rated blue/intermidiate but I think that it's only due to some recent storm damage from earlier this year.
  • She was plump-faced with a pleasant smile and bobbed black hair that had frizzled a bit in the humidity outside. Lance Mannion:
  • Lipstick will cake and dry out in humidity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leather culottes, cropped denim flares, ripped jeans, a stylish 1970s suede midiskirt and silk duster coats all feature. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm guessing that there's much more chance of things arriving damp from the Seattle area where the humidity is out of sight, than from Saudi Arabi. cauny Movers
  • The typical MIDI file is a multi-track song file that has separate parts for melody, bass, accompaniment, percussion and so forth.
  • The temperature was at one hundred degrees and the humidity one hundred per cent. For Love or Money
  • Aspiring musicians compete with major recording studios by using MIDI and multi-track technology in conjunction with a computer in their basement or garage.
  • If the rising air has enough humidity, clouds and precipitation form.
  • A dehumidifier was specially designed for the space.
  • Nijinsky's later ballets: Le Sacre du Printemps, L'Apres-midi d'un Faune, Jeux, or the idea actuating the Jacques Dalcroze system of Eurhythmics seem to fall more into line with Concerning the Spiritual in Art
  • The ridiculous metal guitars were parodied hilariously by worthy MIDI keyboards, but here they are reveled in, with no irony intended.
  • The study therefore concludes that, acute starvation can raise the tissue concentrations of sulphadimidine in rabbits and the safe withdrawal time following the administration of the drug should be in excess of twelve days.
  • With less dust and humidity in the atmosphere, the light has a brighter feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Acrylic paints, like oil paints that are rich in medium, become soft and vulnerable to damage and dirt retention at high temperatures and humidities or brittle and friable at low temperatures.
  • Allergies, humidity and a night plagued by bad dreams have all conspired to lead me to post a repeat here this morning.
  • Je ne l'ai malheureusement regardé qu'aujourd'hui midi puisqu'hier j'étais de corvee de papiers peint, non sans mal ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • For example, improperly drained drip pans on air conditioning units, and standing water in humidifiers and dehumidifiers, can grow bacteria or mold.
  • Last week, according to custom, the procession of ‘Catherinettes’ (composed largely of midinettes in crazy headgear) stampeded to the saint's statue on the garish Boulevard St. Denis.
  • Experts have linked the harder rains to the warming of the Mediterranean, which results in higher humidity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The _first glume_ is concave, pale yellow, shining and cartilaginous to about 2/3 its length from the base, and the upper third is membranous, dimidiately ovate; at the back in the cartilaginous portion, there are three to six deep convex smooth ridges running across the glume; the membranous tip is thin and with anastomosing green veins; the margins of this glume are thick, narrowly incurved, ciliolate, and with a narrow wing on the outer margin. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The symbolic language of Saint Catherine's day, as celebrated by the Parisian midinettes (young dressmakers and milliners), had its origins in the festive calendar of rural France.
  • Pharmacoeconomic data should be versus pentamidine for cotrimoxazole-intolerant handled and reported in the same way. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • : _A Thistle: a Thistle and Rose dimidiated and crowned_, No. 308, with the motto -- “_Beati Pacifici_” (Blessed are the peacemakers). The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • Work it with a giant envelope clutch and midi heels. The Sun
  • Mountain Hardwear has sandwiched a windproof laminate between two moisture-moving polyester knits, creating a temperature and humidity gradient that forces moisture through the fabric.
  • My partner didn't want to play at first because of the weather, but I persuaded him to go round, and I beat him by two up and four to play solely by relying on the brassy and midiron. The Shrieking Pit
  • Most wireless closet dehumidifiers can go at least one or two months before having to be discharged, depending on the volume of air, amount of moisture, and other factors.
  • These were, in the Portuguese version, per pale argent and vert, two roses dimidiating as many fleurs-de-lis, in dexter canton a dove volant argent.
  • When the barnacle cyprid larva encounters a surface containing medetomidine the molecule enters the octopamine receptor in the larva. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • Available as ‘source code’: Ten per cent of the catalogue is also available in its component parts, e.g. scores, lyrics, MIDI files, samples or track-by-track audio files. Boing Boing
  • More surprising, at least to those who presumed her well-aired feminist principles to have been a continual corrective to Blair's masonic/lubricious tendencies, Cherie Blair appears to have been equally impressed by displays of New Labour virility, twitting her husband on the contrast with his own probable timidity: "John's just a man. What woman could ever compete with Tony 'cojones' Blair?
  • The least evidence of timidity would invite an overwhelming attack: a bold front and what may be called indomitable The Life of Kit Carson
  • In "The Gold-Mines of Midian," p. 338, this name became, by virtue of the author's cacography, "Beoche. The Land of Midian — Volume 1
  • Now the angel of the LORD came and sat under the terebinth at Ophrah, which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, while his son Gideon was beating out wheat in the winepress to hide it from the Midianites.
  • Keep the unit clear of windows and doors where dehumidified air will leak out.
  • The Netropsin ligand consists of a guanidinium, two pyrrole, and a propylamidinium part.
  • Salts are hygroscopic, meaning they absorb ambient humidity to keep the road surface moist and hold fine particles together.
  • To measure the humidity level inside your home, buy a hygrometer, available at hardware stores for about $30.
  • Areas with high humidity and warm nights will require additional mechanical cooling and dehumidification.
  • Good soil possesses oxygen, warmth, humidity, and fertility.
  • Provenal literature in the medieval period consisted chiefly of the lyric poetry composed by the troubadours for the feudal courts of the Midi, northern Italy, and Spain.
  • One way to humidify the air is with a cool-mist humidifier.
  • · MIDI and audio can be 'grooved' in real-time and the level modulated by cc. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • It was shown also that the same critical concentration of spermidine induces aggregation and catenation of DNA rings by topoisomerases.
  • The solution is an economizer that adds a second control which works in harmony with the outdoor thermostat and measures the outdoor air humidity.
  • I was nervous coming off of the first tee and I kept getting into trouble with my driver so I just tried to focus on my long and midirons.
  • Aggressive pyramiding of more and more units had a downside.
  • The next section covers Miscellaneous Facilities, such as decks and bulwarks, proper lighting, humidity and condensation control.
  • Acrylic paints become soft and vulnerable to damage and dirt retention at high temperatures and humidities or brittle and friable at low temperatures.
  • That repose of manner which is commonly believed to be the heirloom of noble birth is seen quite as often in the low-born adventurer, who regards it as part of his stock-in-trade; and there are many women, and men too, whose position might be expected to place them beyond the reach of what we call shyness, but who nevertheless suffer daily agonies of social timidity and would rather face alone a charge of cavalry than make a new acquaintance. Sant' Ilario
  • An adjusting plate for adjusting wind force is mounted on a humidity-discharging branch pipe which is higher than the joint of the humidity outlet and the humidity-discharging branch pipe.
  • A low dew point meter made up of double high molecule film capacitor humidity transducer for temperature compensation is introduced.
  • After the exodus, her father, the priest of Midian (here called Jethro), comes to visit Moses, bringing Zipporah and her two sons. Zipporah: Bible.
  • However, the records of temperature and humidity could not be examined until the meteorograph had been recovered, and they were not therefore an immediate aid for forecasting.
  • With infinite timidity he turned his head and encountered a gaze so soft, so hallowed, that it disconcerted him, and he dropped a "drumstick" of fried chicken, well dotted with ants, from his plate. Ramsey Milholland
  • The FDA approves AZT (azidothymidine), the first antiviral agent to treat AIDS.
  • In addition, the potted seedlings were acclimatized to a glasshouse conditions through gradual decrease of the humidity to 80%.
  • Make sure you express that your mirrors will be exposed to moisture and humidity and that they should be sealed.
  • Nota, quilibet ignis soluit quolibet anno vnum balis pro tributo, quod valet vnum florenum cum dimidio, sed omnes famuli de domo vna pro vno igne computantur: summa ignium tributalium, octies centum millia. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Such sensors, however, have been plagued by their sensitivity to wet and sweaty fingers, as well as to atmospheric humidity.
  • Both of these enzymes are involved in thymidine nucleotide biosynthesis.
  • Vigorous cleaning, special moisture control measures, and dehumidification, along with minimizing indoor plants, can decrease mold exposure.
  • Periodically check the humidity with a hygrometer, available at your local hardware store.
  • Phoenix, meanwhile, had parched in the heat, although one or two storms had snuck into the north Valley after sunset, they brought only humidity, no relief.
  • Green walls are not only spectacularly beautiful, but they also help enliven a space, humidify the air, and process toxins. Flora Grubb Panels Let You Design Your Own Vertical Garden | Inhabitat
  • In effect, sudden temperature changes, which give rise to sudden changes of humidity in the environment, cause deformation of the mushrooms from the time they are carpophores.
  • The unusual amount of humidity during the fall of 1783 caused a rise in dolor de costado, insultos, pulmonías; a sudden drop in temperature in February caused these ailments to increase even more, along with "fluxes of the eyes" and fever in children. 35 The development of instruments for measuring such things as rainfall, temperature, and wind velocity stimulated further efforts to quantify climatic conditions. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.
  • Misting their stems regularly will also help provide additional humidity which they like.
  • The water bubbler humidified the air to minimize desiccation.
  • A centralized air system filters air and humidifies or dehumidifies it, depending on the season.
  • Isopods and amphipods spend low tide buried in wrack, where variation in temperature and humidity is strongly damped relative to the exposed intertidal surface.
  • And where does the small scale information for the heating humidity, graupel, etc. come from? Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
  • A midi j'pestais devant mon flanc a la pistache d'une part parce que le flanc a la pistache c le seul truc que j'arrive a manger sous traitement et que malheureusement ajd'hui je n'y arrivais pas. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The sturine obtained from sturgeon roe contains for ex-ample all four of the previously mentioned nitrogen-rich groups of the protein molecule: two diamino acids of which one is combined with the amidine groups, and in addition, histidine. Albrecht Kossel - Nobel Lecture
  • In order to make pyrimidines, the parasite, like other organisms, needs first to make several forms of a vitamin called folic acid. The Edge of Evolution
  • The long and midirons are made from 17-4 stainless steel.
  • If he turn to Anderson's _Diplomata Scotiæ_ (p. 164. and 90.), he will find that Mary Queen of Scots bore the arms of France dimidiated with those of Notes and Queries, Number 201, September 3, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • Don't get me wrong: the midi and the maxi are not effortless wears. Times, Sunday Times
  • Specialist seedsmen take quality, high-germination seed and turn it in drums with controlled humidity and warmth. The Sun
  • His development over the next few weeks was a study in boldness and timidity.
  • The size of the fan, along with the power of the fan motor, determines how large a room your unit can dehumidify.
  • So this is confusing, since everything I read says SMA is a dry climate with humidity around 15% .... and yes, I've read it's higher in rainy season, but 85%? San Miguel de Allende Humidity
  • Energy efficiency is important in dehumidifiers.
  • Li S, Waters R (1996) Nucleotide level detection of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers using oligonucleotides and magnetic beads to facilitate labelling of DNA fragments incised at the dimers and chemical sequencing reference ladders. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It's proven to provide better rust protection than standard monograde and multigrade oils when subjected to the industry-standard humidity cabinet test.

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