How To Use Midgard In A Sentence
Sara was not sanguine about the prospects, for all of Midgarde had been held too long in thrall.
The image here comes from Norse mythology, in which the Midgard serpent is “of such an enormous size that holding his tail in his mouth he encircles the whole earth” (Bulfinch [1855] 2003: 333).
Archive 2007-05-01
The sea will rear up because Jormungand, the Midgard Serpent, is twisting and writhing in fury, making his way toward the land.
Til Ãsgarðs har Askurint stóð, h and weary by the northwestern storm, jnd the winds rages in Midgard
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By the way, in Norse mythology Earth is called Midgard. starscream9289
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Suddenly, a village pinpricks of light, the likelihood of pearl layer, and like the sky that winked at the world small eyes secretly landed midgard stars.
The earth is fashioned round without, and there beyond, round about it lies the deep sea; and on that sea-strand the gods gave land for an abode to the giant kind, but within on the earth made they a burg round the world against restless giants, and for this burg reared they the brows of Ymir, and called the burg Midgard.
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