How To Use Middle c In A Sentence
The cognomen Maro is in origin a magistrate's title used by Etruscans and Umbrians, but cognomina were a recent fashion in the first century B.C. and were selected by parents of the middle classes largely by accident.
It had this atmosphere of being a bit fusty, musty and middle class.
Times, Sunday Times
By 1939, it had 30 British bakeries and introduced low-price tea biscuits, previously a luxury only afforded by the middle classes.
Even men who marry commoners are struggling to afford lobola, which has increased with the expectations of parents whose daughters are marrying into the mushrooming black middle class.
Learn how to use the middle card strategy in playing the card game gin rummy from an expert card player in this free instructional video.
But the middle classes demanded cheaper and more accessible reading matter.
Based on my experience growing up lower middle class (which experience seems in short supply amongst posters on this blog) I can tell you that the industries where tax evasion is most common are those where you get paid under the table, or where you get a 1099.
Taxes and Market Time, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
There's no doubt that this support has come from the middle class Labour vote.
‘Everybody, get your hands up,’ a mean-looking hombre shouted as he moved down the aisle of the middle car.
The play mocks the pretensions of the new middle class.
He identifies higher infrastructure spending and a rapidly expanding middle class as two key factors behind this growth.
Times, Sunday Times
At this point in the economic cycle, they are piling up like used tires: debt-sacked college kids who can't get jobs, foreclosed homeowners, failed small-business owners, pink-slipped employees, millions suddenly ejected from the middle class and now a couple Republican candidates who won't be our next president.
Occupy Mitt Romney!
The government chose to steer a middle course between the two strategies .
The Democratic political calculation with ObamaCare is the proverbial boiling frog: Gradually introduce a health-care entitlement by hiding the true costs, hook the middle class on new subsidies until they become unrepealable, but try to delay the adverse consequences and major new tax hikes so voters don't make the connection between their policy and the economic wreckage.
The ObamaCare Writedowns
Is a global social conscience a luxury only the pampered scions of the middle classes can afford?
She moved on the perform for the lower and middle classes in larger towns and cities such as Tanta, Alexandria and Cairo. - Articles related to ETHIOPIA-KENYA: Dam "busters" say Gibe 3 puts thousands at risk
The working class is under-represented in membership, and the professional middle class is over-represented.
For the middle classes Britain meant business and they wanted constitutional change to prevent revolution not promote it.
Moreover, one can probably expect that ensuing fights will redound similarly, as the public appears to be internalizing the meme that the Democrats are fighting for the middle class while the Republicans are fighting for the rich.
Jared Bernstein: A Holiday Message
You're middle aged and middle class and you like a tipple: good on you.
Times, Sunday Times
On top of abuse, midwives also face a far more assertive and confident middle class mother than they did even 15 years ago.
This explains why the initial idea about the constitutive elements of civil society here was fairly urban-biased and middle class-related.
Think of the good done - the minimum wages, the new deals and other sops to middle class consciences, they plead.
I'm a middle class, self sufficient, independent, employed, reasonable stable young woman.
The fore-brain consists of a thalamencephalon (th.c. and 1), which is exposed in the dorsal view of the brain, and which has no middle commissure.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
Most of the country's middle class sneer at her haughty manner and tacky personal style.
Times, Sunday Times
The Greek middle classes fare not much better in Tsiolkas's simplistic, one-dimensional portrayal.
Half of those surveyed said that they were members of the middle class, a social status that was once considered far more rarefied.
Times, Sunday Times
He can just about get away with saying he is upper middle class.
Times, Sunday Times
Finally, we have what I’m going to call egalitarian redistribution, which is the view that resources should be transfered from the rich to the poor and middle class because economic equality is a good in itself.
Types of Redistribution
If we do that in the case of Bosnia, it is not so difficult to understand why a middle course of muddling through was originally chosen: it is the response that one would expect from any statesman or stateswoman who had a genuine desire to safeguard humanitarian values but no compelling national interest to become directly involved in a conflict and persuasive prudential reasons to stay out.
He will steer a middle course between pacifism and revolution.
For the intellectuals and the urban lower middle class, the new situation was a rude awakening of disillusionment and broken promises.
In practice, dictionaries take a middle course between wholehearted descriptivism and prescriptive edicts.
More broadly, corruption and mismanagement is undermining the rise of India's middle class.
India Stumbles At Commonwealth Games' First Hurdle
Either it was a case of beggars can't be choosers or the interview panel had not found me too old, white, middle class and soft-hearted after all.
If you buy the biblical spin of the Religious Right folks -- that make up the bulk of the Tea Party movement -- the implication is clear: Jesus will soon return, send all Democrats, gays, blacks, progressives, liberals, college-educated unbelievers, etc., to Hell, while saving what Sarah Palin calls "us" "Real Americans" -- in other words unreconstructed frightened and resentful white lower middle class Americans.
Combined with the lobster-red sunburn of my torso and the lily-white band about my middle created by my downturned long-john, I resembled a cylindrical French flag.
The goal of this study was to examine how children in the early and middle childhood periods perceive social withdrawal.
It had this atmosphere of being a bit fusty, musty and middle class.
Times, Sunday Times
Since all of the above are inventions of the high-growth period that lingered into the 1990s, I think that what we are seeing now is a combination of commercialized polish (once reserved for the massification of Taisho middle class culture and is now falling along with depato) and fast 風土 with prewar styles of community organization (rural village youth organization or collections of young people around an urban nagaya - always pretty randy).
Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » The Yanmama Boom
Another correspondent asked for cheap tracts which she could distribute to the poor as the middle class were already knowledgeable.
They do not like things that the vast middle class, middlebrow population likes.
Vishnu is a middle child of an influential family.
REVIEW: Cyberabad Days by Ian McDonald
For Trotsky the f-word was a sign of slavery, the sigh of the oppressed, but for Steven Berkoff it is ‘a sign of passion’, a mark of working-class resistance to an effete and effeminate middle class.
Purposeful American play in the middle culminates with a fine strike towards goal by Eddie Johnson.
I usually steer a middle course which avoids both waste and effort.
Now we are seeing it in the middle classes.
Times, Sunday Times
We are reverting to the civilization of luggage, and historians of the future will note how the middle classes accrete possessions without taking root in the earth, and may find in this the secret of their imaginative poverty.
The upper middle class tend to go into business or the professions, becoming, for example, lawyers, doctors or accountants.
Yesterday's white bread speech was cleverly pitched over the heads of the commentariat and the lobby groups, straight into middle class lounge rooms.
By contrast, a Scottish artiste might play to sodden Glasgow shipwrights, a restrained middle class audience and a temperance rally in the same week.
Ever since, the boys in blue have largely come from the ranks of the working and lower middle classes.
Why is the middle class so stodgy , so utterly without a sense of humor?
The regime sought to overcome the quietism of the middle classes and of the long-suffering peasantry with the propaganda of national greatness.
Ann Coulter was born in Darien, Connecticut and later raised in New Canaan, Connecticut, in a family she describes as “upper middle class”.
Think Progress » Coulter on 9/11 Widows: ‘I Have Never Seen People Enjoying their Husbands’ Death So Much’
To transform a term rooted historically in the salt of the earth struggles of working class Latinos in the campaigns of candidates who also repeat mantra-like the phrase "middle class" alters and diminishes the political value and movement power of "Si Se Puede".
Roberto Lovato: Basta Ya: Boycott "Si Se Puede" in Elections
A miasma of middle class angst simultaneously stings granny and granddaughter into revenge against Annie at the same time it is paralysing their victim.
Classes are obvious - there were the aristocracy, the middle class or bourgeois, and of course the peasantry or rustic class.
Coffee houses were a reflection of the emerging middle class, with its emphasis on discussion, exploration of ideas, sobriety and refined sociability.
The posterior communicating artery is sometimes joined with the middle cerebral artery instead of the trunk of the internal carotid.
No longer the prerogative of middle class matrons or ladies who lunch, a fabulous range of facilities is right here in Glasgow.
In fact, Baroness Staffe wasn't an aristocrat at all but plain Blanche Soyer, a product of the middle classes, who had assumed the title as her nom de plume.
A Nation Holding Out for a Hero
They live in a modest apartment in a lower middle class suburb of New York.
A middle course is the safest.
The middle classes are the most avid readers of novels, non-fiction and even poetry.
Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.
Instead of a boost, when John McCain hitched that ball and chain, Palin, to his campaign, we could practically hear the disgust of the middle class voters as they gave up all hope.
Waldo Jaquith - A steady hand: Why voters are breaking for Obama.
There is nothing developmental linking the middle childhood years with fountain pens and mismatched socks.
As the Protestant middle classes began to withdraw from Unionist politics, the quality of the candidates sank and the party stagnated.
Critics say the bill is just the latest assault on the ongoing war on our country's middle class.
The left middle cerebral artery was almost completely occluded by fungal emboli.
I could not move my hand for fear of tearing the minute, fragile aneurysm off the middle cerebral artery and causing a catastrophic haemorrhage.
Times, Sunday Times
Before he lectures the poor on their shortcomings, he might want to lecture his peers and the middle class on theirs.
There were two pockets which we could not enter: these he called his fobs; they were two large slits cut into the top of his middle cover, but squeezed close by the pressure of his belly.
Gulliver's Travels
In Mundania, a speaker system-that is, something that makes sounds-has a big cone called a woofer, and a small cone called a tweeter, and a middle cone called a midrange.
Yon Ill Wind
Though most remained members of the working class, large numbers moved into the ranks of the lower middle classes.
My dad worked on the railways his whole life and my grandad was a miner - I wouldn't say i was typically middle class, no.
Is It Something I Said (Part 2)
The lymphatic vessels are supplied by nutrient vessels, which are distributed to their outer and middle coats; and here also have been traced many non-medullated nerves in the form of a fine plexus of fibrils.
VIII. The Lymphatic System. 1. Introduction
My grandmother paid for two thirds of my fee, so I was a very middle class kid by most standards.
The symbols and culture of the middle class have proliferated to the point that many individuals are both the exploited and the exploiters.
He belongs to the lower middle class.
Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.
The senior military and civil service prospered as well, together with a small middle class.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
This will produce an increasingly large middle class with rising expectations.
The Times Literary Supplement
Next the leftmost column is multiplied by 5 and then the middle column is subtracted as many times as possible.
The gap between rich and poor has widened and Brenda has seen people suddenly move from comfortable middle class lives to the poverty trap through redundancy or illness.
The productive had to bear ever greater tax burdens in order to support the growing numbers of degenerates, and higher fiscal exactions naturally persuaded the prudent middle classes to go in for practices of family limitation.
The first revival was predominantly middle class in its character and personnel; the second was demotic, with little time for genteel sensibilities.
More than half of the country now considers itself middle class and is working less and enjoying more leisure time.
Times, Sunday Times
They further revealed the fact that his literary "metier" was to be among the lower and middle classes.
The Dickens Centenary
The flocculus is a prominent, irregular lobule, situated in front of the biventral lobule, between it and the middle cerebellar peduncle.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
Unchallenged wisdoms flow swiftly among the middle classes.
Too bad the poor and middle classe just do not get it, sometimes.
White House steadfast on pledge of no middle-class tax increase
He was averse to the consumerist craze of the middle class, which has led to the bankruptcy of capitalist mores.
She comes from an upper middle class background.
Haven't the old and the middle classes always felt terrorised by gangs of young, uncouth scoundrels and scallywags loitering in the shadows of our cities?
Obstructing a nominee as well-qualified as Peter in a time of economic crisis is a harmful attempt to score political points that hurts our middle class and our broader economic recovery.
As a social base it had the older generation of the modern middle class, made up of professional workers, technocrats and civil servants.
The Brazilian lower class intermarries freely with the black people; the Brazilian middle class intermarries with mulattoes and Quadroons.
The Negro
With theof monopoly capital and the establishment of welfare state , American old middle class declined.
The "anti poverty, anti-corruption" crusades that so enamor the middle classes and the World Bank will not meet the challenge of poverty.
Walden Bello: Does Corruption Create Poverty?
This eminence is concave above, and articulates with the middle calcaneal articular surface of the talus; below, it is grooved for the tendon of the Flexor hallucis longus; its anterior margin gives attachment to the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament, and its medial, to a part of the deltoid ligament of the ankle-joint.
II. Osteology. 6d. The Foot. 1. The Tarsus
You're middle aged and middle class and you like a tipple: good on you.
Times, Sunday Times
Granholm begged the Obama administration to help the manufacturing sector, which she called the backbone of the middle class in this country.
CNN Political Ticker
Bake at 350º for 1 hour or until the flan is set and a knife inserted into the middle comes out clean.
Cheese and Guava Flan: Flan de Queso y Guayaba
The working class is under-represented in the membership, and the professional middle class is over-represented.
The bifurcation between the working poor and the middle class in a capitalist society means that by following the chain of hierarchy to which we have become accustomed translates into those that are most able to exude power being over represented.
A Review: Feminism and Pop Culture
Perhaps seeling it to the 'middle classes' will only be a problem if they are too short-sighted to see that improving the education and prospects of poorer children is actually in their interest?
Nick Clegg on selling the pupil premium
The members of what was once the middle class queue up at soup kitchens.
Times, Sunday Times
The skill is in steering a middle course between the two extremes.
'I contend for it that all our civilisation is higher, and that class for class we are in a more advanced culture than the English; that your chawbacon is not as intelligent a being as our bogtrotter; that your petty shopkeeper is inferior to ours; that throughout our middle classes there is not only a higher morality but a higher refinement than with you.'
Lord Kilgobbin
Gordon marries the mother-to-be of his child, takes the job at the New Albion, where he creates a successful ad campaign for foot deodorant, and even buys an aspidistra, the symbol he had long derided of “mingy lower-middle class decency,” installing it in the front window of their apartment for all the world to see.
On being a father
I try to steer a middle course between keeping control of the project and giving responsibility to others.
But you just can't get into the middle class today with a low-class education.
The two are connected via the middle cerebellar peduncle (brachium pontis).
This would only hide the present lack of insight and ideas among the Australian progressivist and liberalist middle class.
The psychologist Alfred Adler concluded that middle children, who had neither suffered the indignity of being "dethroned" like the eldest sibling, nor the pampered indulgence of the youngest, had the best chance of growing into successful, well-adjusted adults. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
The President pledged himself to increase taxes for the rich but not the middle classes.
As a result many of these students alter their speech in order to be accepted into an anglicised Scottish middle class intelligentsia, further validating anglicised language and manners as a prerequisite for participation.
Yet the onward march of the middle class should really be applauded.
Times, Sunday Times
They hosted dinner parties - although we never called them that because it sounded middle class - at which they nonchalantly served up bruschetta and poached salmon.
The anterior choroidal artery is occasionally derived from the middle cerebral or posterior communicating: it may also be represented by two or three smaller branches.
the gravitation of the middle class to the suburbs
Now, an increasingly influential and literate middle class was sharing in making it and in the demand for it.
When the upper middle classes complain about housing prices, they are really fretting about the cost of housing in the most desirable locations.
The Elk's for the middle class, and we have the bootleg joints for the workers.
The level of dissatisfaction could be seen by the fact that even representatives of the young middle classes were often upset.
But you know, I was doomed from the moment I decided that I could try to do a little very basic education aimed at people who have never tried to write somebody not exactly like them, and maybe help writers avoid writing a few POC characters who were basically middle class white people with a coat of well-meaning shellac.
Cease fire.
Initial scan results may also reveal a hyperdense middle cerebral artery thought to be caused by a fresh clot or embolus.
Home improvement stores in the U.S. have prospered in a country with a vast middle class where the incremental cost of paying someone else to do one's handiwork is prohibitive.
Home Depot
The Depression was a cataclysmic event that did much to erode confidence in the middle class's dream of racial advancement through economic self-help.
The work is both a stupendously tasteless joke and a massive painting with a cat's face at the top of the middle canvas.
The middle class has ultimately disappeared and, as a result, the society has lost its political stability.
The three main theoretical frames of reference will be explored in the three middle chapters.
Nevertheless their Bible was widely circulated not only among the middle classes but among the nobility.
Though the grip of the middle classes on central government was still limited, they were increasingly active in municipal government.
The squeezed middle classes want to see the army of benefit claimants reduced, the poor divided into the deserving and undeserving.
Times, Sunday Times
The internet, by contrast, is still largely accessed largely via internet cafes bymost of themiddle and lower-middle class even today, and that too only where absolutely required.
Thoughts on an advertising model for Ushahidi-mBanking « One Size Fits One
For the way of the moneyed middle classes is to outsource.
Times, Sunday Times
As you ascend, you will feel the voice wanting to shift somewhere around D or E above Middle C.
It is often informally referred to by the British middle class as a BBC accent or a public school accent and by the working class as talking proper or talking posh.
In the forties the membership was spread among upper middle class officials and professionals, rajas and zamindars.
However with no middle class, the vast bulk of its people are living in abject and unsustainable poverty.
I was turned off by Palin's attempts to appear a folksy underdog and label her multimillionaire self a member of the middle class.
Grand Mental Station (2.0)
He will steer a middle course between pacifism and revolution.
Democrats have been assailing the Johnson camp administration for ignoring the needs of the middle class.
Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.
Basically, the bargain was this: lower and middle class workers would overpay payroll taxes for a few decades, and following that the well off would overpay income taxes for a few decades.
She went to night school, trained as a chartered accountant and turned us middle class.
Times, Sunday Times
In the same vein, “Cassandra” warned of “an aristocratical junto” that was “straining every nerve to frustrate our virtuous endeavors and to make the common and middle class of people their beasts of burden.”
Robert Morris
This week, we are reporting extensively on those rising health care costs and how they are squeezing the country's middle class.
Its middle class is growing rapidly, domestic consumption is booming and the growth of its manufacturing sector is nothing if not spectacular.
How do we get back middle class white collar voters?
If the upper-middle class, with other classes, is destined to "move on" into amorphism, here, pickled in these pages, it lies under glass for strollers in the wide and ill-arranged museum of Letters.
The Forsyte Saga - Complete
The early problem of defaults on the so-called sub-prime mortgages was merely a foothill leading to the Himalayas of today's foreclosures, where banks and primary investors stand to lose billions upon billions, one hundred percent of each of many of the loans they have made on residential real estate in the United States, and literally thousands upon thousands of otherwise normal middle class families are being put out on the street.
How to Fix the Foreclosure Mess (Because America Is Like Secretariat)
But if your 'story' is correct; that there is a huge supply of unskilled peasants who could be plucked from the farm and put behind idiot-proof machines then there should be no middle class
Outsourcing, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
They also represented the educated middle class Indian voice, generally ignored by the postcolonial critics who tend to project the colonial subject as subaltern and silent.
Im a student and know plenty of nice middle class types whose only source of news are tabloids.
The outlines of the thyroid cartilage are readily palpated; below its lower border is a depression corresponding to the middle cricothyroid ligament.
XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 2. Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck
It is most evident when he refers to the middle class - especially those members of it who, through idealism or voyeurism, decided to slum it with their social inferiors.
Middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second.
‘He is very pukka, from upper middle class North Indian stock,’ one friend said.
Now Arnie is only middle class now that Ted Kennedy is dead and Maria has no Kennedy money.
Think Progress » Progressive Victory In Oregon: Voters Approve Tax Hikes On Corporations And The Wealthy To Close Budget Gap
He was a middle class radical who fancied the idea of being around two real street kids.
In 1967 average real (inflation-adjusted) income for the middle class (families with incomes between the fortieth and sixtieth percentiles of the income distribution) was about $43,000; in 2007 it was more than $61,000.8 This increase does not include the increased generosity of nonwage and nonsalary benefits such as health care, pensions, flexible workweeks, more family leave, more vacation, and holidays.
Traditionally, the middle class has supported meritocracy and upward mobility, more than the elite has done.
Although a handful of imported marble sarcophagi and a number of sculpted stelai are known, the cippus was the funerary monument of choice for the middle classes.
The slaves, who were liberated by a generous master, immediately entered into the middle class of libertines or freedmen; but they could never be enfranchised from the duties of obedience and gratitude; whatever were the fruits of their industry, their patron and his family inherited the third part; or even the whole of their fortune, if they died without children and without a testament.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
For an instant, his painted, red-nailed forefinger catches the light as it strikes middle C on his old, battered harmonium.
And it would largely abandon the principle of progressivity, under which the wealthy pay higher rates than the middle class.
We know that the middle class listen more to advertising than the poor.
Times, Sunday Times
The Harz were a popular place for the middle class to get away from it all.
He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention.
Governments rose and fell, new participants swelled the ranks of the political elite, and the middle class kept expanding.
Parent cultures were in turn subordinated to dominant culture - that of mainstream middle class society.
The President may have secured some support from the middle classes.
Perhaps the upwardly mobile middle classes in 1990s Detroit are now surrounding themselves with postmodern houses and artefacts!
The Elk's for the middle class, and we have the bootleg joints for the workers.
When you advise a woman to dally with men because they might, in exchange, arrange for that woman “to buy everything from electric blankets to hi-fi records wholesale,” then you have violated the signal code of people who were jolted from the middle class in the 1930s: their ardent desire to behave decently because, for a time in their lives, that behavior was all that separated them from the Helen Gurleys of the world.
Sex and the Married Man
It is populated by a pantheon of upper-middle class aesthetes, running the full gamut from self-indulgence to self-pity, gold-digging doctors and junkie beggars.
But if your 'story' is correct; that there is a huge supply of unskilled peasants who could be plucked from the farm and put behind idiot-proof machines then there should be no middle class
Outsourcing, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The conventional wisdom of the middle class was being challenged.
Times, Sunday Times
And the governor used a term earlier that I shrink from, and it's one that I don't think we should be using as Republicans: 'middle class.' Top Stories
Middle class people can claim neither the heroic struggles of the proletariat nor the cultural hauteur and effortless savoir faire of the aristocracy.
The division between the new middle class and the old middle class is a critical factor in creating social cleavages that foster particular kinds of religious affiliation.
It's the sort of solid, unostentatious compound, hidden behind walls, where Afghanistan's old upper-middle class lived in the 1960s and '70s, the Afghan equivalent of WASP.
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For the middle class, its income has not shown a proportionate upward trend.
All productive resources are owned and controlled by the capitalist and middle classes, with the capitalists controlling big businesses and the middle class controlling many small business.
Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
That is, among the American upper middle classes, those who are religiously observant are more likely to report friendship and social interaction with people on welfare or manual workers than comparably placed secular Americans.
American Grace
A middle course is the safest.
Jonnie Robinson, the British Library's curator of sociolinguistics, said these words are only pronounced as they are now because of the mania for not dropping the H. "Our middle class anxieties of the 19th century have inserted an H because you got clipped round the ear if you dropped one.
'I wrote 2U B4'! British Library shows up textspeak as soooo 19th century
Shelter sheds can be seen (middle centre, on the beach) while on the extreme right are some of the beach cottages, used primarily by visitors.
Since our "prolife" president (you know, the one that gets smirkily gleeful over executions) took office, the number of abortions has increased every year as families fall apart under his anti-family and anti-middle class economic policies.
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Nowadays the middle classes are just as likely to have accumulated quoted investments, like stocks, bank accounts and other assets.
Sorry, if the term middle class is to have any meaning at all there has to be something on either side.
"Al the Shoesalesman Gets a Tax Cut."
This is a laid back clubby bar that attracts middle class Russians and moneyed ex-pats plus local and foreign students into techno and acid jazz.
Nevertheless their Bible was widely circulated not only among the middle classes but among the nobility.
The middle class isn't just increasing in size but changing in character, a trend accelerated by deindustrialisation.
The United States has traditionally offered the poor relatively easy access to the middle class if they can find steady work.