
How To Use Middle ages In A Sentence

  • Caesarian deliveries were occasionally performed in the Middle Ages, but carried with them connotations of the devil, as the child would be not of woman born.
  • At the same time, we move further away from the great villas and estates of the Roman world and closer to the family farms of the Middle Ages.
  • The work, epic in its tendencies, belongs to the category of burlesque compositions in macaronic verse (that is in a jargon, made up of Latin words mingled with Italian words, given a Latin aspect), which had already been inaugurated by Tifi Odasi in his "Macaronea", and which, in a measure, marks a continuance of the goliardic traditions of the Middle Ages. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • In the Middle Ages the onion was used as a charm against evil spirits, the plague and infection.
  • He was the first to identify the group of four canonical sciences (logistic [arithmetic], geometry, astronomy and music), which would become known as the quadrivium in the middle ages. Archytas
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  • Under the substitutional theory of artifact production, the forgeries of documents so common in the Middle Ages can be understood as the legitimate reproduction of accidentally misplaced facts.
  • Violins and clarinets were used in instrumental combinations in all areas, with the bagpipe (ubiquitous since the Middle Ages) prevalent in Bohemia, and the double bass and dulcimer in Moravia.
  • The award-winning British play promises a salacious good time with its decidedly postmodern take on gender and sexual power relationships in the middle ages.
  • Many believers accept the broad seven deadly sins or "capital vices" laid down in the 6th century by Pope Gregory the Great and popularised in the Middle Ages by Aquinas, and by Dante in The Inferno.
  • The awareness of the distinction salted / unsalted would have been strong in the Middle Ages because meat was regularly parboiled to tenderize it before roasting or frying.
  • Tracing the growth of the border is a pleasant pastime, a game of history in which amorini, grotesques and nymphs are the personages, and garlands of flowers their perpetual accessories, but first comes the time when there were no borders, the Middle Ages. The Tapestry Book
  • Many scholars claim that there was no such law, called droit de seigneur or jus primae noctis, passed at any time in the Middle Ages. Jus Prima Noctis
  • From the fifth century onwards, the species of large animals, whether cattle, sheep, swine, or even poultry, disappear and were replaced everywhere, until the end of the middle ages, by the smaller breeds of the pre-classical period.
  • people knew how to stain glass a beautiful blue in the middle ages
  • Fixed stars continued to be used as reference points throughout the Middle Ages, and even Copernicus measured positions in a sidereal zodiac beginning from the fixed star Mesartim.
  • That inability to distinguish between free enquiry and deliberate insult reminds me of those who wielded the blasphemy laws which were used to persecute freethinkers and rationalists in the middle ages.
  • Kale is the more primitive of the two, and was the ordinary green stuff of country people in most parts of Europe until the end of the Middle Ages, when the headed cabbages were bred.
  • Since the Middle Ages, the British army and its antecedents consisted of both a part-time force and a permanent or semi-permanent component.
  • Edgar Zilsel has pointed out that the term ingenium as characterizing extraordinary inborn talent was unknown in the Middle Ages (Zilsel, pp. 251ff.). MUSICAL GENIUS
  • In the Middle Ages, aristocrats and clerics were protected by a panoply of rules and customs - sumptuary laws, for example - that separated them from the peons.
  • Live theatre, games, dancing, arts and crafts and archery, bring to life the Middle Ages.
  • Butterbur's use as an antispasmodic for gastrointestinal conditions dates back to the Middle Ages.
  • You will find everything from honest-to-goodness illuminated manuscripts from the depths of the Middle Ages to 1950s church-design manuals. Loome Theological Booksellers, Stillwater, Minnesota
  • Dresser's style was never dictated by dogmatic theories, but had a general affinity to the art of the early English Middle Ages and also suggested his admiration for Asian art.
  • Today their work has given an intriguing glimpse into the life of a lost community from the Middle Ages.
  • Still later, it flowered into the variegated cities and states of the Middle Ages.
  • Iran's handwoven carpets and rugs are made of either silk or wool, and use special knots dating from the Middle Ages.
  • English cultural roots lie in a merging of Anglo-Saxon, Danish, and Norman French culture that has existed as a synthesis since the late Middle Ages.
  • In the Middle Ages these were known as ‘clog almanacs’, made of metal, wood or horn, with notches and symbols marking the lunar months and the church feast days.
  • Despite frequent inconsistencies and misapprehensions, the work was a principal transmitter of ancient science and Neoplatonic thought to the western Middle Ages.
  • Eggshell white, perfumed with anise and intricately printed using carved molds, crisp springerle have been a holiday sweet in Bavaria and across central Europe since at least the Middle Ages, when, during mid-winter festivals, the poor offered animal-shaped biscuits to the gods in place of actual livestock. Wunderbar Cookies
  • In the Middle Ages England waged war on France.
  • Since then, however, the very "ruines" have vanished; the palms have had time to grow; and modern Cairo has doubtless absorbed all the building material that remained from the middle ages. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • At higher levels, and with greater dexterity, stilts have been used as entertainment props since the fairs of the Middle Ages, and probably long before then.
  • Soon other events of the history of our salvation were placed on this day by legendary belief, and thus we find in some calendars of the Middle Ages the following quaint "anniversaries" listed for March 25: Archive 2009-03-01
  • Dating to pre-Roman times, it was an important textile and commercial center during the Middle Ages. The Treaty of Utrecht ended the War of the Spanish Succession(1701-1713). Population, 230, 414.
  • The judge based his decision on precedents set during the Middle Ages.
  • It started sometime in the high Middle Ages with the invention of harmony.
  • The act of dressing up and begging door to door actually extends as far back as the Middle Ages when the poor would go knocking on doors on Hallowmas (November 1st). Reyne Haines: Reyne Gauge: The History of Halloween
  • In the Middle Ages a manor was a legal and judicial entity through which justice was administered. Times, Sunday Times
  • in the middle ages feria was used with a prefixed ordinal number to designate the day of the week, so `secunda feria' meant Monday, but Sunday and Saturday were always called by their names, Dominicus and Sabbatum, and so feria came to mean an ordinary weekday
  • They were the works of philosophers of the middle ages, such as Albertus Magnus, Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, and the famous friar who created the prophetic Brazen Head. The Birthmark
  • Saffron is a spice native to Poland and was very popular in the middle ages, but its use declined under communist rule, probably due to its cost, but all the other popular spices such as allspice, juniper and caraway seeds are a regular part of the Polish kitchen. At My Table
  • This same Lethlean article also refers to another kind of porridge, one made from ground corn - polenta - which was also the Italian word to describe gruels made in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance from things like spelt, chestnut flour and the aforementioned millet and acorns. At My Table
  • Back in the Stone Age (or the Middle Ages, for that matter), the immunoglobulin E system had its hands full fighting off roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and flukes; it had no time for being precious about dust mites and cat hair.
  • France had maintained a longstanding tradition of floral decoration in art and manuscript illumination since the Middle Ages.
  • The first had been during an attack by the Saracens in the Middle Ages and the second during an earthquake.
  • Middle Ages, also, were called montes, as, for example, the "mons aluminarius", which operated the alum deposits of Tolfa. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Much metaphysical language of the Middle Ages is incomprehensible to modern or postmodern minds.
  • In the Middle Ages, when a non-Italian pope was elected he was said to be a papa ultramontano. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Doubtless, the rabble-rousers of the Middle Ages who led the persecution of ‘witches’ were fully aware of the viciousness of their acts.
  • Such tenets never held back the great Arab astronomers and mathematicians of the Middle Ages.
  • The spread of this belief marks the divide between the mental outlook of Classical antiquity and that of the Middle Ages.
  • During the Middle Ages, earrings became less popular and practical due to the popularity of elaborate hairstyles and headdresses.
  • With its finely carved stonework and arched colonnades, this old building still possesses all the majesty of the middle ages.
  • In the Middle Ages, a type of spaniel was bred, the ancestor of some of our modern spaniels, that would naturally crouch when it located game.
  • In addition, there are two extended slide packs, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, containing 12 slides.
  • It was only natural, therefore, that in the end the name cardinal, which until late in the Middle Ages was borne by the principal ecclesiastics of the more important churches, should be reserved for the Roman cardinals. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Christendom, during the Middle Ages; and the escalop shell, the device of The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 1
  • Faculty governance is one of the most traditional models in the west countries. It has a long history that dated from Paris University in the middle ages.
  • They were superseded later in the Middle Ages, being replaced by a single movable lectern.
  • They had leapt from the Middle Ages to modern war by unhorsing the aristocrats.
  • John looked into the chronicles of the Middle Ages last week.
  • In the Middle Ages a manor was a legal and judicial entity through which justice was administered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mainstream occidental thought about peace has changed little during the past 2,000 years, apart from oriental elements during the Middle Ages.
  • Catapults of the Middle Ages were divided into two major groups: ballistas, and trebuchets.
  • In the later Middle Ages it became the linguistic basis of the scholastic speculative grammars, particularly in the University of Paris.
  • During the middle ages, the church became notorious for the punishment meted out to persons dealing with persons practising the occult sciences which included palmistry, astrology, and astronomy.
  • Lacking gloriousness in themselves, they deny gloriousness to all mankind; too cowardly for whimsy and derring-do, they assert whimsy and derring-do ceased at the very latest no later than the middle ages; flickering little tapers themselves, their feeble eyes are dazzled to unseeingness of the flaming conflagrations of other souls that illumine their skies. THE KANAKA SURF
  • Since the Middle Ages, eyebright has been used as a tonic and an astringent. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • Inside fittings again testify to the town's religious life in the Middle Ages, notably the twenty stalls for the members of Chichele College at the east end of the north aisle and an unusual number of medieval monumental brasses.
  • During the Middle Ages, living pictures of biblical stories were used in churches to educate the illiterate masses.
  • In the Middle Ages, philosophy and theology were inextricable.
  • The coif was a ubiquitous white skullcap worn throughout the Middle Ages. All Categories Featured Content - Associated Content
  • However, it seems that during the Middle Ages it was the wild L. perennis, perennial lettuce, which was eaten in salads by peasants; while the ancestral prickly lettuce continued to be used medicinally, and as a soporific.
  • These beasts have thriven on the Great Plain since the early Middle Ages.
  • In the Middle Ages, it was the trivium and the quadrivium. Times, Sunday Times
  • Knight was the top title for field soldiers during the Middle Ages.
  • In the Middle Ages, merchant and trade guilds determined who could practice a particular profession.
  • I feel that most stories set in the middle ages tend to fall back on the archaic language that makes it more difficult to understand and rather overly wordy - the great exception to this being Ella Enchanted, which is a fabulous book.
  • To add to the confusion, Mondino dei Luzzi (1306) described the choroid plexus in the lateral ventricles as a worm which can open and close the passage between the anterior and middle ventricles, with the result that, in the late Middle Ages, the term ˜worm™ could refer to no less than three different parts of the brain: the vermis of the cerebellum, the pineal body and the choroid plexus Descartes and the Pineal Gland
  • Aside from frenectomy, speech pathology during the Middle Ages was based on the doctrine of the four humors, by which all general pathological conditions were explained. Knotted Tongues
  • During the Middle Ages, women chewed small quantities of the seeds in order to dilate their pupils. BLINDSIGHTED
  • It remains true, however, that although the episcopal and presbyteral (parochial) schools thus contributed to the education of the laity, the chief portion of the burden of lay education in the early Middle Ages was borne by the monasteries. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • And 20th-century composer Paul Hindemith is represented by his musical setting of the recipe for a magic spell, projected through his trademark harmonies built on the musical intervals known as fourths (which connect his sound to that of the Middle Ages 'Perotin). The Art of the Madrigal
  • In the Middle Ages, the elixir was an extremely valuable stone sought by alchemists because they believed it had the power to transform common metals into precious ones.
  • As the poetry of Chaucer corresponds, in its wealth and intimacy of decoration, to the illuminations and tapestries of the middle ages, so the epigrams given under this section constantly recall the sculptured reliefs and the engraved gems of Greek art. Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology
  • He called his poem a "romaunt," and his valet, poor Fletcher, a "stanch yeomán," and peppered his stanzas thinly with _sooths_ and _wights_ and_ whiloms_, but he gave over this affectation in the later cantos and made no further excursions into the Middle Ages. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • In the middle ages sufferers of leprosy in some parts of the world were made to wear bells and use separate currency due to the assumed contagiousness of the disease, and as recently as 1985 it was still considered a significant health issue in 122 countries. Egypt's last leper colony broaches time of integration
  • Documents from the Middle Ages reveal the lives of apprentices, such as Katherine Nougle who was a silk throwster or spinner in 1392.
  • The late Middle Ages saw a vogue for embroidering underlinen - the shirt worn by both sexes of the wealthier classes.
  • As the Middle Ages continued, rhetoric stayed present in historiography, but other elements began to emerge.
  • The influence of each area of Boethius's philosophical writing was vast in the Middle Ages.
  • Here, the narrators of these tales in the Middle Ages - and especially theologians - had to avoid any hint of metempsychosis (perhaps why Bernard and others clung so hard to hybridity).
  • Contemporary historical sociology is concerned above all with how the state has developed since the Middle Ages.
  • For example, during the Middle Ages in Europe, knights dressed in suits of armor and rode into battle on powerful horses.
  • During the Middle Ages laymen often joined religious confraternities in which they met for devotions and performed charitable acts. The Poet Prince
  • In the Middle Ages they were used to chase wild boar, to bait bulls and were also used as bodyguards.
  • The history of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance shows how stigmatized varieties of Latin came eventually to flower as Romance languages were recognized as legitimate for writing and publication.
  • This is the first degree of an artist of teratological development, which, since the middle ages, has become very marked in certain subjects, and has given rise to a variety in which this defect has become hereditary. Scientific American Supplement, No. 803, May 23, 1891
  • The spread of this belief marks the divide between the mental outlook of Classical antiquity and that of the Middle Ages.
  • The tradition dates from at least the Middle Ages, when European churches afforded sanctuary to the persecuted.
  • Knight was the top title for field soldiers during the Middle Ages.
  • By the end of the Middle Ages, churches such as Westminster Abbey or S. Denis were full of important tombs, and repositioning these monuments became necessary in order to accommodate yet more.
  • It's funny, PZ lobs the "Dark Ages" charge at all concerned, but his reaction fits the tone of the host desecration stories of the Middle Ages, too, if putting him on the other side, a character in the play or tale, rather than a promulgator of it. Pharyngula's Cracker
  • Moreover, in discussing spinning with a wheel, she notes how much change there was in working conditions as the middle ages continued into the early modern world.
  • Since the Middle Ages, rabbis served as spiritual leaders of communities.
  • The labyrinth is a maze-like path similar to those patterned on to the floors of European cathedrals in the Middle Ages.
  • Examples also abound in the Middle Ages and more modern times. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • Besides the great princely orders, the late Middle Ages witnessed the foundation of many lesser knightly orders or confraternities with their own regulations and special devices.
  • An examination of the art of the Middle Ages tells us something about the medieval preoccupation with theological doctrine.
  • The castles were built by the dukes, and barons, and other feudal chieftains of the middle ages, and they are placed in these commanding positions in order that the chieftains who lived in them might watch the river, and the roads leading along the banks of it, and come down with a troop of their followers to exact what they called tribute, but what those who had to pay it called plunder, from the merchants or travellers whom they saw from the windows of their watchtowers, passing up and down. Rollo on the Rhine
  • The study day includes lectures on the links between Sheba and Axum, Arab merchants of the Middle Ages and Navigation and Commerce from Aden.
  • In the Middle Ages the Abuna, or head of the Ethiopian church, was always an Egyptian monk appointed by the Coptic patriarch, but apart from this link Ethiopian Christianity developed largely in isolation and in a distinctive way.
  • It was located on the site of previous castles dating back to the Middle Ages on a prominent ridge above the River Ness.
  • For example, during the Middle Ages in Europe, knights dressed in suits of armor and rode into battle on powerful horses.
  • What we are looking at in essence is the underdrawing for an illuminated manuscript, an art form that we associate more with the Middle Ages than with the later Renaissance.
  • In the Middle Ages England waged war on France.
  • Mr. Blyth, who speculated on the origin of the name, in one of his able articles on the felines of India in the _India Sporting Review_ of April 1856, makes no allusion to the above nor to the probable confusion that may have arisen in the middle ages over the spotted Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Up in the air it was the twentieth century but in the blizzard on the ground it was the Middle Ages.
  • Europe during the Middle Ages, being found in one of the great collections of that period, the _Gesta Romanorum_. Italian Popular Tales
  • There were also a few men resident in the beguinage of St Elizabeth of Lille in the later Middle Ages.
  • Indigenous oak, elm, birch and ash forests are no longer under threat from development but from the intrusion of species such as sycamore and beech, which migrated to the country in the middle ages.
  • Rats thrived in towns in the Middle Ages, where food scraps and other waste was usually dumped out of windows and onto the streets.
  • A certain ruler in the Middle Ages was famous for poisoning her guests with chemicals put into their drinks.
  • During the Middle Ages, most towns had streets exclusively occupied by a single trade.
  • Through most of the Middle Ages, the jurisdictional function of the Anglo-Saxon hundred was predominant.
  • The study of inferences involving modal operators goes back to Aristotle, and was continued in the Middle Ages.
  • The artisanal workshops of the Middle Ages and Renaissance offer countless examples of painters who declined to reveal their working methods.
  • They allowed some of the weekend's 700 visitors the chance to handle a longbow, the English national weapon in the Middle Ages and a formidable force on the battlefield.
  • Perhaps the most curious idea was that of certain medical writers in the middle ages: “Usus et amplexus pueri, bene temperatus, salutaris medicine” (Tardieu). The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • They spent the Middle Ages in candle-lit laboratories, laboring to brew universal elixirs and to turn base metals into gold or silver.
  • We have seen that it was not effectless; and, what glimmer of it came down, through Plato, into the Middle Ages. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • Lithuanian Jewries of the Gaon's day, and his pupils sought their mental pabulum in the writings of the Jewish scholars of the Middle Ages, The Renascence of Hebrew Literature (1743-1885)
  • We can't deny that superstition, poverty, obscuration , graness all exist in middle ages, but can we absolutely deny the culture heritages during that time?
  • The tireless enthusiast for the Middle Ages thus unwittingly confessed to an act of mindless vandalism.
  • The judge based his decision on precedents set during the Middle Ages.
  • But our object is not to analyze the social influence of Monachism in the middle ages: much might be said against it, and many evils traced to the sad workings of its evil spirit, but still withal something may be said in favor of it, and those who regard its influence in _those days alone_ may find more to admire and defend than they expected, or their Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • Since Dante is a compendium of the middle ages, bringing together its theology and philosophy as well as its poetry, liturgy and music, this was more that a well-turned phrase. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • I should imagine that it belonged to some vintner or maltster in the Middle Ages.
  • The polyptych of St. Victor, compiled in 814, the large chartulary, or collection of charters (end of the eleventh and beginning of the twelfth century), and the small chartulary (middle of the thirteen century) edited by M. Guérard, and containing documents from 683 to 1336, enable the reader to grasp the important economic rôle of this great abbey in the Middle Ages. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Dr. Vaughan, in eulogistic language, says "The 'Summa Theologica' may be likened to one of the great cathedrals of the Middle Ages, infinite in detail but massive in the grouping of pillars and arches, forming a complete unity that must have taxed the brain of the architect to its greatest extent. Beacon Lights of History
  • Suffolk in the Middle Ages: Studies in Places and Place-Names, the Sutton Hoo Ship-Burial, Saints, Mummies and Crosses(Sentence dictionary), Domesday Book and Chronicles of Bury Abbey.
  • In the later Middle Ages, Prague was an important merchant city and cultural centre.
  • It is also possible that, as later in the middle ages, the numbers of deacons and priests ordained outstripped the availability of benefices.
  • During the Middle Ages, women chewed small quantities of the seeds in order to dilate their pupils. BLINDSIGHTED
  • Contemporary historical sociology is concerned above all with how the state has developed since the Middle Ages.
  • It was not until well into the Middle Ages that headed cabbages spread throughout Europe to supplement the staple ' colewort ' or kale.
  • From what I understand, during the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance, reading was so linked to aurality that even when individuals read to themselves, they did just that--moved their lips and pronounced the words sotte voce. Do Not Disturb
  • In the Middle Ages the Turkish Khans 'encampments were always spoken of as their ya -- thus: "from hence 1500 miles north-west to the Khan's _ya_. Ancient China Simplified
  • This film is the latest incarnation of a fairy tale that dates back to the Middle Ages.
  • Although the history of pulled sugar and pulled candy goes back to the Middle Ages, rock with letters in it is probably a recent invention.
  • Various abridgements were made of it in the early middle ages, the most widely disseminated of which was the so-called Breviary of Alaric or Lex Romana Visigothorum.
  • The heretical movements of the Middle Ages were basically movements of social protest.
  • Christian monasteries and convents assumed this role in the Middle Ages to discourage the abandonment of children and unwanted infants.
  • During the high Middle Ages, civil legislation against self-murder was enacted in the majority of Western European states.
  • Those SSPX-types might complain long and loud about badly painted plastic icons sold in Catholic gift shops, but at least those are an improvement over the ambulatory vulvae you could get at Catholic shrines during the Middle Ages. Happy Valentine's Day, Fanboy
  • In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the ‘learned physicians’ who were taught Galenic humoral medicine in the universities labelled such doctors quacks, empirics, and mountebanks.
  • The Revolution in science overturned the authority in not only of the middle ages but of the ancient world - it ended not only in the eclipse of scholastic philosophy but in the destruction of Aristotelian physics.
  • This is a peculiarly nasty technique of persuasion, causing great psychological anguish throughout the middle ages and even today.
  • Her research into the grand contessa, Matilda of Tuscany, had instilled within her a new fascination for the Middle Ages. The Poet Prince
  • In the middle ages Masterwort was thought to be a remedy against every disease, as we can easily see from the strong name.
  • In England, it developed during the Middle Ages from the Anglo-Saxon fyrd.
  • Knight was the top title for field soldiers during the Middle Ages.
  • In his early years as a teacher he wrote explanatory paraphrases of many of Aristotle's works, setting a pattern of exegesis which continued to be followed throughout the Middle Ages.
  • After a long eclipse during the Middle Ages, the tradition of Greek and Roman republicanism was revived in the Italian republics of the Renaissance.
  • _corvée_, that is to say, an unfixed amount of ploughing, which the steward could demand every week when it was needed; the distinction corresponds to the distinction between _week work_ and _boon work_ in the later Middle Ages. Medieval People
  • In the Middle Ages, Saint-Cirq Lapopie was the main town of one of the four viscounties that made up Quercy.
  • Westphalia, as the limits of that country were understood in the middle ages, which are considerably different from the present boundaries, was the principal theatre of the Vehme. Anne of Geierstein
  • After passing over a hilly road we crossed a marsh which extends from Carentan to the sea, and reached a town called La Haye-du-Puits — a singular name derived from the custom in the middle ages of surrounding the "motte" or enclosure upon which the donjon was built, with a wooden palisade, or sometimes with a thick hedge formed of thorns and branches of trees interlaced: hence La Haye-du-Puits, La Haye-Pesnel, and others. Brittany & Its Byways
  • In the late Middle Ages, there was a toll for crossing the bridge of 1d. per cart or packhorse carrying merchandize.
  • Middle Ages, while others, such as Lucretius, Tacitus, and Manilius, although extant in a few but neglected medieval manuscripts, had to be rediscovered by the humanists. HUMANISM IN ITALY
  • The Black Death was not an epidemic of bubonic plague but a viral haemorrhagic fever with a long incubation period that allowed it to travel far despite the limitations of travel in the Middle Ages.
  • Kale is the more primitive of the two, and was the ordinary greenstuff of country people in most parts of Europe until the end of the Middle Ages, when the ‘headed’ cabbages were bred.
  • This permanent force was prominent in battles and controlled an extensive network of castles; in structure and size it was comparable to the familia regis of Edward I. This degree of continuity in the military organisation of England in the Middle Ages reveals the long evolution to the standing armies of the early modern period. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Myths of Medieval Warfare
  • This song is an example of the ballade, one of the formes fixes, song patterns favored by the troubadours and trouvères and carried on by polyphonic song composers in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance.
  • Incidentally, Tennyson’s “samite” (inMorte d’Arthur, as worn by the disembodied arm that belongs to the Lady of the Lake) was a brilliantly contrived exercise in etymological archaeology, and strictly speakingmeant (via the Latin samitum and, in turn, the Greek hexamiton) a six-ply silk brocade incorporating gold and silver threads, much in vogue during the Middle Ages, but let us not be deflected. Further Pavlova
  • Throughout the Middle Ages, Suffolk was dominated by the two liberties and the many other religious houses.
  • During the Middle Ages, Europeans used walnuts to combat fevers, witchcraft, epileptic fits and even to prevent lightning.
  • The most plentiful source material from the Middle Ages in Ashkenaz are responsa — questions and answers written by the leading rabbinic authorities of the time. Medieval Ashkenaz (1096-1348).
  • Since the Middle Ages, all Italian cities had provisioned themselves at the countryside’s expense through a system known as the annona. Delizia!
  • Select quotations from Augustine's anti-Donatist writings enabled some medieval canonists to make him look as if he were justifying the stern measures against heretics adopted in the later middle ages.
  • In the Middle Ages, as in certain primitive societies, they were thought to be under the special protection of God, and the possibility always existed that what sounded like inane chatter was, in actual fact, theopneustic glossolalia. WISDOM OF THE FOOL
  • For example, city walls would remain a constant feature of the urban landscape throughout the early Middle Ages.
  • Certain physical disabilities had now been added to the malaise which had befallen him years before, a malaise of which I had no precise knowledge, but interpreted as something like accidia, the monk's torpor or disease of the Middle Ages – which was how his great security, his excessive worldly blessings, had taken him. V. S. Naipaul – Excerpt from The Enigma of Arrival
  • the Doctors of the Church greatly influenced Christian thought down to the late Middle Ages
  • In case you're not familiar with them, reliquaries were more commonly used in the Middle Ages to house bones and other relics of saints and holy people.
  • Without going into a history of the Preraphaelite Brotherhood, it will be noted that the band of enthusiasts in art, literature and architecture had been swung by the arguments and personality of William Morris into the strong current of his own belief, and this was that Art and Life in the Middle Ages were much lovelier things than they are now. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • They're akin to the licence granted the king's fair-haired courtiers in the Middle Ages.
  • The boiling and frying technique remained in use in the Middle Ages for making cracknels, which were small, crisp, sweet biscuits.
  • Again, the word campana, which even in the early Middle Ages undoubtedly meant a church bell and nothing else, occurs first, if The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The next two chapters on medieval India and the Middle Ages are more muddled, perhaps due the the confusing morass of the actual history of the period.
  • The real recognition of the Bishop of Rome as sort of the Pope, in the way we think of it, that actually develops in the Middle Ages.
  • Worship of saintly relics became a pressing theological concern in the high Middle Ages.
  • They're a throwback to the cathedral towns of the Middle Ages - part resort, part market place, part town square and part extended family.
  • The first surviving measuring tapes are dated postmedieval, and there is no evidence at all for the use of scaled measuring tapes of whatever material and manufacture during the middle ages. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Egyptian pharaohs wore enameled jewelry, and the process was used to decorate metallic objects with color throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance in Western Europe.
  • Later in the Middle Ages, of course, these incubi (and their female counterparts, succubi) were believed to have an independent existence.
  • The word lullaby has been in the English language since the Middle Ages - one of several, such as rockaby and hushaby, which show how generations of mothers and caretakers have helped their children fall asleep through music. On language and colic
  • The Middle Ages were also the great age of chivalry.

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