How To Use Micturition In A Sentence
Alix suggests that "Kirsty Wark ... asked some fairly daft and muddled questions" in that Newsnight interview, whereas I reckoned she was more or less avoiding involuntary micturition in her big leather chair with beside-herself laughter at his utterly pathetic know-nothing feebleness.
Alix Mortimer: Suggesting Osborne Not Up To Job
Textbooks can save your life but not your soul that first year, when even the mere act of micturition requires three weeks of planning.
Archive 2008-11-01
Penis, amputation of, if the resulting stump is insufficient to permit normal function of micturition.
I was careful with my micturition, making sure that I hit Page 362 in the longer book.
Let the Hate Flow Through You : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
Such alfresco and civic micturition would also help get the old carbon footprint down to a bijou size three.
Can we have a Stop Making Stupid Bills bill? | Kevin McKenna
* All* these games are thinly disguised micturition contests. jamisings
Hugging a tree and other things to do… « Awful Library Books
Alarm devices, all activated by micturition, included bells, buzzers, lights, and vibrators.
_ -- The symptoms are swelling, heat, and tenderness of the sheath and penis; difficulty, pain, and groaning in passing urine, which is liable to sudden temporary arrests in the course of micturition, and later a whitish, mucopurulent oozing from the papilla on the end of the penis.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
The signs and symptoms of fracture of the cranium are: Loss of appetite and failure of digestion, insomnia, difficulty in micturition, constipation, a febrile dyscrasia, difficulty in cracking nuts or crusts of bread with the jaws, or severe pain when a string is attached to the teeth and pulled sharply.
Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
When Beck started talking about the rising number of junior high school students engaging in oral sex or began using the vulgar past participle for micturition as a synonym for "angry," the presence of a seven-year-old girl in the front row didn't seem to deter him.
BatesLine: April 2005 Archives
Cutting through the residual aromas of stale tobacco smoke, cheap perfume, oil-based paint, and piney woods deodorizer; cutting through the loo-air with a golden track, comes the smell of your own micturition, a smell heightened a hundredfold by your recent ingestion of asparagus.
Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
Preoperative diagnosis should be considered when patients complain of inguinal mass reduction after micturition.
The same system of muscles comprising those of the thorax, abdomen and perinaeum, performs consentaneously the acts of respiration, vomiting, defecation and micturition.
Surgical Anatomy
We have further the drunk being portrayed as a ruminator, albeit an intoxicated one, attempting to find a point of reference in the dilapidated territory of the Tenderloin, and these thought processes result in an act of bemused micturition.
Vollmann’s Aesthetic Realism : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
On the other hand, outer in giving viatic way, offer without enough moisture, and go up toilet inconvenience, the female restrains micturition commonly, increased to deliver ill opportunity further.
At Stephen’s suggestion, at Bloom’s instigation both, first Stephen, then Bloom, in penumbra urinated, their sides contiguous, their organs of micturition reciprocally rendered invisible by manual circumposition, their gazes, first
In the act of micturition, there was a sense of pouring vermouth into an ice-filled cocktail shaker.