How To Use Microscopy In A Sentence

  • Cppd crystals are smaller rods, squares, or rhomboids and are difficult to identify with light microscopy.
  • Thin sections were placed on the grids for electron microscopy and stained with lead citrate.
  • Results It was observed by light microscopy that the cytomembrane of cultured cells was intact, with no cell injury.
  • The great breakthrough in microscopy came when it was found possible to produce an image of an object using an electron beam. Press Release: The 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Direct evidence that the cooperative binding associated with clustering increases adhesion has been provided by atomic force microscopy.
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  • In addition, the microstructure measurements of the film characterized by scanning electronic microscopy show the evident 'cauliflower-like surface morphology and columnar structure.
  • Combining an imaging technique called multiphoton microscopy with "optical clearing," which uses a solution that renders tissue transparent, the researchers were able to scan mouse organs and create high-resolution images of the brain, small intestine, large intestine, kidney, lung and testicles. Innovations-report
  • The chitinized walls that lined many of the spray flow structures exhibited birefringence in polarized light microscopy.
  • All photographs are monochrome, which, although fine for electron micrographs, is perhaps a little restrictive for modern light microscopy.
  • Under light microscopy, necrosis in both epidermis and dermis with extensive polymorphonuclear leucocyte infiltration in deep dermis were seen in all three groups.
  • Mineralization was studied in core using cathodoluminescence, transmitted and reflected light microscopy and fluid inclusion microthermometry.
  • Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcomas have more uniform, deeply eosinophilic cytoplasm and display cell-to-cell molding and cross-striations by light microscopy.
  • Cell disruption was checked at microscopy. Protein content was determined by Lowry's method.
  • Andrew Scott of Royal Holloway, University of London in Egham, United Kingdom, and colleagues used four kinds of microscopy to take a closer look at the odd debris, known as carbonaceous spherules. News
  • Are you saying that their scanning electron microscopy was the same as optical?
  • This allows its visualization in leaf tissues by epifluorescence microscopy.
  • Could the observed bundling be an artifact of specimen preparation for electron microscopy?
  • Electron microscopy showed membrane-bound vacuoles that contained reticulogranular and flocculent material, dense bodies, lamellar inclusions, and lipofuscin.
  • This paper reports the presence of bacteria on the surface of filiform and fungiform papillae of rats using scanning electron microscopy.
  • The majority of tumor cells displayed large, eosinophilic, rod-shaped crystalloid structures within their cytoplasm, easily visible on hematoxylin-eosin stain by light microscopy.
  • Transmission electron microscopy was used to analyse the morphological features of the growing cells.
  • Bacterial cell morphology was examined using transmission electron microscopy of thin sections and whole mounts of gonococci.
  • Electron microscopy, however, is essential for diagnosis, demonstrating the rods as electron-dense structures in the sarcoplasm.
  • The fresh tissues were routinely processed for transmission electron microscopy.
  • Morphological analyses were carried out with light and scanning electron microscopy.
  • Concurrent scanning electron microscopy was carried out for morphological characterization.
  • This simple approach recognises the fact that mycobacterial culture is not feasible in peripheral units but that light microscopes and trained microscopy staff are available.
  • An electron cryomicroscopy study of analogous SPP1 portal protein complexes documented a change in curvature upon ring closure consistent with inextensible subunits.
  • The hypothesis was confirmed in experiments using phase-contrast microscopy, which showed the presence of individualized spermatids in the mutant testes.
  • Scanning electron microscopy was applied to some pieces which were very rich in filaments.
  • It is demonstrated that the detection sensitivity can be greatly improved, and the resolution of SFM(scanning force microscopy) image can reach nanometer order of magnitude.
  • The kinetics of the fungal infection were followed by light, confocal and electron microscopy.
  • Electron microscopy was used to examine ultrastructural evidence of injury, including sarcomeric disruption, disorganisation of myofilaments, misalignment of adjacent sarcomeres, and distortion or absence of Z-lines.
  • Mycelia shown by confocal microscopy are bifurcate, and do not appear to be epiphytic nor epixylic since they were not found on plant remains.
  • All figured specimens were coated with ammonium chloride prior to macrophotography and with gold for scanning electron microscopy.
  • The techniques used are intravital microscopy combined with cell biology and biochemistry techniques. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Confocal polarizing microscopy and computer simulations reveal their equilibrium internal structures, manifesting both skyrmion-like and Hopf fibration features. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • For scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and semi-thin sections specimens were fixed in 2. 5% glutaraldehyde in a mixture of 0.4 M cacodylate buffer and seawater (1: 4: 5; 1120 mOsm) and post-fixed in 2% OsO PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A total of 75 taxa were examined for floral papillae and/or trichomes using light microscopy and/or low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy.
  • For electron microscopy, thin sections of the same material were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate.
  • The formation of secondary phase in the non-equilibrium peritectic reaction was observed by precise transmission electron microscopy analysis.
  • By metaphase the oscillations may be of such high frequency that they would be difficult to detect, but the lower frequency oscillations early in prometaphase should be detectable by immunofluorescence microscopy and high-speed camera technology. ID-friendly journal paper makes testable predictions
  • When viewed between crossed polarizers by polarized light microscopy such samples appear dark and featureless.
  • The recesses and interior areas of an object may be viewed using video microscopy, employing an optical fibre and camera probe.
  • Adaxial and abaxial leaflet surfaces were observed using scanning electron microscopy.
  • A variety of experimental approaches have been developed to investigate DNA bending and flexibility, including comparative gel electrophoresis, crystallography, electron microscopy, and DNA cyclization.
  • Data were collected by field tabulators (moderate- or high-complexity laboratories) or through a mail/telephone survey (waived or provider-performed microscopy laboratories) for each site.
  • Additionally, apoptotic and healthy cells can be viewed simultaneously by fluorescence microscopy using a wide band-pass filter. The Scientist
  • Dehydrated flies were mounted for electron microscopy.
  • Osmium tetroxide (OsO_ {4}) is a very volatile liquid and is used under the name of osmic acid as a stain for sections in microscopy. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • To evaluate our first impressions we examined transmission electron microscopy findings in 40 H pylori positive cases out of 94 randomised cases.
  • A specimen of the fluid was used for bacteriological studies including microscopy and culture on plates for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
  • The third leg was removed with a fine probe, mounted on a microscope slide, and examined with phase microscopy.
  • To find out the cause of discomfort like hers, gastroenterologists now have a new technology called confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE). Undefined
  • The first two volumes describe methods used in microscopy.
  • Light microscopy of stained mitochondria from the mutant cells treated with nigericin revealed that the ionophore was able to restore their defective morphology to an almost normal appearance.
  • The sclerosed intrahepatic bile duct was removed from the paraffin tissue, deparaffinized, and imbedded in plastic for examination by electron microscopy.
  • The connective tissues were measured in their thickest part under light microscopy with ocular micrometry and the results were recorded as micrometers.
  • To reconstruct the webs the scientists focused through the amber at 40 different positions, tracing it through the layers and then splicing it together again using a computer technique called confocal microscopy. Home | Mail Online
  • A specimen of the fluid was used for bacteriological studies including microscopy and culture on plates for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
  • He reorganized the clinical service, introducing ophthalmoscopy, photography, and microscopy.
  • In medium- and high-grade metamorphic terrains, these studies can be adequately accomplished with the aid of optical microscopy.
  • These dyes can be imaged with either fluorescent microscopy or flow cytometry. The Scientist
  • In these studies, stomachs from 4th instar A. aegypti larvae were examined using both transmission and scanning electron microscopy.
  • Examination of the sinters by scanning electron microscopy confirms that they are laminated and contain an abundant, low-diversity assemblage of filamentous, bacilliform, and coccoid microbes.
  • To evaluate our first impressions we examined transmission electron microscopy findings in 40 H pylori positive cases out of 94 randomised cases.
  • Some of his interests, such as kinesiology, alkaline food, & blood microscopy are on the fringe or beyond currently accepted medical science, but these shortcomings do not detract from the value of a book that is both an easy read and chock full of helpful ideas for anyone from the couch potato to the experienced marathoner. Light Along the Journey
  • Renal biopsies were routinely processed for light, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy.
  • Electron microscopy revealed flexuous filamentous virus particles.
  • Even in much smaller secretory vesicles such as chromaffin vesicles, differential interference contrast microscopy has shown that swelling of vesicles also occurs only after exocytotic fusion and not before.
  • This article addresses physical processes in the viral life cycle through a quantitative framework based on insights from structural biology, single molecule biophysics, electron microscopy, and solution biochemistry.
  • For electron microscopy membrane ultrastructure, cells were fixed in Karnovsky's fixative (1% paraformaldehyde/3% Glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M Sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 7.4) at room temperature for 30 min before being stored at 4°C. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • One approach is to use confocal microscopy. The Scientist
  • RDTs targeting other antigens (pLDH and aldolase) and quality microscopy should be used for malaria diagnosis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Saline microscopy permits identification of trichomonads and clue cells, as well as other additional information.
  • Diagnostic evaluation should begin with urinalysis, urine microscopy, cytology and culture, and cystoscopy.
  • `Laser microscopy, he's involved in a government research project, it's all very hush-hush. FALLEN WOMEN
  • To image kinesin at this critical stage, Downing and Sindelar turned to cryoelectron microscopy, which is a type of electron microscopy in which the sample is studied at extremely low temperatures. - latest science and technology news stories
  • In other experiments, we plasmolyzed cells in 50% saturated sucrose before microscopy.
  • The present paper describes the formation of surface callus on stem wounds of lime trees as observed by light and electron microscopy.
  • The effect on skeletogenesis was investigated quantitatively (by calcification rate) and qualitatively (by microstructural appearance of growing crystalline fibres using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)). HAnsen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past – Continued « Climate Audit
  • Time-lapse cinemicrography and full-motion microscopy video with Adobe Premier and Real Media. Undefined
  • Current analysis of renal development relies heavily on explant organ culture and visualization by confocal microscopy, as a more developmentally advanced native tissue is too thick for conventional microscopic imaging. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Discharged trichocysts remain clustered around the cell surface and can easily be visualized under dark-field light microscopy with a x10 objective.
  • Light microscopy has also been useful in studies on the secondary wall of the cotton fiber.
  • Objective:To study molecule in basement membrane by electron microscopy and indirect immunofluorescence in patients with inherited epidermolysis bullosa.
  • A specimen of the fluid was used for bacteriological studies including microscopy and culture on plates for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
  • This species can be distinguished from P. parvum only with electron microscopy.
  • Using techniques including atomic force microscopy and mass spectrometry, the team found that very similar enzymes, known as trypsin-like serine proteases, are at work in barnacle glue. Signs of the Times
  • They then imaged the sample with x-ray photoemission electron microscopy, a recently developed technique that gives a microscopic map of the magnetic structure.
  • Electron microscopy, gel electrophoresis, and differential scanning calorimetry show that such fusion involves lipid vesicle formation and dissociation of monomolecular lipid-poor protein.
  • Slides were washed twice with buffer and mounted for microscopy.
  • We define such an approach as functional electron microscopy.
  • In contrast to polyomaviruses, which by electron microscopy are round, the adenoviral particles are hexagonal and are twice as large as the polyomavirus.
  • In actual fluorescence microscopy investigations, spectral profiles and wavelength maxima may vary due to environmental effects, such as pH, ionic concentration, and solvent polarity, as well as fluctuations in localized probe concentration. Archive 2005-10-01
  • These include confocal microscopy, which allows observation of activity in individual skin cells, and proteomics to investigate proteins in skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • RDTs detecting parasite LDH or aldolase and quality microscopy should be use for malaria diagnosis in this region. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The progress in scanning tunneling microscopy ( STM ) studies of two dimensional magnetic structures is discussed briefly.
  • Optical and transmission electron microscopy were performed on the samples.
  • The properties of these chips were analyzed using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The Melting/Burning of the Twin Towers on 9/11-How It Was Done
  • Stained and washed cells were maintained on ice until mounted for microscopy.
  • But thanks to rapid advances in microscopy in the last decade, researchers can now watch a single gene being transcribed from DNA -- one atom at a time -- or observe the activity of a protein molecule as it moves inside a living cell. This is astonishing...
  • As the technology advances, it may prove to be a key factor in unlocking the molecular-level secrets of intracellular dynamics, said Davidson, who directs the magnet lab’s Optical Microscopy Group. Revolutionary Microscope Developed | Impact Lab
  • In this environment, I began the transition to experimental molecular biology by using the heteroduplex method and electron microscopy to study the structure of plasmids of the sex factors and drug resistant factors of bacteria. Phillip A. Sharp - Autobiography
  • a panoptic stain used in microscopy
  • The scattered light is then focused into a multimode optical fiber in which the fiber core acts as a pinhole for confocal microscopy.
  • Blood was detected in the urine on biochemical screening, but microscopy showed very few red cells.
  • Optical microscopy techniques including phase contrast, differential interference contrast, darkfield, oblique, and fluorescence illumination. Undefined
  • Motta's research interests include the behavior of nuclear reactor materials under irradiation; phase transformations; corrosion; mechanical behavior of materials; materials characterization using transmission electron microscopy, positron annihilation spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation; and zirconium alloys, intermetallic compounds and steels. Penn State Live
  • The present paper describes the formation of surface callus on stem wounds of lime trees as observed by light and electron microscopy.
  • Prediction of fluid shear force distribution on the endothelial surface has been computed from topographical maps measured by atomic force microscopy.
  • Among these methods were ultracentrifugation, X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy, electrophoresis, macromolecular sequencing, and radioactive tracing. Gene
  • The group has significant expertise and world-class facilities for intravital microscopy, flow cytometry and use of genetically modified mice. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Light microscopy and low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy were used to investigate the secretory process.
  • Immunocompetent cells infiltrating sarcoid lung have been evaluated by flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, immunohistochemical and molecular analysis, and functional assays.
  • The researchers used cryogenic electron microscopy to study the complexity of the end of microtubules under known growth conditions.
  • Method Apoptosis was assessed by DNA gel electrophoresis, oil - immersion microscopy.
  • The discovery of green fluorescent protein in the early 1960s ultimately heralded a new era in cell biology by enabling investigators to apply molecular cloning methods, fusing the fluorophore moiety to a wide variety of protein and enzyme targets, in order to monitor cellular processes in living systems using optical microscopy and related methodology. Archive 2005-10-01
  • The imaging theory of the single-mode fiber-optical confocal scanning laser microscopy is analyzed systemically in this paper.
  • Objective to diagnose the iris ciliary body cyst using ultrasound biomicroscopy ( UBM ).
  • In situ methods have advanced through improvements in microscopy technologies, such as confocal and deconvolution microscopy. The Scientist
  • The work has involved the use of such advanced techniques as electron microscopy, autoradiography, radioisotope and immunofluorescence labelling of specific proteins, plus the full armoury of modern cell biology. Chapter 6
  • Fluorescence microscopy is less invasive than electron microscopy and can be applied to living cells through the use of green fluorescent protein-fusion proteins or fluorescence analog cytochemistry.
  • One person determined spermatozoal motility using light microscopy for five microscopic fields for each collection.
  • The inner diameter was measured by inserting a probe pipette with a known diameter profile (characterized by scanning electron microscopy).
  • The fresh tissues were routinely processed for transmission electron microscopy.
  • The scientists will study the building blocks of these synapses - specialized proteins - using genetics, molecular biology and a technique known as confocal microscopy. University of Utah - UNews RSS Feed
  • We have evaluated that possibility by monitoring chromosome movement in vertebrate-cultured cells using time-lapse differential interference contrast microscopy after microinjection with antibodies specific for the chromokinesin Kid. Sub-cellular ID Spin - The Panda's Thumb
  • We studied the morphological and compositional differences of the fibrous amphibole samples with scanning electron microscopy and with energy dispersive spectroscopy x-ray microanalysis.
  • We reviewed articles about application of ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) in ocular trauma in recent years and concluded that UBM can play an effective role in diagnosis and treatment of ocular trauma.
  • Using light microscopy, he concluded that the embryo underwent gastrulation and that the gastrula consisted of three ‘cell elements’ on the outside, and two on the inside.
  • Indeed, the electron microscopy pictures of the transversal cuts show this last organization and demonstrate the embodiment of the nanotubes.
  • Darkfield Microscopy - A very simple modification to the stage of the Intel QX3 microscope will allow the instrument to be used in a simulated darkfield illumination mode. Undefined
  • The scattered light is then focused into a multimode optical fiber in which the fiber core acts as a pinhole for confocal microscopy.
  • Interference reflection microscopy measures the reflection of a specimen under monochromatic illumination.
  • Electron microscopy revealed cells with prominent nucleoli and abundant cytoplasmic polyribosomes.
  • Eventually, electron microscopy was greatly improved, with microscopes able to magnify an image 2,000,000 times.
  • The leaf epidermis of 16 species and 1 variety of Astragalus subgenus Pogonophace was investigated by the light microscopy (LM) and partially by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
  • Objective:To introduce the significance of the body temperature keeping pad in intravital microscopy on rat mesentery.
  • Using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry, the scientists were able to determine that the Thermite present is of a specialized type called Nano-thermite or Superthermite. Thermite
  • Often, a hook-like shape of this small region was observed in electron microscopy.
  • Traditional microscopy, which is over 100 years old, is how tuberculosis is usually detected, and we simply have to have a better way of doing that. Medindia Health News
  • Electron microscopy showed a striking increase in collagen with minimal fibroblast proliferation.
  • Of course, the use of electrons, photons, phosphorescent light and fluorescence microscopy largely remain a mystery to me, but not because their capacity for imaging is itself mysterious.
  • The morpho-anatomical study was carried out through scanning electron and light microscopy.
  • Several books and review articles focused on micrometry and stereology been published by leading researchers in the field and were utilized as references to prepare the measurement discussions included in the MicroscopyU website.
  • The use of atomic force microscopy has recently allowed measurement of the endothelial surface topography in vitro for the first time.
  • Microscopy is an invaluable technique for studying the structure of cells.
  • For fluorescence microscopy cells were grown on glass coverslips as described above.
  • It offers a number of challenges in hematology and clinical microscopy, chemistry, and microbiology and immunology.
  • This led him to an early awareness of the dynamic nature of the interrelationship between glial cells in the supraoptic nucleus and the neurones, and between the glial cells (pituicytes) in the posterior pituitary and the neurosecretory nerve endings there; two classic papers published with Charles Tweedle in in 1976 and 1977, showed clearly using electron microscopy that the anatomical relationships of these elements was not fixed but dynamically regulated in different physiological states Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The researchers analysed the sizes and structures of ash particles using a variety of techniques, such as atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction.
  • The virus can be seen on immune electron microscopy, but most labs don't have an EM.
  • The latest contribution to the development of microscopy is what is termed the scanning tunneling microscope. Press Release: The 1986 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Definite diagnosis can be made by demonstration of the presence of monosodium urate crystals within synovial leukocytes or in material derived from tophi under polarizing microscopy.
  • A specimen of the fluid was used for bacteriological studies including microscopy and culture on plates for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
  • Cells were then seeded on a gelatinized slide, stained with 0.1% Mayers hematoxylin and analysed by optical microscopy.
  • In 2002, intravital scanning two-photon confocal microscopy revolutionized immunology when it was applied to lymph nodes, showing immune cells in intact tissue in real time.
  • In this study we employed several different techniques such as proteomics, clinical biochemistry, electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry to identify pathways of persistent cellular changes in skin biopsies of T1D patients. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This work now involves electron microscopy and comparative molecular biology to estimate relationships.
  • Because the positivity rates from mycological microscopy examination vary, three months' treatment with oral griseofulvin is indicated once a confident clinical diagnosis is made.
  • In reductionist atrial myocyte and non-myocyte cell systems, BIN1 is sufficient to form membrane invaginations and distribute Cav1. 2 to these BIN1-containing membrane regions (visualized by total internal reflection microscopy, TIRFm). PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • The formation of secondary phase in the non-equilibrium peritectic reaction was observed by precise transmission electron microscopy analysis.
  • Atomic force microscopy and optical traps are used to probe cellular and subcellular forces, such as those of kinesin motors.
  • The identity of adenovirus may rely on electron microscopy or immunohistochemistry.
  • This phenomenon allows for a sectioning effect without using emission pinholes as in confocal microscopy.
  • In past years evanescent wave microscopy was used to study the dynamics of vesicles in endocrine cells and in goldfish bipolar cell terminals.
  • Atom force microscopy (AFM) was applied to characterize the silane films. It could be concluded that the films of the organofunctional silanes are porous on the microscopic scale.
  • Microscopy is an invaluable technique for studying the structure of cells.
  • The solution effect of sulphite in the process of developer fog formation was Investigated by electron microscopy.
  • The formation of secondary phase in the non-equilibrium peritectic reaction was observed by precise transmission electron microscopy analysis.
  • He worked with near-field optics and microscopy at the University of Ulm (Ulm, Germany) during a post-doctorate.
  • After five years in the business, I still go there every few weeks to learn new microscopy techniques, or when someone stumps me with a tough question.
  • Could the observed bundling be an artifact of specimen preparation for electron microscopy?
  • Bile must be centrifuged and examined under polarizing or light microscopy for detection of precipitates.
  • Such flexibility has been observed by electrical birefringence, electron paramagnetic resonance, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, phosphorescence, and electron microscopy.
  • The formation of secondary phase in the non-equilibrium peritectic reaction was observed by precise transmission electron microscopy analysis.
  • Investigations will require several imaging approaches including extensive intravital 2-photon microscopy, flow cytometry, and other cellular and molecular biology techniques. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Electron Microscopy Sciences carries a full line of safelights and filters, as does CameraStore.Com.
  • The distribution of Penaeus monodon baculovirus (MBV) in different parts of mid gut gland in juvenile and adult shrimp Penaeus monodon was studied by light microscopy.
  • As the gas of choice (in ionised form) for sputter coating of specimens for Scanning Electron Microscopy. Argon
  • `Laser microscopy, he's involved in a government research project, it's all very hush-hush. FALLEN WOMEN
  • By metaphase the oscillations may be of such high frequency that they would be difficult to detect, but the lower frequency oscillations early in prometaphase should be detectable by immunofluorescence microscopy and high-speed camera technology. ID-friendly journal paper makes testable predictions
  • Potassium channel membrane protein will be heterologously expressed, purified, and structurally analyzed by single particle cryo-electron microscopy, or by 2D crystallization and electron crystallography. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The third part is observation of goat poxvirus (GTPV) by transmission electronic microscopy.
  • Flies were prepared for scanning electron microscopy as previously described.
  • The microscopy of genital swabs for polymorphs has shown that higher cell counts per high power field are directly proportional to the positivity rate for C. trachomatis.
  • However, starch granules are not refractive under bright field microscopy and usually have an indented center.
  • The stages were used as a basis for transmission electron microscopy study on the ultrastructure of the cell wall during the process of primary and early secondary cell wall formation.
  • Optical microscopy was used to detect the presence of cholesterol crystals in the lipid dispersions.
  • (terpenoid) and fluoride can influence the expression of specific genes of S. mutans within biofilms and their structural organization using real-time PCR and confocal fluorescence microscopy. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • In the near future, the hospital will also have automatic and computerized equipment in the laboratories, immunological radio tests, fast diagnosis using microbiology, clinical immunology and enzymology, clinical genetics, electronic microscopy, immunochemistry. INAUGURATION OF THE CENTRO HABANA HOSPITAL
  • Cells were prepared and stained for electron microscopy as described elsewhere.
  • Scanning electron microscopy energy - dispersive spectrum, and - ray diffraction were used to characterize the composite and after hydriding.
  • For scanning electron microscopy, dry seeds were mounted directly on stubs using double-sided adhesive tape and coated with gold/palladium in a sputter coater.
  • The subepithelial basement membrane(SBM) thickness was measured by light microscopy using HE staining.
  • When examined using scanning electron microscopy, almost all of the charred material consists of secondary tissue composed of unornamented, elongate cells with exceptionally thick radial walls, arranged in irregular rows.
  • Spores may be demonstrated by phase-contrast microscopy of wet mounts, where they appear mature and retractile.
  • In bancroftian filariasis, detection of circulating antigen by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay or rapid immunochromatographic testing has replaced microscopy.
  • This study reported some of the morphological features of pitcher by using stereomicroscope, light microscope, and scanning electron microscopy.

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