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How To Use Microscopic In A Sentence

  • Amosite, fibrous anthophyllite, fibrous tremolite, fibrous actinolite, and crocidolite are amphiboles, double-chain silicates, which observed microscopically look like sharp needles.
  • Nepheline, leucite, idocrase, and meionite have not yet been seen at the peak of Teneriffe; for a reddish-grey lava, which we found on the slope of Monte Verde, and which contains small microscopic crystals, appears to me to be a close mixture of basalt and analcime. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • Genes are submicroscopic segments of DNA and cannot be detected by chromosome analysis.
  • She'd be out on her ear before you could say pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like a diner spearing a morsel of food with the tine of a fork, researchers have used the tip of a microscopic needle to lift a single atom from a surface and then replace it.
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  • A spongy, Dijon-colored city of algae and microscopic creatures that floats on the surface, periphyton cleanses the Everglades of excess nutrients and pollutants.
  • Microscopic coprophilous (dung-loving) fungi help make our planet habitable by degrading the billions of tons of faeces produced by herbivores. MicrobiologyBytes
  • Complex chemical molecules began to clump together to form microscopic blobs - cells. The Sun
  • Microscopic examination of datolite nodules from a number of localities shows that native copper is probably the most common impurity.
  • Are they big cardigans and jumpers or microscopic dresses? Times, Sunday Times
  • The submicroscopic domain , inhabited by elementary particles, is probably the most fundamental frontier of physics.
  • This branch of thermodynamics applies the laws of statistics to component microscopic particles.
  • When they are flushed down the toilet, they dissolve into microscopic particles.
  • Complex chemical molecules began to clump together to form microscopic blobs - cells. The Sun
  • depressors," "suppressors," and "determiners" which were present in the two microscopic and mosaic germ cells which united to start the embryo at the time of conception. The Mother and Her Child
  • Well, when the tunneling takes place, a small, microscopic bubble would nucleate somewhere in our universe. False Vacua I: The End of the Universe As We Know it « Imaginary Potential
  • Microscopic analyses reveal that the oxide mineralogy of the dolerites is dominated by magnetite and ilmenite.
  • The key to the Feynman Drive is a submicroscopic sample of the hypothetical element Feynmanium, named after my real-life mentor and co-author from my Caltech days. MIND MELD: The Best Spaceships in Written Science Fiction
  • In addition, a microscopic focus of transitional cell carcinoma was seen adjacent to the main tumor.
  • A hard drop creates a shock that can cause the heads to slap against the hard drive's platter - pieces of the head can be scattered in the drive, and a microscopic dent can be left on the platter.
  • Microscopic examination of a cell's chromo-somes can reveal the sex of the fetus.
  • Fluorescent markers that are easily visible by microscopic or spectroscopic detection systems play a critical role in biology.
  • In many cases of heel pain located about 3cm above the heel bone, there is no inflammation present when the tendon is scanned or viewed by microscopic analysis.
  • Wound reactions of trees have been the subject of numerous investigations at the macroscopic and microscopic levels.
  • A novel method based on multi-frame image information fusion is presented by extending the dynamic range of the microscopic image in order to improve the quality of TB sputum smear microscopic image.
  • One of the simplest ways of demonstrating that an apparent solution is actually a suspension of microscopic particles is through light scattering.
  • The class of organisms known as the filterable viruses or the ultra-microscopic or the invisible organisms have a special interest in many ways. Disease and Its Causes
  • Recent crinoids are passive suspension feeders on microscopic plant and animal plankton and organic detritus by means of the tubefeet of the water vascular system in their arms and pinnules.
  • The gravitational mass and the inertia mass are not equal in the microscopic quantum behavior.
  • Microscopic examination demonstrated hydropic degenerated villi with a circumferential trophoblastic cell proliferation and moderate atypia, consistent with a complete hydatidiform mole.
  • Impeccably decked out in designer threads and carrying microscopic mobile phones, they had a fresh-faced, privileged look.
  • In each case, microscopic examination of various lung tissue specimens from all lobes of the lung was performed.
  • Every villain has his Achilles' heel. And microscopic scoundrels are no exception.
  • These are plants growing in sea or fresh water, or on damp surfaces, with a filamentous, or more rarely a leaf-like pulverulent or gelatinous thallus; the last two forms essentially microscopic. Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
  • More recently, we have also developed a method for examining the microscopic and macroscopic properties of fluids with restricted flow geometries, such as permeable and semi-permeable membranes, and used it to study phenomena such as osmosis, reverse osmosis and electro-osmosis. Contributor: Sohail Murad
  • When adult heartworms living in animals mate and produce offspring or microscopic heartworm larvae, the offspring can live in an animal's bloodstream for three years.
  • Had it somehow occurred to him that swimsuit modeling (if you can call microscopic shreds of fabric "swimwear") has absolutely nothing to do with sports, unless you count the "sport" of girl-watching, which is a passé, politically incorrect and pathetic pastime, especially for middle-aged men? stories: News
  • While microscopic, the particles are large enough to be measured in microns, or millionths of a meter.
  • Microscopically, the tumor of the lower pole was found to be an angiomyolipoma, whereas the mid-portion tumor was an oncocytoma. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • They concluded that the cause is chronic overinflation, which is difficult to differentiate pathologically from early microscopic emphysema.
  • I'll just wither and wane under all that pressure and shrivel up inside until I'm microscopic.
  • Raw materials selected in the premise, the fritting technology is the key process of letting a lining have good microscopic structure to its full heat resistant properties.
  • The microscopical examination of mucus and desquamated membrane from a woman sixty-five years of age, disclosed that she was suffering from proctitis and colitis. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • Additionally, the positively charged microfibers attract and tightly retain negatively charged dust and dirt particles and can penetrate the microscopic pores of most flooring materials, unlike loop mop systems.
  • Temporal programs reflecting the 24 h cycle of day and night are expressed by most organisms from microscopic cyanobacteria to macroscopic humans.
  • The nasty bacterium responsible is a one-celled microscopic organism that kills by causing an infection in the small intestine.
  • Perhaps there is some microscopic animalcule of which Medicine and Science are not yet aware which invaded the tins during transit or even at Goldner's victualling factory. The Terror
  • The mold that grows off the surface of these cheeses gives off real small microscopic rootlets called mycelium that actually grow into the cheese and give off enzymes that the mold can feed off of," Lehner says. Chicago Reader
  • The small apparent quantity of matter that exists in the universe compared to that of spirit, and the short time in which the recrements of animal or vegetable bodies become again vivified in the forms of vegetable mucor or microscopic insects, seems to have given rise to another curious fable of antiquity. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Some of the best known bioeroders are large organisms such as parrotfish and sponges, but much of the bioerosion occurs at the microscopic scale by organisms such as algae and fungi. Coral reef
  • To do a clear investigation of the microscopic process of the particles interact with bubbles, is the momentous foundation of flotation equipment design and flow-sheet design.
  • Examine material from any caseous glands microscopically and inoculate freely on to Dorset's egg medium. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • I at first thought that it was owing to dust blown from the surrounding mountains of red porphyry; for from the magnifying power of the crystals of snow, the groups of these microscopical plants appeared like coarse particles. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Ultimately, El Hanani's drawings are meditations on the relationship of the macroscopic to the microscopic, the infinite to the infinitesimal.
  • By examining microscopically a drop of this broth culture the bacilli are seen in active movement, swarming at the margins of the drop, interspersed with the spiral threads, which are also apparently mobile.
  • The chemist said, "Along the sides of the uniped are microscopic atomic furnaces, each of which vaporizes about a million molecules or so in the surrounding rock and decomposes them into atoms. The Martian Way
  • These grooves create microscopic vortices in the water next to the swimmer, thereby disturbing the flow of water along the body and reducing the surface friction drag.
  • The microscopic appearances of the prostatic and the colonic carcinomas were distinct from the bladder tumor and therefore posed no problems in the differential diagnosis.
  • Quite simply the author has, wherever applicable, gone to the effort of creating lucid diagrams in concert with detailed histologic and electron microscopic photomicrographs to illustrate key concepts.
  • The busybodies and scaremongers are now targeting nanotechnology - i.e. engineering on a microscopic scale.
  • The nutrients trigger blooms of microscopic algae known as phytoplankton.
  • The doctors then suck out a little bit of the contents of the donor egg - the cytoplasm - using a microscopic needle manipulated by tiny robotic arms.
  • In many cases, however, this exchange is on the microscopic or submicroscopic level.
  • So we start, in biology, with single celled, then microscopic organisms, then fish, amphibia, with tails, mammals with tails, until we reach the anthropoid stage. A Book Review; The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in Post-9/11 America by Susan Faludi
  • The robots are fuelled by organic matter including algae and microscopic animals. Times, Sunday Times
  • We postulate that underlying microscopic inflammation may predispose to glandular tubular occlusion and the retention of mucous secretions resulting in cystic dilation and ultimately a JRP. Clinical studies: relationship between IBD and other conditions
  • The microscopic tubes that carry the sweat to your skin's surface get blocked so sweat leaks into the skin itself, causing intense irritation. The Sun
  • The researchers used microscopic analysis of particles from the Pleistocene-Holocene sediments collected from the California Channel Islands and compared them with modern soil samples that had been subjected to wildfires, as well as balls of stringy fungal material, called sclerotia, some of which were also subjected to a range of temperatures in a laboratory. Innovations-report
  • Microscopic sections of right and left lungs revealed a focally hemorrhagic, necrotizing pneumonia.
  • Sidonie was an 'etagere' covered with childish toys, petty, trivial knickknacks, microscopic fans, dolls 'tea-sets, gilded shoes, little shepherds and shepherdesses facing one another, exchanging cold, gleaming, porcelain glances. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • Microscopic examination revealed nests and cords of clear cells separated by a fibrous and acellular mucoid stroma.
  • Microscopic images captured with digital cameras for pathologic studies have been analyzed at many research institutes.
  • At the microscopic level of nature, everything is vibrant - sap flowing, leaves and blades of grass quivering in the wind - but the eye can hardly see them.
  • Removal of all gross tumor and omental involvement reduces the tumor burden by 80% to 90%; however, microscopic and macroscopic metastatic disease frequently is present.
  • Researchers want to use ferroelectrics for data storage, but the materials have other properties that make them ideal for steering microscopic motions in ink jet printers and for detecting infrared light at room temperature.
  • Rip him apart into teeny tiny microscopic pieces.
  • The fungus can be identified microscopically by the production of its reproductive structures: the sporangiophores and sporangia.
  • Veins can range in width from microscopic dimensions to many metres.
  • Microscopic: The worms have large shallow buccal capsules which have up to 10 teeth at their base.
  • A better way to measure the mass of a microscopic sample is to quantify the sample's inertia as it is forced into motion.
  • reduced to a microscopic scale
  • Complex chemical molecules began to clump together to form microscopic blobs - cells. The Sun
  • The microscopically self-analyzing and charismatic Benjamin-the Harold Brodkey of his time-was drawn to Belle's frankness and intelligence, found her "so original and lively," and her company so unconventional and invigorating, that he gave himself up "rapturously" to her company. Something About Beauty And Integrity
  • The specimens were examined microscopically and cultured for bacteria, mycobacteria, and fungi.
  • The microscopic injuries thwart development of surrounding tissue and appear as big brown spots after the seed matures and is marketed and hulled.
  • His telescopic observations forever changed how we understand the heavens; the Linceans hoped that their microscopic observations would do the same for the terrestrial world.
  • It can be used in microelectronic processing, photoetching and scan microscopic focusing or imaging system.
  • Suspected scabies may be confirmed by microscopic identification of the mite or its feces in skin scrapings.
  • The modern achromatic compound microscope was invented in 1878, and it was this instrument that added the extra dimension of the microscopic study of tissues to anatomical teaching.
  • Van Steirteghem at the Brussels Free University, involves removing an egg and directly injecting a single sperm into it using microscopic glass needles called pipettes. Isabel’s Bed
  • However, the seaweeds or the algae and in particularly the microscopic plankton can fix a lot more carbon than a forest can.
  • Most of the microscopic images have a bulleted list of features, which are active links, on the right side of the screen.
  • The process begins with initiating the microscopic process under study.
  • In the age of dinosaurs, North America was divided in two by the Western Interior Sea, and the Great Plains was a skeleton-covered sea bottom, the water above it home to sharks, squid, manta rays, giant clams, giant reptile mosasaurs and plesiosaurs, and plankton, a microscopic animal still thriving today. -- Front
  • Ongoing exhibits include gem and mineral displays ranging from the microscopic to the massive, and videos of Kartchner Caverns.
  • Allen Brain Atlas that shows the expression pattern of almost every gene in the mouse brain, detailed in a huge series of microscopic images. Boing Boing
  • He shaved hairs from the back of his hand, glanced along the edge with microscopic acuteness, and found, or feigned that he found, always, a slight inequality in its edge somewhere. Chapter 9
  • microscopical examination
  • We may now go on to a more detailed study, the microscopic study, or histology, of the tissues in which metaboly and kataboly occur, but before we do this it will be convenient to glance for a moment at another of our animal types -- the Amoeba, the lowest as the rabbit is the highest, in our series. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • With light and electron microscopic autoradiography, the origination and distribution of the newborn neurons in adult "critical-period" songbird, Striated Mannikin were studied.
  • Fungi preserved in the amber branched projections called hyphae from which several microscopic rings formed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Microscopically, the fungus produces solitary oval to dumbbell-shaped conidia on short, unbranched conidiophores lateral to septate hyphae.
  • Sediments from the Oliva host contained coarse sand and microscopic shell fragments but no complete microfossils.
  • Microscopic sections of the omental nodules showed mature glial elements.
  • One is a microscopic rod-shaped bacterium called bacillus anthracis, easy to grow in the lab but fragile and easily killed in the open.
  • Copepods feed on microscopic algae and in turn serve as food for millions of other invertebrates and fish.
  • The encoding is done by a fine laser beam burning a series of microscopic pits into the disc surface.
  • A microscopic image of a slug follows these reflections, reinforcing this notion, reminding us that perception is multitudinous and malleable.
  • Although microscopic jaw structures and reversed handedness are not the primary focus of this study, some observations are nevertheless noteworthy.
  • “It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time,” says Hogan. Shadows on Plato's Cave: Giant Hologram Version
  • Because much of the evidence is literally microscopic, it is possible, with good deposits like these at Harnham, to learn a great deal about an ancient environment from even very small excavations.
  • This study was designed to learn how well the flagella of groups of bacteria might move fluid in a microscopic environment.
  • The tissue is examined microscopically to rule out or confirm cancer.
  • In many instances the presence of infection can be determined by microscopic examination of the stool for evidence of parasites and microbiological culture for bacteria.
  • If the evidence adduced is correct, the bone boxes — and microscopic remains of DNA still contained inside — would constitute the first archaeological evidence of the existence of the Christian saviour and his family. Sunday Reading
  • The initial determination of microscopic hematuria should be based on microscopic examination of urinary sediment from a freshly voided, clean-catch, midstream urine specimen.
  • The comparative study was conducted by trait identification, microscopic identification, thin-layer chromatography and ultraviolet spectroscopy.
  • Downy barbs that were initially sampled from the base of these feathers had microscopic characters that consisted of very long barbules.
  • The partial inclusions of hematite take the form of microscopic rosettes of thin, splendent blue-black plates (pers. observation).
  • Complex chemical molecules began to clump together to form microscopic blobs - cells. The Sun
  • Microscopic inspection of different types of structures has revealed that proembryogenic masses are characterized by high interclonal variation of shape and cellular constitution.
  • It may sound like a dental malady, but cavitation is a powerful natural force, a bombardment of microscopic bubbles that breaks down some of the hardest materials on earth.
  • CONCLUSION: The main macroscopical and microscopical characters can be used to identify these crude drugs.
  • The birds hold their bills upside down, using their lower bills and tongues to pump water through fringes on the top bills, which filters out microscopic mouthfuls of food.
  • When bottoms itch, fingers scratch, and the microscopic eggs get scraped up and caught under the nails.
  • Microscopic examination revealed blood flow stoppage due to complete stenosis and coagula completely filling the vessel.
  • Knock back your entire shot in one gulp, immediately inverting your glass over the table to allow the microscopic last drop to fall out, proving you're not a wuss or a reactionary revanchist Trotskyite provocateur.
  • Tuberculoma is a mass of granulation tissue made up of a conglomeration of microscopic small tubercles.
  • Ongoing exhibits include gem and mineral displays ranging from the microscopic to the massive, and videos of Kartchner Caverns.
  • Within spongy layers of sea ice, microscopic algae bloom in profusion as sunlight floods in from above.
  • The microscopic tubes that carry the sweat to your skin's surface get blocked so sweat leaks into the skin itself, causing intense irritation. The Sun
  • Microscopically, the tumor is characterized by glandular or ductal structures with variable organization.
  • Dark-field microscopic examination of a swabbed sample from the chancre may reveal the presence of vibrating spirochetes, but this is technically difficult and the chancre often has resolved by this stage.
  • Advances in laparoscopic and microscopic procedures mean that many body parts that were once removed whole are now taken out in small pieces. Boing Boing: January 22, 2006 - January 28, 2006 Archives
  • The polystyrene-based material contains microscopic flakes of graphite that reflect heat, making it difficult for thermal radiation to penetrate.
  • A herpetic ulcer is seen microscopically to have a sharp margin.
  • According to recent investigations, molluscum epitheliale is to be regarded as a hyperplasia of the rete, the growth probably beginning in the hair-follicles; the so-called molluscum bodies -- peculiar, rounded or ovoidal, sharply-defined, fatty-looking bodies found in microscopical examination of the growth -- are to be viewed as a form of epithelial degeneration. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • All slides were coded for microscopic analysis at 1250x magnification.
  • For microscopic examination of the vaginal discharge, warming the slide and decreasing the intensity of substage lighting are ways to increase sensitivity for trichomonads.
  • Changes on the microscopic level eventually spill over into the macroscopic level.
  • The presence of microscopic algae in the circulatory system and internal organs can help to locate where the victim died, as they vary from place to place.
  • The true life takes place when we're alone, thinking, feeling, lost in memory, dreamingly selfaware, the submicroscopic moments. Excerpt: Point Omega by Don DeLillo
  • It is likely that a larger percentage of these blades were utilized, but without microscopic wear analysis, that percentage could not be determined.
  • Energy is not only involved in macroscopic processes, but in microscopic processes as well.
  • Statistical thermodynamics provides the link between the microscopic properties of matter and its bulk properties.
  • I wish Ehrenberg would undertake a microscopical hunt for infusoria in the underclay and shales; it might reveal something. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • My remarks today consider two Romantic sites where a version of interiority is presented which seems to fall outside the usual way in which we think of Romantic subjectivity — the microscopic impulse in Romantic botanical theory and illustration and the way two Romantic poets, John Clare and Charlotte Smith, use botanic terms for poetic ends. Romantic Interiority and Cultural Objects
  • One of my concerns, echoing those of Duster, is the manner in which external traits previously linked to race might now become microscopic objects of distrust and abnormalcy.
  • This was attributed to the formation of elevated amounts of vesicular structures in the cytosol after exposure to LEF, which was also validated microscopically.
  • Nanotubes are microscopic tubes constructed from carbon rings which can be used to build logic circuits.
  • Echinoderms are also not microscopic, except for their larvae; they range from a few millimeters to a few decimeters in size, although the stalks of some crinoids could reach a length of over a meter.
  • B . Clarke Var thomson ii . METHODS Source, botanical morphology characteristics and microscopic identification Methods: Were adopted.
  • Electron microscopic examination performed from the paraffin-embedded tissue revealed desmosomal structures and thin, elongated, wavy, branching microvilli characteristic of mesothelial cells.
  • On the upper side of these spots may be seen little black specks, which microscopic examination shows to be spermogonia, resembling those of the lichens. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • In 1879, Uskoff noted that isolated white blood cells displayed greater outgrowth of processes during microscopic examination with red light compared with violet-blue light.
  • I found an excellent microscopic representation of a cancer cell, used by the Cancer Research Campaign in their appeal advertisement.
  • Viruses are ultramicroscopic organisms - many times smaller than bacteria, and amongst the smallest organisms known.
  • It's what sets us apart, the thin film of dust borne on the tongue we can never quite wash away, those microscopic filaments that grow earthward from our soles with each step we take. The Human Condition
  • He discovered microscopic animals such as nematodes and rotifers.
  • In histologic terms, it seems that a sizable percentage of CIN 3 cases arise from oncogenic HPV infections without transiting through diagnosed CIN 1 or even equivocal microscopic lesions.
  • While some fungal species, such as shiitake and enoki, are edible, some microscopic species can trigger numerous infections in the human body. - latest science and technology news stories
  • As the polyethylene oxide drew more water out of the fibroin solution, the micelles aggregated into microscopic globules.
  • the blood was examined microscopically
  • From now on every shuttle launch will be tracked and examined in microscopic detail, and this should set a precedent for all future manned space launches.
  • This microscopic, single-celled green algae contains more chlorophyll than any known plant - nearly four times the amount found in spirulina.
  • Additionally, the positively charged microfibers attract and tightly retain negatively charged dust and dirt particles and can penetrate the microscopic pores of most flooring materials, unlike loop mop systems.
  • In earlier experiments, lincomycin acted as a mutagen, changing genetic information in bacteria, algae, microscopic aquatic animals and fish. Top headlines
  • The tissue is examined microscopically to rule out or confirm cancer.
  • The book does not include illustrations of microscopic findings, even for common tests such as complete blood cell counts and urinalysis.
  • Dr. Ledenfeld again illustrated this stage of his lecture by means of a number of microscopic slides in which the variety of shape and size of these spicules and "spongin" fibers were shown. Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887
  • I thought: Here am I, capable of teaching him much concerning the field wherein he labors, — the nitrogenic-why of the fertilizer, the alchemy of the sun, the microscopic cell - structure of the plant, the cryptic chemistry of root and runner, — but thereat he straightened his work - wearied back and rested. The Dignity of Dollars
  • To solve these problems, a method for quantification of stain conditions from microscopic images taken by multispectral microscope systems has been proposed.
  • Microscopically, the tumor nodules were unencapsulated and had a well-defined expansile margin that compressed the adjacent hepatic parenchyma.
  • At a microscopic scale, at the surface of the deposit, coarse particles roll on a deposit of fine particles as a result of particle segregation.
  • Cavansite was first discovered with its polymorph pentagonite in Oregon but only in small quantities of microscopic crystals.
  • Tree-ferns and mosses and a myriad other parasitic forms jostled with gay-coloured fungoid growths for room to live, and the very atmosphere itself seemed to afford clinging space to airy fairy creepers, light and delicate as gem-dust, tremulous with microscopic blooms. Chapter 25
  • Composed of microscopic particles smaller than ten microns PM10, the dust contains significant levels of toxic metals like selenium, arsenic, and lead along with efflorescent salts. Archive 2009-01-01
  • According to recent investigations, molluscum epitheliale is to be regarded as a hyperplasia of the rete, the growth probably beginning in the hair-follicles; the so-called molluscum bodies -- peculiar, rounded or ovoidal, sharply-defined, fatty-looking bodies found in microscopical examination of the growth -- are to be viewed as a form of epithelial degeneration. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Director Wolfgang Becker focuses on the microscopic to explore the macroscopic as he tells the story of a small family divided by incompatible political ideologies and the changes wrought by time.
  • It does also microscopic change and aline metal and makes a smoother suface, You can see the differance under a scope. Anyone got an opinion one way or the other on cryogentically treated barrels?
  • Until then, we earthlings can continue to look for microscopic visitors, or their fossil remnants, that might reside in meteorites from Mars or from other worlds.
  • The National Transportation Safety Board has shipped three sections of pipe from the explosion site to its laboratory in Ashburn, Va., where metallurgists and engineers will examine welds, corrosion coatings and so-called chevron marks, which are microscopic ridges in the tear surfaces of the pipe that can disclose which way it ripped apart. San Bruno gas blast gives ammunition to critics of industry risk assessment -
  • They feed on many types microscopic algae that grow on calcareous material, such as coral skeletons.
  • When burned, high-sulfur fuels emit sulfur dioxide in the form of microscopic soot particles known as particulates - specks so small they can be breathed into the deepest parts of the lung. Columnist: Keith Groller
  • The studies on origins, macrograph of crude drugs and main microscopic characteristics are provided for their resource developing and drug standardization.
  • How is it possible that in the past six months, this microscopic blastula has transformed into a being with its own organs, spinal cord and brain?
  • Dental microwear analysis investigates the microscopic scratches and pits that form on a tooth's surface as a result of its use.
  • As a microscopist and microchemist, I define classical microchemistry as the period from the first application of chemical tests conducted while actually viewing the results with a microscope, to the general introduction of non-microscopical instrumental analysis.
  • The microscopic eelworms live and feed within the bulbs and foliage.
  • Many of the slides that were photographed have been handed down through several generations of microscopic anatomists.
  • It is now increasingly apparent that the entire universe from vast galaxies to microscopic cells unfolds through systems of spontaneous self-organization.
  • To illustrate the operations, I will describe a specific case, viz. that of grinding the section of "gabbro"'above described, for microscopical purposes. On Laboratory Arts
  • The underground network is like a microscopic canal system carrying mineralized water.
  • The organism itself exists underground in microscopic fibres (hyphae) that bundle into a large cotton-wool-like clump (mycelium). Times, Sunday Times
  • Specific, often microscopic detail is discussed but supports the parallel narratives.
  • Two years later, he met Thomas Rupert Jones, the retired Professor of Geology at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, who asked Sherborn for help with papers he was writing on microscopic fossils known as foraminifera. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Microscopic plankton trapped in the finely tipped gills are pulled slowly into waiting mouths.
  • Fibrosis, Mastitis, or mild hyperplasia without atypia, ordinary cysts (gross or microscopic), simple apocrine metaplasia (no associated hyperplasia or adenosis), or squamous metaplasia were classified as controls. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It's an epic, but at the heart of it is an extremely detailed and microscopic view of human nature.
  • Microscopical Society: "Its chief purpose is that of illuminating and defining objects which are nonpolarizable, in a similar manner to that in which the polariscope defines polarizable objects. Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885

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