How To Use Microscope slide In A Sentence

  • Fifty microliters were placed into a 5 mm BTX fusion chamber consisting of a microscope slide and two platinum wires.
  • One wing was dissected from each of 10 flies of each sex from each of three independent vials and mounted carefully under a glass coverslip on a microscope slide.
  • This would be the bird remains, after cleaning the feathers in Xylene and mounting the fragments on a microscope slide, using my Nikon binocular microscope, I could tell what the bird was.
  • Under 200x magnification, the first 200 grains viewed on a microscope slide were assessed as viable or inviable.
  • Sections were soaked in these solutions at room temperature for 10 minutes and then rinsed in water before being mounted on microscope slides using a glycerol/gelatin mountant.
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  • The negative feedback current (approach curve) was obtained by moving the tip towards a glass microscope slide.
  • Thin blood smears were prepared from fresh heparinized blood on microscope slides.
  • The coverslips were mounted, cell side up, on labelled microscope slides.
  • Place the specimen on a microscope slide.
  • Two Pt electrodes separated by 1.1 cm were attached to a glass microscope slide, and the space between the electrodes was filled with the cell suspension.
  • A microtome could later be used to slice the sample into segments thin enough to be mounted on microscope slides. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Shock Treatment
  • From the remaining sample, a subsample of approximately 50 to 500 mites (depending upon total numbers in the sample) were mounted in Hoyer's solution on microscope slides.
  • They were then washed with purified water, allowed to dry and mounted onto microscope slides, cells side up.
  • A robotic instrument can apply to a single glass microscope slide a representative piece of every one of the 6,100 genes present in the yeast genome.
  • Find an amoeba in a drop of pondwater on a microscope slide.
  • As for the former problem, it is easy to demonstrate the characteristic filling from the central vessel in a spider by compressing it with your fingertip or a glass microscope slide to empty the spider and then watching it fill.
  • The right wings of flies were removed using fine forceps and mounted on microscope slides using double-sided tape.
  • The stained roots were mounted in lactoglycerol onto microscope slides.
  • Both the microscope slide and the culture were positive for the gonococcus.
  • The NaOH was subsequently removed and replaced with tap water for 24 h. Styles were then placed in a 1% solution of aniline blue for 8 h before being mounted on microscope slides.
  • They put out tubes holding cuttings of milkweed stems with two leaves, whole potted milkweed plants, and microscope slides coated with glycerin.
  • The treated millipedes were then mounted between two glass microscope slides using Euparal mounting medium.
  • They demonstrated that DNA of cells embedded in a low-melting agarose microgel on microscope slides migrates in an electrophoretic field in a pattern determined by the extent of DNA damage.
  • The scrapings are placed directly on a microscope slide and viewed under magnification for the presence of characteristic Sarcoptes scabiei mite's eggs or faecal pellets.
  • Carbohydrate microarrays contain many different carbohydrate epitopes ( molecular types ) immobilized on a glass microscope slide.
  • The wing is resting on a glass microscope slide but is not in mounting media.
  • Pollen traps constructed from petroleum jelly on microscope slides were attached to vertical wooden laths facing the direction of the prevailing wind.
  • The right wing of each male was mounted on a microscope slide and photographed with a digital camera through a stereoscopic microscope at a magnification of 40x.
  • The coverslips were mounted onto glass microscope slides with the addition of 3 l of mounting medium.
  • The fixative solution was partially but not completely removed, the pellet was resuspended, dropped onto pre-cleaned microscope slides and dried for 24 h at room temperature.
  • Leaves were sectioned on a sliding microtome and stained with safranin and Alcian Blue before being dehydrated through an alcohol series, taken through Histoclear and mounted onto microscope slides in Euparal.
  • For these analyses, robotic equipment precisely places pieces of the pathogen's DNA in an array of infinitesimally small droplets on glass microscope slides.
  • After three subsequent changes of fixative, metaphases were prepared by dropping the cell suspension onto labelled clean, moist microscope slides.
  • The measurements are performed in vitro, with a DNA construction anchored between a glass microscope slide and a silica bead.
  • The notation of section thickness on a microscope slide informs the observer of the approximate level of magnification most suitable for examination of the tissue section.
  • The third leg was removed with a fine probe, mounted on a microscope slide, and examined with phase microscopy.
  • DNA microarrays consisting of thousands of individual gene sequences can be printed in a high density format on a glass microscope slide or deposited on a miniature matrix by a photolithographic process.
  • The samples were then prepared on concave microscope slides under coverslips and sealed with silicone grease.
  • The machine then applies a thin, even layer of cells to a microscope slide for examination.
  • Aged pupae were washed, dried, and then attached to a microscope slide with double-stick tape.
  • Even for the little wrigglers we can see on specially stained microscope slides, such as the dreaded syphilitic spirochete, there is no Date of Receipt that comes with the dose.
  • The scrapings are placed directly on a microscope slide and viewed under magnification for the presence of characteristic Sarcoptes scabiei mite's eggs or faecal pellets.
  • Freshly harvested pollen was dusted onto a microscope slide with a brush to which four or five drops of stain were added.
  • Even for the little wrigglers we can see on specially stained microscope slides, such as the dreaded syphilitic spirochete, there is no Date of Receipt that comes with the dose.
  • The entire well of the microscope slide was examined under low power.
  • The location of the focal spot within the bfp determines the inclination angle under which the collimated beam impinges on the upper surface of a microscope slide.
  • The samples were then prepared on concave microscope slides under coverslips and sealed with silicone grease.
  • Suddenly these bacteria started swimming all in one direction across the microscope slide and he wondered what they were responding to.
  • Root caps were removed and the meristem was placed in a drop of 45% acetic acid on a clean microscope slide, macerated and squashed between slide and coverslip.
  • A collection of software programs was developed to integrate off-the-shelf hardware components from a variety of vendors to capture, archive, and display images from a microscope slide.

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