- a meteorite or meteoroid so small that it drifts down to earth without becoming intensely heated in the atmosphere
How To Use micrometeorite In A Sentence
- Three electrodes in the gyroscope housing can exert electric forces to support the rotor during spin-up, or in case a micrometeorite impacts on the satellite.
- Thus, micrometeorite bombardment is an extremely important piece of the rings 'evolutionary puzzle because these impurities cause them to darken over time. SETI Institute: Life at the SETI Institute: Paul Estrada -- From Dust to Planets
- Call up and say you think your child was struck by a micrometorite - she has a small bruise on her head, and I can't imagine why, unless it was a micrometeorite - and they'll say bring her in.
- As she slowly approached, they could see the markings and weathering from the constant torture of wild temperature fluctuations, unfiltered solar radiation and micrometeorites.
- These areas could expose what has been hidden just beneath the lunar surface, buried just deep enough so the samples wouldn't have been degraded by the constant rain of micrometeorites that ‘sandblasts’ the rocks on the lunar surface.
- The Moon's regolith was created by the ceaseless bombardment of micrometeorites, cosmic rays and particles of solar wind breaking down rocks for billions of years.
- These ancient events are recorded in the lunar regolith, formed throughout lunar history by the impact of micrometeorites and which were buried and preserved by subsequent lava flows.
- The passive mirrors just keep on reflecting, as there is as yet no evidence of damage from dust or micrometeorites.
- Ask me sometime how they keep it from hazing with normal cosmic dust and micrometeorites.
- From my reading of the evidence, ozone fluctuations, as with global temperature fluctuations, are a product of solar variation - though in the case of Antarctica some scientists also implicate micrometeorites.