How To Use Micrometeor In A Sentence
Station micrometeorology produces complex effects on surface temperatures, however, and, as we show in this paper, attempting to correct the errors with existing adjustment methods artificially forces toward regional representativeness and cannot be expected to recover all of the trend information that would have been obtained locally from a well-sited station.
A Second Look at USHCN Classification « Climate Audit
From my reading of the evidence, ozone fluctuations, as with global temperature fluctuations, are a product of solar variation - though in the case of Antarctica some scientists also implicate micrometeorites.
The cosmic dust detector recorded two micrometeoroid showers in September and December.
Signals-and-detection was getting a lot of routine stuff -- Van Allen count, micrometeor count, surface temperature, gravitation-field strength, radar and scanner echoes.
Space Viking
Ask me sometime how they keep it from hazing with normal cosmic dust and micrometeorites.
the detected micrometeoritic material
Currently, I am finishing a textbook on micrometeorology.
Archive 2008-02-01
The first volume, as the introductional chapter states, deals with the main contributions of micrometeorology to ecology in terms of a matrix where mechanisms, processes and states are used against air, plants and soil.
1. Air pollution and agriculture.
He or she points out that the shuttle would be less exposed to micrometeoroids and orbital debris at the altitude of Hubble than at the lower altitude of the space station.
The passive mirrors just keep on reflecting, as there is as yet no evidence of damage from dust or micrometeorites.
Other factors include charged particle radiation, neutral atomic particles, magnetic fields, micrometeoroids, and changes in gravity, not to mention environmental factors imposed by the spacecraft itself and the launch vehicle.
The researchers said the film also has a protective layer of germanium silicon oxides to protect a spacecraft from the corrosive effects of atomic oxygen and from micrometeor impacts.
Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
It could have been struck by a micrometeor or it could have been struck by some debris.
CNN Transcript Jun 19, 2007
The moon lacks the shield provided by even a thin planetary atmosphere, such as Mars, so lunar explorers will have to withstand the relentless bombardment of harmful solar radiation and pelting rain of micrometeoroids.
These ancient events are recorded in the lunar regolith, formed throughout lunar history by the impact of micrometeorites and which were buried and preserved by subsequent lava flows.
The Moon's regolith was created by the ceaseless bombardment of micrometeorites, cosmic rays and particles of solar wind breaking down rocks for billions of years.
Because they want to make sure that while they're in space they want to make sure they didn't get dinged by a micrometeor.
CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2007
These areas could expose what has been hidden just beneath the lunar surface, buried just deep enough so the samples wouldn't have been degraded by the constant rain of micrometeorites that ‘sandblasts’ the rocks on the lunar surface.
The cosmic dust detector recorded two micrometeoroid showers in September and December.
He could well believe that the brilliant Dr. Choam Goldberg had revolutionised micrometeorology, that no-one had really understood all that he was doing, and that he had finally had some kind of a nervous breakdown while conducting his experiments.
The Fountains of Paradise
As she slowly approached, they could see the markings and weathering from the constant torture of wild temperature fluctuations, unfiltered solar radiation and micrometeorites.
Call up and say you think your child was struck by a micrometorite - she has a small bruise on her head, and I can't imagine why, unless it was a micrometeorite - and they'll say bring her in.
Thus, micrometeorite bombardment is an extremely important piece of the rings 'evolutionary puzzle because these impurities cause them to darken over time.
SETI Institute: Life at the SETI Institute: Paul Estrada -- From Dust to Planets
U.S. researchers say they have developed a thin film designed to protect small spacecraft from temperature extremes, corrosion and micrometeor impacts.
Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
However, let's assume that our unlucky astronaut does get hit by a micrometeoroid.
Times, Sunday Times
They are Marc C. Bingham, entrepreneur and Utah businessman; Huey D. Johnson, pioneering conservationist and environmental policy maker; Bonnie D. Parkin, former Relief Society President for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and Bertrand D. Tanner, eminent micrometeorologist and scientific entrepreneur, who will be honored posthumously.
The magnetic fragments that Basu and his team found ‘clearly are little pieces of meteorite,’ Rampino says, but he cautions that they could be part of the normal flux of micrometeorites that fall to Earth.
A chemical analysis of impact crater residue allowed him to distinguish between impacts due to naturally occurring micrometeoroids and those due to artificial space debris.
Agora sim, aquele voo suborbital ou aquela viagem a marte ou à ISS já pode ser feita em total segurança, dando ou tirando uns micrometeoritos ou uma radiaçãozita...
Pela Vasta Rede
We discovered a number of good candidates for micrometeorites - primordial space dust that literally rains down on our roof.
This experiment showed that in order for tethers to be useful for long-duration missions in space, they must be designed to withstand cuts by micrometeorites and space debris.
I canceled my membership in 2006 when I realized that someone was named AGU fellow who has published a lot of scientific nonsense all papers were peer-reviewed in the field of micrometeorology during the last five years.
Archive 2008-02-01
Presumably these elements are either supplied continually by micrometeorites or are liberated from the surface under the influence of solar radiation or meteorite impact.
With the development of space technology, the cumulative hypervelocity impact damage effects of micro-size space debris and micrometeoroid (space dust) are getting more attention.
The passage of any object larger than a micrometeorite would cause it to collapse immediately.
They seem to have been badly ravaged by micrometeorites and are somewhat high in radiation, so I doubt that a trip would be worth while.
Kevlar also was used on the Galileo probe to Jupiter, which included a parachute made of Kevlar, and at the International Space Station, where a blanket made of Kevlar was used to wrap its inner walls to protect from micrometeorites.
So what would it be worth to you if I told you, I had on the Moon, right now, several million gallons of distilled water frozen into a anti-radiation/micrometeor habitat and inside were several million gallons of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen.. and a half gallon of He3?
Obama to Unveil "Ambitous" Plan for NASA | Universe Today
Signals-and detection was getting a lot of routine stuff Van Allen count, micrometeor count, surface temperature, gravitationfield strength, radar and scanner echoes.
Space Viking
If a micrometeoroid or piece of space debris penetrates the tank, the dregs can ignite, causing an explosion that shatters the rocket body and creates a cloud of debris.
Hazardous micrometeoroids and radiation also threaten spacewalkers, and with no atmosphere and therefore no atmospheric pressure, fluids in the human body would boil.
On the ground, NASA engineers poring over images of that chipped heat shield and some tiles, and the leading edge of the left wing seen there, which was hit ever so slightly with a micrometeor yesterday.
CNN Transcript Dec 12, 2006
The external surfaces are pitted by 15 years of micrometeoroid strikes.
Times, Sunday Times
Extraterrestrial objects tend to develop a red tint as they age due to the effects of cosmic radiation and micrometeor impacts on their surfaces.
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Some are impacts from micrometeorites coming from the birth of the Solar System, and some can be attributed to paint flakes from spacecraft or other space debris.
The infall is much smaller now, on the order of 5,500 tons per year and most in the form of micrometeorites or even smaller particles of interplanetary dust.
First Contact
Three electrodes in the gyroscope housing can exert electric forces to support the rotor during spin-up, or in case a micrometeorite impacts on the satellite.