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How To Use Microcosm In A Sentence

  • Maybe merchant banking is the ultimate microcosm for life after all.
  • At the local level, one's home represented the center as well, a microcosm of ordered space. 31 One of the adages recorded by Sahagún, otimatoiavi, otimetepexiuj, "thou hast cast thyself into the torrent ... from the crag," is said of someone who has crossed into the periphery with his or her behavior, one "who has placed [themselves] in danger ... who brings about that which is not good. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Walking into its corridors, between the towering whiteness, has the effect, so beloved of the Romantics, of making you feel microcosmic.
  • Want the messiness of human life and understanding in microcosm? Archive 2009-09-01
  • And it's wonderful because the gamelan is like a microcosm of how the Balinese live. American Stars With An Indonesian Sound
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  • The microcosm as well as the macrocosm is based on a constant harmony of movement, from the atoms to the galaxies.
  • To take off through the air, casting one's gaze across the endless sweep of the universe or upon the no less exciting realm of the microcosm.
  • M.M. Salt of urine, called sal microcosmicum, phosphorated soda. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The presence of ‘rue’ in ‘untrue’ would have appealed to a poet of Southwell's microcosmic bent, and his choice suggests that he was a careful and aware rhymer.
  • It is important and emergency to unify molecule and organism, microcosm and macroscopy.
  • Without assuming noble or self-sacrificing motive, each individual has, nevertheless, become a microcosm of the whole.
  • One might characterize this as the microcosmically ideal Ballard fantasy, in that it partakes of the surreal — the “Gulliver” being represented as a huge flesh statue based on the work of Praxiteles — as well as of the Freudian: “as if the mutilation of this motionless colossus had released a sudden flood of repressed spite.” The Catastrophist
  • They can be seen as cosmic instruments, symbolic of manifesting the vibration of each of the planets to bring balance from the macrocosm to us as the microcosm.
  • Like the linking verb in a sentence, it is meant to connect the microcosm of the original film with the celestial stratosphere of the finale.
  • Furthermore it reproduces the form of disciplinary society itself; prisons are societies in microcosm. Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
  • The audience was selected to create a microcosm of American society.
  • A single medley, out of a captivating 40-minute set, offers a microcosm of their gifts.
  • It's almost like the worst moments of the pro / anti debate replayed in microcosm.
  • In this microcosm of man versus machine, surrender is not an option. Times, Sunday Times
  • Returning now to Plato's conception of community understood through the terms macrocosm and microcosm, what can the nursing world situation reveal to us of community? Humanistic Nursing
  • New York's mix of people is a microcosm of America.
  • At their best they offer a microcosm of Red Sea reef life.
  • Un article intitulé «Celle qui ne se mélange pas avec les autres» dénonce la «chanteuse qui incarne à la perfection le pire du microcosme idéologico-mondain». [carla bruni-sarkozy] déchaîne les passions italiennes
  • He said that his waiting room was a microcosm of society. Times, Sunday Times
  • This small group of characters was a microcosm of the real world.
  • Certainly, madam, certainly," he said, "here is a spell that will have the effect you desire," and he handed her a ring containing a magnes microcosmi fully charged with the essence of life of an idiot. The Sorcery Club
  • Kitchell says the city was a microcosm of all American culture during the '60s.
  • To demonstrate the impact of high population growth on the environment, there is no better microcosm than California, which is staggering to accommodate its onrush of new residents.
  • Modern other people sheds the category that management is a microcosmic economics.
  • We should distinguish it into macroscopical and microcosmic labor axiology.
  • Evidently man is the little God, the microcosm, an image of the macrocosm, which is God's larger universe. Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D.,
  • Very well, madam," Kelson said, carefully concealing a smile, "here is what you want -- wear it next your heart;" and he gave her a locket, containing a magnes microcosmi charged with the essence of life of a leper, which he had procured at considerable risk and expense. The Sorcery Club
  • Maybe merchant banking is the ultimate microcosm for life after all.
  • Thus, TCM views each of us as part of one unbroken whole, a microcosm, or smaller universe of Nature.
  • Bubbles containing microcosms within the larger painting often complete the verses.
  • Woke black girls are the microcosm who are advocating for the majority, taking a stand on issues that are impacting our community.
  • The journalist, Gemma Soames, seems to be arguing that the recent Miss University London beauty pageant is a microcosmic example of a change in the focus of feminist activism by cis women away from a ‘retro’ (and, by implication, outmoded and irrelevant) feminism: Ohz noez! Not *another* 2008 roundup…
  • On Sunday, before the fighting spread, the city formerly known as Stanleyville was a nervous microcosm of the divided rebel movement and its feuding patrons: Wamba was holed up in a downtown hotel under the protection of Ugandan troops, while Rwandan soldiers and their Congolese rebel allies patrolled the rest of the town. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Both deal with the union of the microcosm (the individual) with the macrocosm (the divine), although they might use different terminology.
  • By the ancients man was called a microcosm, from his representing the macrocosm, that is, the universe in its whole complex; but it is not known at the present day why man was so called by the ancients, for no more of the universe or macrocosm is manifest in him than that he derives nourishment and bodily life from its animal and vegetable kingdoms, and that he is kept in a living condition by its heat, sees by its light, and hears and breathes by its atmospheres. Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom
  • Certainly, these little microcosms of society that are our colleges should model, as closely as possible, what is best about our diverse, democratic, and pragmatic society.
  • Gattaca plays off the microcosm, the inner genetic make-up of the individual as the most reductionist way of perceiving human life and the vast macrocosm.
  • Her women are not feminist case studies but microcosms of the complex rules and regulations that govern such states.
  • This album's strength lies in addressing both microcosm and macrocosm.
  • In theory, Congress is supposed to represent a microcosm of America.
  • Of course, I'm setting up a tidy opposition here between the microcosm and the macrocosm, between the political and the philosophical.
  • In charging the magnes microcosmi, the motive of the purchaser had always to be taken into account. The Sorcery Club
  • Some of these traditions also mapped this onto the breath as a way of talking about macrocosm and microcosm.
  • If you’re feeling splurgy, you can pick up Briggs’ other DIY zines, also from Microcosm: Nontoxic House Cleaners and Herbal First Aid for another dollar apiece! Summer Reading: Make Your Place. Affordable, Sustainable Nesting Skills
  • As a junior at Onteora High School, I saw my school become a microcosm of the situation in the larger community.
  • Shonibare uses this microcosmically to depict his own life experiences, and macrocosmically to encapsulate what he conceives to be the hybrid, eclectic relationship between the West and the Orient.
  • Therefore, we moved from a microcosmic view of the construction and maintenance of power dynamics to a macrocosmic view.
  • This story is a microcosm of the Exodus from Egypt; it is a liberation story on a family scale.
  • By physical laws man knows but cannot control, microcosm and macro - cosm are combined: the terrella is “prodigious” as a magnet, yet it is a small power to govern the Flying COSMIC VOYAGES
  • By this time the correlation of the macrocosm and microcosm was complete and the doctrine of metempsychosis fully formulated.
  • PARACELSUS 'views were based upon his theory (undoubtedly true in a sense) that man is a microcosm, a world in miniature. 24 Now, all things material, taught PARACELSUS, contain the three principles termed in alchemistic phraseology salt, sulphur, and mercury. Bygone Beliefs
  • For example, ‘These Foolish Things’ reflects, microcosmically, a number of Ferry's aesthetic preoccupations.
  • The story of a liberal technocrat jumping into a generational schism is a microcosm of what Fitzgibbonwants to do in Olympia. Joe Fitzgibbon: Young Technocrat Has Eyes on Olympia « PubliCola
  • Thus, axiomatics can be seen as a formal microcosm of the human mind set -- a mind set which is our "living our life from place". Do we think about what we think about before we think about it?
  • The picture is of a freely developing microcosm whose internal dynamics nevertheless parallel those of the social macrocosm.
  • The family is a microcosm of society.
  • It was, in microcosm, an illustration of the success, and burden of the success of managing AIDS as a chronic disease in sub-Saharan Africa. Ray Suarez: Reporter's Notebook: A Clinic's Strains in Mozambique
  • From the microcosmic angle of view on hakka needlecraft art, we can be conscious of hakka female's thrift, loving beauty, affection, industry, characters and so on.
  • It could have served as a microcosm of the whole tussle - the brutish and the brilliant vying for supremacy.
  • We should distinguish it into macroscopical and microcosmic labor axiology.
  • These so-called cargo cults became bizarre, microcosmic societies that survived almost entirely on hopes and dreams that might never be realized.
  • For many, the book was a microcosm of the vacuous 1980s, a period in American history when youngsters stood for nothing and believed in nothing.
  • Shattering progressives' preconception that the evangelical Christian world is monolithic, Christian intellectuals, in this small microcosm, are engaged in a heated colloquy over the relationship of learning to faith.
  • It seems clear that within the microcosm of the mind and the infiniteness of space, human curiosity is never-ending. Jon Chattman: On the Rise: "Deep" Thoughts With Joan as Police Woman
  • This metamorphosis can also be produced by means of a magnet called the 'magnes microcosmi,' which is prepared from substances that have had a long association with the human body, and are penetrated by its vitality. The Sorcery Club
  • My conclusion, then, is that he's unconcerned about "venality" not because he likes the idea of Parliament as a microcosm of the human condition in all its flawed majesty, but simply because he thinks it doesn't matter; and indeed he confirms this a little further on, which I'll address when we get to it. British Blogs
  • The two keys represent the uniting of the microcosm and the macrocosm.
  • The developments in this town represent in microcosm what is happening in the country as a whole.
  • The human being is thus a microcosm, containing in little the same energies as the macrocosm.
  • They also suggest that the area's history of fusion and fission present a microcosm of the ethnic and political tensions of the Nigerian nation since independence.
  • What happens in the macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm. Lillith and the Devil « Write Anything
  • In this respect, Dresden is a microcosm of the situation throughout the former East Germany.
  • The play is set up to be a microcosm of relationships; a mirror in which those in love can see themselves and those singletons out there can indulge their yearnings for romance.
  • Conception of the macrocosm in the Pratyabhijna system is based on a very deep study of the microcosm.
  • It is now a magnes microcosmi, or a magnet for attracting diseases and properties, and if it be placed in close contact with a criminal or lunatic, it will be filled with his essence of life, and may then be used as a means of infecting other people with his pernicious qualities. The Sorcery Club
  • It is important and emergency to unify molecule and organism, microcosm and macroscopy.
  • We are considered microcosms of the macrocosm of the universe.
  • She who had abandoned the world outside the cloister walls found the microcosm of the community within too large.
  • In this example, the island airport is a microcosm of the city and is accessed by one long bridge from the mainland.
  • The density of stars makes the region in and around the Arches cluster a microcosm of what is likely occurring in starburst galaxies.
  • In a review of Naguib Mahfouz's work in this book, Ghosh argues that the claim often made for Mahfouz's work, that it was a microcosm of Egyptian life, is deluded because Mahfouz's subject is the urban salariat, narrowly defined.
  • New York's mix of people is a microcosm of America.
  • The traditional linkage of human calendrical microcosms to universal historical macrocosms followed an argument in five stages.
  • A modern aircraft is a flying microcosm of society. Times, Sunday Times
  • Look from microcosmic level, company advocate business Wu produced major change.
  • Like them he believes that the macrocosm of the enormous complexity of the personality is reflected in the microcosm of every gesture, every vocalization.
  • This study use the microcosmic methods to analyze the micro- fabrics of the Mesozoic and Neozoic chert formations and the Modern sinters in southern Tibet, try to reveal their geological information.
  • This principle is enshrined in Genesis, Chapter One, where we are taught that God made humanity in His own image and likeness as microcosm and mediator.
  • In order to describe the consumer vortex, we move from the microcosm to the macrocosm.
  • It's unfortunate because Vermont can be treated as American society in microcosm in certain aspects. PW Talks with Archer Mayor by Louise Jones
  • But you aren't paying for the function, you're paying for the design, and who amongst us does not want to turn our kitchen into the microcosmic eating lounge of Aperture Science, with helpful (albeit homicidal) recycling eggs (oviposited by glorious GLaDOS herself) pristinely hovering about, electronically warbling invitations to deposit our spare cans, or perhaps just our spleens, in their plastic, opalescent bellies? Boing Boing
  • These so-called cargo cults became bizarre, microcosmic societies that survived almost entirely on hopes and dreams that might never be realized.
  • We must not weary of studying the microcosm if we wish rightly to understand the macrocosm of a developed economic order.
  • Here, we have the link between the macrocism and the microcosm.
  • As a purlieu hunter, I have hitherto beaten about the circuit of the forest of this microcosm, and followed only those outward adventitious causes. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • If the microcosm of individual consciousness is reproduced in the macrocosm of unified consciousness, then perhaps the individual and society have their analogues in the neuron and brain respectively.
  • I like to film these microcosms, highly-structured societies, small communities, groups within a very specific space.
  • 1966-70 Continued microcosm studies: with Scott Nixon metabolism of brine microcosms and analog simulation showed rhodopsin photorespiration in pink Halophilic bacteria before it was found by physiologists. Annotated contributions of Howard T. Odum
  • Airports have become small microcosms of society.
  • It is how we have come to know what we are - and what we are is (to use some old language) a microcosm of the macrocosm.
  • The emporium is a microcosm of the gallery: mixing books about art history with well-designed products, such as brightly coloured bags and mugs, it makes the once-formidable area of modern art seem accessible, aspirational and friendly. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • The audience was selected to create a microcosm of American society.
  • On the one hand having a strong cosmopolitic agenda, on the other hand being in love with the city we live in, we combine both: we glance across the borders and observe the microcosmos of a breathing city in the center of Europe. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • Furthermore it reproduces the form of disciplinary society itself; prisons are societies in microcosm. Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
  • The vision of the hexagram represents the union of the macrocosm & microcosm.
  • Most important is the nearly universal idea of microcosm and macrocosm.
  • The void, so described, is not the Buddhist Void sunyata, but the void created by the intellectual knowledge humanity has acquired through empirical observation of ourselves, the world around us and ultimately the cosmos stretching into infinity both as macrocosm and microcosm. Rodney L. Taylor, Ph.D.: West Meets East: Confucius And Bertrund Russell
  • The microcosm becomes the macrocosm: the key to the whole universe may well be hidden in one hydrogen atom.
  • M.M. Salt of urine, called sal microcosmicum, phosphorated soda. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Under all this influence he turned to cabalism and became interested in crystals and the microcosm and macrocosm, and fell into the habit of despair over what he had been and believed just before. Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
  • The coaching situation is a microcosm of the differences between the way the two franchises operate.
  • These ethnical cultures interact together with the unique environment, as form a culture province macroscopically and some sub-culture province with contiguous cultures microcosmically.
  • This expansion is a microcosm of the U.S. financial sector, with ballooning assets of indeterminable true economic value.
  • Then the paper reveals the significances of post-evaluation of vertical integrated project of animal husbandry from both macroscopical and microcosmic view.
  • And it's the cosmos in microcosm, of course – another advantage. Poem of the week: What mystery pervades a well! by Emily Dickinson
  • But Canada is more than a peaceful microcosm of Europe; it is increasingly a peaceful microsm of the entire world whose many interests and interdependencies are multipolar.
  • All was insanity, but this moment was microcosmically precious.
  • Everything combined to build up belief in this parallel world, in which microcosm and macrocosm were linked by complex networks of correspondences and powers.
  • The house analogy, or some other similar paradigm, is simply unassailable fact in microcosm.
  • A microcosm, one could say, for this well-managed but often inscrutable society. Times, Sunday Times
  • Degradation dynamics of carbendazim in soil and its effects on community diversity of soil microorganisms were investigated in a microcosm mimicking soil ecosystem.
  • Currently, the city is a microcosm of the lurching recovery of the country.
  • Furthermore it reproduces the form of disciplinary society itself; prisons are societies in microcosm. Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
  • The audience was selected to create a microcosm of American society.
  • The earliest foreign settlements were microcosms of European metropolitan societies.
  • The science of primordial energy relates the electricity of macrocosm and microcosm.
  • Schools are microcosms of society and so, inevitably, there are bound to be examples of unacceptable and antisocial behaviour.
  • The Brian Jonestown Massacre's relationship with Toronto has always microcosmically represented the band's fractured career as a whole.
  • In a way, the Island thus becomes a microcosm of urban society.
  • In many ways Prato is a microcosm of the challenges facing Europe: an historic place with proud traditions, now threatened by new ways in a changing world. Ancient Italian Town Turns Against Chinese Migrants
  • New York's mix of people is a microcosm of America.
  • The reserve is a microcosm of the characteristic old Herefordshire landscape comprising hay meadows and orchards enclosed by thick hedgerows.
  • Kitchell says the city was a microcosm of all American culture during the '60s.
  • Furthermore it reproduces the form of disciplinary society itself; prisons are societies in microcosm. Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
  • Nolans 'brilliant 15th goal this term capped a splendid recovery that was resurgent Newcastle United in microcosm and had the normally reserved Hughton dancing with delight in the technical area as club owner Mike Ashley looked forward to a return to top-flight football that is said to be worth £60 million. news feed
  • It included not only human beings but also everything else in the universe, through the reciprocal relationship of the human microcosm with the macrocosm of the created order.
  • Her description of corrupt village life was seen as a microcosm of the society. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is tempting to view the situation as a microcosm of his later life.
  • Monteith reads the novels included in her study as offering equivocal answers to this question of microcosmic social change.
  • With their wealth of detail and complex atmospherics, all the paintings are microcosms that demand individual attention and are difficult to absorb en masse.
  • Such arrangement, have strategic height already, also have microcosmic depth.
  • That is the city in microcosm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The states themselves are free trade zones in microcosm, and the less prosperous communities in states often catch up relative to the more prosperous ones. Extreme Free Trade, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It was a fantastic microcosm, full of humour and savagery.
  • Havana is a city of youth, somehow living in a microcosm of a quondam culture, prevented from evolving. Lili Boyle: An American Girl in Cuba
  • Eventually the story leaves the visible universe and enters the realm of the big bang, where macrocosmic structures find their origins in the microcosmic physics of subatomic particles.
  • First, that since both macrocosm and microcosm were made by God, therefore there are important analogies between them.
  • Swordsmanship is the microcosmic basis of sword technique, without this basic, How the macroscopical things exiting?
  • She who had abandoned the world outside the cloister walls found the microcosm of the community within too large.
  • Maybe merchant banking is the ultimate microcosm for life after all.
  • The Finnish pavilion at Shanghai World Expo 2010 portrays our country in microcosm, presenting both Finland and its society to the world. Amazing Pavilion Exhibition At Expo 2010 in Shanghai
  • In him, we see in microcosm of one of the biggest issues at the heart of English football. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her women are not feminist case studies but microcosms of the complex rules and regulations that govern such states.
  • The microcosm as well as the macrocosm is based on a constant harmony of movement, from the atoms to the galaxies.
  • Through such liturgy, both the universe as macrocosm and the individual human being as microcosm are transformed, transfigured and deified.
  • It's SO important that we elect Barack Obama our next president – we can't afford another clueless old man who focuses on the microcosm of 'VICTORY' and failes to see the bigger picture ... McCain's latest Iraq comments draw fire
  • The fourteenth century had a lot going on throughout Europe, and what makes World Without End an incredible novel is that Follett uses the monumental and catastrophic events in microcosm focused through a couple of small towns in England. 2010 February 15 « The BookBanter Blog
  • the microcosmic world of business
  • These two developments, I submit, signpost in microcosm a road to a future that is survivable, sane, and sustainable. Jeremy Leggett: The Singular Genius of a Simple Solar Lantern
  • Hsieh s image criticism, related to macrocosm and microcosm , interweaves them into an organic theoretical system.
  • He lived in a bubble, a microcosmic world, traveling by train through war-torn Germany with the windows shaded.
  • Originally intended to be a microcosm of the citizen body, juries by Socrates 'time were manned by elderly, disabled, and poor volunteers who needed the meager three-obol pay. Socrates
  • The ideal jury is a microcosm of the community from which it is drawn.
  • In sustaining living communities, collections of buildings such as colleges and campuses, as microcosms of the city typology, always need to grow.
  • The macrocosm of the universe is mirrored in the microcosm of the mind.
  • Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley are a microcosm of the phenomenon, with heavy immigration waves in the 1980s and 1990s leading to more American-born Latino children, Fry said. Latest Articles
  • Microcosms fascinate me, captivate me and draw me to their limited but complete spaces.

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