How To Use Microbe In A Sentence

  • Once the bacterium is within the macrophage, the macrophage's bactericidal mechanisms destroy the microbe.
  • Microbes decompose organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.
  • In this work, the dose distribution produced by a single, rectangular ( "planar") x-ray microbeam was simulated inside the head phantoms which had a cylindrical shape. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The approach starts with a weakened version of a microbe called an adenovirus.
  • These are (1) the production in the blood of an antidote to the toxin or poison elaborated by the invading microbe -- an antitoxin, which chemically neutralises the toxin; (2) the production in the blood of the attacked animal of a "germicidal" poison which repels and kills the attacking microbes themselves (not merely neutralising their poisonous products); (3) the extermination of the intrusive, disease-producing microbes by a kind of police, which scour the blood channels and tissues and "eat up" -- actually engulf and digest -- the hostile intruders. More Science From an Easy Chair
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  • They include animals, insects, and nematodes (while vine diseases include the microbes bacteria, fungi, phytoplasma, viroids, and virus).
  • He is collaborating with the National Biodiversity Institute of Costa Rica to explore poorly understood endophytic fungi and uncultured soil microbes of Costa Rica.
  • Pineapple: fresh ripe pineapple is rich in bromelin, a proteolytic protein-digesting enzyme; bromelin literally ‘digests’ dead and diseased cells and foreign microbes in the throat; cut pineapple into cubes, chew well, and let juice dribble down throat, but spit out the pulp; or gargle with the freshly extracted juice of ripe pineapple, and spit it out. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity
  • The first symptom to appear is a painless chancre at the point of the microbe's entry - it is in contact with these chancres that transmission occurs.
  • Complex sugars coat almost every cell in the body, as well as microbes that cause disease.
  • Bacteria and microbes in the soil and in the waste itself do a spectacular job of breaking down the waste.
  • We will see that the serum for inoculation comes from the right part; and not until every microbe of German kultur is eradicated from his blood will we touch, handle, or have any dealings with the Hun. The British Navy
  • Participants will also focus on a class of microbes known as the archaea, which literally means ‘ancient.’
  • The microbeam from the laser encourages oestrogen production and mimics natural growth," says Dr Daniel Sister, who offers the treatment at his London salon (£1,500 for six sessions, 020 7221 2248). The beauty bible
  • Apparently one hidden lake contains thousands of microbes and vast ecosystems. Christianity Today
  • Each pool has slightly different mineral content, temperature, salinity, etc., so different pools may contain different communities of archaeans and other microbes.
  • To make his case, he puts on a slide show: First he shows images of a living cyanobacterium a microbe sometimes called blue-green algae and highlights some characteristics—long filaments made up of cells with small indentations where they meet. First Contact
  • In 1898, he discovered haemolytic sera and showed that the mechanism of their action on foreign blood is similar to that by which an antimicrobic serum acts on microbes and, furthermore, that the reactions of the sera are colloidal in nature. Jules Bordet - Biography
  • Once the samples are in the lab, researchers have a suite of techniques at their disposal to hunt around for microbe DNA, and specifically for 16S rRNA, a gene that Colwell called "card-carrying evidence that you are alive. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • These resistant microbes may include bacteria that were present from the start.
  • Protein in the diaphragm and intercostal muscles has been depleted, impairing the patient's ability to deep breathe, expectorate, and clear microbes from the lungs.
  • The institute found such significant microbead pollution in the Great Lakes region last year that it launched a campaign to have them banned.
  • This method uses gene-altered microbes to rid the mouth of the bacteria that cause cavities.
  • Encouraged by the discovery of streptothricin and stimulated by the triumphal development of penicillin treatment, the research team headed by Dr. Waksman continued their untiring search for new antibiotic-producing microbes. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1952 - Presentation Speech
  • The gluten also shields the helpful microbes from the sun's lethal ultraviolet rays.
  • Dr.W. John Martin, chief of immunopathology at the University of Southern California, has tentatively linked the mysterious microbe to an equally enigmatic illness: chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). A Clue To Chronic Fatigue
  • I hope some of the measurements I make will not only assist those looking for the patchy microbe oases, but will also dovetail with my Mars surface research.
  • It was a running stew of potent pathogenic microbes.
  • If you are as small as a microbe, even the wispiest beard is like a giant rainforest. Times, Sunday Times
  • To feed the microbes, plants must aerate sewage sludge with costly, power-hogging equipment.
  • The oil is attacked by naturally occurring microbes which break it down.
  • In the high - porosity laminae, individual silicified microbes remain clearly visible and their general morphology and size readily apparent.
  • The haematozoon which I gave as the agent of malaria did not resemble bacteria, and was present in strange forms, and in short it was completely outside the circle of the known pathogenic microbes, and many observers not knowing how to classify it found it simpler to doubt its existence. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • Clearly the disease microbes brought over by the Europeans had already done a lot of their work.
  • Scientists suspect that frogs use skin poisons as a defense against predators and microbes.
  • On the basis of constructing laser microbeam system we manipulate hollow dielectric spheres in suspension with optical trap, it validates the kinetic performance of the laser trap.
  • The researchers plan to test their screening technique to find microbes that break down carcinogenic chemicals at coal tar waste sites.
  • After the microbeads scandal, plastic isn't something beauty brands are keen to discuss. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was obviously impossible to kill microbes in the wound by means of heat as Pasteur had shown in his experiments, so Lister developed chemical methods to destroy the bacteria, initially carbolic acid.
  • Some thing or things have to happen for a microbe to escape its previously harmless ecological niche and reach critical mass.
  • How do you go about deciding which microbe is the most important? Gut Reactions
  • Taking a single shower using gel containing microbeads can result in 100,000 being washed down the drain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Theirs was the first report showing that a host nutritional deficiency could turn a harmless microbe into a pathogen.
  • If, however, all the larger diameter microbes are only 2-3 m long, they should be treated as bacilliform microbes rather than filamentous microbes.
  • But going into the formulating rooms required a whole extra layer of clothing, a layer that had been autoclaved  (cooked in a steel vessel under pressures and temperatures high enough to kill any and all microbes) and packaged just so. Going Viral
  • Though many genetic fluctuations do occur, most die out because they fail to confer any survival advantages on gut-dwelling microbes.
  • Long term manipulation of the microbes and microfauna of two subarctic heaths by addition of fungicide, bactericide, carbon and fertilizer. Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • If the spacecraft, after running out of maneuvering fuel, should crash into Europa, it might contaminate that moon with stowaway microbes from Earth and confound future searchers for indigenous life.
  • Though many genetic fluctuations do occur, most die out because they fail to confer any survival advantages on gut-dwelling microbes.
  • Scientists need the living virus, they say, to make a better vaccine and finish developing the first treatments in case the deadly microbe is unleashed again - by accident, by a bioterrorist or by re-creating it from the computerized records of its DNA sequences. Should last remaining known smallpox virus die?
  • The upper surfaces of the orange sinter, which are submerged in the hot spring waters, are commonly covered with a thin biofilm that overlies the microbes.
  • We're busy spending quadrillions of dollars trying to find out if, like, a dozen microbes maybe once lived on Mars sometime in the ancient past.
  • The astounding variety of microbes that subsist on inorganic materials without oxygen could be put to great use in much needed areas such as water treatment, waste disposal and pollution reduction.
  • Leave a lump of coal laying around, and it would rot like a corpse as microbes gobbled it up, and a cup of oil (which would be nice and tasty to us) would spoil like milk.
  • The microbes convert the hydrogen sulfide into odorless hydrogen sulfate, which is carried away by water trickling over the foam.
  • When a rare microbe called the hantavirus killed 34 people in the West last year, it was easy, if wrong, to write it off as "the Navajo virus. Hanta Goes East
  • However, the researchers found that the communities of microbes thrived on hydrogen sulphide, which is toxic to most lifeforms, and is the product of the breakdown of organic material in an environment where there is no oxygen. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • In fact, there are fossil microbes known from throughout the Precambrian, but here a second problem surfaces - how do you distinguish fossil archaeans from fossil bacteria?
  • How can you coax a microbe to communicate?
  • These drugs fight the bugs by piercing the microbes and attacking their means of reproduction.
  • The surface topography of the silicified microbe is controlled by the size and distribution of the opal-A spheres.
  • MIT researchers have built a tiny microhabitat to study the food chain of marine microbes. Boing Boing
  • Companies like HNC -- which makes software that "learns" how to spot money launderers and bioterror microbes -- have shifted into overdrive since the terrorist attack. Technology: A High-Tech Home Front
  • Finally, the positions of the centermost peak and valley doses in the composite dose distribution for the microbeam array were located and the so called PVDR (Peak-to-Valley Dose Ratio) was evaluated. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Laser Biography is a multi-discipline crossed new area, and the optical tweezers technology based on microbeam laser is an effective tool in the research of life science and bioengineering.
  • The picloram in white was somewhat more persistent because microbes did not act on it as quickly. Operation Ranch Hand
  • While E. coli carries its main genetic archive on conventional chromosomes, plasmids equip the microbe with small libraries of supplementary information.
  • Another area of possible use is in modifying microbes to produce valuable chemical starting materials or products for industry.
  • The midgut is the first major region of the body where blood and microbes ingested with the blood meal come in contact with the tick's internal tissues. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Examination of the sinters by scanning electron microscopy confirms that they are laminated and contain an abundant, low-diversity assemblage of filamentous, bacilliform, and coccoid microbes.
  • So for purely practical reasons, microbes were the best route for discovering new antibiotics.
  • First reported in 1993 (ref. 2), it is part of a family of compounds known as pyrrole-imidazole alkaloids, which may help to deter fish from snacking on the sponge or prevent microbes from taking up residence. Scientific American
  • Some animals have overcome this deficiency by consuming the faeces or cecal content containing the microbes using a strategy termed coprophagy or cecotrophy respectively.
  • When searching for a way to keep barnacles from sticking to ship hulls, Tony Brennan, co-founder of Sharklet Technologies, looked to sharkskin, which is known for its ability to resist microbes.
  • Every creature, whether a microbe or a seraph in the seventh heaven, had its mission.
  • Most microbes live in near-surface or shallow subsurface diagenetic settings where temperatures and pressures are relatively low and nutrients are abundant.
  • Microbes and insects that first evolved in the Devonian will descend in force, and soon the rose garden is a flowerless patch of thorns. Earth Day: War of the roses
  • These samples will then be analysed to discover the composition and activity of any microbes present.
  • Dendritic" (treelike) immune cells send branches into the respiratory and digestive tracts, where they sample all the microbes we inhale or swallow.
  • To make a growth promoter, find a beanstalk growing like mad, clip the leaves at the top of vine (where all the growth is happening) and make a brew of the resident microbes.
  • The astronauts talk about looking for fossil microbes, but their main adventure is a tedious flatulence gag.
  • The net results of laboratory investigation, according to the French doctors, is that the mycetozoic malarial bacillus, the microbe of paludism, is amoeboid in its movements, acting on the red corpuscles, leaving nothing of them but the dark pigment found in the skin and organs of malarial subjects. Travels in West Africa
  • Only in rare examples are there discontinuities in the silica groundmass around the microbes that may denote the outer limit of the silica that originally encrusted the microbe.
  • A few diatoms have minor amounts of precipitates on their surfaces whereas others are enwrapped by silicified filamentous microbes.
  • The probe is sensitive enough to detect the presence of a single microbe.
  • Likewise there may be freeze-dried microbes on Mars at the moment that came from Earth.
  • But the microbeads do not biodegrade so when flushed away, trillions end up in the marine food chain. The Sun
  • Industrially available microbes cannot metabolize a sugar called alginate, which makes up half of the sugar content in seaweed. NYT > Home Page
  • We brought them in, not quite so fast, as though some lurking megrim, some microbe of dissatisfaction with ourselves was at work within us. The Inn of Tranquillity: Studies and Essays
  • _______________________________________ Green Phoskko® Compost Activator (@ 250gr/Pack) is pre-eminent microbe consortium (bacterium of aktinomycetes, yeast, and mushroom aktinomycetes - species actinomyces naeslundii, Lactobacillus species delbrueckii, Bacillus - Articles related to Traditional plastics shelved in bio-product industry
  • Pasteur was convinced that microbes caused diseases in humans but his work on cholera had failed.
  • As the science journal Nature reported, "they help large globs of oil 'disperse' into smaller pieces -- hence their name -- which are easier for sea-living microbes to break down. Elaine Shannon: Why Are Dispersant Chemicals Secret?
  • In this sense, Pasteur believed that microbes could spread diseases among humans.
  • These animal microbes are often spoken of as "blood-flagellates" or hæmo-flagellata, and the larger kinds are called "Trypanosomes," or "screw-form parasites," or whilst More Science From an Easy Chair
  • It's like biology: an ecosystem where microbes are promiscuously swapping genes and traits, evolution speeds up.
  • Plymouth, his department acquired a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer, a device that passes a microbeam through a substance, then compares its infrared spectrum to a database of known material. Excerpt: The World Without Us by Alan Weisman
  • He warns that reindeer also carry microbes dangerous to humans, such as salmonella, campylobacter, E coli and yersinia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Photosynthetic microbes called cyanobacteria offer attractive advantages over the use of plants like corn or switchgrass, producing many - Articles related to Ottawa questions biofuel impact
  • In the late 1980s a research group in Britain discovered that a group of salt-tolerant microbes called halobacteria could become trapped within rock salt and survive for months at a time in their tiny, briny homes. The Case for Mars
  • His method stopped the contents spoiling by keeping air out and killing any microbes inside. The Sun
  • A virus is a parasite, which needs a host cell to live in, and a microbe is a bacterium, which is a living cell in its own right.
  • Microbes in the animals' stomachs help ferment grass and other foods into a digestible state, producing the offending gases.
  • Contact with protozoa, the tremendously varied group of more sophisticated single-celled microbes that includes amoeba and paramecium, has also been greatly reduced in the developed world by water and food treatment measures.
  • The heat deactivates plant enzymes and destroys harmful microbes, and the tight seal prevents recontamination by microbes in the environment. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The nanotech crowd promise atom-size robots or assemblers the size of microbes to clean the rug and polish our teeth. Globe and Mail
  • Planck's distance from today's world, filled with battling blogs, turbulent tweets and pugnacious press conferences, doesn't make his message matter any less, Brossard suggests, as we ponder the latest high-profile hullabaloo in science —NASA's arsenic microbe kerfuffle. Arsenic microbe answers a long way off
  • Given the fact that many Irish people are infrequent users of shower or bath, there are grounds for fearing that an unclean security area can become a breeding ground for nasty microbes.
  • Obviously, your goal as a microbe is to grow and survive. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Additional mucilage is secreted by rhizosphere microbes.
  • Quite the opposite: they are willingly accepted by a diverse range of microbes, from Proteus and Azotobacter to E. coli.
  • Many asylum seekers carry the microbe in a harmless latent form.
  • Microbes are microscopic organisms that can thrive in seemingly inhospitable environments and are sometimes referred to as extremophiles.
  • The T-cell system develops early in life and the only way it can develop is to be exposed to bacteria and other microbes.
  • Bordet's early studies showed that antimicrobic sera include two active substances, one existing before immunization, known as alexine, and the other a specific antibody created by vaccination: he developed a method of diagnosing microbes by sera. Jules Bordet - Biography
  • Multicellular organisms continually defend themselves against parasitization by potentially harmful microbes.
  • These are the finest ultrastructure details thus far found in microbes preserved by hydrothermal mineralization, and can be used as an aid to identify microfossils.
  • Keeping hydrated improves the body's ability to trap and neutralize those microbes before they can gain a foothold.
  • There, in a process called denitrification, microbes convert the nitrogen into nitrous oxide (also called laughing gas) and an inert gas called dinitrogen.
  • Microbes, invertebrate fruit consumers (especially insect larvae), and vertebrate dispersers can thus be viewed as competitors for access to a rich but transient nutritional substrate.
  • Photosynthetic microbes called cyanobacteria offer attractive advantages over the use of plants like corn or switchgrass, producing many times the energy yield with energy input from the sun and without the necessity of taking arable cropland out of production. Analysis
  • A microbe that uses left - handed DNA could exist unrecognised.
  • This month's issue of the always-excellent Smithsonian magazine has a long feature about the history and influence of the Dada art movement, described by artist Tristan Tzara as a "virgin microbe" that spread around the pre-World War I world leaving mind-blowing artifacts of absurdity in its wake. Boing Boing: May 14, 2006 - May 20, 2006 Archives
  • First, an injection of non-infectious genetic material from the disease-causing microbe primes the immune system to respond.
  • THE Government wants to ban microbeads from most beauty products as they are not biodegradable. The Sun
  • Microbes are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
  • Diverse mechanisms may be responsible for the development of resistance for Cr in microbes, including chromate efflux 85.
  • We call them bacteria and 'archaea', but they both look like microbes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The role of fermentative microbes is mainly in the partial breakdown of organic molecules that then serve as nutrients for the sulfate reducers and the methanogens.
  • The probe is sensitive enough to detect the presence of a single microbe.
  • A virus is a parasite, which needs a host cell to live in, and a microbe is a bacterium, which is a living cell in its own right.
  • The microbe occurs in many forms, or strains, that sicken other plants, including almond, peach, plum, and oleander.
  • The latest findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, bolster what is often known as the hygiene theory, which says that contact with bacteria and other microbes is necessary to building a normal immune system. Greater Germ Exposure Cuts Asthma Risk
  • Researchers have long been intrigued, and a bit unnerved, by a family of microbes known as spuma or "foamy" viruses. A Clue To Chronic Fatigue
  • Prolonged exposure, even to small amounts of genetically-engineered microbes in the air, could cause allergies in workers.
  • The biological agent is a microbe that survives only in the harsh conditions of the Atacama.
  • “He is known as a microbe in society, and he should be cut off and removed from the rest of Muslim society and should be killed,” Wasi told the court. Time To Take A Stand
  • I'm heavily involved in all aspects of the broader project, but my own interests really lie with rocks-the aquifer system that is flowing underneath North Pond, and what kind of intraterrestrial microbes might colonize rock, inhabiting the nooks and crannies of volcanic basalt and catalyzing reactions that result in "weathering" - like what you can see on old buildings, roads and rock outcrops on the continents. Scientific American
  • This broadens the definition, because many of the self-buoyant microbes and plankton are collected in flocs as well.
  • The PSGL - 1 microbeads were then blocked with a Tween - 20 solution as described above.
  • If this methane is produced by a biological source, there are a range of possible habitats for the microbes. The Sun
  • To rout this pest, scientists at the labs from coast to coast are making the sharpshooter and the Xylella microbe the focus of ambitious new studies.
  • McKay no longer argues as strenuously that the tiny microfossil is an important part of his case, because he is finding what he believes are much larger Martian microbes in other meteorites. First Contact
  • And while the Peruvian Pizza Hut slices I enjoyed (capitally,) that dining experience was enhanced by the fact that it was the first meal I ate that week that didn't have traces of Giardia microbes in it. I Should Not Have Come.....
  • When fields are fumigated, good and bad microbes alike may be wiped out.
  • Then it crudded over and the microbes went at it again. Ancient, Strange, and Lovely
  • The probe is sensitive enough to detect the presence of a single microbe.
  • Fig. 7C the dose distribution from one port of a microbeam array is shown compared with the dose distribution in the interlaced region at identical depths. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It's quite possible that the microbes may be more powerful than the microphages, in which case it's the microphage that gets shot before it can wield the baton.
  • For some microbes, initial encrustation involved the growth of small spheroids scattered irregularly along the length of the microbe.
  • Higher yields could be in store for pea crops as U.S. and Russian scientists cooperatively field-test an experimental inoculant and new strains of microbe-friendly peas.
  • In gravel and rocks taken from a volcanically heated ocean bed north of Iceland, German scientists have identified an unusual microbe that appears to have the fewest genes of any living organism so far studied.
  • In this paper, we design and set up a laser microbeam system, which consists of two main parts: laser source and microscope.
  • They’re also programming the bacteria to have a limited life span to ease any concerns about introducing genetically engineered microbes into the environment. Smithsonian Mag
  • Though all three microbes cause inflammation (itis) of the liver (hepar), they're genetically distinct and spread by different means. Hepatitis C: The Insidious Spread Of A Killer Virus
  • Snow's deduction that cholera was a waterborne disease that could be spread from person to person was remarkable in that it ran counter to this theory and predated the discovery of microbes by 30 years.
  • In this paper, we show that the opaline silica and amorphous sulphides are precipitating mainly on filamentous microbes and biofilms, which form templates for both the metal-rich sinter and the suspended flocs.
  • In the years 1881-1883 he carried out important investigations on the action of iodoform, stating that it does not kill microbes but may neutralize the poisons given off by them, thus being antitoxic. Emil von Behring - Biography
  • Moreover, at the present time, when there is so much talk about the inoculative treatment of pulmonary consumption by the cultivated virus of its special microbe, it is highly interesting to know that the helenin of Elecampane is said to be peculiarly destructive to the bacillus of tubercular disease. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • You could get the microbes from around a particularly robust tomato plant and spray that on next year's crop.
  • Environmental groups said that the microbeads in the exempted products were just as damaging to marine life and should also be banned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five years ago, the citizens of Milwaukee found themselves with 400,000 people sick, dozens of people dead because a microbe called cryptosporidium had contaminated their water supply. Remarks By President At Safe Drinking Water Event
  • I recommend the latter, since your mouse cursor is used to guide your microbe. Archive 2008-09-01
  • When viruses or microbes invade into Limulus king crab's blue blood will make a different response.
  • On the other hand, a relatively high percentage of infections during storage at 4°C supported the idea that endophytic microbes in Scots pine buds are a potential cause of the defence reactions.
  • A sampling of the entire DNA of microbes (known as metagenomics) revealed some 332,000 gene sequences, or about 100 times more than was found in previous studies of skin bacteria. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Bacteria and archaea often clone themselves, trade genes, and in some cases the microbes even merge together into a giant mass of DNA that then gives rise to spores.
  • One such antibiotic came from a rod-shaped microbe called Actinomyces. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • [Footnote: The term microbe is simply a word which has been coined to include all of the microscopic plants commonly included under the terms bacteria and yeasts.] has developed with a marvellous rapidity. The Story of Germ Life
  • In this paper, we show that the opaline silica and amorphous sulphides are precipitating mainly on filamentous microbes and biofilms, which form templates for both the metal-rich sinter and the suspended flocs.
  • One reason is that some microbes - in particular, a bacterium called shigella - appear to form a sticky ‘biofilm,’ like dental plaque, that is difficult to remove.
  • So every time we grab a glass of juice or type out an email, we leave our fingerprints, and a shmear of our own resident microbes.
  • The article summarize that Angiogenin of classification, physiologic function and gene structural excessively expresses in microbe and applies in physic field.
  • These microbes, like many others, continuously mineralize organic substances, and thus exhibit themselves as the indispensable agents of the movement of the matter that incessantly circulates from the mineral to the organic world, and _vice versa_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 446, July 19, 1884
  • The microbes belong to a group called segmented filamentous bacteria. The Age News Headlines
  • Scientists today announced what they called otherworldly discoveries of strange communities of extreme microbes in hostile environments at the bottom of the sea.
  • Ironically, the best counteragents against microbes are often other microbes that produce very potent antibiotics.
  • There can be no question that he saw them, for we can recognize in his descriptions of these various forms of little ` ` animals '' the four principal forms of microbes -- the long and short rods of bacilli and bacteria, the spheres of micrococci, and the corkscrew spirillum. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume II: The Beginnings of Modern Science
  • Visit the Microbe Zoo for pictures and information about spirochetes and other bacteria which live in the cow rumen.
  • The microbe, now called Rous sarcoma virus, was the first oncovirus, or cancer-causing virus, ever found. NYT > Home Page
  • Microbes decompose organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.
  • So every time we grab a glass of juice or type out an email, we leave our fingerprints, and a shmear of our own resident microbes.
  • For instance, plants host multiple symbiotic microbes, including mycorrhizal fungi, endophytic fungi and bacteria that may affect the performance of herbivores through symbiont-produced toxins which accumulate in herbivore tissue and thereby directly harm predators following ingestion of the prey. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A few scientists support the idea of panspermia ( "all seed"), according to which life exist all over the universe, or the more moderate concept of exogenesis ( "outside origin") where life on Earth originated elsewhere, maybe in the form of extraterrestrial microbes brought here with meteorites. The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
  • He has found overwhelming evidence of a vast frozen ocean beneath the dust near the Martian equator where simple life could have thrived as microbes. The Sun
  • In a subsequent experiment, the researchers found that introducing a single species of microbe, known as segmented filamentous bacteria, rapidly accelerated the onset of arthritis, which the addition of other bacteria species did not. When Older Drivers Excel
  • From the beasts of prey and the cannibal humans down to the death-dealing microbes, no quarter is given; and daily, wider and wider areas of hostile territory, whether of a warring desert-tribe in Africa or a pestilential fever-hole like Panama, are made peaceable and habitable for mankind. THE HUMAN DRIFT
  • Unlike UV or other disinfection techniques [such as chlorination] they can also kill some of the toughest microbes such as spores," he said. SciDev.Net
  • Scientists think there is an outside chance of microbes similar to those which exist in very harsh conditions on Earth surviving on Mars.
  • The probe is sensitive enough to detect the presence of a single microbe.
  • Inhibition of growth, and effects on nutrient uptake on Arctic graminoids by leaf extracts – allelopathy or resource competition between plants and microbes? General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
  • It becomes "bactericidal," produces a bactericidal poison (called an alexin) which is usually present in normal blood, but is greatly increased when large numbers of certain poisonous microbes (_e. g._ those of typhoid fever) get into the blood. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • Now that we know that this microbe is sensitive, you have a generic drug called doxycycline, as well as generic penicillin that is quite effective against this. CNN Transcript Oct 28, 2001
  • The microbes convert the hydrogen sulfide into odorless hydrogen sulfate, which is carried away by water trickling over the foam.
  • Both microbes, however, are known to afflict dairy cows, sheep and goats with a serious bacterial infection called mastitis, an inflammation of the udder, which costs the global dairy industry billions in lost revenue every year. Innovations-report
  • Microbes decompose organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.
  • When pathogenic microbes were discovered in the 1870s, Metchnikoff soon applied to the phagocyte the new role of defending the organism against invaders. The Impulse of Breathing
  • A well-known practical application of this observation is the use of microbe-derived adjuvants to increase antibody responses.
  • Most of the silicified microbes, however, lack the key features that would allow accurate comparisons with extant taxa.
  • Microbes decompose organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.
  • The bacterium, Bacteroides plebeius, lives in the human gut, along with trillions of other microbes.

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