How To Use Micro-organism In A Sentence

  • Emphasizing elimination through the overuse of purgatives in an already deficient individual can further deplete the body's store of minerals and essential B vitamins as well as imbalance beneficial intestinal micro-organisms.
  • The immune system has evolved to defend the individual against a diverse array of micro-organisms.
  • The action of the micro-organisms will reduce the nitrogen, carbon and phosphate levels of the dam.
  • When the body comes into contact with many of the common infectious micro-organisms, the immune system mounts a variety of defences to attack the invader and bring about a cure.
  • The Doc's patented micro-organisms were beavering away inside, keeping her at the peak of perfection.
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  • These bacteria form a living mat of intertwined filaments at the surface of the stromatolite, which also harbours numerous other types of micro-organisms.
  • The solution also creates a strong osmotic pressure on the cell walls of bacteria and other micro-organisms, which prevents them from passing substances in or out.
  • Infectious micro-organisms may therefore pose real dangers, especially as our immunity to vanished or rare diseases has certainly declined.
  • But micro-organisms and ‘foreign’ bodies are secretly attacking your immune system.
  • There the problem can be the micro-organisms carried from the desert - colds and sore throats can be common after a calima. The Guardian World News
  • The production of sulphurated hydrogen and indole, together with the possible mobility of the aerobic micro-organisms in question, were inferred using the SIM medium.
  • And the truth is that micro-organisms can't be obliterated - they were here first and they will surely outlive us.
  • If silage effluent enters a stream or river, it leads to a rapid increase in bacteria and other micro-organisms who use up the available oxygen.
  • Fortunately, micro-organisms, including bacteria, have provided a source of antibiotics with which to combat these diseases.
  • Micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi and nematodes are often used as biocontrol agents against insects.
  • Other allelochemicals have been found to be mineralized by micro-organisms under similar conditions.
  • This pyorrhoea alveolaris, as it is called, constitutes a very great danger to the patient's health, the purulent discharge teems with poisonous micro-organisms, which being constantly swallowed are apt to give rise to septic disease in various organs. Youth and Sex
  • The immune system has evolved to defend the individual against a diverse array of micro-organisms.
  • The immune system has evolved to defend the individual against a diverse array of micro-organisms.
  • Tests have shown them to restrict growth and cause mutations in micro-organisms.
  • These are the cells that directly attack and kill micro-organisms.
  • The study tested for micro-organisms in the devices used to wash out patients' mouths and remove debris after their teeth have been drilled or cleaned.
  • These novel thiazines have an excellent capacity for protecting technical materials from being infected by micro-organisms.
  • As I have mentioned before – it took 20 million years to capture and fossilise the forests and micro-organisms of the Carboniferous Period - giving us our coal and oil. Leaders TV Debate – Law & Order Summary SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Dubos started from the assumption that all organic matter added to the soil eventually undergoes decomposition through the agency of micro-organisms.
  • The first-order rate equation can be used under conditions where micro-organisms become acclimatized to the chemical and can actively use it.
  • Many cases of food poisoning are caused by micro-organisms, including bacteria, viruses and moulds.
  • Volunteer groups, meanwhile, are handing out thousands of so-called decontamination balls made from sand, rice husks and various micro-organisms they say kill germs in small areas of water. Thai Flooding Causes Threat of Disease
  • Antibiotics are among the most valuable molecules in medicine today because of their ability to destroy micro-organisms like bacteria.
  • It seemed almost impossible to many people that such tiny things as micro-organisms could have been fossilised at all.
  • In some cases the disease may be as a result of a micro-organism infecting the child from the parent.
  • It is well known that these mechanisms can be activated by either non-pathogenic micro-organisms or environmental factors prior to disease development.
  • Pasteurization does not kill all micro-organisms, so the milk has a short shelf life.
  • Parasites and a whole sweep of other diseases causing micro-organisms also abound.
  • Brain abscess is a serious disorder that occurs when micro-organisms such as bacteria or fungi get into the brain, causing inflammation.
  • These bacteria form a living mat of intertwined filaments at the surface of the stromatolite, which also harbours numerous other types of micro-organisms.
  • At the same time bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing micro-organisms are also becoming more active.
  • Dubos started from the assumption that all organic matter added to the soil eventually undergoes decomposition through the agency of micro-organisms.
  • Among the micro-organisms known as plankton, the bodies of globigerinae, planorbis, vortex, terebra, turitellae and trochida are all constructed on spirals.
  • Many micro-organisms, whether cocci, bacilli, or of other shapes, are harmless, hence they are called non-pathogenic, to distinguish them from the disease-producing or pathogenic germs. Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891
  • In the histolysis of the two-winged flies, wandering amoeboid cells -- like the white corpuscles or leucocytes of vertebrate blood -- have been observed destroying the larval tissues that need to be broken down, as they destroy invading micro-organisms in the body. The Life-Story of Insects
  • Xylitol is a natural sweetener that is considered "tooth friendly" by dental professionals, as it can actually "starve" the negative micro-organisms that damage teeth, allowing the teeth to re-mineralize faster. Thomas P. Connelly, D.D.S.: Mouth Health: Is Chewing Gum, Good Or Bad ?
  • Project Goal: Genetically engineer micro-organisms to use electricity instead of sunlight to make a high-octane gasoline substitute.
  • As I have mentioned before – it took 20 million years to capture and fossilise the forests and micro-organisms of the Carboniferous Period - giving us our coal and oil. Leaders TV Debate – Law & Order Summary SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The immune system has evolved to defend the individual against a diverse array of micro-organisms.
  • For very simple organisms, such as micro-organisms, the behavioral mode is not as important as the genetic mode.
  • Faludi used a biomedical analogy -- the concept the ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny --- that the stages of development of a fetus recapitulate the evolutional stages from single celled micro-organism to fish to amphibian to reptile to hairy mammal. Printing: Hillary Clinton-- Victim of the War on the Feminine, Just like the 9/11 Victims
  • The banishing of heterogenesis from microbiology and the resultant recognition that micro-organisms, like all the more visible forms of life, are reproduced only by their own kind, made possible the establishment of bacteri - ology as a precise science and its revolutionary appli - cations in immunology and in the treatment of infec - tious diseases. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION
  • A layer of polymers could prevent the damaging micro-organisms from getting a foothold.
  • Everyone knew that they came first - the micro-organisms, the protozoa, the bacteria. AMAGANSETT
  • This is because micro-organisms cannot survive the dry, oxygen-deprived conditions normally found in landfills.
  • Scientists have traveled to the most extreme environments on earth – from deep-sea vents to Siberian volcanoes – to bio-prospect for "extremophile" micro-organisms that can digest wood and plant wastes to be fermented into fuel. Climate Change Opportunity
  • Micro-organisms are used in a variety of applications, like breaking down oil spill contaminants and sewage, or perhaps more appetizingly, providing an array of food products and additives.
  • The same approach for 'awakening' new antibiotic production pathways could also be used to tap other micro-organisms, such as filamentous fungi, for sources of biologically active compounds. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Müntz, on ammonia in air, 118; on nitrifying organisms in soil, 180; on oxidising power of micro-organisms, 197. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • A hazy or cloudy wine can indicate the growth of micro-organisms or bacteria, or the presence of proteins from improper stabilization.
  • The resultant compost is a fantastic soil improver, and it usually comes with a healthy population of beasties and micro-organisms which will contribute to your soil's health once incorporated into it.
  • It has long been known that the rare transition element molybdenum is an essential micronutrient for plants, animals and micro-organisms.
  • STCD-Dry Plus: Is a Natural Biological Septic Tank, Cesspool and Grease Trap Cleaner Digester and Deodorizer, using a safe and effective beneficial micro-organism enzyme catalyst blend.
  • Some micro-organisms began to manufacture their own nourishment and at the same time provide a food-chain base for all other emerging creatures.
  • For sure, they contain antibodies or a form of a micro-organism that won't cause an infection, but will cause our bodies to make antibodies.
  • Knight had already indicated a correlation of the need of micro-organisms for "growth-factors" with failure of synthesis, and correlated this failure with evolution, particularly in relation to the complex environment of "fastidious" pathogenic micro-organisms. Edward Tatum - Nobel Lecture
  • It was this symbiosis between large herbivores and micro-organisms that sustained biological decay as well as adequate disturbance on a periodic basis.
  • Micro-organisms can also degrade a range of toxic xenobiotic compounds (synthetic chemicals, which do not occur naturally) such as herbicides and pesticides.
  • It is a mixture of biological detective story and meet the micro-organism ancestors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sulphurous acid breaks down partially into hydrogen ions and bisulphite ions, a form having little effect on micro-organisms such as bacteria and wild yeasts.
  • It was known that animal micro-organisms, unlike vegetable micro-organisms, after a cycle of life in which reproduction takes place by scission -- that is, by subdivision of a single body into several other bodies equal to the first, give place to _sexual forms_, masculine and feminine, which are separate, and incapable of scission, but are designed for _fusion into one another_, after which the organism recommences its cycle of scissions until it again reaches the sexual forms. Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • Instead, they all derive from natural living sources, invariably micro-organisms themselves.
  • The first-order rate equation can be used under conditions where micro-organisms become acclimatized to the chemical and can actively use it.
  • At worst the disinfectant is prematurely exhausted, an effect known as organic overload, allowing large numbers of micro-organisms to survive.
  • Unlike Gruyère, Emmental has a dry rind free from micro-organisms.
  • Studies of their microbial descendants, known as cyanobacteria, suggest that these peculiar rocks slowly formed when mats of micro-organisms trapped sediments and precipitated carbonates. SuperCooperators
  • Studies of their microbial descendants, known as cyanobacteria, suggest that these peculiar rocks slowly formed when mats of micro-organisms trapped sediments and precipitated carbonates. SuperCooperators
  • Contamination of the ventilation ducts by micro-organisms was blamed.
  • Raw meat putrefies because it is an ideal food for micro-organisms.
  • A large number of micro-organisms cause ARD with viruses outnumbering bacteria.
  • Dubos started from the assumption that all organic matter added to the soil eventually undergoes decomposition through the agency of micro-organisms.
  • Organic debris may preclude contact of the disinfectant with micro-organisms or even inactivate some agents.
  • Copper can favor the preservation of organic remains, perhaps by preventing the activity of destructive micro-organisms.
  • Such a difference is sufficient to classify the micro-organism in an entirely novel genus.
  • These are the cells that directly attack and kill micro-organisms.
  • Such aggregations not only promote transmission of micro-organisms but through repeated exposure allow large doses of these.
  • Over 200 species of micro-organisms, fish, crustaceans, polychaetes, echinoderms, coelenterates, and molluscs have been identified in the vent areas.
  • The list of micro-organisms found associated with garget is a very long one.
  • But you underestimate the whole micro-organism deal. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are the cells that directly attack and kill micro-organisms.
  • A hazy or cloudy wine can indicate the growth of micro-organisms or bacteria.
  • GAS is a micro-organism that belongs to the same family of bacteria that causes MRSA.
  • This phenomenon indicates that, when organic nitrogen is applied in large quantities, part of the nitrogen is denitrified by the activity of micro-organisms. Chapter 18
  • These micro-organisms are found in just a few pieces of amber among the thousands that have been studied, but show a remarkable diversity: unicellular algae, mainly diatoms found in large numbers, traces of animal plankton, such as radiolaria and a foraminifer, spiny skeletons of sponges and of echinoderms. Signs of the Times
  • Everyone knew that they came first - the micro-organisms, the protozoa, the bacteria. AMAGANSETT
  • A critical mass of research reveals that genetically engineered crops, now covering almost 40% of U.S. cropland (173 million acres of GM crops) and 10% of global farm acreage (321 million acres), pollute the environment, kill essential soil micro-organisms, generate superweeds and pests, decrease biodiversity, aid and abet seed monopolization, encourage massive use of toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizer, spew out massive amounts of climate-destabilizing greenhouse gases, and seriously damage animal and human health. Ronnie Cummins: Industrial Agriculture and Human Survival: The Road Beyond 10/10/10

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