How To Use Michaelmas In A Sentence
If anyone elected bailiff has in his tavern, on the day of the election, a tun or two pipes of wine, he may be allowed to sell them at a profit after Michaelmas.
Thus there are certain plants, by no means without ornamental value - moon and ox-eye daisies, anchusas, Japanese anemones, even Michaelmas daisies - which are apt to become a nuisance.
A department-wide graduate seminar is held during each Michaelmas and Hilary Term for the benefit of research students.
The conversation became general, and turned to the Michaelmas Fair at the end of the week.
Last Michaelmas we were looking at a copy in our own library.
Early October has brought a fresh crop of flowers to the garden this year and the beds are filled with autumnal plants such as Rudbeckias, Michaelmas daisies, late roses, clematis and cyclamen.
The election of a successor to Kendricke on Michaelmas-day in the person of Simon Edmonds was made the occasion of fixing the amount of profits the new mayor was to enjoy from the various offices of package, scavage, metage and others. (
London and the Kingdom - Volume II
What a weary job it is, " he would say, "what a terrible burden, year after year, driving that goat out into the fields every day till Michaelmas!
Sure to make you howl with laughter and cringe with embarrassment, this is a definitive highlight of the Michaelmas theatre season.
Students believe that the College is hoping to improve academic performance during Michaelmas term.
Annuals and biennials like sunflowers, cornflowers, wallflowers, forget me not and perennials like Michaelmas daisies are also good for the bird-feeding garden.
The election of a successor to Kendricke on Michaelmas-day in the person of Simon Edmonds was made the occasion of fixing the amount of profits the new mayor was to enjoy from the various offices of package, scavage, metage and others. (
London and the Kingdom - Volume II
Flat topped flowerheads like achillea and open daisy-like flowers such as Michaelmas daisies are particularly attractive to insects and butterflies as they are very visible and accessible.
John Upton the Annuity of Forty Shillings out of my said Farme during his life (if till then my Servant) to be paid on Michaelmas day in Lindley each year or else after fourteen days to distrain
Anatomy of Melancholy
In our garden Michaelmas daisies and sedum are at their best while annuals such as pot marigolds and nasturtium come a close second.
Michaelmas term lately over, and the Lord Chancellor sitting in Lincoln's Inn Hall.
Bill Lucey: Remembering Our Mutual Friend, Charles Dickens, on his 200th Birthday
The corporation parks department created displays of autumn flowers, including chrysanthemums, Michaelmas daisies, geraniums, salvias and primuli.
On her arrival in London the country wench of Michaelmas Term is immediately given the advice by her pander that ‘Virginity is no city trade’.
The typical obedientiary rendered his final account at Michaelmas (29 September) each year, and nearly 2,000 such accounts survive, but other documents were also produced throughout the year.
Annuals and biennials like sunflowers, cornflowers, wallflowers, forget me not and perennials like Michaelmas daisies are also good for the bird-feeding garden.
Michaelmas, and the New Year, and there hold a kind of discursive symposium on such themes as then and there present themselves.
Platform Monologues
When you happen to see either Monsieur or Madame Perny, I beg you will give them this melancholic proof of my caducity, and tell them that the last time I went to see the boys, I carried the Michaelmas quarterage in my pocket; and when I was there I totally forgot it; but assure them, that
Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
'Thank goodness I'll never have to go through [that] again', he wrote of his time at Marlborough, before entering Magdalen College as a commoner in Michaelmas term 1925.
The storms they had read about in Florence had battered the autumn crocuses and Michaelmas daisies.
The long recess between the Trinity and Michaelmas terms empties the colleges of Oxford, as well as the courts of Westminster.
Memoirs of My Life and Writings
Lent and Michaelmas or if he be not paid within fourteen Days after the said Feasts to distrain on any part of the Ground or on any of my Lands of Inheritance Item I give to my Sister Katherine Jackson during her life eight pounds per Ann. Annuity to be paid at the two
Anatomy of Melancholy
Michaelmas had come, with its fragrant basketfuls of purple damsons, and its paler purple daisies’.
There Rivaux, who had yielded up before Michaelmas most of his shrievalties, was made treasurer, with Passelewe as his deputy.
The History of England From the Accession of Henry III. to the Death of Edward III. (1216-1377)
Get through that London, Michaelmas Term lately over, and the Lord's Chancellor sitting in the mud on the streets with a megalosaurus creeping up on him or something and see how far I get with this year's Dickens of a Read.
Let Christmas begin.
In the past week, the fall in temperature has turned the leaves and stems of the dogwood a glorious crimson, making it a marvellous foil for mauve Michaelmas daisies.
Richard Walerond is to make two suits yearly, one at 'La Hockeday,' [10] and one at Michaelmas amercement, to consist of one sextary of wine of the value of sixpence and not more.
Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
The parks department created displays of autumn flowers, including chrysanthemums, Michaelmas daisies, and geraniums.
D'ye see him, Wullie? the great coof has ma coat -- me black coat, new last Michaelmas, and it rainin '' nough to melt it.
Bob, Son of Battle
At Michaelmas he must pay ten pence tax, and at Martinmas twenty-three sesters of barley and two hens; at Easter one young sheep or twopence.
If this trend continues, Christmas may go the way of Candlemas, Childermas, and Michaelmas for many Christian groups.
Important September blooming flowers are phlox, Japanese anemones; perennial asters, or Michaelmas daisy, so-called because they are supposed to be at their best on Michaelmas Day, September 29th; helleniums, helianthus, hardy chrysanthemum, pyrethrum uliginosum, boltonia.
Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916 Embracing the Transactions of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society,Volume 44, from December 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916, Including the Twelve Numbers of "The Minnesota Horticulturist" for 1916
Anthemis, Michaelmas daisies, heleniums, shasta daisies and rudbeckias all have a longer and more showy flowering period if rejuvenated from year to year.
Mr. Chairman and prize goose, -- The feelings which now agitate my sensorium on this Michaelmasian occasion stimulate the vibratetiuncles of the heartiean hypothesis, so as to paralyse the oracular and articulative apparatus of my loquacious confirmation, overwhelming my soul-fraught imagination, as the boiling streams of liquid lava, buried in one vast cinereous mausoleum -- the palace-crowded city of the engulphed Pompeii.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, October 2, 1841
They played rugger in Michaelmas Term, hockey in Lent Term, cricket in Summer Term.
Now young Sir Rowland Nasmyth (him who was father to that Sir Rowland who wedded your sister the Lady Anne last Michaelmas, ye mind, dears), he would be often over for a day, or maybe several days, at the castle; and all four would ride a-hawking, or ramble together, two by two, through the park; or Lord Ernle and Sir Rowland would play at rackets, and i 'fecks 'twas a sight to see 'em at it!
A Brother To Dragons and Other Old-time Tales