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How To Use Miaul In A Sentence

  • The cat miauled again, this time very anxiously indeed. The Lost Prince
  • Pis voila on s'met a causer: J'lui dit que depuis que je suis tout pitit je reve de moi avec des oreilles de chat et une queue de chat, que mon copain m'appelle 'baka neko' (con de chat en japonais), ma mere "petit chat", mon pere "pinku" (j'lui explique qu'un Pinku est un etre moitié humain moitié chat), et que j'ai un tic de langage depuis l'enfance, a savoir que je miaule. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • It clawed and miauled at the lattice-work of lath, and its caterwauling became like the cry of a child, so like that it woke Annie from her sleep, and still kept on. Annie Kilburn : a Novel
  • Because she knew Marco was in the cellar, she felt she had a friend who would assist her, and she miauled appealingly.
  • La prochaine Lemanic Bloggers Night (la nuit de beuverie pour les bloggers pas trop loin du Lac Léman, pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas) à lieu (roulement de tambours, charge de cavalerie, chien qui miaule): VENDREDI 12… Lemanic Bloggers Night: 12.03.04 20h00 — Climb to the Stars
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  • La femelle du tigre, exhalant l'odeur du carnage, fait retentir les solitudes de l'Afrique de ses miaulements affreux, et paraît remplie d'attraits à ses cruels amants. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Then the scorpion changed to a vulture and the serpent became an eagle, which set upon the vulture and hunted him for an hour's time, till he became a black tomcat, which miauled and grinned and spat. Tehran Winter
  • Because she knew Marco was in the cellar, she felt she had a friend who would assist her, and she miauled appealingly. The Lost Prince
  • Even a child knows the difference of a cat's miauling and purring.
  • Then the scorpion changed to a vulture and the serpent became an eagle which set upon the vulture, and hunted him for an hour's time, till he became a black tom cat, which miauled and grinned and spat. Arabian nights. English
  • But soon we drew out of the hot sunshine into the old orchard with its paltry display of deformed, green, runt apples, and its magnificent columns and canopies of poison ivy -- that most beautiful and least amiable of our indigenous plants; and then we got among scale-bark hickories, and there was one that had been fluted from top to bottom by a stroke of lightning; and here the little red squirrels were most unusually abundant and indignant; and there was a catbird that miauled exactly like a cat; and there was a spring among the roots of one great tree, and a broken teacup half buried in the sand at the bottom. The Spread Eagle and Other Stories
  • One hundred and twenty-five Black Cats had seemed to fill the Wise Woman's hut full, and when they all spit and miauled together it was dreadful. The Children's Book of Christmas Stories
  • One hundred and twenty-five Black Cats had seemed to fill the Wise Woman's hut full, and when they all spit and miauled together it was dreadful.
  • Black preferred hunting at nightfall; but if, during the day, when crouching at his gate-post stropping his claws, he observed Tiny walking about miauling and crying, he knew at once he must get away as early as possible: it would rain that night.
  • Some of those shells screeched and some miauled like huge cats hurtling through the air to spring on their prey. Fanny Goes to War
  • He had often looked with wonder at the rock, and miauled bitterly and resentfully as man does in the face of a forbidding Providence. Cat.
  • Yes it sounds so good but if it miauls loudly and continuously, then the same sound goes irritating.

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