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  1. religious texts from Deuteronomy inscribed on parchment and rolled up in a case that is attached to the doorframe of many Jewish households in accordance with Jewish law

How To Use mezuza In A Sentence

  • Shema is contained in the mezuzah we affix to the doorpost of our home, and in the tefillin that we bind to our arm and head.
  • We all filed out of the room, kissing the mezuzah on the doorpost as we left.
  • She wonders whether she should remove the mezuzah from her front door.
  • As we enter the house with the mezuzah on one side and the Chanukah menorah on the other, there is no mistaking the Jewish focus of the home.
  • And this says that, if you qualify otherwise, you can't be discriminated against in applying for a grant to do social service work if you have a cross on the wall or a mezuza on the door of if you praise God in your mission statement. CNN Transcript Feb 7, 2002
  • Seeing the zizith, the mezuzah and the succah are iconic representations, or visual stimuli.
  • Fixed to the outside of the door was a little round metal container which was, she knew, a mezuzah. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • It's a place of risk, where demons lurk; it's where one hangs the mezuzah.
  • If there is a God who can see inside mezuzahs, a God who burns people's houses for two smudged letters, then He must know that secret, too.
  • I was to feel awe for the bit of parchment in the _mezuza_ over the door; to dread lest a bit of butter should touch a bit of meat; to think it beautiful that men should bind the _tephillin_ on them, and women not, -- to adore the wisdom of such laws, however silly they might seem to me. Daniel Deronda
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