How To Use Mexican In A Sentence
By then, the town had been well-fortified and withstood a siege of nine weeks before the Mexicans were forced to surrender from starvation.
Cinco de Mayo: What is everybody celebrating?
When the Mexican chair of the meeting declared the talks formally closed there were whoops of delight from the African delegates.
Fox relied heavily on the strength of his personal image as a caudillo, which is by no means a new phenomenon in Mexican politics.
They wanted me to bring my US passport, and Mexican Visa, but instead of two black and white infantil size photos, they wanted color photos here in Morelos and they only wanted a color copy of the pages in my passport and FM3 visa showing my photo and the page of the FM3 visa that I had then showing the prorrogas (renewals) to verify who I am and that I live here legally.
Page 2
A study by the OECD and Mexico's Federal Competition Commission (CFC) found that 31% of Mexican household spending went on products supplied in monopolistic or highly oligopolistic markets.
At night it is gaudy with Japanese lanterns and Mexican music.
Even though these involved rich Mexicans, it can happen at any time to extranjeros flaunting their wealth in a povert stricken town in a 3rd world country.
San Miguel crime spree?
By the way, my husband's theory is that Mexicans put chile on everything because their tastebuds are ruined from so many years of such "picante" food that nothing tastes like anything to them without chile.
Something I just can't get used to
Report provides a chronological account of Mexican military involvement in disbanding student protests in Mexico City during the week of July 29.
Tlatelolco massacre - the secret archives
Or I’d order a cup of roasted corn topped with sour cream and salsa at a stand outside of Fiesta followed by a tamale from a Mexican butcher and a cheeseburger from Whataburger.
Home sweet (and savory) home! | Homesick Texan
Then to take that used (2002 model) ca on a trailer to (let's say Brownsville, TX) unload it and meet my wife at the Mexican border office in Matamoros and both of us put our names on it after paying the duty so that we could both drive that car with Mexican plates in Mexico.
Need Advice on Retiring to Mexico & Getting Married to a Mexican National
There were brighter pictures, of early Mexican-Californian life, a pastel of twilight eucalyptus with a sunset-tipped mountain beyond, by Reimers, a moonlight by Peters, and a Griffin stubble-field across which gleamed and smoldered California summer hills of tawny brown and purple-misted, wooded canyons.
Think Progress Appearing on Imus In the Morning to promote his new book, State of Emergency, Pat Buchanan asserted that the Mexican government has a “direct program” to reannex “the seven states of the American Southwest.”
Think Progress » Buchanan: Mexico Conspiring To ‘Re-Annex’ Seven Southwest States
I never used to like olives until after ST was born -- for some reason, now they really appeal to me and I'm always adding extra in dishes like Chicken/Turkey Tetrazzini or in Mexican dishes.
Organization Station
Some positive news surfaced yesterday: Mexican scientists said the contagiousness of the swine flu is no greater than that of the seasonal flu that circulates every year.
It's heartening to know that not all Mexicans are in thrall to the mighty Christmas tree and still put up nacimientos in their homes!
OK! Now that I know . . . . . .
With Julio Cesar Chavez Jr, he has created his own pay-per-view series, the profitable 'Latin Fury', which he stocks with his vast array of Mexican and Puerto Rican standouts.
At the May state dinner for Mexican President Felipe Calderón, prickly pear cactus showed up in vermeil wine coolers, and Dowling also tucked a few among the in the centerpieces of fuchsia roses and Cattleya orchids.
White House florist shows Obamas' relaxed style
And there is in Egypt another form of pyramid called the mastaba, which, like the Mexican, was flattened on the top; while in Assyria structures flattened like the Mexican are found.
Atlantis : the antediluvian world
More homegrown products to enjoy include the legendary heroes of Lucha Libre: those uniquely Mexican wrestling creations who shifted their considerable weight from the lucha ring to the silver screen, and the accompanying lobby cards for their unabashedly shlocky movies are quite often classics.
The lurid artistry of the Mexican lobby card
No consideration was given to the fact that most Apache hostilities were self-defense or retaliation, and that they'd first been raided by the New Mexicans.
Foreigners planning to marry Mexicans must first obtain permission from the Secretaria de Gobernación Office of Migración, providing the same documentation as well as a fee of $1723 pesos (about $191 USD).
It Takes More Than "I Do" To Marry In Mexico
The shaken man described one of the attackers as thin, in his early 20s, with long thin face and a Mexican-style moustache and sallow complexion.
The Mexican girl leans back, assimilating this new information.
The only goal in that game came in the 85th minute when Edgardo Codesal, the Mexican referee, awarded a penalty when Völler went down in the area; Andreas Brehme, who later said there was no foul, scored from the spot to win the tournament.
The World's Greatest Whiners
First dubbed the Mexican Riviera by the American cruise industry, today this magnificent shoreline is the fourth most popular cruise destination in the world with approximately 300 cruises annually.
Retirement on the Mexican Riviera
Massachusetts, which they called Vineland, and how the Mexican empire had some knowledge of Accadian astronomy, people are beginning to discover that Columbus himself was after all an egregious humbug.
Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
This emphasis upon a shared European cultural and biological heritage allowed Anglos to claim the social privileges of whiteness for their Mexican spouses.
The Zetas were founded by Mexican special forces soldiers who deserted and went to work for the Gulf Cartel as enforcers.
Former Mexican President Vincente Fox called bush the cockiest guy he ever met.
Vicente Fox: "Cowboy" Bush Is Scared Of Horses
Poaching continues, however, partly because many Mexican men believe sea turtle eggs, eaten raw with a pinch of lime and salt, are aphrodisiacs.
He predicted Jones would “discountenance the movement under the impression that the United States will have the right, and will be bound to remove the Mexican military from east of the Rio Grande after annexation.”
A Country of Vast Designs
Skyrocketing oil prices made Mexican reserves vastly more valuable than before and provided collateral for international loans worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
The mentality of Mexican exporters is becoming more competitive, and cost-effectiveness in transportation is a must.
Supply Chain Reaction
About half of the area is on ejidos, communal lands managed collectively by community groups formed after the Mexican Revolution.
Most airlines in the US will gouge you for taking your bicycle on board, but the Mexican airlines usually let it pass as just another piece of luggage.
The name "Lesley Ryder" doesn't scream "Puerto Rican/Mexican," but I assure you, I am very Hispanic.
Lesley Ryder: After Hamilton, Chasing a Dream
In the eyes of this mall's planners, a typical Mexican family consists of: a man dressed in full charro gear (hat, tight trousers, matching bolero jacket and a huge belt buckle;) a woman in a maid-style apron (check out her mandil) who is probably someone's maid, and a preppy kid in shorts and cardigan who probably goes to school in the "right side" of the border and wants nothing to do with the other two.
Mi blog es tu blog
Also, in my opinion, the use of that word, begining with SP and ending in a sound similar to the name of the masked mexican bandit, should be a finable offence.
50 Euro Fine for Torsonudismo
The last person in the world that you want to be your bartender is the gussied-up Mexican guy standing at the back table of the party with all his friends.
Sangrita and sangria
danza," which is kin to Mexican airs and to the Cuban "guaracha" and may be compared to a flowing brook, now gliding along serenely, now rushing in cascades.
Santo Domingo A Country with a Future
Maria speaks Spanish with a Mexican accent.
As the night draws to a close and the remaining few are left in the town's pubs, landlords and landladies call time at 11 before you stagger into the Indian-Chinese-Italian-Mexican-or Kebab shop takeaway and you're in the midnight hour.
What are these modern upper-class Mexicans seeking, I thought (along with spiritual connection, of course), in embracing these indigenous traditions (which are not theirs) but "flow": some activity that engrosses them, makes life meaningful, and asks them to be "attentive" -- as apparently nothing else had fit the bill?
Karin Luisa: Taking Peyote in a Navajo Tipi Ceremony
The marching an army into the midst of a peaceful Mexican settlement, frightening the inhabitants away, leaving their growing crops and other property to destruction, to you may appear a perfectly amiable, peaceful, unprovoking procedure; but it does not appear so to us.
A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln
Some still share that view, but whatever the tone of bilateral relations, all would agree that Mexican politics cannot be understood in isolation from the United States.
What to Read on Mexican Politics
“En cumplimiento a las disposiciones electorales Mexicanas, este canal permanecera bloqueado hasta las 8 de la noche del dia de hoy.”
Election day
The restaurant features small plates of traditional Mexican cuisine including soft tacos, burritos and tortas.
A mans role in Mexican society is rather rigid if you don't womanize and drink.
Migration Empties Villages of Workers
If you like Mexican food, including nachos, tacos and chili con Larry (created after an infamous trip to Santiago), this is certainly the venue to head to.
For this reason, the authors warn that "innovative approaches for understanding the structure of Mexican Transnational Criminal Networks, their procedures, and more importantly, to what extent and perdurability they are reaching into the United States security agencies and institutions through corruption and co-optation, is essential in improving the U.S. capacity to face this serious challenge to its security agencies.
José Fernando López: One-sided Death Toll
- Mexicans by birth which another country can consider as their nationals, are able to solicit from the SRE a Certificate of Mexican Nationality, only for effects of article 16.
Mexican citizenship requirements
The Mexican force has been estimated at from 2, 400 to over 5, 000, the Alamo's defenders numbered only about 185, and Santa Anna declared he would give no quarter.
Perhaps they had not heard my last name: My family is pale, and my fair, freckly skin looks more Irish than Mexican.
Robert Gonzalez: Republicans and the Hispanic Rift
My advice: tell him your panocha is going to get manicured by the next hot Mexican gardener you meet, and he'll shape up pronto, because the only thing that'll motivate an hombre to do what a woman wants is the prospect of losing his gabacho to another wab.
Gustavo Arellano: ¡ASK A MEXICAN!: Chivas and AIDS Tests
Men dress as charros, or Mexican cowboys, and wear wide-brimmed sombreros along with tailored jackets and pants lined with silver or shining metal buttons.
The US-Mexican War of 1846-48 was sparked by a dispute over impending Texas statehood.
They fared better the previous time they entered, beating the MLS side New England Revolution in the prelims of the 2008-09 competition before again exiting in the group stage, this time taking three points off Mexican giant Atlante.
Which teams are named after fictional characters? | The Knowledge | Barry Glendenning
A Mexican glass shop made unit (making assumptions here, of the many glass shops I have visited in Jalisco, somewhat primative by US standards) would likely have a butyl seal and maybe get a 5 - 10 year life (those were the expectations here in the past).
Dual Pane wood windows
The Mexican government has begun innovatively using the Internet to give citizens more access.
Last week, the Mexican peso touched an all-time low versus the dollar, prompting the government to intervene in the foreign-exchange market.
This recipe is reminiscent of the classic Mexican pork loin roasted with orange juice.
Pork Chops with Tamarind Orange Glaze: Chuletas de Puerco con Tamarindo y Naranja
A Mexican force soon expelled him, and his rangers burned the town of as they left.
The vitality, reliance on linear profile and formal gesture remind me quite strongly of Mexican muralists like Diego Rivera and the graffiti artists of the 80s and 90s.
Although I was never was tempted to mimick Mexican women's heavy makeup, particularly the dark lip liner and eye makeup, I still haven't given up the spray on sunless tan though.
How to "pass" for a Mexican
Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a Latin American, especially a Mexican.
We weren't sure what we were waiting for until a nice looking Mexican man returned and asked in passable English, "May I help you?
Mexico: a visit to Sayula, Zapotlanejo and Zapopan
Why isn't the FBI stomping the guts out of those mexican nationals "patroling" Staten
Yahoo! Buzz US: Top Stories
Mexican fajitas, sweet-and-sour chicken, fish dishes and Ralph's speciality, home-made steak pie with onion sauce, all will feature on a colourful menu.
Riding a wave of unchecked immigration and seemingly eluding law enforcement, the Mexican Mafia is poised to become the Cosa Nostra of 21st century America.
I saw 2 Mexican girls on the street the other day in cutoffs and it was so unusual I wondered if they might be tourists.
Senior dress code
He says he made a little talapia with a tomatillo sauce, deglazed the pan with a little Mexican beer, hit it with some cilantro and and a little jalapeno in there.
In the manufacturing plant where I worked, we did have a few Mexican engineers, and they did not seem to typify at all the tone of that story.
Interesting tone about immigrants...
The area supports a number of species locally threatened or at their biogeographic limits, including golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, prairie falcon Falco mexicanus, ferruginous hawk Buteo regalis, loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus, merlin Falco columbarius, Brewers sparrow Spizella breweri and grasshopper sparrow Ammodramus savannarum.
Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada
However, Peruvian Spanish (or Castellano as they called the language there) has infiltration from the native languages like Quechua, much like Mexican Spanish has from the native languages, especially Nahuatl.
Tu preterite form
The Oaxaca artisan is a master of Mexican folk art.
Jacobo Angeles extends a hand to show one of the paints used in his wood carvings. The Oaxaca artisan is a master of Mexican folk art. © Alvin Starkman 2008
Don't let it end like this . Tell them I said something. Pancho villa, Mexican revolutionary.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is hunting for Mexicans once again, raiding worksites and dayworker centers, neighborhoods, mercados, public schools and human services agencies.
Indybay newswire
After Mexico gained its independence from Spain in 1821, these sarapes became a symbol of Mexican culture.
Dear Polack-Honky: I think what you think is mariachi is actually conjunto norteño, which is the Mexican music form that most approximates traditional polka--mostly because that's what it is.
Gustavo Arellano: ¡ASK A MEXICAN!: Is that Polka or 'Conjunto Norteño'?
Among Mexican music fans, Fernandez is a legend.
Guns are purchased from the Mexican Military, once the permit is acquired.
Close to the main entrance is a gigantic bronze sculpture by Mexican artist Juan Soriano entitled La Paloma (The Dove).
Tony Burton's Self-Guided Tours: The Sights of Monterrey
Mexicans that I know refer to family members and friends as güero/a, as well as using it as a descriptor for any blonde/fair-skinned person.
The Scarlet Letter (another word game)
While the zoot suit eventually attained widespread popularity in the mainstream, it also became a pejorative synonym for "Mexican" on the West Coast as some Americans took umbrage at so many able-bodied young men who were not "helping to win the war.
From Zoot Suits to Border Walls
Where I am at now I need Mexican Spanish, phrases that are commonly spoken in las calles.
Developing An Ear for Spanish
It might be mistaken identity, as the poster above me said, but among all my Mexican friends, from either here in Ajijic or from Guadalajara, a "gringo" is a person from the U.S.
No Problem With "Gringo"
You can identify as a Taino, Mexican American, Mexican.
News 8 Austin Top Stories
The word avocado comes from "aguacate" in Spanish, which in turn comes from the Nahuatl Mexican native language "ahuacatl", referring to a certain intimate part of the male anatomy.
BBC News - Home
While he was visiting his father in El Paso they would either eat in, taking turns cooking; or try one of the apparently hundreds of local Mexican restuarants which were all differently arranged, but which all nonetheless appeared to share the same menu of tacos, frijoles, nachos, burritos, tortillas in abundance, enchiladas and, infrequently, chiles rellenos.
Marlene is correct, all Mexican beaches are public.
Question about los cabo beaches
They include the endangered Mexican Wolf and giant Saguaro cactus.
This is the equivalent of the Mexican "jacal" construction, and consists of series of poles or logs planted vertically in the ground close to each other and plastered with mud either outside or on both sides.
The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894-95, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1897, pages 73-198
Feeding on the growth of after work drinking and nibbling, chicken appetizers are gaining strength based on contemporary Mexican and Asian recipes.
And up next, more than 3 million Mexican nationals live illegally in the United States.
I'm a manufacturer, and I ship electronic goods across the Mexican border, so the new levies will definitely affect my business.
Indigenous Mexicans believe that God created humanity from an ear of corn and call themselves ‘people of maize’.
I also used a more traditional Mexican tomato sauce, although I did sub in roasted poblanos for chipotles for the young tongues among us.
Copper Piping and a Layered Tortilla & Tomato Casserole With Butternut Squash Hash and Melted Cheese
A Mexican border town in the grip of a drug war plans to tempt tourists back with free bus tours, complete with armed police escorts.
Iltis and DOEBLEY divided the Mexican annual teosintes into two subspecies on the basis of ecology and inflorescence morphology.
Until five years ago nobody would come here because of the guerrillas, " said Michael McMurdo, a New York City-trained chef who recently opened a Mexican restaurant, Agave Azul, in Santa Marta.
Fiestas decorated with Mexican red, green and white commemorate the holiday known as Cinco de Mayo, which celebrates the astonishing victory of the Battle of Puebla, Mexico.
BYU NewsNet : Home
I'm a manufacturer, and I ship electronic goods across the Mexican border, so the new levies will definitely affect my business.
Now supermarket shelves groan under Mexican tacos, Japanese miso soup powder and Italian pasta.
Mexican authorities have complained for years of what they have termed the laxness of their American counterparts towards the flow of weapons legally purchased in the U.S. and bound towards its southern neighbor.
Spero News
Narrative folk ballads of Mexican origin typically have regular metrical features such as rhyming quatrains and use traditional imagery.
To Mr Yunus and its other critics, the Mexican bank is no better than an old-fashioned loan shark, earning its huge profits by charging poor borrowers a usurious interest rate of at least 79% a year.
African cibet and the Chinese and Indian zibet, yield), including the hyaena civet from the Cape of Good Hope: genets and ichneumons, which will be found on the lower shelves; and the Mexican house-marten.
How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
‘When I saw the Mexican army up on the hill there and there I was in my full rig - with my flintlock rifle - it got kind of spooky,’ he added.
The Chicho experience was my first encounter in amor a la Mexicana, but hardly the last.
Huellas . . . De Mis Amores
One of them gave us notice of a Mexican armed zebec ready to sail with treasure from Mexico for the Havannah.
A Sailor of King George
Pargo: barred snapper or yellow snapper, both species going by the common name pargo and abundant in the Mexican Pacific.
A Guide to Mexican Fish and Shellfish - Part Two: Las Delicias del Mar
Maybe you already know this but mariachi is not a generic term for all Mexican music.
Mexico's Mariachi Museum needs music
The potency of peer influence has been demonstrated for non-Latino white, American Indian and Mexican American youth.
Photos released by the Mexican navy showed several sunburned fishermen in T-shirts and Bermudas waiting to get on a bus.
Mexico may call off rescue in boat capsizing
Mexican diesel is heavier, almost D3 - much more paraffin and sulphur, slightly higher BTU and cetane, but smokier and dirtier.
Gasoline price in Mexico
And then you get to feast on the best Mexican food the desert has to offer at our Fiesta Dinner, complete with mariachis!
L.A. Mexican food, deep-dish pizza from Masa (LA), and Cuban pork sandwiches from Paseo (Seattle).
Jill Donenfeld: Band Bites: Chowing Down With Local Natives
Educators also can view descriptions of university course syllabi in Mexico, to see how content area subjects are supposed to be taught in Mexican schools.
First came the appetizers in form of thin slices of salami and of a peculiar Mexican sausage, so extremely hot with chili pepino as to immediately call for a drink of claret to assuage the burning.
Bohemian San Francisco Its restaurants and their most famous recipes—The elegant art of dining.
Sardina: sardine, of which the Pacific sardine is abundant in Mexican waters and is raised in industrial hatcheries as bait for the bluefin tuna (atún aleta azul) that is exported to Japan.
A Guide to Mexican Fish and Shellfish - Part Two: Las Delicias del Mar
S. university herbaria and twelfth across the nation. The site provides of the center's introduction , history, staff, publications, Flora of Texas Database and Mexican Vascular Plant Database etc.
But the Mexican immigrant can easily recross the Rio Grande by a drive over a short bridge.
MEXICAN FOLK music blares from a boom box, the sounds of accordions filtering up the stairs.
Though not fully recovered, he was propped up long enough to shoot the Mexican Chair bit, then flown to Kansas for integral scenes in which he was manacled to Gustaf Hammarsten as they made their way through a hotel and a mall.
Sacha Baron Cohen on “Brüno”: “I won’t do it again.” Here’s why: » Scene-Stealers
He fought in most major engagements of the Mexican war.
In 1949 a Mexican archaeologist began an excavation that exploded the temple theory.
Por un lado, tenemos a una clásica agrupación del Rock Mexicano y su bella balada romántica; por otro lado, encontramos una banda de punk Mexicano que canta sobre el aspecto más insalubre del amor (la famosa pareja que se separa y se vuelve a juntar, se separa y se vuelve a juntar, y así sigue, infinitamente.)
NPR Topics: News
The berries are an unusual creation of repousse silver covered in enamel and interspersed with carved carnelians and Mexican opals.
Mexican houses, ..... unheated in Winter, uncooled in Summer, and uninsulated all the time.
About Ajijic, food, music, people, and the "social life"
Moral of story: regardless of what the Mexican constitution might say, one's experience in purchasing land or building homes is dictated by whatever local authority one is dealing with.
Visa Requirements for Building in Mexico?
Officials say he unknowingly sought help from an informant for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. They say he believed this person had ties to Mexican drug groups.
In the 1880s the city was a mesh of Italian, Portuguese, Mexican and German immigrants.
One of the ways in which this is accomplished is by the Mexican government promoting the idea of extraterritorial nationalism among its citizensthat is, the notion that Mexican citizens have an indigenous claim to large swaths of the United States.
Liberty and Tyranny
The Mexican baseball league has been forced to suspend a game in progress because of gunfire at a stadium.
Right now, the governor is holding what's billed as a leadership forum on education at a charter school in the town of Chula Vista, which is between San Diego and the Mexican border.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: George W. Bush Speaks at Education Leadership Forum in Southern California - March 2, 2000
Besides this, Spanish cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats introduced European meats and fats, milk, butter, and cheese to the Mexican diet.
'Professor Palafox/the maestro thundered,' usury is usury and we inust allow the merchants of Antwerp no Mexican loophole through which they can defile the law of the church. '
Better hope the Mexicans building the fence now don’t start building it from the other side, and the Canucks have recently decided to arm our border guards……..kidding …..just kidding.
Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 9, 2007
Mexican Americans support American core values at least as much as Anglos do.
Once they've browned, I add onions and garlic, and while these soften, I'm busy grinding chillies – ancho, serrano and "dried red" ones – which I've tracked all over town, with cumin seeds and Mexican oregano.
How to cook perfect chilli con carne
Mexican marines discovered 72 unburied corpses at a ranch after a gun battle with suspected gang members.
Leibman plays the alcalde (mayor) of a small Mexican town, and he’s ruthless beyond belief.
Probably the sign most prominent on Mexican roads is the advisement of a dangerous curve ahead.
Free riding the roads of Mexico
MexConnect. com Forums: Specific Focus: Mexican Kitchen: Atole or te de avena
Atole or te de avena
In California, one state assemblyman has offered a bold new proposal to crack down on the flood of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican-California border.
That same day, Mexican authorities notified PAHO of a worrisome outbreak of atypical pneumonia.
Justo Sierra, the turn-of-the century Mexican educator, said that "the grocer, not the conquistador, is the real Spanish father of Mexican society", succinctly summing up the tremendous importance of the dietary changes brought on by Spanish colonization.
A Guide to Mexican Cheese: Queso Mexicano
It combines Hispanic influences, from the Mexican soup menudo, made with tripe, hominy, and chili powder, with Italian elements, adding cheese and garlic to the soup.
The toy company went bankrupt after the competition hired cheap Mexican labor
The seven-day cruise stops at Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta and other Mexican resorts.
One Mexican family was setting up a booth filled with beaded necklaces and earrings.
Bound hand and foot, under an escort of thirty men, the next morning we set off to cross the deserts and prairies of Senora, to gain the Mexican capital, where we well knew that a gibbet was to be our fate.
Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet
She is also the VP of Watermargin and a writer for the Bully Pulpit; this sexy woman - a woman whose interests align with most women everywhere (whether its feminist advocacy or authentic Mexican food) - tells us that she's dedicated to her long-term shorty, Petunia Garcia.
Stories from The Sun
Moonlight danced on the figure of the Mexican girl still emerging from stone.
At one point the entire audience was so convulsed it looked like a Mexican wave.
Mexican news outlets quote police officials are saying the driver of a tractor trailer overcorrected after going off road and then swerved into oncoming traffic , hitting the bus.
As Canadians have long suspected, Mounties have been arresting anyone seen with quality Mexican Food since the 1970's. But where some see great risk, you see great reward!
I ended up having my very own cabin for approximately a half hour, before the party was crashed by two young Mexican women.
I second this policy (control low-skill immigration and go wild with high-skill), but educated Mexicans should not be preferred over all the brains that could be drained from the developing world.
Tyler Cowen on Mexican Immigration, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
A saddle made by the Mexicans in California is called the _California saddle_.
The Prairie Traveler A Hand-book for Overland Expeditions
He was a Mexican priest who had been appointed vice postulator of the Causes for the Beatification of the two young Fatima visionaries.
The arabs (sometimes called "turcos", since they emigrated from the Ottoman Empire) have pretty well assimilated into the Mexican mainstream, and -- having been generally financially prosperous emigrants -- are prominent in Mexican business and industry.
Anti-semitism in Mexico
The island's only village is adorned with whispering palm trees, wide spacious streets and a main square crowned by a vast Mexican-style church that seems plucked from a Clint Eastwood film.
Mexicans also cut dry tortillas into squares, fry them, and use in place of croutons in soup; or cut them into strips and make concoctions reminiscent of pasta dishes.
InBev prefers a calculation that doesn't include Anheuser's 50% stake in Mexican brewer Grupo Modelo SA or its 27% stake in Chinese brewer Tsingtao.
Anheuser to Slash 1,000 Jobs, Raise Prices
And it's not as the Mexican government presented it as an unfortunate remark.
If the police were trying to fight a wave of arsons or bank robberies, it would be wrong, and make no sense, to focus on blacks or Asians or Mexicans or any particular ethnic/racial group, because being of such a particular group has nothing to do with thecrime.
The Volokh Conspiracy » AZ Boycott and the Constitution:
The Mexican Revolution was seen not only as a threat to US interests but to civilisation itself, says curator Juan Manuel Aurrecoechea.
The influence of Pablo Picasso, Thomas Hart Benton and the Mexican Muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros is still apparent, but giving way to Native American sandpainting and "all over" painting techniques that would eventually lead Pollock to abandon traditional notions of perspective and geometric shape for fractal-like patterns.
A Pollock Saved From the Flood
Once considered a low class hooch, tequila has undergone a huge image change over the past two decades to become the toast of Mexican high society, giving a heady euphoria to the country's drinks industry.
Mexican villagers call any open spreading sore lepra.
Chapter 9
By mixing unashamed rock with Mexican music and throwing in accordions and honking saxophones, Los Lobos create a sound that endures.
The average Mexican employee's purchasing power is still relatively low compared with U.S. workers.
The independent sector has become more international with the rise of Mexican drama, Korean horror, Romanian social realism.
Last night, just before I left work, I started thinking about bingeing on a big pile of Mexican food from my favorite takeout place, and that's just what I did.
Since August, currencies like the Brazilian real and Mexican peso have plummeted against the U.S. dollar while stock markets in Russia and China were pummeled to multiyear lows.
To go with the exotic fare were brinji rice, vegetable noodles, Mexican rice, steamed basmati rice, curd rice, pappads and pickles.
Mexican mesic forest survives as one of the world's rarest and most endangered vegetation types.
Wildflower hunting in Durango
Featuring a red and black sunburst motif set against a brilliant yellow ground, the mural's composition is appropriated from the logo for Sol, a popular Mexican beer.
A Mexican woman prepares tortillas with salsa and beans.
For now, Mexican doctors are focusing on treatment with antivirals like oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza).
City of Fear
Joe is Mexican. His skin is an ashy light brown and his lashes are heavier than mine, and he has short fat eyebrows and shit-brown eyes, and thick hair that flops about his fat pumpkin head.
Fail to stanch the flow of illegal aliens across the Mexican-United States border.
Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
“I†™ ve found that the HOTTEST women, mexican, latina, light skinned black, or any girl other than white with natural tans (my favorite) seem to be attracted or relate to the lowest, gayest, douchest, and tackiest guys.”
Douchebags – meet your god | My[confined]Space
¿Será verdad que una sociedad secreta estudiantil formada por niños bien norteamericanos tienen los cráneos de un líder apache y de un guerrillero mexicano?
Ger��nimo, Skull and Bones y la cabeza de Francisco Villa
The defence of a ruined fort in the flyblown town of San Antone, against a superior force of trained Mexican troops, seemed reckless in the extreme.
I spoke to the Spanish wire service and that led to an interview with a Mexican radio station, which was quite interesting.
Mexican Girl" brings in some obvious yet suitable flourishes, such as castanets and Spanish guitar, neither of which one tends to associate with the Beach Boys.
Expecting Rain
Other woody plants include fragrant sumac, evergreen sumac, little walnut, Mexican buckeye, Texas persimmon, Texas snowbell, and western white honeysuckle.
As she explains, an authentic Mexican handicraft is created by "an artist whose family may have done the same work for generations and who has lovingly formed, molded and put his soul into his work.
Chapala's Feria Maestros del Arte: guardians of the folk art tradition
Afghan lawmakers demand President Karzai submit full, not partial, Cabinet list for approval add Mexico (latinos/mexicans) to that list~ @bbcworld War-torn nations such as Afghanistan and Iraq remain the world's most corrupt
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
A goat to a poor Mexican peasant is their source of livelihood.
Oh! Ouch! �Ay! The first really bad news from Mexico
Perhaps "fully furnished" is the standard in the "gringo ghettos" but if the guy is living on the cheap -- or even on Mexican standards -- not so.
Semi-Scheming Way to TJ
Art lovers view Mexican artist Diego Rivera's "Glorious Victory, " on display at Mexico City's Palacio de Bellas Artes.
The milpa, or cornfield, is probably the most important element in the life of the rural Mexican farmer, apart from his family ... read more cuisines culture-customs
Culinary travel in the Mixteca Poblana: The avocado route
In Nueva grandeza mexicana, the walkers venture into the pulquerias, taquerias, cabarets, and other hallmarks of mass urban culture.
Katherine Anne Porter's various Mexican trips enable her to see through Mexico and get a basic idea of Mexican culture.
Personally, when I think of Mexicans "polite" is not one of the first words that comes to mind.
Dialect and Language discussion - pulled from another thread . . .
There are heart-stopping ballads, squeezebox folk songs and all the vamping jazz and Latin dance tunes you would have heard so close to the Mexican border.