How To Use Mexican-American In A Sentence
- Traditional research has confronted only Mexican and United States interpretations of Mexican-American culture.
- But for many other Mexican nationals and Mexican-Americans, the word "cholo" has come to be associated with the criminal element - and even worse for ironically, a Chicano group in Arizona, which compared "Chola" to the "N"-word. The Guardian World News
- His study is a form of paternalistic ethnography that offers little to the more credible scholarship on Mexican-Americans.
- My wife and I, also Mexican-American, are fluent in both languages.
- Texas will likely have a Mexican-American Republican member of Congress, Quico Canseco, who beat veteran incumbent Ciro Rodriguez in the vast border district that snakes east along the Rio Grande from the outskirts of El Paso, Texas. Ray Suarez: Post Election Night
- What Brenda Eskenazi and colleagues did was examine the association between the organophosphate pesticides as measured by maternal urinary dialkyl phosphate metabolites during pregnancy and attention-related outcomes among the Mexican-American children at the age of 3.5 years and five years.
- They compared changes in exercise benefits and barriers in Mexican-American women who participated in a 9-month intervention to changes in non-active control groups of Mexican-American and Caucasian women.
- In the first three chapters of her book, Sandweiss focuses on early daguerreotypes taken by photographers during the Mexican-American War and by photographers employed to document early government expeditions to the West.
- Does this have anything to do with the large Mexican-American population in the area?
- On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind that Mexican-Americans are mestizas and mestizos, victims of various colonization processes.