How To Use Metrically In A Sentence

  • When a suitable counterweight is added at one end so that the reaction on one fulcrum is zero, the block can be spun asymmetrically 180 degrees about the other, giving a horizontal displacement (here's the basic physics). Archive 2004-07-01
  • Definitions of what was at stake were thus diametrically opposed.
  • The rocks are asymmetrically folded and overthrust to the west, with chaotic units and abundant evidence for coeval soft-sediment deformation.
  • The ear ornaments in this collection are geometrically complex in design, combining squares, circles and triangles into single forms.
  • This globalization has also worsened the conditions for new institutions to arise as the expanding number of people who must come to terms geometrically increases the cost of coming to a new agreement. An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 3
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  • The aortal trunk, G, of the arterial system is disposed along the median line, as well for its own safety as for the fitting distribution of those branches which spring symmetrically from either side of it to supply the lateral regions of the body. Surgical Anatomy
  • The aerodynamic forces generated by rigid and flexible geometrically scaled hawkmoth wings were measured.
  • One-third of the island's population converges daily into Fort-de-France, whose narrow symmetrically squared streets are as congested during the day as they are empty at night.
  • Such are your own and your friends’ impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery — too volatile and versatile — too flowery and coloury. Villette
  • The two supratemporal fenestrae begin to close, getting smaller, sometimes asymmetrically.
  • Positioned asymmetrically, an ornate, 17 th-century altarpiece marks the entrance to the baptistery and the nave just beyond.
  • And any sane person who knows the definitions of fascism and socialism - two terms diametrically opposed to each other, BTW - would KNOW that the last occupant of the White House had us under a fascist dictatorship. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • _Nec (non) meminisse_ is metrically useful for filling the second hemistich of the pentameter up to the disyllable; so used at vi 50 'arguat ingratum non meminisse sui', _Tr_ The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Three unsymmetrically substituted polyamine analogues demonstrate significant and selective antitumor effects.
  • This blows from the point where the sun sets at the summer solstice, and is the only wind that is diametrically opposite to Eurus. Meteorology
  • The axial plane is a surface that divides a fold as symmetrically as possible.
  • Such are your own and your friends 'impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery -- too volatile and versatile -- too flowery and coloury. Villette
  • But some of the silk eveningwear was fit for the most glamorous of parties, apron bibs floating across the chest then twisting into straps over the shoulders and asymmetrically across the back before dripping into a train.
  • Uttered unselfconsciously, it was voiced metrically, just to give lilt and play to a phrase, or phatically, not to express an idea but to establish sociability like the quack of a duck, song of a swan, or purr of a cat. The Truth Will Out.
  • There are two diametrically opposing poles of opinion on this highly political and racially-charged issue.
  • There may be circumstances when it is important to be able to estimate the distribution function and the corresponding mean and median values parametrically.
  • it grew geometrically
  • I have no idea how he reconciles these two diametrically opposed stances.
  • Politicians offer diametrically opposed summations of vital world scenarios and present it all as fact.
  • The works of the temperate spirit and the works of incontinency are, I take it, diametrically opposed? Memorabilia
  • Setup or hold violations cause the output of the flip-flop to enter a symmetrically balanced transient state, called a metastable state. EE Times-Asia
  • The most curious feature of the performance is that here again it is from end to end a travesty of Éliphas Lévi, slice after slice from his chief writings, combined with interlineal additions, which give them a sense diametrically opposed to that of the great magus. Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • this shape is geometrically interesting
  • when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?
  • The econometrically-oriented have always wanted to look at crime data by state because it provides a larger data set to manipulate in a technically sophisticated fashion. Welcome to the War Zone!
  • It also became clear that diametrically opposed opinions of and attitudes towards integration could quite easily be found within a local authority.
  • It drapes geometrically, clashing beautifully with the natural world.
  • A clash of diametrically opposed philosophies is never settled rapidly nor, necessarily, rationally.
  • As so many of you do, you picked a username diametrically opposed to who you really are. - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • Nevertheless, one may expect a greater similarity between two geometrically similar points than between two geometrically dissimilar points.
  • Sculpted berms here, geometrically-patterned rows of exhaust stacks there, mastaba-shaped radar facility right over there, chalked footpaths everywhere. Boullée in North Dakota
  • Maximum likelihood performs a nonlinear dimensionality reduction, choosing permutations that compact the permuted image vectors into a volumetrically minimal subspace.
  • At the present time the old racial instincts are actively powerful, and exert an influence diametrically opposed to climatic surroundings; and, as a matter of fact, we are witnessing a struggle between our Anglo – Saxon heredities and our Australian environment. The Art of Living in Australia
  • It is most illustrative to look at how a cubic Bézier is constructed geometrically, which is pictured below.
  • But they draw diametrically opposed conclusions as to the meaning of this link.
  • In what is perhaps a desire to allude to the baton twirlers of the marching band halftime show, the staging relies too heavily on dancers with giant flowing flags and large, geometrically abstract but still twirlable props.
  • photometrically measured
  • Given this distribution, Parson shows that a group of eight magnetons may be arranged symmetrically round the sphere so as to give a stable configuration; and even with atoms possessing a larger number of magnetrons, a similar distribution of eight is assumed.
  • The Cambro-Ordovician boundary is now radiometrically dated at 490 Ma and so only rocks and fossils of late Cambrian age are included in this part of our survey.
  • “The country took its biggest step ever down a road diametrically opposed to its original intent of keeping the state small so that the individual can be free andgreat.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawsuits Against the Health Care Bill
  • Sometimes we are diametrically opposed to each other.
  • Also I was a little disappointed to find that I couldn't customize the parametrically generated connectors "split connector" break line. All Discussion Groups: Message List - root
  • I'd offer some cogent analysis at this point, but I'm torn between two diametrically opposed viewpoints.
  • Alain Vaës, whose décors typically have a strong, disquieting presence, has pierced the dancing ground with five huge, asymmetrically placed pillars unconnected to any architectural structure.
  • The greater likelihood is that in a war the Islamists would fight asymmetrically, with guerrilla tactics.
  • But this misses the real distinction between diametrically opposed beliefs based on entirely different conceptions of the satisfaction of human needs.
  • The understanding of the individual reactions in glycolysis grew geometrically. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • This is the central figural medallion, or emblema, of a geometrically patterned floor, executed in minute tesserae of subtly graduated tones, that depicts a dog seated next to an overturned golden vessel.
  • Gentleman has much about which to be modest without inventing modesties that are diametrically opposed to the facts at hand, and, though the Rt. The Volokh Conspiracy » Comment Quality:
  • Characteristically, psoriasis is symmetrically distributed, with lesions frequently located on the ears, elbows, knees, umbilicus, gluteal cleft and genitalia.
  • The two statements quoted above contain diametrically opposite conceptions of this country, its future and its destiny. VERWOERD'S GRIM PLOT
  • Antimony forms two series of salts, antimonious and antimonic; and advantage is taken of this in its determination volumetrically. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • After several trials, the researchers determined that nickel catalysts, which share similar properties to palladium materials, allowed the α-ketoesters to add to nitroalkenes with high yields and purity; over 90% of the final product corresponded to a specific stereoisomer, a molecule with a hard-to-achieve, geometrically distinct structure. R&D Mag - News
  • Among the small pool of swing voters in this fall's election, there are two groups with diametrically opposed political views.
  • At this time his work was purely abstract, featuring geometrically disposed bars and rectangles in a style close to Mondrian and van Doesburg.
  • He may paint squares, stripes and oblongs, but they are no longer geometrically precise.
  • The number of tunnels needed to support a fully meshed IPSec network geometrically increases with the number of sites.
  • The most distal alteration is volumetrically minor and involves alteration of olivine to antigorite and magnesite.
  • _Nec (non) meminisse_ is metrically useful for filling the second hemistich of the pentameter up to the disyllable; so used at vi 50 'arguat ingratum non meminisse sui', _Tr_ The Last Poems of Ovid
  • He said the disease was increasing "geometrically" on the continent, and that at current prices a total of US250 billion would have to be invested in Africa every year merely to fight it. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I parametrically simulate all of: both short and long term potentiation from digital signal frequencies, axonial growth and destruction, formation of excitatory or inhibitory receptors, as appropriate (based on source neurotransmitter type or if it is a correlate verses anti-correlate interconnection). MachineMachine (formerly 'The Huge Entity')
  • He rules on behalf of an international financial oligarchy, whose political interests are diametrically opposed to that of the mass of the population.
  • This paper has theoretically analyzed the endogenous uncertainty of Chinese stock market using rational belief theory and also modified CCK model to test Chinese stock market econometrically.
  • Each restatement begins with the next pitch in the series, and metrically one beat later.
  • The jointed wooden rules are metrically misnumbered in black on dark yellow.
  • UK since the 1960s - largely traces Clark's career development, from concretist works on paper to geometrically abstract collage and finally her famous interactive sculptures. Culture |
  • But they draw diametrically opposed conclusions as to the meaning of this link.
  • Phosphate in the digests and in culture solutions was measured spectrophotometrically using the molybdate and malachite green method described earlier.
  • Five Puffinus species (temperate and tropical) attained allometrically scaled maximum depths comparable to those of penguins and alcids.
  • His verse is both metrically and formally experimental, ranging from satire to love lyric, from sonnet to verse epistle, from elegy to hymn.
  • In essence, the founding giants of the computer industry were diametrically opposed in both platform and product.
  • This is a key point, since there is the potential for diametrically opposed viewpoints on park usage between these two groups.
  • Then, isometrically contract the pectoral muscle, attempting to adduct the arm.
  • The gorgeousness is in the imagery not in the language; the words are weak while the sense, as in the classical Scandinavian books, is strong; and here the Arabic differs diametrically from the florid exuberance and turgid amplifications of the Persian story-teller, which sound so hollow and unreal by the side of a chaster model. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • At first glance the literary and scientific approaches to language might seem to be diametrically opposed.
  • Stephen said it represented the perfect expression of two diametrically contrary personalities. COMPULSION
  • Your needs and those of a partner are diametrically opposed. THE MANANA MAN
  • So people who were completely diametrically opposed in their views and their perceptions about a situation were brought together.
  • The streets are laid out geometrically and the blocks filled with enormous buildings, some of brick and some of fabricated steel.
  • Cultures, philosophies and religions of the world that appear diametrically opposed, subjected to the unknown perhaps the true leveler of egocentricity, rendering all of us mere fragments and preventing our mass destruction. Kevin Bermeister: How Atheists And Believers Approach The Known And Unknown
  • = The word is metrically suited to the second half of the pentameter, before the disyllable: compare Tib I ii 70 & II iii 52, The Last Poems of Ovid
  • There are, however, some atomic structures for which this is not possible, and they are called geometrically frustrated structures. Innovations-report
  • The inlay elements are symmetrically organized into three concentric bands of antithetical animal groups surrounding a central rosette.
  • The main contribution of the paper is to divide shocks into two types, economy-wide shocks that hit all sectors, and sector specific shocks that hit individual sectors, and to do so in an econometrically defensible manner. Economist's View
  • The two were diametrically opposed perspectives.
  • I regret to say we're diametrically opposed to your ideas.
  • The cylindrical nave columns are studded with gold mosaic and alternating geometrically decorated capitals.
  • metrically, these poems are matched
  • This "twitch-reflex", recorded isometrically by the myograph, exhibits a tension proportional to the number of motor units engaged, in other words to the size of the single centrifugal impulse volley. Sir Charles Sherrington - Nobel Lecture
  • Now, thanks to a slavishly Bush-poodling Labour government with a startlingly authoritarian bent, Britons are beginning to recognize that this sceptred isle, this earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, this other Eden is about to become this surveillance state, this database depot, this green and pleasant centre of preventive detention, this precious home of biometrically-keyed national identification cards set in a sea of CCTV cameras. Jamie Malanowski: Bringing Freedom to Great Britain
  • There have been several attempts to date the Borrowdale Volcanic Group radiometrically.
  • The plan of the city is more or less the geometrically regular one of main and cross-streets running at right angles to each other, and the principal of these are lined with shops, whose windows display luxurious articles of jewellery, clothing, and other effects such as betoken the taste and purchasing power of a wealthy upper class. Mexico Its Ancient and Modern Civilisation, History, Political Conditions, Topography, Natural Resources, Industries and General Development
  • Other countries can exploit our goodwill, and be asymetrically better off than through MFN/bilateral agreements. Trade Policy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It is the ability to integrate and harmonize diametrically opposed views or states of being.
  • Several authors have econometrically estimated the relationship between GHG emissions and per capita income using cross-country data and found curves with varying shapes and turning points [8]. Restructuring development and growth for greater sustainability
  • Notus blowing from O is its contrary; for this point is the south and O is contrary to H, being diametrically opposite to it. Meteorology
  • Here she breaks what is actually a metrically regular dactylic line so that the beat is undermined and countered by the line breaks: a subtle disorienting of form and expectation.
  • A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith.
  • Amazingly, the hermit crab's body is asymmetrically twisted so that it fits snugly into the shape of the shell.
  • three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three
  • FMN is positioned asymmetrically within the junctional site and is specifically bound to RNA through interactions with the isoalloxazine ring chromophore and direct and Mg2+-mediated contacts with the phosphate moiety. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The problem was, given a circle, to construct geometrically a square equal in area to the given circle.
  • I take ASCRE (_BCH_) to be a hypercorrect formation by the scribes; _Ascra_ is metrically guaranteed at 34 'Ascra suo' and The Last Poems of Ovid
  • It was built unsymmetrically because he wrote on the plans; they were redesigned around his scrawl because nobody had the courage to rub it out.
  • There was also a framed picture of "The House"; a tambourine painted with purple iris by Miss Isabel's own hands; an old bannerette in cross-stitch pendent from the mantelpiece, a collection of paper mats, shaded from orange to white, the glass-covered vase of wax flowers which had attracted Ron's notice, one or two cheap china vases, a pot of musk placed diametrically in the centre of a wicker table, a sofa, and two Big Game A Story for Girls
  • Although I'm reasonable at mental arithmetic, I mostly think geometrically and then must laboriously check my geometric intuition with algebra.
  • The goal of the regression analysis is to predict this distribution parametrically.
  • He was a reconciler, someone who had, in his own person, reconciled so much in the world that seemed diametrically opposed. Adam Neiman: The Blame Game
  • It looks like the futhark symbol for the letter F, with the arms angled up on the right side, only here it's got three arms instead of two and it's repeated symmetrically on the other side. Crusader Gold
  • But such a libertarianism would not be the libertarianism we know and would find most of what goes by the name diametrically opposed to its essential spirit and goals. Ladies and gentlemen, the Libertarian Party candidate for the President of the United States of America
  • The geometrically rich facade of the Duomo is actually a 19th century reading of what a Byzantine-Moorish church should look like.
  • At this point, dickering over whether Alan Greenspan should have formulated monetary policy in strict accordance with an econometrically determined "rule," or whether the Fed even has the power to influence long-term rates, raises a more fundamental question: Why do we need a central bank? Did the Fed Cause the Housing Bubble?
  • The largest part of the composition is taken up by the siding of a house, which is painted plainly, geometrically, in turquoise.
  • Population, as Malthus said, naturally tends to grow "geometrically," or, as we would now say, exponentially. Tragedy of the Commons (historical)
  • This, I am afraid, sits uneasily with the party’s demand for a referendum on the EU Constitution and by facing in diametrically opposite directions on the two referenda opens the party to a charge of hypocrisy. Archive 2007-11-25
  • The two ideas are diametrically opposed.
  • The group that has been most commonly analysed morphometrically is the planktonic foraminifers, largely because of their well-established taxonomy and their optimal fossil record.
  • This latter statement may also be expressed as follows: The strength of a stimulus must increase geometrically if the strength of the apperceived sensation is to increase arithmetically. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
  • Unhindered reproduction, he said, causes the population to increase 'geometrically' ( 'exponentially', we say now), while the means of subsistence increases only arithmetically. Bill Totten's Weblog
  • analyzed volumetrically
  • Metrically, the ‘Hymn’ justifies Coleridge's claims for the English hexameter.
  • In subsequent works, he geometrically structured the stippled monochromes to toy with color contrasts.
  • We recently reported the retardation of the rate of crystallization, measured calorimetrically, in isotactic polystyrene nucleated with silica.
  • This is a key point, since there is the potential for diametrically opposed viewpoints on park usage between these two groups.
  • Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.
  • For some liberal critics, like Vice President Joe Biden a man who participated in countless filibusters in 36 years in the Senate or the New York Times editorial board, this is a posture of pure opportunism diametrically opposed to how they viewed the value of the legislative filibuster during the Bush presidency, while others, like Mickey Kaus, have long argued that the legislative filibuster* should go because of its role in obstructing progressive legislation. The Legislative Filibuster: Democracy’s Sobriety Checkpoint | RedState
  • In addition, when introducing a kink, both stacked arms are symmetrically deviated from the helical axis by the same amount.
  • Regarding the issue of Cindy and all of her square footage, let's step back and look at it parametrically. New McCain Ad: It's Obama Who Has A "Housing Problem"
  • For instance, parametrically slicing any one of the big banks is probably a combination of separating lines of business, dividing operating geographies and in some cases further dividing share within over dominated specific markets. Dennis Santiago: After Bastille Day: Is There a Future for Big Banking?
  • Likewise, hurricanes are also parametrically represented. GCMs and the Navier-Stokes Equations « Climate Audit
  • The contents of cycloparaffins were calculated gravimetrically in each separated fraction and also analyzed by mass spectrometry methods.
  • These interactions are asymmetrically distributed about and along the helical axis.
  • Almost all meteorites are collisional fragments of asteroids, and can be dated radiometrically to about 4.6 billion years, which represents the birth of the Solar System.
  • Metrically, his hexameter shows similar developments to Callimachus’ and Theocritus ’, and dactylic rhythm is more predominant than in Homer.
  • The polished stainless steel heart is combined with a fully faceted , asymmetrically - cut Vitrail Light crystal.
  • If you change the value of a dimension, the size and shape of the 3D model changes parametrically, and the 2D drafting views update accordingly.
  • To give you an example of how a diffracted field would differ from a field propagated geometrically, we consider the case of light traveling through a narrow slit in a metal plate: Optics basics: What is a wave? Part III: Diffraction « Skulls in the Stars
  • This results in a 33% approval rating, but lumps too hot with too cold, which are diametrically opposed results thrown into the same 66% "disapprove" group. The Rasmussen "Presidential Approval Index": Is This Newer Measurement Worth Anything?
  • The data was therefore fit nonparametrically to a smooth curve using the Dierckx algorithm for cubic spline curve fitting.
  • Each of the boards was sunk into the PDMS at rates controlled by a range of symmetrically disposed weights.
  • Geometrically the resolvent enables us to resolve the whole spread represented by any given set of algebraic equations into definite irreducible spreads.
  • The Maori elements are to be found in the bands of symmetrically ordered paua shell inlay, a customary ceremonial and artistic material.
  • All these influences helped him develop the geometrically regular and spare outlines that became the hallmark of his style.
  • It consists in precipitating all the manganese in the state of peroxide, dissolving it in a ferrous solution so as to bring back the manganese to the manganous slate, and determining volumetrically, by means of potassium permanganate, the quantity of ferrous salt which has been converted into ferric. Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
  • The concentration of unbound protein in the supernatant was determined spectrophotometrically at 410 nm.
  • The use of other new analogs, such as the unsymmetrically substituted analogs mentioned above, could shed light on such issues.
  • Thus the same metaphor can lead to diametrically opposite understandings.
  • Squat and lean at the same time, asymmetrically limbed, string-muscled as if with lengths of cordage, dirt-caked from infancy save for casual showers, she was as unbeautiful a prototype of woman as he, with a scientist's eye, had ever gazed upon. THE RED ONE
  • The moderne settings order the space geometrically and rationally while also demonstrating abstract decadence.
  • The use of an unsymmetrically substituted analog (highlighted with the shaded atoms at C2,3, in Fig.6) could provide the necessary evidence.
  • So we have a bunch of harmonies with no functional relationship to each other, and a couple of diametrically opposed tempi jammed together with a fermata. Archive 2006-09-01
  • Tangible instances of such econometrically estimated relations confront us all in our daily lives. The Prize in Economics 1989 - Presentation Speech
  • Joshua David has described the atmosphere he and his co-founder envisioned as "less like a park and more like a scruffy wilderness," but the results will appear unruly only to those who still think of public gardens as requiring Victorian carpet bedding — yellow begonias and red pelargonium geometrically composed and obsessively mulched. Up in the Park
  • Weighing these two diametrically opposed reactions, juveniles may be unable to accurately select between two extreme bipolar adjectives to describe themselves through their parents' eyes.
  • Only a system of taking Christ's words "contrariwise" can make them useful as civil rules, and even "oriental exaggeration" can scarcely be credited with saying the diametrically contrary of its real meaning. The Freethinker's Text Book, Part II. Christianity: Its Evidences, Its Origin, Its Morality, Its History
  • While some reactions are linear, chain reactions can spread geometrically aka snowballing, potentially causing large and unexpected impact. Chain reaction
  • The DNA is asymmetrically distributed to the daughter cells when the kinetochores do not attach and the spindle checkpoint does not restrain mitosis.
  • As the cells separated their chromosomes, the nucleolus also appeared to segregate asymmetrically between mother and daughter cells, with the majority in the mother.
  • When two such diametrically opposed yet astute observers agree, you can bet the politicians are sweating bullets.
  • There may be circumstances when it is important to be able to estimate the distribution function and the corresponding mean and median values parametrically.
  • Some of those econometrically oriented thoughts have been traced out in this paper, presented at the conference. Econbrowser
  • Finally the fifth case consists of two symmetrically positioned closed curves.
  • The building was designed as a curved inhabitable land wave that fluently blends into the surrounding terrain and symmetrically follows the exact North-South axes.
  • they were symmetrically arranged
  • More expensive items in the same range should be finely knotted and possess cleanly articulated and symmetrically arranged decorative forms.
  • Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.
  • When the rear asymmetrically split door is fully open its aperture creates another class winning feature.
  • Soluble sugars were determined colorimetrically after hydrolysis of sucrose by invertase.
  • It can be argued that the law of armed conflict and human rights law have diametrically opposed, or at least incompatible, axiologies.
  • Sea water and sedimentary brines are volumetrically more important that fresh waters, but are unfit for human consumption.
  • You can't be for protecting or strengthening Social Security and also be for private accounts since the two goals are diametrically opposed, inimical to each other.
  • Sparks would likely fly in such an encounter as the two have been known to hold diametrically opposed visions on the role of English in Quebec.
  • Spending by Republican-controlled state governments increased geometrically, as roads, hospitals, prisons, asylums for orphans and the insane, and public schools were built all over the South. A Renegade History of the United States
  • It is given dynamism by a big brick drum which contains the main lecture theatre, and Is positioned asymmetrically to ensure that the space does not become rigid.
  • Could the media not have hired any of the several economists or econometrically trained political scientists to do the analysis? La Profesora Abstraida
  • they were asymmetrically arranged
  • They came to conclusions diametrically opposed to ours.
  • The agendas of science and the animal rights lobby are diametrically opposed.
  • Though it’s understandable how a culture that invented the term machismo might be uncomfortable lionizing a gay icon, it’s ironic that Morrissey has now been adopted by two diametrically opposed subcultures. Chuck Klosterman on Pop
  • The cells and matrix were parametrically assigned linear elastic, isotropic material properties.
  • Under these circumstances neither the annulus nor the lipid membrane will be situated symmetrically around the edges of the orifice.
  • The only volumetrically important and widespread diagenetic effect of groundwater flow on carbonates in near-surface evaporitic settings is reflux dolomitization.
  • Why are they so diametrically opposed to each other?
  • With a view to being able to detect and determine even the minutest; trace of any precipitate suspended in a fluid, Richards, by adopting and adapting an earlier idea, has constructed his well-known nephelometer, which, by the use of reflected light, allows of a reliable quantitative assessment being made of "opalizing" quantities of substance so small that they could be determined gravimetrically only with the utmost difficulty, if indeed at all. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1914 - Presentation
  • Especially, note one interlingual example where non-equivalence is declared elegantly and symmetrically: Archive 2007-03-01
  • The result was a graceful shell of weathered brick, rose-coloured with tall, symmetrically disposed openings on each side.
  • Titanous Chloride Method: Nitrate is determined potentiometrically using an NH3 gas-sensing electrode after nitrate is reduced to NH3 by a titanous chloride reagent.
  • If the contour ratios are equal the shapes are parametrically similar, and they can be scaled to become isoparametric.
  • By attaching differing substituent groups, some of which are water soluble and some of which are fat soluble, an unsymmetrically substituted phthalocyanine is created which is both water and fat soluble.
  • Our views are diametrically opposed on this issue.
  • _Diffuse lipomatosis_ usually begins over the nape and spreads more or less symmetrically till it completely surrounds the neck. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Arabic, on the other hand, the answer to the question, what is metrically long or short, is exceedingly simple, and flows with stringent cogency from the nature of the Arabic Alphabet. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • In one variant of the receiver, the coils are collinear and are wound about cores that are mounted in pairs of diametrically opposed apertures in the housing of the probe.
  • I can't be geometrically accurate about that, but there are proportions that are comfortable and proportions that aren't, and the ceiling height is an important part.
  • He feels that his Christian beliefs and the principle of capitalism are diametrically opposed.

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