How To Use Metrical In A Sentence
He gave geometrical solutions to doubling a cube and trisecting an angle in this book.
The spacecraft's mass at launch was some 13 tonnes, most of which was the propellants unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) and dinitrogen tetroxide (DTO).
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Definitions of what was at stake were thus diametrically opposed.
Dicentrics, rings, acentric fragments and asymmetrical translocations were recorded separately.
The rocks are asymmetrically folded and overthrust to the west, with chaotic units and abundant evidence for coeval soft-sediment deformation.

After our eyes adjust, we find the walls to be a gorgeous translucent blue, the surface scalloped into smooth, symmetrical wavelets.
Because the loquat, or Japanese plum, is symmetrical and has a dense, evergreen crown, it is desirable in the home landscape.
Educators have also applied paper folding to such diverse mathematical objects as logical structures, axiomatic systems, and tessellations with geometrical figures.
Hezbollah is waging "asymmetrical" warfare against Israel based on increasingly radicalized and even fanaticized mass support.
Nathan Gardels: Beginning of the End for Israel?
The ideological clash between monotheism and polytheism furnishes the world with one of its first examples of asymmetrical warfare.
Geometrical Theory of Diffraction is a fundamental algorithm in electromagnetic radiating and scattering, and programming is a key step for its application.
The ear ornaments in this collection are geometrically complex in design, combining squares, circles and triangles into single forms.
Sometimes there are two consecutive lines having such hypermetrical syllables --
The Principles of English Versification
Post LASIK ectasia case Preop Pak 416 VASC 0.15 -1.00 -300 x 163 VACC 0.8 Symetrical ring
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The respect is designed in lamplight, indirect lighting combining direct lighting is given priority to, in order to emphasize the lobby of the space is concise, modern and metrical sense.
This globalization has also worsened the conditions for new institutions to arise as the expanding number of people who must come to terms geometrically increases the cost of coming to a new agreement.
An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 3
Common metrical patterns in both poetry and music are iambic, trochaic, dactylic, amphibrachic, anapaestic, spondaic, and tribrachic.
The jumper has a geometrical pattern on it.
Well, humans do like symmetry and pattern, and math tends to make symmetrical, patterned images.
Textual criticism and emendation was the order of the day for scholars, with translation, prose and verse composition, and the study of metrical forms being the staple for students.
The aortal trunk, G, of the arterial system is disposed along the median line, as well for its own safety as for the fitting distribution of those branches which spring symmetrically from either side of it to supply the lateral regions of the body.
Surgical Anatomy
Painted in 1953, it dates from the period during which Barns-Graham, originally a figurative painter, was reconciling hard-edged geometrical abstraction with a love of landscape.
The aerodynamic forces generated by rigid and flexible geometrically scaled hawkmoth wings were measured.
A bony ridge may form over the fused suture and the ears may not be symmetrical (not at equal heights on each side).
One-third of the island's population converges daily into Fort-de-France, whose narrow symmetrically squared streets are as congested during the day as they are empty at night.
John Murray carried out the first bathymetrical survey of Loch Ness in 1901.
Such are your own and your friends’ impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery — too volatile and versatile — too flowery and coloury.
The two supratemporal fenestrae begin to close, getting smaller, sometimes asymmetrically.
A key problem of environment policy is information unsymmetrical between the regulator and the regulated.
Positioned asymmetrically, an ornate, 17 th-century altarpiece marks the entrance to the baptistery and the nave just beyond.
Spade in hand, with his head full of Roman castrametation and geometrical problems, a prince, scarce emerged from boyhood, presents himself on that stage where grizzled Mansfelds, drunken Hohenlos, and truculent Verdugos have been so long enacting, that artless military drama which consists of hard knocks and wholesale massacres.
History of the United Netherlands, 1590-99 — Complete
We do not get to geometrical or arithmetic objects via any process.
And any sane person who knows the definitions of fascism and socialism - two terms diametrically opposed to each other, BTW - would KNOW that the last occupant of the White House had us under a fascist dictatorship.
Propeller Most Popular Stories
And yet, the reason why most wars today are asymmetrical is precisely due to the fact that America has held the world in a territorial stasis where conventional warfare does not bring as much benefit as insurgency does.
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The solicitation of dale is now immunodeficient to a nonindulgence of colorimetrical darjeeling, from overachiever highlighter to pearlescent toot.
Rational Review
Where direct determination is to be performed, a variety of test methods (including repeated load triaxial, indirect diametrical tensile and unconfined compression) are available.
There is already a disconnect between what’s available online and what my broadband connection can provide, and that’s where having a symmetrical fibre connection helps.
Euclid wished to discover whether there existed a simple geometrical proportionality between the apparent size of equal and parallel lines and their distances from the eye.
Grouping pictures in symmetrical or asymmetrical groupings will always give a stylish look.
As defined by Collins, Dinocarids are bilaterally symmetrical arthropods with a body divided into two principal tagmata, recalling the prosoma and opisthosoma of chelicerates, and a non-mineralised cuticle.
Although it does not fit the metrical requirements of a sonnet, Herrick's song follows a metrical pattern and rhyme scheme.
It was clear that the shape of all these peaks was unsymmetrical and the heat capacity changed more rapidly in the higher temperature side.
_Nec (non) meminisse_ is metrically useful for filling the second hemistich of the pentameter up to the disyllable; so used at vi 50 'arguat ingratum non meminisse sui', _Tr_
The Last Poems of Ovid
Were there two metrical writers on alchymy of the name Bloomfield, temp.
Notes and Queries, Number 04, November 24, 1849
In the experimental arrangements with which we are now dealing (isometrical work) the development of heat during the actual twitch also includes the amount of energy which under other circumstances appears as external work.
Physiology or Medicine 1922 - Presentation Speech
For the human shell is not merely geometrical and architectural, like those of apian or beaverish communities; it holds and expresses all those differences by which we are exalted above the bee or the beaver.
Civics: as Applied Sociology
Three unsymmetrically substituted polyamine analogues demonstrate significant and selective antitumor effects.
That's why the zip on my stripy canvas clothes cover came out asymmetrical.
This blows from the point where the sun sets at the summer solstice, and is the only wind that is diametrically opposite to Eurus.
The axial plane is a surface that divides a fold as symmetrically as possible.
The name diatom comes from a Greek word diatomos that means cut in half, because the shells of diatoms have two overlapping, symmetrical halves.
Such are your own and your friends 'impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery -- too volatile and versatile -- too flowery and coloury.
I thought these evening outfits were pretty interesting and geometrical.
But some of the silk eveningwear was fit for the most glamorous of parties, apron bibs floating across the chest then twisting into straps over the shoulders and asymmetrically across the back before dripping into a train.
biradially symmetrical
A novel valve less piezoelectric pump with Cluster of Unsymmetrical Hump Structure ( CUHS ) is presented.
Her work is abstract, using geometrical shapes subtly arranged and typically painted in soft colours.
Note that each shell valve is symmetrical about the midline, but the two shell valves are often unequal in size.
From 1936 to 1939 he worked for the Federal Art Project, painting several abstract murals in a severe geometrical style.
The criteria for defining a conformer were based solely upon the type of intramolecular hydrogen bonds that characterized the analyzed conformations irrespective of other geometrical parameters.
Bilaterally symmetrical flowers, such as snapdragons and sweet peas, have distinctive upper and lower petals and are therefore asymmetric from top to bottom.
Hermite had a kind of positive hatred of geometry and once curiously reproached me with having made a geometrical memoir.
Coming together to launch NAHM for fall 2011, they fused their combined international experiences into one city-savvy line: think a burnt orange shirtdress with asymmetrical hem or black maxi dress with a shorter underskirt and long, sheer overlay.
Meredith Barnett: Two's a Charm: Meet the Design Duo Behind NAHM
Punters should also avoid choosing numbers that form shapes across the ticket because many people opt for diagonal or symmetrical patterns.
Times, Sunday Times
New types of fabrication permitted the creation of sturdy, oversized, non-symmetrical, and fluid furniture.
Out of pattern properties, a biometrical identifier is generated for each penguin.
The thing was a complex mess of bony laminae and concavities (termed fossae), few of which were symmetrical when you compared the two sides.
‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part I
This mechanism explains primary accumulation features, including the formation of dome structures, the geometrical relationship between bifurcations and domes, and the occurrence of chromitite layers on a variety of scales.
Raup analyzed different types of mollusk conchs in terms of their geometrical properties.
Here Maury's chronometrical sea science intimates the degree to which the chronometer had come, in the Victorian age, to embody nothing less than rationality itself.
Uttered unselfconsciously, it was voiced metrically, just to give lilt and play to a phrase, or phatically, not to express an idea but to establish sociability like the quack of a duck, song of a swan, or purr of a cat.
The Truth Will Out.
Good in all exercises, but excels on the asymmetrical bars and the beam.
Narrative folk ballads of Mexican origin typically have regular metrical features such as rhyming quatrains and use traditional imagery.
This was the approach of geometrical optics, which treated light as moving in straight line rays which were reflected or refracted according to simple rules.
There are two diametrically opposing poles of opinion on this highly political and racially-charged issue.
By this method the anthropometrical records are arranged in an orderly way, while the simplicity of the mechanism, and the clearness of the charts, guarantee the making of such observations as I have considered fundamental.
The Montessori Method
Neither one nor the other takes place in isolation; rather, there is an often unsymmetrical interplay between the two places.
The electricity and fluid symmetrical railroad switch's safeness , reliableness and practicableness on lathedesign according to practice.
Such meals exact a price, however: after chowing down on toxic aphids, spiders spin asymmetrical webs.
There may be circumstances when it is important to be able to estimate the distribution function and the corresponding mean and median values parametrically.
This is not the same Curry paradox under discussion; it is a well-known paradox, due to Paul Curry, having to do with so-called geometrical dissection.
Curry's Paradox
Once the corridors were cleared the two men would be taken to the Central Police Station, and the woman Rosalie, too — she would be put in a room by herself — and there they would be made to strip to the skin and go through the anthropometrical inspection.
Maigret and the Lazy Burglar
it grew geometrically
By continuing to give our political support to an administration whose actions have demonstrated a diametrical * opposition* to that “narrative”?
Matthew Yglesias » The Yoo and Bybee Rulings
Radially symmetrical flowers, such as buttercups and tulips, have a single type of petal arranged the same way all around a center.
The prosodical unities, then, in Arabic are the moved and the quiescent letter, and we are now going to show how they combine into metrical elements, feet, and metres.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The relative thermometrical conditions of land and water in the same vicinity are constantly varying, and the hygrometrical state of both is equally unstable.
Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 04 (historical)
The oozy goo of reproduction and decay impinges darkly on the tidy geometrical regularity of a bogus suburban milieu.
All non-essentials are stripped away and asymmetrical designs are everywhere.
I have no idea how he reconciles these two diametrically opposed stances.
It does not rise before us in detached and disconnected proportions, like that of spiritual loveliness, but in crowds, and in solitude, and in all the throngful varieties of thought and feeling and action, the symmetrical whole, the beautiful perfection comes up in the vision of memory, and stands, like
Tales and Sketches Part 3, from Volume V., the Works of Whittier: Tales and Sketches
Arthropods are bilaterally symmetrical protostomes with strongly segmented bodies.
Politicians offer diametrically opposed summations of vital world scenarios and present it all as fact.
The works of the temperate spirit and the works of incontinency are, I take it, diametrically opposed?
Setup or hold violations cause the output of the flip-flop to enter a symmetrically balanced transient state, called a metastable state.
EE Times-Asia
Among the pioneers of free verse, D. H. Lawrence stands out as one who, though gifted in metrical verse, is happier without meter.
Actually, Gauss was not really the first to use a geometrical description of complex numbers.
Before I proceed to show how from the prosodical unities, the moved and the quiescent letter, first the metrical elements, then the feet and lastly the metres are built up, it will be necessary to obviate a few misunderstandings, to which our mode of transliterating Arabic into the Roman character might give rise.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
We shall have to take nine, or eighty-one, or some other number in what our young philosopher calls geometrical progression -- that's right, isn't it, Jack, eh?
Jack at Sea All Work and no Play made him a Dull Boy
There were prominent bilateral scalp contusions with soft tissue and intramuscular haemorrhage, symmetrical parietal skull fractures with coronal sutural diastasis, and a lacerated dura mater with extrusion of brain and blood.
This paper was based on the theory of indexing cam, applied the theory of engagement of plane conjugate curve, established the geometrical model of plane cam reducing mechanism.
This is sometimes known as an asymmetrical display.
The most curious feature of the performance is that here again it is from end to end a travesty of Éliphas Lévi, slice after slice from his chief writings, combined with interlineal additions, which give them a sense diametrically opposed to that of the great magus.
Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
The particular tablet which concerns us is not one relating to administration but one which presents a geometrical problem which asks for the dimensions of a rectangle whose area and diagonal are known.
The Scctorial geometrical properties and the stress calculation formula of the thin box beam with different thicknesses are given in this paper.
this shape is geometrically interesting
WORDS OF SIMILAR SOUND: canvas (cloth) principle (rule) canvass (all meanings except _cloth_) principal (chief) capitol (a building) stationary (immovable) capital (all meanings except _building_) stationery (articles) counsel (advice or an adviser) miner (a workman) council (a body of persons) minor (under age) complement (a completing element) angel (a spiritual being) compliment (praise) angle (geometrical) 205.
Practical Grammar and Composition
when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?
Intelligible extension, then, is just the idea of geometrical extension and its properties, or what in the seventeenth-century came to be known as the ˜primary qualities.™
Malebranche's Theory of Ideas and Vision in God
This indicates that the applied geometrical constraints alone are not sufficient to explain the observed radial arrangements.
The thing was a complex mess of bony laminae and concavities (termed fossae), few of which were symmetrical when you compared the two sides.
Archive 2006-07-01
In 1950, Claude E. Shannon published an account of symmetrical signed-digit systems, including ternary and other bases.
The difference in quality may manifest itself indirectly through biometrical characteristics.
The econometrically-oriented have always wanted to look at crime data by state because it provides a larger data set to manipulate in a technically sophisticated fashion.
Welcome to the War Zone!
In a musical climate where beauty is often disregarded or located in asymmetrical euphony, bands like Kepler are clinging to an older and more concrete conception of beauty - one that hinges on order, balance, and tradition.
It also became clear that diametrically opposed opinions of and attitudes towards integration could quite easily be found within a local authority.
It drapes geometrically, clashing beautifully with the natural world.
A new study by physician researchers from Hasbro Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital Boston identifies risk factors for the severity of asymmetrical head shapes, known as deformational plagiocephaly (DP), or more commonly as flat head syndrome. - latest science and technology news stories
He sends you up a very nice pudding, symmetrical in design, of a good consistency, and of a rich brown colour.
A clash of diametrically opposed philosophies is never settled rapidly nor, necessarily, rationally.
The bee's honeycombs, pristine hexagons, are symmetrical over several axes.
The object of the expedition was to complete the survey of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, commenced under Captain King in 1826 to 1830to survey the shores of Chile, Peru, and of some islands in the Pacificand to carry a chain of chronometrical measurements round the World.
Chapter I
As so many of you do, you picked a username diametrically opposed to who you really are. - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
In wild-type flies, the head vertex is symmetrical and composed of three distinct domains.
Nevertheless, one may expect a greater similarity between two geometrically similar points than between two geometrically dissimilar points.
If being asymmetrical is the design focus, why put it in a rectangular frame? sasha on 28 Jan 2009 at 4: 06 am # wow! never seen anything like this before!
The Dekka Daybed by FurnID
Thus his playing, metrical but superficial and arrhythmic, astounds not for its virtuosity, but for precisely the opposite: an ignorance of what rhythm is all about.
All non-essentials are stripped away and asymmetrical designs are everywhere.
It is, however, unnecessary to discuss this question until our anthropometrical knowledge of prostitutes is more extended and precise.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
Revere enhanced the coat of arms with an asymmetrical cartouche, a curling trompe l' oeil motto scroll, and plants - all rococo devices.
Sculpted berms here, geometrically-patterned rows of exhaust stacks there, mastaba-shaped radar facility right over there, chalked footpaths everywhere.
Boullée in North Dakota
Maximum likelihood performs a nonlinear dimensionality reduction, choosing permutations that compact the permuted image vectors into a volumetrically minimal subspace.
At the present time the old racial instincts are actively powerful, and exert an influence diametrically opposed to climatic surroundings; and, as a matter of fact, we are witnessing a struggle between our Anglo – Saxon heredities and our Australian environment.
The Art of Living in Australia
A trochee is a metrical foot of two syllables, the first long and the second short.
In 1867 the difference between the highest and lowest barometrical readings was not more than 13.96 millimetres.
It is most illustrative to look at how a cubic Bézier is constructed geometrically, which is pictured below.
If it is facing the wall, the future will also be like be wall blocking general, luck can not be developed. 3: every corner cut seat seat should not be asymmetrical aisle and seat to cut.
Are the symmetrical possibilities endless, or are there limits to what symmetries can exist?
Times, Sunday Times
But they draw diametrically opposed conclusions as to the meaning of this link.
In what is perhaps a desire to allude to the baton twirlers of the marching band halftime show, the staging relies too heavily on dancers with giant flowing flags and large, geometrically abstract but still twirlable props.
photometrically measured
Featuring delicate daubs of paint that created elegant dotted lines, the geometrical discipline of these lines imposed themselves on near evanescent landscapes.
The geometrical alignment clearly expresses the plasmic Gaia-Mind's intent to usher in a new era of human-alien relations!
Archive 2006-07-01
Such a concentration of comparable geometrical forms can not be coincidental.
The limit pressure angle is related to such factors as offset angle, mean spiral angle, pitch cone angle and mean pitch cone diameter, not to geometrical shape of the tooth surface.
A molecule is said to be symmetrical if it can be divided into equal mirror image parts by a line or a plane.
Given this distribution, Parson shows that a group of eight magnetons may be arranged symmetrically round the sphere so as to give a stable configuration; and even with atoms possessing a larger number of magnetrons, a similar distribution of eight is assumed.
They found that the knees and ankles of the top 100m sprinters were the most symmetrical.
Times, Sunday Times
The sum of a figure and its centrally symmetrical image has central symmetry.
Her lipstick is done so well, you'd think they'd want her face to be symmetrical.
The Cambro-Ordovician boundary is now radiometrically dated at 490 Ma and so only rocks and fossils of late Cambrian age are included in this part of our survey.
Then they poured melted lead upon the clamps and set the blocks in geometrical order, till the building was complete.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
An absolutely unsymmetrical cultural relationship has been formed between various national sports cultures and Olympics.
“The country took its biggest step ever down a road diametrically opposed to its original intent of keeping the state small so that the individual can be free andgreat.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawsuits Against the Health Care Bill
The main thing you are looking for is that, from front and back, both sides of the body are symmetrical.
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Again, the preference is at least in part metrical: personal pronouns are normally unaccented, so that the uninverted pattern has an alternating accent pattern on its constituents.
They tend toward geometrical abstraction: agricultural land divided into rectangular fields, the biomorphic shapes of the links on a golf course, rafts of lumber attached together in floating strings, neat arrays of industrial buildings, and the compressed urbanization of the prefecture's capital city, also called Shizuoka.
Island Life and the Wild
Sometimes we are diametrically opposed to each other.
But Marcus du Sautoy offers to name a symmetrical object in hyperspace for you.
We start with a series of drawings on white paper using a dark crayon, teaching symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns.
I still regard myself as an environmentalist but I often find myself in almost diametrical disagreement with most of those who professionally use that title.
Syria is almost the diametrical opposite of all that.
Dr. Josef Olmert: Arab Spring: R.I.P.?
One of the most unusual findings of our scans was that while the nuns were resting (not praying), the activity in their thalami (there are actually two, one on the left and one on the right) was asymmetrical, with one side more active than the other.
Born to Believe
The geometrical analogy is a most illuminating one, for it enables us to understand how manyness may be indispensable to a being that is essentially unitary.
The Approach to Philosophy
Also I was a little disappointed to find that I couldn't customize the parametrically generated connectors "split connector" break line.
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The hard-wearing look continued with heavy brown moon boots worn under skin-tight trousers cut to the ankle or knee and asymmetrical jackets drawn tight across the shoulders.
Astigmatism: An astigmatism occurs when the cornea or lens (or both) are not perfectly symmetrical.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
Our inquiries upon this branch of the subject will accordingly be limited to the thermometrical and hygrometrical influences of the woods.
Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
The nose and nostril openings also should be as symmetrical as possible.
The signification of the 7th house for opponents and ‘opposite numbers’ - both in love and war - can to some extent be explained by its diametrical aspect to the ascendant.
Cosmographical Dissertations; containing the cosmographical mystery respecting the admirable proportion of the celestial orbits, and the genuine and real causes of the number, magnitude, and periods of the planets, demonstrated by the five regular geometrical solids. '
The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'
I'd offer some cogent analysis at this point, but I'm torn between two diametrically opposed viewpoints.
What, then, was the early modern experience of metrical rhythm?
Alain Vaës, whose décors typically have a strong, disquieting presence, has pierced the dancing ground with five huge, asymmetrically placed pillars unconnected to any architectural structure.
The greater likelihood is that in a war the Islamists would fight asymmetrically, with guerrilla tactics.
Indeed, the knight is the only chess piece that covers an asymmetrical pattern of squares.
But this misses the real distinction between diametrically opposed beliefs based on entirely different conceptions of the satisfaction of human needs.
The understanding of the individual reactions in glycolysis grew geometrically.
Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
This is the central figural medallion, or emblema, of a geometrically patterned floor, executed in minute tesserae of subtly graduated tones, that depicts a dog seated next to an overturned golden vessel.
‘It proved to be a real breakthrough: a dwarf, basal-branched plant with symmetrical habit, and very floriferous.’
Gentleman has much about which to be modest without inventing modesties that are diametrically opposed to the facts at hand, and, though the Rt.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Comment Quality:
Other distinguishing characteristics of this group include a double blowhole, a symmetrical skull, right and left halves of the the lower jaw unfused, and a single osseus sternum.
Characteristically, psoriasis is symmetrically distributed, with lesions frequently located on the ears, elbows, knees, umbilicus, gluteal cleft and genitalia.
True to its barometrical functions, my throat was predicting a storm.
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The rum-shop and grocery that stood on the diametrical axis, across Old St Joseph Road from our front-bedroom, was frequently robbed.
As the curvature of the wing changed, the lift increased, causing the Columbia to want to roll violently to the right; at the same time, because of an increase in asymmetrical drag, it yawed violently to the left.
Columbia's Last Flight
Another trend, growing from Weyl's work, involved introducing various geo - metrical features, such as torsion, directly into space - time, a notable example being the theory, based on an unsymmetric gab, on which Einstein was working at the time of his death.
Opposite the galley is an asymmetrical dinette which seats three comfortably and four in a pinch.
The clerestory windows are of uniform pattern of the style known as geometrical Decorated.
The Cathedral Church of York Bell's Cathedrals: A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Archi-Episcopal See
The wrenching of accent for metrical purposes, moreover, is not confined to the dissyllabic words which show the simple recession of accent.
The Principles of English Versification
As it was a foreign language to me try "clinometer", "collective pitch", "geometrical precession", I stopped them in their tracks and looked for another angle of approach.
Honesty, Oprah, and the Formal Learning Industries
Beneath an elegant cornice of acanthus-leaf scrolls, the top two floors are delineated by a stringcourse of shells, tridents, and sea creatures, and a symmetrical pattern of square and circular cartouches, the latter of which depict a majestic eagle-like bird puffing out its breast and extending its wings.
Ruffled Feathers on Fifth Avenue
In fact, the building is a symmetrical, timber-framed hall built around 1430.
Life in a medieval home
The researchers point out that there are three general factors that play a primary role in the risk of suffering an injury: incorrect training techniques, unsuitable or damaged equipments and biomechanical and anthropometrical abnormalities.
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The two statements quoted above contain diametrically opposite conceptions of this country, its future and its destiny.
Antimony forms two series of salts, antimonious and antimonic; and advantage is taken of this in its determination volumetrically.
A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
It gives the whole thing a nice, what do you call it, symmetricalness.
The Big Scam
The ideological clash between monotheism and polytheism furnishes the world with one of its first examples of asymmetrical warfare.
Arthropods are bilaterally symmetrical protostomes with strongly segmented bodies.
The inscriptions, instead of being grouped wherever there happened to be space, and so producing the richest form of wall-decoration ever devised by man, are disposed in symmetrical columns, the effect of which, when compared with the florid style of Karnak, is as the methodical neatness of an engrossed deed to the splendid freedom of an illuminated manuscript.
A Thousand Miles Up the Nile