How To Use Metric ton In A Sentence
The baseline is the 2006 figures of 12.4 million metric tons CO2 equivalent.
Eco Libris: Book Industry Announces Carbon Reducion Goals
More than 1.3 million metric tons of grain sorghum are used annually to produce ethanol in the United States and the number is expected to increase in the future.
In the last few years, 55, 000 reptile skins from India, 19, 000 big-eye thresher shark fins in Ecuador and 23 metric tonnes of pangolin in Asia have all been seized.
KREEP basalts on the moon are 10-20 ppm Th. There was a single fragment from one of the Apollo missions with 50 ppm Th. The reserve base for terrestrial Th is 1. 2M metric tons, but going to ores as dilute as KREEP basalts would expand the reserve base enormously.
Dennis Wingo - Why Space? Why Now? - NASA Watch
Sesa Goa said it will consider ways to restart construction at Bellary Steel's stee plant with a capacity to produce 500,000 metric tons a year.
Sesa Goa Buys Bellary Steel for 2.2 Billion Rupees
The average cost of producing adipic acid was just over $1,750 a metric ton in June, while the sales prices in the benchmark Chinese market were barely higher, at around $1,800 a metric ton, according to industry consultant PCI Nylon GmbH.
French Firm Cashes In
The Bush Administration airlifted 25 metric tons of shrink-wrapped centrifuges, uranium and sensitive documentation to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, staging a dramatic press conference with commandos guarding the loot as if it contained actual nuclear weapons.
Michael Bronner: Civil War (Hold the Mustard...)
The boat was carrying 6000 metric tons of styrene, isopropyl and methyl ethyl ketone.
Geologists estimate, and re-estimate, the Earth's carbon reservoir at more than 75 million billion metric tons, mostly buried in limestone, dolomite, ossified gunk called kerogen, coal, oil, and natural gas.
Grist - the Latest from Grist
The North Sea is a highly productive LME supporting average landings of 2.5 million metric tons of fish and shellfish every year.
North Sea large marine ecosystem
Each year, rural peoples consume some 2.2 billion pounds (one million metric tons) of so-called bushmeat from wildlife, the equivalent of four million cattle; the flesh accounts for 80 percent of the protein and fat in their diet.
Rainforest Portal RSS Newsfeed
The company says it will "mineralize" the carbon dioxide as baking soda, offsetting an additional 200,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide in the manufacture of benign chemical byproducts. - Highschool
Since mature coconut palms may have a height of 24 to 35 meters, and an unhusked coconut may weigh 1 to 4 kg, blows to the head of a force exceeding 1 metric ton are possible.
The company said that the tanker was carrying about 275,000 metric tonnes of crude.
Times, Sunday Times
Even though helium is twice as dense as hydrogen, this is less than one metric ton of gas.
Under the current law, crude oil is taxed 2,040 yen, or $23.90, a kiloliter; liquefied petroleum gas and liquefied natural gas at 1,080 yen a metric ton; and thermal coal 700 yen a ton.
Japan Ponders Increasing Fuel Tax
Wiley and three co-workers pour 10 metric tons of food pellets into the pens each day and monitor the fish with underwater video cameras to see when they stop eating.
World consumption of natural rubber in 1996 was 6.13 million metric tons, corresponding to 39% of world consumption of all elastomers.
They represented 'one metric tonne of downforce'.
Times, Sunday Times
If Rhodia's adipic acid at Onsan generates a profit of $50 or so a metric ton, that's worth $7.5 million a year.
French Firm Cashes In
What further angered Sudan were Egyptian media reports that Egypt had signed an agreement with Japan and Germany to export 15,000 metric tons of ferromanganese bars worth $75 million and aimed at producing high-quality steel.
Magda Abu-Fadil: Could Halayeb's Manganese Wealth Trigger A Sudan-Egypt Conflict?
The DCI report states that there is strong evidence that Iraq maintains a stockpile of chemical agents, with a numerical estimate of at least one hundred, and up to five hundred combined metric tons of VX, sarin, cyclosarin, and mustard gas.
Think Progress » The Intelligence Agencies Didn’t Get It Wrong, The Bush Administration Did
The very biggest may have reached 40 metres in length and weighed close to 100 metric tons.
Each boat, manned by two or three fisherman, typically brings back a metric ton of squid every night.
We talk about things like metric tons of carbon dioxide, vehicle miles traveled, legislative history buried in subcommittee reports, intersections per square mile, and so on.
F. Kaid Benfield: Village Green: Rebuilding a Neighborhood Rich in Civil Rights History
The Renault F1 team, for example, travels to races with two cars, a spare chassis, eight engines, 25 metric tons of airfreight not including 18 sets of tires for each of the team's two drivers, and a staff of about 70 people.
Formula One Roars to Banks of Hudson
Last year, demand for cocoa exceeded production by 70,000 metric tonnes.
Times, Sunday Times
It moved 594,600 metric tons of airfreight and had 184,300 flights.
The production of 44,000 metric tons of ensilage represents a 34 percent increase as compared to the same period the previous year.
Newsprint prices have risen steadily since bottoming out at $435 per metric ton in 2002.
But by using the high-yielding varieties, fertilizing heavily, sowing at the right time, and managing the fields properly, the same farmer can now harvest five tons of wheat and seven tons of rice per hectare from the same land, a total of twelve metric tons of food grain per hectare per year, as contrasted with the two and a half tons which he obtained with the old varieties and methods.
Norman Borlaug - Nobel Lecture
On a worldwide scale an average of 704,000 metric tonnes of general shark meat is sold annually.
Department of Justice figures already show – that marijuana cultivation is up in Mexico since 2005, more than doubling to 21.5 million metric tons in 2008.
Mexico's Largest Pot Bust Even Bigger Than Original Estimate
The lockout of 11,000 dockworkers is blocking shipment of 80,000 metric tons of soybeans a day to Europe and other markets.
Each year up to 6 million metric tons of anchoveta reach the docks of more than 100 fishmeal plants, along with others that can it and make byproducts.
The Center for Public Integrity: Peru's vanishing fish: Rampant cheating and lax controls plague industry
Chinese peanuts 1000 metric tons, gross for net, the seller may decrease shorts spill by 5%, part of the contract price calculation.
His ideal station would be relatively small, consisting of no more than two modules weighing 20-25 metric tons.
The number of uninstantiated determinate disjuncts involved by many other determinables such as alloyed with more than one gram but less than a metric ton of gold is certainly huge.
Determinates vs. Determinables
The market's valuation of Domtar UFS, North America's largest uncoated free sheet maker, is just around $1,000 per metric ton.
Paper Tigers No More
Import tonnage of aluminous cement is small, however levels did increase by more than 33% to 41,137 metric tons.
By the end of August, China had exported some 28,500 metric tons of rare earth to customers around the world in 2010, the vast bulk of the 30,300 metric tons it set as the full-year quota, according to an executive at a fore ign rare-earth producer who cited Chinese statistics but who asked not to be identified.
China Denies Halting Rare-Earth Exports to Japan
The Food and Agriculture Organization forecast in its biannual report that world cereal output would rise 3.5% to a record 2.3 billion metric tons in 2011—but warned that this might not be enough to replenish scarce world stocks and calm the recent turbulence in world food markets.
Food Prices Posing Risk to Poor Nations
Imports of copper, copper alloy and semifinished copper products fell 6.7% from a year earlier to 344,558 metric tons.
China Trade Surplus Narrowed in December
Boronia notes are rarely found in mass-market perfumes because of its prohibitive cost; but also because it is susceptive to much adulteration, and the world production is extremely limited Arctander mentiones under 1 metric tone per year but that was quite some time ago - I don't know if the production has gone up or down since than.
There is a decent-sized load bay and it will tow any trailer up to 2.3 metric tonnes.
The Sun
The North Sea is a highly productive LME supporting average landings of 2.5 million metric tons of fish and shellfish every year.
North Sea large marine ecosystem
BEIJING—China will cap its energy use at 4 billion metric tons of coal equivalent by 2015 and raise the share of nonfossil fuels in the energy mix to 11.4% under plans due for approval at the National People's Congress, China's parliament, which gets under way Saturday, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported Friday.
China Outlines Energy Goals
One cocoa cooperative in the Juanjui area of San Martin, for example, exported 2,000 metric tons of top-quality organic cocoa last year, up from 190 metric tons in 2003.
Global anthropogenic emissions of mercury are estimated to range between 2000 and 6000 metric tons per year.
The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year.
The scale of this challenge is immense, as a "gigaton" of carbon is a billion metric tons: human activity currently adds more than 30 gigatons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere per year through the burning of fossil fuels.
David Kroodsma: The Gigaton Awards: A Race to the Top
Every year, the world produces about 44 million metric tons of cottonseed, which is equivalent to 10 million tons of protein," he says.
Delta Farm Press RSS Feed
The last major incident in the North Sea was in 1993, when the MV Braer carrying 85,000 metric tons of crude oil ran aground in a storm in the Shetland Islands.
Shell: 54,600 gallons of oil spilled in North Sea
At least half of the world's yearly crop of 50,000 metric tons is cultivated in subtropical Mexico, including protected areas in the mountains of the Sierra Madre Occidental, where the Lantern himself has spotted more than a few gardens within park boundaries.
Ever wonder how people who take illegal drugs affect the planet?
Last year, demand for cocoa exceeded production by 70,000 metric tonnes.
Times, Sunday Times
The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" - the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment - was a significant step toward ...
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
Gerdau said in March it had virtually doubled its iron-ore resources to three billion metric tons in Minas Gerais state, southeast Brazil, and in the future may be able to sell iron ore to third parties after satisfying its own needs.
Brazil's Gerdau Plans New Business Model in Iron Ore
It aims to triple production of oil and gas condensate to 5.2 metric tons by 2010 and is investing heavily in refineries.
Next to the elephant, the white rhino is the largest land mammal and can weigh up to 3.6 metric tons.
Last year, demand for cocoa exceeded production by 70,000 metric tonnes.
Times, Sunday Times
The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year.
The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year.
The pool takes up a volume of 66 cubic metres and weighs over 80 metric tons.
Of the total annual average buntal fiber production of 10.4 metric tons, 70% is for local consumption.
That increase ended a dramatic decline from 2. 7 million metric tons in May 1994.
The company said that the tanker was carrying about 275,000 metric tonnes of crude.
Times, Sunday Times
In a procedure which began at seven o'clock in the morning and which lasted for a little under four hours, the 1,000 metric tonne roof was raised from inside the storage tank's structure using pneumatic pressure.
Domestic shipbuilders along with cold-rolled steel companies last week asked Posco to produce a combined 600,000 metric tons steel products for "possible emergency needs" in the coming months, a Posco spokesman said.
South Korean Shipbuilders Ask Posco to Raise Output
Sunday, International Medical Corps delivered 2.5 metric tons of rice, beans, maise, and vegetable oil to the residents of the little community-an action that clearly lifted Marhone's spirits.
Nearly half a million metric tonnes of cereal food aid is needed over the next six months.
The Vedanta University authorities have already supplied 8 metric tons of polythene sheets, 2 lakh food packets and 1 lakh water pouches in Puri district.
Vedanta donates Rs. 30 lakh for Orissa Flood Victims
ONDCP statistics suggest that Colombia's potential production capacity for pure cocaine—i.e., the amount of land for coca farming—dropped to 270 metric tons in 2009.
The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" -- the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment -- was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy.
Man of Refinement
The Wall Street Journal uses 220,000 metric tons of newsprint each year.
…In 2006, peatland fires in Indonesia released up to about 900 million metric tons of CO2.
Let’s Test Climate ‘Science’ With Real Science | RedState
One said: "In MTI, computing resources are not measured by the traditional capacities or speeds such as Gb, Tb, Megaflop or Teraflop ... but by the metric tonne! .. and they have lots of them.
The Register