How To Use Methylbenzene In A Sentence
Toluene (methylbenzene) is an aromatic hydrocarbon natural product of diagenic origin and an important commercial chemical.
For example if hydrogen chloride is dissolved in an organic compound such as methylbenzene no acidic properties are shown, unlike when it is dissolved in water.
Octane number upgrading is also possible with tert-butylalcohol, but this is available in too small quantities to be a viable alternative to up-grading with methylbenzene (toluene).
Objective: To determine the effect of methylbenzene on meiosis of spermatocyte from mouse testis.
Other substances released when paper money is burned include benzene, methylbenzene and ethylbenzene -- which can cause cancer and other diseases. : Breaking News
Like any other hydrocarbons, benzene and methylbenzene burn in a plentiful supply of oxygen to give carbon dioxide and water.
Toluene (methylbenzene) was ranked as 33 out of the 208 ranks.