How To Use Methodological In A Sentence
He then proceeds to dissect Heidegger's model of subjectivity according to three methodological phases.
The gender differences found in this study need to be viewed in light of two methodological limitations.
A number of methodological criticisms have been made of these studies which cast serious doubt on the validity of their findings.
From his vaguely defined methodological stance, Snooks criticizes Darwin's use of analogy.
The recourse to 'extraliterary' theory is not in itself, however, a methodological error.
Anaesthetic Criticism: I
Whilst distinct in terms of research focus, the two projects were theoretically and methodologically similar.
Therefore there is a methodological purpose to the use of the ' documentary ' style.
The problem of positivism in pedagogy study lies in its technicalization and the anti- positivism of academy, and methodological inadequacy of its denial of value relationship.
But as Johnson himself notes, many people think that they can be methodological naturalists and theists.
Though the arrangement seems at first to be a chronological one, dating from the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s, the grouping is actually methodological.
It is concerned with understanding the world and has a set of distinctive methodological devices for engaging in that process.
This approach stood in opposition to the more empiricist view dominant since Hume, Comte and Mill, that the moral or social sciences had relied on conceptual and methodological analogies with the natural sciences, from Newtonian and statistical mechanics, such as Condorcet's ˜social mathematics™ and also from biology, such as Saint-Simon's ˜social physiology™.
The Unity of Science
It is methodologically challenging to establish the validity of either mother or father reports of father involvement, particularly when parents do not agree.
Here we come up against the counterpart of the methodological problem I identified earlier.
From the methodological lesson he took from Einstein to the insights gained in his own high-pressure physics, an important focus of Bridgman's operationalism was on regulating the extension of concepts to uncharted domains.
This conclusion, however, is valid only if Searle is right in claiming that collective intentionality conforms to methodological solipsism.
Anyone wanting a sense of either the broad methodological coherence of this rapprochement or its sometimes bewildering thematic complexity will find resource here.
But in this instance, comrade Preobrazhensky has completely forgotten about this fundamental methodological demand of Marxism.
What results is "a skewed methodological approach which can most appropriately be described as one of decontextualised atheoretical empiricism".
Hugh Muir's Diary
The methodological system of "Three Three" mineral resource potential assessment in western China is also discussed in this paper.
The hybridoma technique for the production of monoclonal antibodies represents one of the most important methodological advances in biomedicine during the 1970s.
Physiology or Medicine 1984 - Press Release
However, there is nothing in this kind of corrigible introspection to worry methodological naturalists.
In the years following its initial introduction into sociology, ethnomethodological research split into two camps.
The methodological system of "Three Three" mineral resource potential assessment in western China is also discussed in this paper.
Limitation: Methodological features and quality aried substantially and often were incompletely reported.
He adopted their methodological starting point, the assumption that rational actors ‘seek to gratify their desires with the least exertion.’
Nor has anyone elaborated the idea of dialectics into a methodological system in the way that Marx and Marxism did.
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Methodological pluralists cannot ignore this issue, and we looked briefly at the main attempts to think about multiple structural effects working at the same time.
The real methodological statement of "behaviorism" in economics is not the Friedman essay, but the Stigler/Becker piece "De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum" AER.
Behaviorism in Economics: A Funeral, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The answer, of course, lies in a problem that always confronts methodological individualism in its attempts to deal with structural features of social relationships.
Choice, Rationality, and Social Theory
On top of the methodological resources collected and presented, the specialized web site could offer training programs, software, and even a software toolbox.
Given this methodological limitation, the external validity of the present findings is clearly an issue.
Practicing methodological naturalism and then believing in superstition is called compartmentalization, not intellectual consistency.
Partial Knowlege, Totally Dangerous
While each method has potential methodological caveats, the concordance of the results using the different methods lends promise to the conclusions reached.
Evaluations of drug treatment programs have reached more positive conclusions but generally suffer from methodological problems, most notably self-selection into treatment.
Although prospective in design these studies have methodological flaws.
In the absence of atrial fibrillation the use of digoxin and digitoxin has been more controversial and until recently it was evaluated in randomised controlled trials with major methodological flaws.
Mill's vision survived the so-called neoclassical revolution in economics beginning in the 1870s and is clearly discernable in the most important methodological treatises concerning neoclassical economics, such as John Neville Keynes 'The Scope and Method of Political Economy
Philosophy of Economics
Some claim that it is simply a matter of definition; thus Nancey Murphy: "¦ there is what we might call methodological atheism, which is by definition common to all natural science" (Murphy 2001, 464).
Religion and Science
Methodological naturalism is nothing more than a description of how science is currently practiced.
Another review found only one study that met their entrance criteria, and that study had so many methodological difficulties that they found it uninterpretable.
The attempts to free academia and research funds from the stranglehold of methodological materialism can only help the creationist movement.
Unfortunately, the many methodological problems that plague past opinion polls require cautious interpretation of their results.
Quite a few of the posts in the blog are grounded in a theory of social ontology that I refer to as methodological localism.
Archive 2008-11-01
Our aim here is to create conditions that facilitate methodological inventiveness.
Tinbergen's pioneer work in econometrics has been of major importance for subsequent methodological development.
The Prize in Economics 1969 - Presentation Speech
We were unable to compare pain at the bone-graft donor site between the studies because of methodological reasons.
Some fundamental issues of methodological integration ( MI ) are studied orienting the science and technology innovation.
Mainstream economics to date has not exhibited an enthusiasm for entering into methodological debate.
Colin, Menger founded the Austrian school, setting forth its methodological approach with the debates with the German historical school and the development of marginalism in response to classical price theory.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Carl Menger Essay Prize for Undergrads:
Thus methodological individualism can sometimes impede the sort of radical objectivation of social phenomena that the use of certain sociotheoretic models or tools requires.
Methodological Individualism
Our discussions about structure reveal not only major gaps in theorizing international systems, but also an expansive research agenda for methodological pluralists.
Last year, the HCI community had a similar “learning how to debate” experience that involved a paper called “Ethnography Considered Harmful “, also positioned as a debate about whether non-ethnomethodological forms of ethnography made contributions to the field of Human Computer Interaction.
Scholarly Debates: Revisiting Ethnography Considered Harmful « Beki's Blog (there's an original name)
let us proceed methodologically
In addition, mastery of the subject does not imply a memorization of ready-made formulas or methodological recommendations, but rather a logical understanding of the material.
In the methodological part of the book, Hodgson attempts to develop a response to the challenge that Marx, historicism and institutionalism left with us, and which has been ignored by more recent work in social science.
[Weber 1917/1949, 10], which is often proposed as a solution by those sharing Weber's kind of methodological perspectivism.
Nord apparently does not understand that justification for methodological naturalism is purely pragmatic.
Concepts like "emergent order" have been an obsession of methodological individualists for ages.
Wireless industry trade group CTIA on Wednesday questioned the Federal Communications Commission's recent survey on cell phone bill shock, pointing to what it called methodological holes in the agency's analysis.
Wireless industry tells the FCC its 'bill shock' survey is bunk
We begin with a brief discussion of the methodological issues underlying these two modes of analysis.
“While the notion of historicity has become ever more problematic for theory,” he says, “at the same time for historiography and its own methodological self-awareness the idea of history as a unitary process is rapidly dissolving” (Vattimo 1988, 6).
What it does entail, however, is the methodological point that doctrinal deviation from tradition should not originate from some unanalyzed conviction about what ‘modem people’ can or can no longer believe in.
No. It makes sense that an evolutionary biologist would get it right -- natural selection is an ideal example of a functional contextualist explanation (another is radical behaviorism, which is too often dismissed by those who have ignorantly confused it with methodological behaviorism).
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In asserting that the problem of demarcation between science and nonscience is a pseudo-problem (at least as far as philosophy is concerned), I am manifestly not denying that there are crucial epistemic and methodological questions to be raised about knowledge claims, whether we classify them as scientific or not.p. 221. and
Demarcation, Credentials, and Science Education
The performative nature of hypertexts, such as Storyspace, are easily likened to Barthes' notion of text as ‘a methodological field’.
Its methodological integrity and analytical scope will make it a standard work in the field for some time to come.
Those processes belong to the nonrational component of scientific discovery and, as such, are not methodological.
The Scientist
Most data are derived from cross-sectional studies, with their inherent methodological limitations.
Membership should provide methodological and ethical expertise in clinical research, non-clinical research, qualitative and other methods of social science research, including statistics.
Many attempts to evaluate its effectiveness have shown little or no benefit, possibly due to methodological problems.
This leaves little time for research (I teach in the social sciences/humanities), and what research there is often comes funded by the government and as a result is policy oriented, functionalistic and un-engaged with theoretical and methodological questions in the field.
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The third part makes some provocative claims about scientists using science to attain political ends and it also touches on methodological naturalism (which he calls methodological materialism):
Thoughts in a Haystack
What it does entail, however, is the methodological point that doctrinal deviation from tradition should not originate from some unanalyzed conviction about what ‘modem people’ can or can no longer believe in.
In my view, his own methodological framework cannot solve his original problem and it suffers from a slight bias towards apriorism.
Methods for assessment of methodological quality by systematic reviews are still in their infancy and there is substantial room for improvement.
The experiments they cite have methodological weaknesses that limit their relevance to humans, or have been superseded by more exhaustive research.
Times, Sunday Times
For many years, the term methodological individualism was associated primarily with the work of Karl Popper.
Methodological Individualism
Stylistically, this is not a dry ethnomethodological study.
Assume for example that they did 3 excellent, methodologically sound studies on this topic and 2 of them indicated “zero increase in unaided recall”.
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By using ethnomethodological and conversation analytic techniques, we analysed how psychiatrists and patients with psychotic illness engage with each other in routine consultations.
One of the letters seems to support our conclusion, whereas the two others focus on possible methodological difficulties.
This kind of thinking can also be seen in the work of Stewart Brand, Christopher Alexander and Kevin Lynch, as well as in the ethnomethodological work of Garfinkel and Goffman.
Ambiguity, most searching at least in methodological terms, Empson explores the complexities of language in one local analysis after another, such that the analyses of the various types of ambiguity reach a point where the author comes to confront what would later be christened, in deconstructive writing,
History against Historicism, Formal Matters, and the Event of the Text: De Man with Benjamin
The discus sion here focuses on a few definitions widely used by neoclassicists and provides the methodological reasons for the particular definition fol lowed here.
The term subaltern suggests an interest in social class but more generally it is also a methodological orientation that opens up the study of logics of subordination.
Wireless industry trade group CTIA on Wednesday questioned the Federal Communications Commission’s recent survey on cell phone bill shock, pointing to what it called methodological holes in the agency’s analysis.
Wireless industry tells the FCC its 'bill shock' survey is bunk
My fourth methodological move offers a historiographic practice to feminist rhetorical studies.
This will also serve to highlight aspects of the choice of methodological framework.
‘Methodological naturalism’ refers to the idea that as a practical matter science must restrict itself to naturalistic theories.
Chapter 2 concerns itself with the methodological difficulties.
It will perhaps be most useful for prospective or new catechists who need a brief overview of what is involved on the methodological and the experiential side of this ministry.
Social scientists argue that the discipline is unscientific due to methodologically weak research, while police officers appear sceptical about its benefits for solving crime.
This has coincided with an increasing methodological interest in contestation, ambiguity and uncertainty.
The methodological capability of art historical science was triumphantly on display, with full confidence in its possibilities.
The methodological centrality of suspicion to current critical practice has involved a concomitant privileging of the concept of paranoia.
The Methodological investigation on the measurement of thickness of downhole casing with ultrasonic pulse echo technique is carried out both in theory and in experiments.
It's a science in that it can be measured by results and is subject to methodological analysis.
Evaluations under these circumstances are rare and fraught with methodological difficulties.
It inevitably makes compromises with this methodological ideal.
However, the petrophysical analysis shows similar porosity changes approaching a shear zone, suggesting that this is characteristic of the Boom clay, and not a peculiarity of the Kruibeke Fault Zone or methodological bias.
Perhaps I shall call it methodological teleology.
Creationism and Propaganda
To me, the fatal flaw of this method is her decision not to write a major methodological chapter to introduce her study.
What philosophy was to provide was the means to substantive methodological self-reflection.
Such finitism might have been acceptable to Dedekind as a methodological stance; but in other respects his position is strongly infinitary.
Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics
But it is also clear that there are many methodological pitfalls along the way.
Apart from my methodological muddles, what should we make of the oscillations in fossil diversity?
Accordingly, some theoretical and methodological grounding for this transformation needs to be provided.
The appraisal process is loaded in favour of the methodological commitments of the appraiser.
Although hedonism fails as a theory that gives us a fixed end, it does contain a methodological insight.
The traditional monistic thinking which seeks for discrepancy and avoids similarity is the methodological crux of the queries about global ethics.
Another significant methodological choice is whether to use a single-charge model, in which the protonic charge is added at one site, or to use a model in which the charge is spread over the entire group.
A supernatural metaphysics has nothing to fear from methodological naturalism.
They were also influenced by methodological developments in other areas of scholarship.
The methodological system of "Three Three" mineral resource potential assessment in western China is also discussed in this paper.
If you study Austrian economics, you will learn that a central tenet of the school is methodological individualism.
So compares the paradigms based on how they treat the program methodologically, ontologically and epistemologically.
Three Paradigms of Research in Computer Science « Beki's Blog (there's an original name)
This is a growing methodological subfield.
The Times Literary Supplement
Further, I cautioned them that their failure to disprove a hypothesis that no structure existed was methodologically inadequate to support a conclusion that prices were random.
These limitations notwithstanding, the present report raises key nosological and methodological questions regarding the diagnosis of children having problems with attention and behavioral inhibition.
Rather than offering a comprehensive account of objectivity, some feminists have offered methodological guidelines for avoiding the sexist and androcentric errors and biases that feminists have identified in mainstream science.
It's a science in that it can be measured by results and is subject to methodological analysis.
The fact that man does not have the creative power to imagine categories at variance with the fundamental logical relations and with the principles of causality and teleology enjoins upon us what may be called methodological apriorism.
Confirmation Bias and ID
In early October, Dr. Marie Jahoda and Dr. Seider Chein convened a meeting with Dr. Raths to confront him with the methodological flaws in his study.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
This problem is likely to be encountered often by decision makers wishing to assess the methodological quality of published studies.
He then plotted them along x and y axes that he changed periodically for the sake of methodological soundness and fit the graphs to standard parabolic and trigonometric curves.
The inclusion of context specific as well as generic aspects of methodological quality is sometimes sensible.
The methodology of cultural studies provides an equally uneasy marker, for cultural studies in fact has no distinct methodology, no unique statistical, ethnomethodological, or textual analysis to call its own.
What exactly he means by methodological individualism here is unclear and is left unexplained.
If the argument s correct, a pragmatic account is inevitably methodologically, theoretically, and perspectively pluralistic.
I completly agree with the technical reasons why economists cannot indulge themeslves in interpersonal utility analysis without significant methodological issues with the deifinition of Utility itself.
Surveys and Happiness, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
It does so by offering a set of methodologically reflexive, culturally nuanced and socially-located studies of gendered knowledges and practices.
Nadasdy [43] called for a more critical look at “successful” co-management efforts and the political, as well as methodological obstacles, to the integration of indigenous knowledge.
Methods and models for climate change vulnerability analysis in the Arctic
Horvath is a variationist sociolinguist whose work on Australian English is internationally recognized for its comprehensiveness and methodological acuity.
Once we reject methodological naturalism, we will have a truer and richer appraisal of the biblical witness and the world it signifies.
Christianity Today
To this end we focus on three aspects: the dominance of British topics and authors, the opening up of the canonised methodological approach and the alleged dominance of railway history.
But imposing the plainly false assumption of Analytical Egalitarianism in the name of methodological hygiene is far worse.
Analytical Egalitarianism and Truth-Seeking: Strain the Gnat, Swallow the Camel, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
To this reader, her book suffers a good deal from her decision to retread her dissertation as the introductory and methodological chapter of the book.
The methodological view of compositionality has reduced what appeared once to be a substantive argument to a matter of taste, and as regards DRT it has been shown that people who care about compositionality are free to adopt a variant of the original system with many of its features, but none of its non-compositionality.
Discourse Representation Theory
This approach stood in opposition to the more empiricist view dominant since Hume, Comte and Mill, that the moral or social sciences had relied on conceptual and methodological analogies with the natural sciences, from Newtonian and statistical mechanics, such as Condorcet's ˜social mathematics™ and also from biology, such as Saint-Simon's ˜social physiology™.
The Unity of Science
Economists have long resisted the study of happiness, or 'hedonics', because its study is fraught with methodological complication.
The Financial Express
Methodological quality of all trials was evaluated using the standard scoring system developed by Jadad and colleagues.
Legitimizing their voices is a valuable part of the methodological framework within which we work.
Lieberson's strictures, that is to say, like those of most other critics of falsificationism, miss their mark; in no way do they respond to my challenge "to say which of its [falsificationism's] recommendations or injunctions, its methodological rules, are unsuited to the business of sorting out what is true about the world from what is false" (Ibid.).
The Karl Popper Problem
It also lets feminist psychologists have and eat their methodological cake.
Although numerous epidemiological studies have examined the association between risk of cervical cancer and dietary cofactors, most studies appear to have methodological limitations.
I agree with you that the focus should have always been on the taxing authorities and the millage process, and that we should be more accustomed to accepting the fairness of an assessment system that is depoliticized and methodologically transparent, and more intent on holding our taxing bodies to account for their actions in levying, collecting, and spending tax revenues.
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The major finding was the desire for methodological pluralism, even among mainstream faculty.
A methodological naturalist would insist on explaining all phenomena, however strange, in natural terms.
methodological errors
In fact, by adopting this starting point in Sehdinge, Hering would have recognized the methodological primacy of phenomenology over the other sciences and its propaedeutic status in the study of the essential properties or attributes (space, intensity, brightness, etc.) of sense phenomena.
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It will be congenial to all since it must be committed to modelling, to methodological individualism and to the notion of optimisation.
Granted, the methodological procedures in our two exemplary shoe parables are very different.
The economic analysis also represents a significant methodological advance, in that it used new bioeconomic models for fisheries accounts and assigned consumptive versus nonconsumptive use values for mangrove accounts.
42. Iguana farming for food and tropical forest preservation
Yet one has to recognize at the outset that there are methodological problems with this.
Through a refinement of the electronic equipment and the experimental conditions they succeeded in measuring this "microscopical" current by laborious methodological developments during the seventies (Figure 1C).
Physiology or Medicine 1991 - Press Release
˜temporal part™ (see section 2), and it raises a methodological issue: should ˜temporal part™ be defined in such a way that presentists can believe in temporal parts, or not?
Temporal Parts
Worse, because of its alignment with the methodological approach of mainstream economics, he claims that the new economic geography represents retrogression from the earlier authors.
We therefore assessed the relevant methodological aspects individually rather than use a composite score.